This town part 4 (Pyramid head)

 You forgot how long it was taking you to get down these stairs, feeling as the steps would stab into your feet as you looked behind you as you looked into the abyss,the room that you were inside of having long since disappeared with you having no choice but to keep walking now, nothing about the situation remotely making sense at this point. At this point you had no clue if you were even in Silent Hill at this point with you almost missing the foggy streets of the town, filled with refuse and garbage and rust instead of the barren concrete hell that you were now in, places where doors would disappear and reappear like it was nothing, the air a touch above humid and touch below warm. You reached another turn in the stairwell, moving to your right to see what you had seen dozens of times before which was a pair concrete walls, a slanted roof driving into the ground like a stake and steps, jagged and sharp at the corners of which you lost defending downwards and downwards.

You’d keep walking down the stairs and would pay attention to the sounds you could hear through the walls, mainly the sounds of bells tolling, people screaming all in unison and sounds that were deep, coming from a beast dreamed up as this place. You’d put your hands to feel the walls only to feel something entirely different then what you were seeing with the walls feeling almost wet, almost like it was covered in sweat or some other liquid but, when you looked at your hand, you saw it was entirely dry. That was when you looked down and saw a doorway carved into the concrete, a slight light coming out from through it, causing you to run down the stairs and onto the floor with you eventually managing to reach the room to see that you were in a place that could be best described as a mixture of a church and abandoned factory.

The first place that you looked too was the centerpiece of the room which consisted of four large spires, built out of a mixture of metal and rock, pushing high into the abyss that presumably held the church's roof. You’d look down at the floor to see one of the reasons where there was actual light coming from the room which were dozens of torches littered around the place, all of them being turned on as if whoever was using them were taken midway through using them for some reason. The floor had symbols painted into the metal with red, the lines seeming like they were burning against the air somewhat as you’d walk forward and grabbed ahold of one of the torches, being thankful that you hadn’t seen a radio in this place before you turned around to look at where you came from.

You looked back to see that the door was no longer there, replaced with gray concrete and as such you’d walk forward still, pointing your torch upwards to see what was around you, hoping that there wouldn’t be anything clinging to the walls. You did not find any beings up they’re but you were able to see a window in the church, one that depicted a woman with the head shaped like a pyramid, a blade bigger than themselves being held in her hands as you wondered what this thing you represent if it was worshiped in such a manner. You’d move your torch over to the left to see another image of the being although this time it was surrounded by several other beings, none of them quite human but all of them being tortured in some manner, chains being ran tight and blades inserting into the flesh.

You’d look to the right to see another window,only to see that it was entirely blacked out, hints of color poking through as you wondered if it would be more visible if you got closer to you, your eyes looking away at the ground as you did so. That was when you realize that there were marks in the concrete, long scars moving across it with it being clear that the marks were something sharp and something large, much larger than anything you had seen beforehand, your feet tracing them as you walked. You’d walk for a couple minutes, the amount of torches that were around the pillars growing less and less before you reached the end where you saw an altar in front of you, the altar being stained a thick brown, bits of red stabbing out of the covering as you’d gaze upon it.

You shone your torch at the font of the altar, seeing that there was something laying inside of it, grabbing ahold of and taking it out of the bowl to see that it was some kind of locket, your thumb pressing the top to open it up. A chirped tune would start to play from the locket, the sound echoing across the air as you looked down to see a photo of a pair of people looking back at you, wide smiles and lively eyes moving across them as you’d shut the locket, leaving them within the metal before placing it back in the font. You figured there was no point in taking it with you since you assumed that the people were a long, long away from here if they were even alive at all as you welcomed the silence somewhat, being glad the static of a radio wasn’t going to be greeting you anymore.

That was when you heard something else echoing out from across the air, something lacked the industrial twinges of some of the sounds that you heard yet also didn’t sound anything like the wet pushing of flesh against flesh the creatures made. Instead of sounding like metal being dragged against rock, whatever was being dragged across scratching and digging into the ground like a hoe against dirt with the sound that was escaping through the air coming from behind you. You shone your torch at the pillars, seeing it cut through the darkness to reveal that there was nothing at all waiting for you at the other end then that scratching sound with you starting to run towards the sound, wanting to see what it was given all the other things that lurked within this place. 

You would shine your light into the air as you moved within the middle of the pillars, seeing the shadows cascade against the walls as you shone the light into them, only to see that there was nothing there at all. You’d then start to love the torch upwards, seeing if there was anything clinging to the pillars, seeing the light get more and more dim before your torch got to the point where the light was able to cut though the darkness, leaving you to wonder what was hiding inside of it. Eventually you’d hear the sound of the blade scratching against the ground, turning and seeing that there was another shadow other then the pillar before you saw something would proceed to poke itself out of the shadows, your eyes widening as you saw a splitting image of the beast from the windows.

The first place that you looked was the head of the gigantic woman which was a massive metal pyramid with no opens inside of it nor any lines indicating it would be able to be opened, instead just having lines where each metal plate was welded into the last, the red metal shining slightly in the light with the backend of the pyramid being flat, unlike its angled counterparts. A tumorous mass of flesh stuck out from underneath the mask, throbbing away against her neck as your eyes moved down her body to see that she was wearing some sort of cloak, one that lacked any sort of sleeves and held together with some sort of belts, the fabric itself covered In varying bits of filth that had stained the fabric that it was made out of, the cloak being so tight around her body with her nipples sticking out from the fabric and her abs pushing through it. You looked over to see the woman’s muscular arms clutching a hold of a large spear, the blade being caked in what you assumed to be blood before your eyes looked down her legs, the woman’s muscles being thick and fully exposed to you.

With that you assumed that your life was over, the woman looking way stronger and, judging by the fact that you saw images of her torturing several people, your death wasn’t going to be as painless as you wanted to be. You almost took peace in the fact you were going to die, figuring that this was the town’s way of letting you go, as you closed your eyed and embraced her everlasting death, your entire body twitching somewhat as you felt her fingers push through your hair, slowly moving to back of your head. You would wait for it, the stabbing feeling of a massive spear being driven right through your chest but you instead got the feeling of her dragging you across the floor, your head pushing against her tits as you looked up at her, feeling confused as you’d do so.

You’d feel yourself get harder and harder as you felt her soft tits pushed against your head as your hand would push against her stomach, slowly dragging her hand down your stomach 

before she moved over to your crotch. With that her hand would wrap around your member, the woman letting out a growl into the as she felt your member rapidly hardening inside of her hand, the pyramid that was attached to the woman’s head muffling any sounds that came from her as she started drifting her hand up your cock. The woman’s grip was much like the rest of her, powerful and able to keep you in place, her hand slowly drifting up your member and reaching your tip, grinding her hand around your tip and smearing the pre against your member as she dragged her hand down your cock.

She would keep moving her hand up and down your crotch, the woman moving her other hand so that it was on top of your head as you groaned into her tits, sweat dripping down your head already from the heat she was radiating. You’d then feel as her hand would keep herself clutched to your skull, the woman then proceeding to move your head from side to side as she’d seemingly look down at you, her tits jiggling around your skull and making it so the woman’s soft, plump breasts which made you feel like lust was clouding your head again. This would cause your brain to drift away somewhat, groaning into the fabric before you started to thrust against her hand somewhat, pushing against her fingers as you’d let out a few moans into the air.

With that you’d feel as she’d let out another groan before she would start to go faster against your cock, drifting over your veins and pleasurable areas with her fingers as she would do so, the woman seeming to make the movements more targeted. She’d almost trace her fingers across your veins, slowly pushing past them and rubbing across the glands, making sure to use her palm to run against your tip, doing it much faster then she ever did beforehand, her body rubbing across your own as she did so. You’d feel as her leg would shift as well, drifting it over so that your legs were trapped against her with you being able to see her pussy rubbing against your legs, the heat of her making you feel even more horny as she would start moving your head against her tits even faster.

You’d then felt her breasts jiggling against your head, almost hypnotizing you into wanting to fuck her as you’d try and move your body somewhat in order to get some leverage on her, the woman shoving your head deeper into her tits as a response. You then figured out that you could move your arms,  your hands shooting out into the air before you grabbed ahold of her large wrist, feeling the heat flow through it as your other hand clutched her other arm as you’d thrust against her harder and faster. With that you’d moan into her tits as pre would leak out of your cock more and more, the woman seeming to enjoy the way you were “fighting” against her as she would briefly slow down her hand as if to taunt you before she started to move herself even faster across your member.

At this point the pleasure that moved around your cock would grow more and more rapid by the moment, making it surge across your crotch as you’d keep trying to thrust as she just got faster and faster. Eventually you stopped thrusting, the pleasure getting the better of you and making you stop for a brief moment which is when she sped up even more, making sure that you could never thrust against her again as your body shook from the feeling, drool dripping across her chest and oozing into the fabric in the process.  You’d feel as her breasts would fog your mind even more, trapping them in a soft and plush vortex of calm which went well with the speed of which she was going against your crotch, pre getting stroked down to your base and then to your cock head again.

You’d then feel as her cock would start throbbing against her hand, the member pushing against her fingers which would only make it so they would increase her grip around you, making sure to practically squeeze all the cum out of your cock. With that you’d feel the pressure start pulsing through your member, the woman moving at such a fast speed that she was practically rubbing all of your member at once, meaning the pressure build up everywhere until it became hard to avoid cumming. Eventually the woman would get exactly what she wanted, her hand slamming against your crotch and your cock letting out a couple more throbs before you began to orgasm, a series of several ropes spraying out of your member and across her body, the woman not stopping her assault on your cock as you came, only avoiding stroking your tip.

You’d feel as the first wave of ropes pushed out of your member, the ropes themselves spraying out and battering themselves across the fabric of her dress, no doubt staining it as more and more waves would escape you. Your orgasm would reach its peak after a while, a massive barrage or ropes spraying out in almost every direction as she stroked away, feeling your twitching against your fingers as you groaned out from between her tits, feeling as her muscular body rubbed against your own. Eventually your orgasm would start to come to an end, the woman only slowing down when she saw a notable reduction in the speed and size of your ropes, pushing your cock right next to her thigh and letting the last drops leak into it in the process.

With that you’d feel as she would let go of her body, sweat dripping down your skin as you’d back away, letting out a couple of breaths before you’d watch as she would start shifting around again, seemingly having a plan she wanted enacted. You’d watch as she hands moved down her body as she turned around, showing off her back of which was only covered up by a couple of straps and fabric and nothing else, the muscles on her back twisting somewhat as the tumor coming out of her head rubbed against her neck. With that you watched as her hands moved over to the back of her rope, clutching ahold of the fabric and then moving it upwards, exposing her rather large ass to you as well as her dripping holes, her pussy yearning for some contact with your cock.

You knew exactly what this meant by now and, as such, moved over to her rear and clutched ahold of her waist, struggling to gain a hold on it due to how large she was as you gazed down at her wet pussy, aiming yourself. You dragged your hips backwards, feeling as the air would drift past your legs and body as she waited eagerly for you to go about pushing inside of her with you swearing you could hear a slight groaning escaping from her mouth, echoing through her pyramid head in the process. You waited for a couple seconds, your heart beating wildly as she would do so, the feeling of her skin being almost rubbery in your hands before you proceeded to thrust inside of her, a moan escaping your mouth as pleasure would move through your cock.

She was molten hot on the inside, the feeling of her inner walls drifting across your member and clenching around your cock rapidly, making you quiver against her for a couple seconds before you began to pull out of her. Your cock was twitching inside of her already, the pleasure making your fingers twitch against your skin as the cold air would brush across your dick, making the pleasure somewhat nullified despite the fact that the pleasure was still buzzing across your cock, almost becoming ambient. Eventually you’d get around three quarters of the way out of her pussy before your hips would stop as if your body itself would slam herself down into her hips , letting her pussy consume your cock again and letting her warmth overtake you as you would do so.

You’d repeat the process in an almost robotic manner, moving your hips up and down and feeling her fluids drooling down your cock before embracing her warmth again, your teeth clenching against one another as you did so. As you thrusted inside of her you’d feel as if something was taking over your mind, your brain pulsing in your head somewhat as you felt your thoughts to the gigantic woman become more and more primal and violent in nature, your heart beating faster and faster.  You’d could feel it telling your hands to grope and claw at her body, to spank her ass and pull at her tits, telling you to go faster and harder against her with those thoughts eventually winning against anything else that was screaming inside of your head to make you stop.

With that she would start going faster against her body, your hips losing their sense of composure somewhat as you’d no longer stop to relish in the pleasure or take a breath of fresh air against your lungs. Your hips clashed with her ass constantly, squeezing it against your somewhat thin hips and her muscular frame as clapping sounds echoed out across the air, fluids dripping down your cock and all over your thighs due to the impacts that your thrusts were causing. You could hear her moans now, muffled yet audible which was impressive given how thick the metal on her head seemed to be, the woman’s moans being ones of pure pleasure, the woman clearly enjoying how rough you were being with her as you’d let out a few groans into the air.

More compulsions would move across your mind, your body following them without thinking as you moved your arm upwards into the air, your hand moving into an outstretched position as you held it up there for several moments. With that you’d bring it downwards and slammed it against her ass, the sound of the flesh clashing with flesh echoing out across the air as you’d hear a loud moan escape from her head, your eyes widening as you realized that she had liked that quite a bit as you brought your hand up again. You’d bring it down again and again and again, constantly spanking her asscheeks, your other hand kneading them like dough as she cried out into the air as you came to the revelation that you had no need for mercy on this creature in front of you.

With that you started to go even faster against her body, moving your chest against her back as you would do so, feeling as her back muscles rubbed against your own as your fury against her would continue. Your hips would move faster and faster against her, clashing and slamming against her cheeks that didn’t show a hint of reddening now did she show a hint of letting up against you despite the fact that you were spanking her quite a bit at this point to the point that our hand was starting to feel sore. You figured that she loved it, loving how the pleasure mixed with the pain and loving how flesh pushed against one another, her pussy feeling even wetter than when you started as she would keep moaning in gradually more inhuman fashions across the air.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb inside of her, your cock pushing up against her inner walls which responded by clenching back around your member, making you gasp into the air as you’d do so. The pressure that had already moved through your dick once in this encounter would flare up once again although you didn’t exactly know the reason why but it hardly mattered, the pleasure and the violence in your mind creating a cocktail that simply intoxicated you in its entirety. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore,gasping out into the air before cumming inside of her, groaning as you’d go down to the base, feeling her pussy lips start to clench around your member to make sure that not a single drop of cum would escape her.

The first shot caused a massive amount of ropes pushed out of your member, larger than even the last load you shot out into her hands, the ropes pushing upwards inside of her and coating her inner walls as you’d do so. Her pussy would grow more and more full with your cum by the moment, continuing to push out until your orgasm would reach its peak, the ropes that you had shot into her as a result causing her deepest reaches to be touched with your cum, much to her excitement given the moan that she pushed out. Your orgasm would come to a end after that, less and less ropes escaping your member as she would let out a sigh with you feeling the last drops ooze out of your members, a moan escaping your mouth as you felt yourself start calming down somewhat.

You pulled away from her, watching your cum drip down her legs as you assumed that this was going to be over at this point, much like how it was over when you encountered the nurse as the woman turned around. You were soon proven wrong as you were grabbed, the woman’s grip against your shoulders being definite before she rammed you into the floor, the sound of the floor cracking echoing out across the air as she looked down at you as her hands pushed into either side of your shoulders. One of her hands would find themselves on her chests, keeping you pushed right down to the ground before she grabbed ahold the belts keeping her cloak together as she proceeded to open it up, the belts flicking out into the air as the fabric dropped to the ground, exposing her sweat covered and muscular body.

With that she would grab ahold of your legs, wrapping her hands through your ankles before she stretched your legs upwards into the air eventually getting to the point where they were straight in the air. Then they were pulled to the side, the woman moving herself between your legs as her pussy dripped down onto your cock, fluids covering the already fluid covered cock as you got ready for her to use you once again, her fingers flicking and flicking against your legs as she would do so. Eventually the time came and she would yank your legs up into the air slightly, the tip of your cock pushing against her lips before ramming her hips down fully against you, your cock being submerged in the warmth once again as you groaned out into the air in the process.

You’d groan as you were held in place by the woman, the warmth of her pussy moving across you once again, the feeling of your mind leaving you already hitting as she would begin to drag herself up your cock again. It seemed like she was mimicking you, going slowly at first but presumably going much, much faster and harder in the future, the pleasure blueing from her lips, cascading up your member before she reached the tip of your cock which her hips would ruthlessly assault as she would do so. Eventually she would grow tired of assaulting your tip, the woman letting out a few groans as she would do so before slamming her hips back down onto your own again, causing you to groan out into the air wildly as she would keep her hands firmly wrapped around your ankles.

With that she kept going, drifting up and down your member and hitting your hips like a sledgehammer each time that she did it, the woman groaning out in pleasure as she would take great enjoyment in fucking you. She would keep moving herself up and down, letting her hips shift across your member as she would do so, her inner walls clenching at your cock neat constantly during the assault, pushing and ramming down against you, her moans escaping against the walls of this place. You were entirely at her mercy, helpless underneath her body since you could do nothing to grab her and nothing to run away although you couldn’t help but feel like that was exactly what you wanted at this point as you’d feel her hips start growing faster and faster.

Soon it was like your hips were constantly being rammed into, the speed she was going being faster than you could have been against her which meant that newfound pleasure was moving  through your crotch. The entirety of your cock was awash with feeling of pure ecstasy, pleasure pretty much vibration through the entirety of your member due to how fast she was going, which meant that there was no restbite from her assault against you, her groans echoing out across the air as the sounds that came from your waists became lewder and lewder. This was because more and more of her fluids dripped all over your cock and waist and, due to how hard she was thrusting, it was causing them to spray all over the place, some landing on your chest and some landing on the floor.

You felt you were going to wake up with bruises on your hips by the time that she was done with you, her hips falling down on you it was enough to wind you every third thrust and she would make you moan with the other two. She was relentless, never stopping or shaking or doing as much as quivering, even for a moment and, despite the fact that you had been going for what seemed like hours at this point, she showed now signs of stopping, her grip never faltering and wavering. Your legs would twitch in her grasp, something that was unintentional due to the sheer force that she were slamming into your hips with , but that didn’t seem to matter to the woman since she took that as resistance and as such she started to go even faster across your member.

At this point she was blurring in the air as her hips would keep ramming against you, the woman’s waist battering across your own as you wrenched your neck backwards into the air, drool dripping down your cheek as you did so. At this point your cock was consumed with so much pleasure that it was twitching constantly inside of her, pushing and flicking across her inner walls, grinding against them and causing  you to moan out into the air even more than you had done beforehand. The air was filled to the brim with the sounds of moaning and gasping, your own moans echoing out across the air as well as the feeling of her hips ramming against your own, wet plapping choking any cries for help not that you could really cry out at the moment for it.

With that you felt your cock start to throb once again, her walls clenching back against them almost immediately as you got closer and closer to cummimg inside  of her by the second, the woman seemingly not stopping until she got what she wanted. The pressure would appear within your cock for the third time and this time around it intolerable almost immediately with you holding it in somewhat as you tried to make sure that this would last as long as possible, her moans growing slightly frustrated in the process. A few thrusts later and you couldn't take it anymore, hearing as she groaned out into the air before you started to cum inside of her, ropes escaping your member as she’d ram herself down to your base again, the woman clenching around it to make sure you couldn’t shoot ropes out of her pussy.

The ropes that you were shooting inside of her would push deep inside of her pussy, covering her inner walls with your cum as she’d force more and more ropes at you, your eyes rolling into the back of your head in the process. Eventually a explosion of cum would escape from your cock, spraying all over her insides and pushing into her womb, no doubt impregnating her and filling her womb in the process, the woman letting out a long and heaving groan as she would do so. With that your orgasm came to a rather thunderous end, the ropes escaping from your member growing smaller and smaller by the moment before stopping in its entirety, leaving you exhausted on the floor in the process.

With that she would let go of one of your legs, your cock slowly withdrawing from her pussy and splattering fluids all over the place before she would proceed to leave you to breath for a few seconds before she grabbed ahold of her spear. With that she would start dragging you away to somewhere where you couldn’t possibly know about and, frankly, you didn’t really care, your mind being completely fogged and remaining completely fogged as you were dragged away into the darkness by the woman. You’d see light, darkness and light again, hearing the sound of her dragging her blade and you across the floor before you’d eventually black out, succumbing to sleep and Silent Hill as you did so.

It had been months since that day now, maybe even years since that day but it hardly mattered, you could hardly remember what life was like outside of this town as you looked over to your left. You’d see the pyramid thing sitting next to you, her stomach bloated with your children and her tits swollen with milk to feed your children, your eyes gazing upon it as milk would drip out from her nipple and down onto her stomach, your mouth feeling dry as you gazed at the milk dripping from her breasts. With that you would proceed to move your mouth to her nipple, suckling the milk out of her breast as you looked down to see the other three women resting besides you, a plentiful amount of warmth pushed through your throat and into the stomach.

The bodybag woman lay resting on the floor, her stomach bloating the bag her flesh created somewhat, the nurse having discarding her leotard when the size of her tits and her stomach meant that she would no longer fit into it and the table being stayed still, stomach bloated yet still not moving. As you rested there you realized that this town was your place, that everywhere this town reached into was this place, that the metal was infected in your bed, within the mattress, for what becomes of the town becomes the town itself, every person, every item, every word about silent hill links it all back here but why, for what purposes did it come back here? Another drink of milk would make that question be erased from your mind, as you wondered why you ever wanted to escape this town in the first place, especially since this town was now your home.

The radio is still playing.

This town waits.


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