Arcarnal desires (OC)

You had been working on the farm all your life now, sowing various crops into the soil and then harvesting them when the time came so that you could have enough income to survive in the rather hostile environment that had been created but it was rewarding work at the very least and there were worse jobs out there then this. But one of the cons of this line of work was that you couldn’t really go anywhere or do anything with anyone who didn’t work on the farm since the farm was miles away from any settlement and the settlements that you could get to it were market towns which didn’t really have much to do other then buying and selling things that you had raised and grown. However, you did have a couple of hobbies that you were able to do at home with one of those being reading a collection of books that you had brought in the market although these books weren’t exactly the usual type of books that people read like novels and various tomes but instead you were interested in the more arcane type of things especially that of spells.

You didn’t really know how you managed to be as into the arcane arts as you had been, mostly hearing stories about them from your parents and becoming fascinated with them, wanting to become a user of the arts yourself one day. As such you’d always buy whatever you could that was vaguely related to the arcane when you went to the market towns, always looking around for new trinkets and tokens to buy but a couple days ago you had managed to strike the jackpot in terms of arcane knowledge. It was a Spellbook, a massive tome that you could imagine to break your foot if you happened to drop it and as such you ran to the book and gave the pawn shop owner as much gold that was needed for you to get it with you bringing it home with you soon after.

From there you’d start reading the book, attempting to find a spell that you could actually do, especially given the fact that most of the spells required stuff that you could not find in your region, let alone on the farm. However, after a few days of flicking through the book you’d eventually find yourself a spell that you could actually do and it was something that you both had the components for on the farm and one that would actually be useful for you around the farm as well. It was a summoning spell for a spirit that could possess objects and as such be used to help with various tasks, clutching ahold of the book and marking the page down before you went to gather the items over the course of days, of which brought you right to this moment, much to your eagerness.

You had first gone about bundling the ingredients to summon the spirit into a bag, grabbing the root of a rotting potato, some firewood and varying spices that you had found before you ventured off into the fields. Everyone was away from the farm at the moment since it was Halloween night and everyone was out doing various other things with you dragging your bag through the field, feeling as the leaves and the wheat would brush against your before you would eventually find yourself at your destination. Said destination was a congregation of scarecrows that you had built with your father when you were a child, watching as a few of the larger ones shifted across the air before you would attempt to pick out which one you’d test this on before you figured you should use the smaller one.

From there you would kneel down before the short scarecrow, grabbing ahold of the root and grinding it against your finger as you’d do so, sticking the root into the dirt shortly there afterwards before starting to circle around it. You’d circle around it several times, the dirt being a mixture of red from the root and brown from the dirt before you’d stack some firewood around the scarecrow, knowing that it would be used to soak in the spices that you were about to place onto them. You’d grab the spices, taking a handful of each and slowly rubbing them into the wood, feeling as the wood would start soaking up the spices as you’d move away from the ritual you had created, clutching the book in your hand and flicking over to where the spell was, starting to read the magic words as you did so.

“Spiritus ad hunc locum veniunt, hanc rem posside, quam obligavi tibi pro nomine meo operandi!” You shouted into the air, hearing the words echo through the air for a silence moved across the area, said silence feeling almost crushing. Suddenly you’d hear the sound of hay crunching across the air which was when you saw that the scarecrow was shifting and twisting around the air like a sack filled with ferrets, a growl and a howl escaping across the air as you took a couple steps away from them. You’d hear the sound of metal scraping against metal, the sound of burlap being ripped apart and the sound of a fire being lit moving across the air, your eyes watching as the scarecrow would step itself out of the circle of wood, leaving you to analyze what you had just summoned.

The woman herself was rather small, her head only coming up to your crotch before you looked at said Hamid, seeing that she had styled the hay that filled up the hat that laid on her head into air, her eyes glowing green and her mouth being a sown smile,a few mesh teeth sticking out from her mouth. Your eyes started moving down the rest of her body, seeing that her body was sown together in a different way that you had done, the jacket hanging loosely from her body as you looked to her extended arms, seeing that they were resting on the ground, a set of sharp metal claws sticking out from a bundle of hay that was sprouting from her arms, the blade fingers flexing against the air as you’d do so. From there you looked to her waist, seeing that she had managed to gain a massive ass, one that would barely fit in your hands as you looked to see her pussy fully exposed to you, the woman looking around the room for several moments before she would start running to you.

“Hello, hello there, Hubby! How does it feel to have your darling wife with you at last?” She asked as she kept you clutched in her arms with you being rather confused about why she was so happy and why she wanted to be your wife. “Aww, don’t be shy! Come on and talk to me!” She kept asking with you getting more and more confused by the moment, the woman’s tongue slithering around in her mouth before you finally found yourself able to speak to her, your tongue tensing after going slack.

“I’m sorry, it seems that we haven’t exactly been introduced. Just who and what are you exactly?”  You asked, the woman chuckling to herself as she would do so as if she was impressed by your naïveté.

“Oh, my name is Orysha! I’m the spiritual succubus you summoned, silly!” She said with you quickly grabbing ahold of the book and flicking through it since the spell you had just conducted wasn’t about a succubus at all. You’d see the spell for the object possession, accidentally flicking over to the next page which was where you stopped, your eyes widening as you saw the spiritual summoning spell for a succubus wife, seeing that it has the same ingredients but the words were just different. That’s when you realized that you had gone about doing the same thing when you had summoned her with you yet again becoming speechless as you felt a face ram into your crotch, your eyes looking down to see the demon looking up at you, her cheek pressed right to your crotch.

“Mph, even through your trousers I can tell how pent up you are, Hubby!” She said as the woman would rub her cheek across your crotch, drool dripping out of one side of the woman’s mouth as you did so. “Why don’t you whip it out for me, would you?” She said as she kept rubbing her face against your crotch with you feeling as you’d grow harder and harder inside of your trousers, feeling as it pushed against the fabric as you pushed her away from your member somewhat, hearing her pant as she did so. You’d then move your hands over to your crotch, clutching ahold off your belt and taking it off, throwing it down to the ground as you’d do so which caused them to drop to the floor, your  cock growing to full hardness as you’d do so, a grin moving across her face as she did so.

The woman would practically jump at your cock, her metal hands wrapping around your thighs and clutching against your skin as you’d look as she would have her head right next to your tip, the woman’s breathing growing heavy as you would do so. “Mmph, you’re as big as I expected you to be! Now, let’s have some fun, shall we?” She asked as she would let her sown together mouth would open up, the ripped apart hole slowly allowing for her green tongue to slither out of her skull, flicking around the air as she would do so. Eventually the tongue would flick downwards onto your cock, starting to wrap around your member and slowly slithering across it, wrapping around your member slowly before tightening around it, making sure you were in her grasp as you sighed into the air. 

With that you’d go about starting to stroke your member, moving up and down your member slowly as drool would slanted across your member, your member slowly growing slicker and slicker by the moment. The tongue would make sure to slowly seek out your most sensitive areas, drifting across your veins and your glands as she would do so, the tip kneading a couple of them and causing you to groan and sigh out into the air, your hands flicking against the air as you did so. You’d feel as her breath would start pushing against the tip of your member, the air drifting across your member as if to taunt you about what would happen if she actually decided to push herself onto your cock properly, your eyes looking at her as she would do so, then woman swaying on her small legs as she did so.

You’d feel as her tongue would start massaging at your tip, feeling as the pre would drip onto her tongue and down into her tastebuds, the woman letting out a hiss into the air with a eager grin on her face as she would do so. You then decided that you should go about intervening in the process, flicking your arms up into the air before clutching ahold of her head, feeling the smoothness of her fabric skull before your fingers dug into her skull, making her let out a grunt as you would do so. Eventually you’d finally gain enough strength to do as you wanted to do, lifting her head backwards before you proceeded to ram yourself down your cock and into your waist, hearing as a wet plap echoed out across the air as her mouth would hit against your crotch.

With that you’d take a much more active role in fucking her face, ramming your hips into her face as you would do so, the sound of wet slamming echoing out across the air as she would do so, the woman herself drooling eagerly. You could feel the sensations of her throat around your member, rubbing against her throat as it clenched around your member, the woman’s eyes looking up at you as she eventually got herself used to the feeling of you ramming against her, the woman wiggling around as she did so. With that you’d feel as her mouth would start to move around your cock fully, the fabric moving across your member as she would let her tongue start slithering out of her mouth as she would do so, the woman’s metal grip around your legs growing stronger.

It would slither down your cock as you kept pushing and ramming against her, the woman panting eagerly despite the fact that you weren’t even sure that she had lungs at this point but you decided to not really question it. With that you proceeded to feel as her tongue would start to slither around your balls, curling around it before cradling the tongue underneath your balls, the woman panting and feeling as drool would start dripping from your balls as she began to massage your member with her tongue. You’d look down to see that the woman moved one hand away from your thighs and then moved it between her legs starting to grind and rub against her pussy, the woman’s fluids dripping against the floor as she rubbed her pussy with her knuckles somewhat.

With that you’d start going even faster against your head, grasping ahold of her head with both of your hands and ramming her across your waist as she spluttered out into the air, the drool dripping down across your thighs as she did so. The woman’s tongue would spasm rapidly across your balls, flicking and rubbing against your member as spit dripped down across her orange skin and onto the floor, the woman’s pussy dripping all over the place as she would do so, her knees rubbing against your legs. You felt your tongue hide itself behind your teeth, moaning and gasping as you kept ramming against her, feeling her throat clench and flex across your member, the woman choking on her own spit as she would do so, causing spit to press against your member as she did so.

That was when you felt yourself start throbbing inside of her mouth and throat, pushing against the base of her tongue and her throat as she would do so, the woman feeling as the throat start flexing around your member as she did so. More and more drool escaped her mouth as she knew what was coming, a pressure starting to build up all around your cock as she kept moving her wrist faster and faster , the woman’s knife fingers digging into her pussy as you got moments away from cumming inside of her. Eventually you proceeded to cum inside of her, grasping ahold of her head and ramming her down to the base of your cock, letting out a groan into the air as you shot out some ropes inside of her, the woman letting out a choked sigh of relief as she did so.

Ropes would push out from your member and would cover the back of her throat, splattering across the sides of her mouth before the ropes would grow stronger and stronger, the woman moaning as she felt it push deeper inside her. More and more ropes escaped your member before you proceeded to feel a massive amount of ropes spray out from your cock and covered the insides of her throat, the woman letting out a brief choking sound as she would do so, drool dripping from her semi shut mouth as she did so. Eventually your orgasm came to a end, the ropes growing smaller before the last few drops pushed down against the sides of her throat, the woman letting out a groan as she pulled away from your member, leaving your cock laden with her spit as she did so.

You’d pull away and took a couple of breaths into the air, the woman panting into the air before she jumped up into your chest, bringing you to the ground with a thump as she would do so, the woman soon looming over your face. “Right, now it’s your turn to make me cum, especially since I’m already halfway there!” She shouted as she loomed over your head, dripping all over your face as she would do so, the woman letting out a few pants wildly before she started to crouch her short legs down onto your head. With that your head was soon covered by her asscheeks, the woman’s pussy pushing right against your face as you grabbed ahold of her asscheeks and jammed your tongue into the woman’s pussy, the woman’s gasping into the air as she did so.

With that you proceeded to start sliding against her inner walls, causing her to sigh and groan out into the air before you’d proceed to move your tongue right next to her clit, hearing her legs shiver somewhat as she did so. Then you’d proceed to start grinding and rubbing away at her pussy, hearing as she would groan and sigh as she grabbed ahold of your neck with her small hands, her feet digging into the dirt and scratching across the ground as she would try and wrap them around your head. “Mmph, god, you’re really good with your tongue, you know that!” She shouted as she would start moving her hip somewhat, the woman starting to rub against your face, grinding her hips against your own as she would let drool drip out of her mouth as she did so.

She kept smearing her pussy fluids across your face, the woman groaning out as she would feel your fingers dig deeper into her asscheeks somewhat, her back arching into the air as she would do so. “Mmph, if I didn’t know better then I’d figure that you were an incubus!” She said with a chuckle as she kept jamming and grinding her tongue against her clit, the woman letting her fluids drip down your face as you felt her inner walls starting to quiver somewhat around your tongue in the process. “Oh-oh my, I think I’m about too!” She shouted out before she started to orgasm all over your face with you grabbing her by the waist and pushing her onto your face to make sure that she didn’t move, your tongue battering her clit as she would do so, her groans eager.

You’d feel as wave after wave of fluids pushed out from her pussy and onto your face, the woman letting out a slight howl as she would do so, riding her orgasm wildly as she would do so. The waves coming out of the woman would grow stronger and stronger by the moment, pushing across her face more and more before she would reach her peak, the woman letting out a slight squeal as she would do so, a massive wave of fluids splashing against your mouth and your face. Eventually she would bring her orgasm to a close, the woman letting out a few pants and groans as she would come down from her orgasmic high, the woman’s legs resting limply by your side as she would then proceed to come falling off your face and onto her feet with a light thump.

You’d look up to see two things, one of those things being that you were still hard and the second one being that she was laying on her back with her legs spread, the woman’s pussy being exposed to you as she would do so. “Wanna go ahead and make this marriage official, Hubby?” She asked with a smirk before you moved yourself between her legs, the woman spreading them a little bit more before you fit between them before you pushed your cock to her pussy, rubbing against her lips as she did so. With that you’d proceed to look over her, your hands pushing into the dirt on either side of her head as you then proceed to move your hips backwards, moving them through the air like an axe before slamming them right down into her pussy, hearing her gasp as she would do so.

You’d groan out into the air as you felt her inner walls clenched around your member, the woman’s inner walls rubbing across your glands as the warmth moved across your member, the woman looking up at you as she did so. You’d stay inside of her for several moments, panting into the air before you proceeded to start moving yourself backwards, your hips moving up into the air again as you’d hear as she would let out a groan, the woman looking up at you as she would do so, groaning eagerly. You’d eventually get to the point where only your tip was resting inside of her pussy, the woman’s inner walls clenching and wrapping around your member as you’d watch as her hands would start to play around with the dirt that was on the floor, seeing it sift between her fingers as she did so.

She clenched around your member each time that you’d thrust inside of her, hearing as she groaned out into the air as her tongue would shift around in the air somewhat, seemingly needing something. With that you felt as she grabbed ahold of your heads the woman’s sharp fingers dug into your skin somewhat as she let out a couple more pants before she proceeded to drag your head downwards into your own, the woman groaning out across the air as she began to kiss you. Her tongue would start slithering inside of her mouth, the woman’s teeth starting to glide across your teeth before she proceeded to wrap around your tongue, making sure that you couldn’t escape her as you decided that you might as well go about giving her what she wanted.

With that you decided to start going faster against her body, your crotch ramming against her own at a much more rapid rate then you had done beforehand, ramming against her lower lips as she would do so. You’d feel as she pussy would start clenching around your member although this time it would do so in a much more milking style motion, the woman clenching and wrapping around the base first and slowly moving over to the tip of your member, making sure it was all pleasure. Meanwhile the speed that you were going meant that you could hear the sound of your hips slamming against that fat ass of hers, the wet plapping echoing out across the air as you would do so and the only reason that your moans were muffled was because her tongue was in her mouth.

Talking about that, your tongue had now started the fight for dominance inside of her head, hitting against her tongue which would start wrapping around your own, the drool dripping down onto your mouth as she did so. You’d hear her moans as the woman’s hands would move across your head, down your neck and over to your upper back, the woman’s sharp claws scraping across your skin as she would do so although she hadn’t done any damage to you just yet, the claws digging down against your skin as she did so. Eventually you’d move your body onto her own even more, feeling as she weighed down against you as she would do so, the woman groaning into the air as she felt you take the more dominant role in fucking the brain’s out her hollow skull.

With that you’d feel as you’d start to throb inside of her, your cock pushing up against her inner walls as she would respond with clenching back around it, her tongue lashing against your own as she realized what was coming. You’d feel as the pressure would start moving down your cock again, this time moving down your member, slowly creeping across it as she would do so as you’d feel her grip against your back grow stronger and stronger by the moment, the metal digging down into your skin. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and proceeded to start cumming inside of her, ramming herself down into her pussy and feeling as she would clench around your member  and her claws would dig into your skin, piercing it and drawing blood as she would do so.

Pain moved through your back as ropes pushed out of your cock although you couldn’t help but imagine that this had caused it to cum a lot more than beforehand, rope after rope escaping your member as she would do so.  More and more cum escaped and your orgasm would soon proceed to reach its peak, a massive amount of ropes spraying out of your member and across her inner walls and her womb , the woman gasping out into the air as she took the cum inside of her. Eventually the two of you would part your kiss and the orgasm would begin to come to a end, the woman’s moans escaping herself as you’d pump the last few ropes inside of her, a girl’s escaping your mouth and you felt her claws remove themselves from your back , groaning out as she did so.

She would sigh in relief as she would look at her claws, seeing that they were covered in a slight amount of your blood as she would do so, the woman looking at you in shock somewhat as she would kick you, bringing you down to the ground as she did so. “S-Sorry about that, Hubby, I didn’t mean too! Anyways, let’s heal you up with another round, shall we?” She asked as she would plant herself on your legs again, the woman groaning out across the air as she would do so,moaning eagerly. You’d watch as she’d have to get on the tip of her toes as she would proceed to lift herself above your cock, swinging her hips from side to side as she would do so before bringing said hips down against your member, causing you to groan out into the air again as she did so.

You’d feel as she’d ram against your base, the woman groaning out into the air as blood dripped off her claws and into the dirt somewhat as she would look over to you, a smile pushing across her face as she did so. The woman’s hips proceeding to start moving upwards again, the woman’s pussy fluids spraying down your already fluid covered member as she would do so, her feet digging into your flesh as she would proceed to move herself to your tip, resting her for several moments as she did so. The woman would clench and rub against your tip with her lower lips, the bright green lips tauntingly wrapped around your member before she proceeded to slam herself down onto your member, letting out a groan once again as she pleased your overstimulated cock.

You’d reach your hands up to grab ahold of her waist but you quickly found yourself in her grasp, feeling as the sharp claws would clutch ahold of them and place them to her thighs, the woman gasping as she did so. She’d repeat what she had done before, moving up your cock before resting at your tip, clenching and rubbing against it as she would then proceed to slam herself down onto your member, the woman letting out a moan each time that it would happen to her. Despite her short size she would display significant strength to you, the woman feeling like she was about to break your pelvis any second now as you watched her tongue lunge out of her mouth again.

With that she would start going faster against her member with you feeling as she would raise her hips and slam them down with the woman’s thirsts growing more and more rapidly as time would go on,the sounds of the lewd action echoing across the air again. You’d feel as she pussy would start spasming with each intense thrust that she would cause, the woman clenching around your member which made you groan out into the air, drool dripping across the side of your mouth as she did so.  The woman would then proceed to place her hands onto your stomach, the woman raising the blades fingers up into the air as she would do so to make sure that you didn’t get damaged and so that she could get more leverage against you, her growls echoing across the air as she did so.

With that her hips would grow even faster, causing your hands to clench around her thigh like they were handles to make sure that she didn’t go flying off you, the woman’s head glowing a slight green in the process. Her hips rapidly became a blur in your sight, the woman brushing across the air as she would do so, her ramming against your hips starting to hurt somewhat as you’d watch as the strands that made up her mouth ripped apart just a bit more, groaning relentlessly as she did so. “I-I’m gonna DRAIN YOU DRY!” She shouted across the air, the woman letting out a howl as she would do so, her moans growling louder and louder by the second.

That was when you felt yourself start throbbing inside of her for the third time today’s, your tired cock pushing up against her inner walls and rubbing against them, the woman’s inner walls beginning to spasm which meant that she was close to cumming as well. She would get closer to cumming as you felt the pressure build up at the tip of your cock, the pressure traveling through your cock quickly as you both started moaning louder and louder, getting closer to complete and utterly ecstasy. Eventually both of you couldn’t take it anymore, moans escaping your mouths as you’d eventually start cumming inside of her, the woman slamming down against you and clenching around you as she began to orgasm as well, her fluids battering against your member as she did so.

You let out a groan as more ropes escaping your member rapidly, spraying across her inner walls as waves if her own fluids covered your members, the two liquids fusing together into one mass as she would do so. Your orgasms grew more and more intense in tandem with one another, a massive amount of cum escaping your member at your peak as a massive wave of pussy fluids sprayed across your own, the woman letting out several grunts as the ropes covered her insides. Your orgasms would both end soon afterwards, the ropes spraying all over her walls become mere drops before the last wave of pussy fluids splashed all over your cock, making you sigh as you assumed this was over.

That’s when you heard her whisper something under her breath as she kept herself in place, the woman moving her hands into the air as you’d try and ask her what she was doing, the  metal tips digging into your skin as she did so. “I NEED MORE!” She screamed out, her eyes looking crazy and her grin stretching from ear to ear, the woman letting out a few more pants as she started moving up and down your cock again with you deciding that this time you had to stop her by trying to grab at her body. Your hands were then battered away as you’d try and say something to her, your words turning to moans rather quickly when you felt her hips start battering against your own before she would groan out and start speaking in that same lust filled tone again.

“Oh, SHUT UP!” She shouted as she jammed her tongue down your throat, the woman gargling into the air as she would do so as you’d felt her choke you out of the oxygen that you had, the woman groaning into your throat as she did so. You’d feel yourself begin to pass out, the area around your eyes growing darker and darker  as you’d suddenly feel as your hips would jitter somewhat before you certainly heard something snap in half, a brief surge of pain moving across your body as your eyes grew darker. You’d then eventually pass out, the darkness consuming you as the demonic scarecrow woman would keep on riding you, your head feeling like it was in the clouds and your pelvis feeling like it had got hit by a horse in the process.

It had been eight months since that day and you and Orysha had been doing pretty well together especially after the initial encounter where it turned out she didn’t tell you she casted a strength enhancing spell on herself which made her break your pelvis. This was fine as it turned out she had healing magic which meant that she healed you back up again even if she apologized profusely about the initial breaking of the pelvis and since then you had learnt she had a bunch of other magic as well. She had such spells as voice mimicry, becoming invisible and she could spout wings to help her fly but they were small like her and she couldn’t fly that high although you never had the guts to tell her it was because of her fat ass due to the aforementioned knifes for hands.

Anyways, you had come back from your graduation today and you were getting ready to chill out a bit, being happy that you had done enough to graduate as you shoved your bag down into the ground. It was dark now, the moonlight shining through the glass as you’d slowly move over to your room with you seeing that there was a vague light underneath it with you knowing exactly knowing what was inside of it, hearing as she would run up to your bed before you grabbed ahold of your door as she did so. Eventually you’d open the door to see her laying on the bed, her foot resting against one of her legs as she would sit there in a Lacey two piece, the woman smiling at you as she would do so before she would flick her knife fingers against the air as she did so.

“It’s time to fulfill that promise of yours,Hubby. Let’s see if you can really get the dozen you’re wanting.” She said with a smile on her face as she brushed her feet together, the woman smirking at you as she watched as you grabbed ahold of your belt and slid it clean off your waist and onto the ground as she did so. As you got undressed you’d hear the sound of her casting a spell, probably the one to make sure the room was soundproof so that your parents couldn’t hear the bed creaking and groaning as her hips slammed against your body, the woman letting out a moan as she’d watch you shut the door behind her with you fully intending on fulfilling that promise to her.


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