The heat swells (Flame Atronach)

 You could feel your heart beating wildly as you walked down the hall and towards your room, a rage filling your heart like nothing you could have ever felt beforehand as you thought back to the classroom, feeling your fingers grinding up against your palm as you did so, breathing deeply somewhat in the process. You had been working in your summoning classes for months now, studying the methods that you could use to summon something in near painstaking detail and going to every class that you could and, given that you were doing decently well in most of your other subjects, you figured that you were going to be absolutely aceing this class and being moving on up in no time. And, with those months of preparation, the time to test to see if you could actually summon something had come and you were ready to prove how good you were at it, making the symbols you needed to make sure that the beast could be summoned as well as mix of herbs and various other things to make sure it worked and with that you said the incantation.

And then nothing happened, no heat, no smoke, and certainly no familiar appearing out of the darkness with you being sat there in silence as you felt the rage building up inside of you, your blood pumping down your veins rapidly as you did so. You couldn’t believe it was possible since you had done everything right, you had got the right items, you’d drawn the symbol perfectly which meant that it should have worked which didn’t explain why it didn’t, much to your annoyance as you grabbed your back and left. You didn’t see any point in staying, especially given that you already knew that you had failed as you made theories about how you could have failed, wondering if sabotage was involved from one of your jealous acquaintances as you did so.

You eventually got out of the main halls and into your dorms, getting to your room and jamming the key into the door like you were stabbing someone, hearing the lock twist as you unlocked it before you walked inside. The door would be slammed behind you as you moved into your bedroom, hearing the floorboards creaking out into the air as you went to your room, throwing your keys on your mantelpiece before throwing yourself on your bed, hearing the sound of the mattress creaking as you did so. You sat there seething for several moments, letting out several breathes into the air as you tried to calm yourself down before you figured that the only way for you to figure out what went wrong was to do it again with you waiting until night for you to enact your plan.

After a rather awkward dinner and running around town grabbing several of the components of what you needed for your summoning, you waited until nightfall, briefly appreciating the moon as it rose above your head before looking away from it.  With that you’d grab ahold of the oak wood panel you had ripped from a tree and grabbing your carving blade, jamming it into the wood and starting to scratch the symbol into it, the moonlight making it harder to see but you still assumed you were doing a good job. Eventually the symbol was carved, patting the wooden shavings across the floor before you would grab ahold of the herbs and flowers that you had picked, placing them inside of the bowl and starting to crush them with your bare hands, hearing the slight crunches coming from them.

After a while they would eventually be mashed into a fine paste which was when you started to shove the paste within the carving, slowly filling the symbol up as you finally got the binding agent, something to allow the magic to flow through freely. It could have been any liquid but you chose a strong spirit that you had found in your cupboard, figuring that you were going to be needing the rest of it if this didn’t work, placing the bottle to the edge of the wood and starting to pour it down it as you did so. You’d watch as the scars would slowly fill up to the brim of the edge, seeing as the watery substance would shimmer as you took a breath and moved your hand over it, looking up at the dark corners of your roof before you’d start speaking to the mana itself.

“Per dominum desuper, da potestatem mihi afferendi bestiam sub catenis meis manibus!” You whispered as you closed your eyes and hoped for the best, feeling an ever so slight heat moving across your hand and fingers. You’d open them to see the sparks flowing out of the wood, the heat growing stronger as you pulled your hand away from them, the reaction being silent despite the fact that the sparks were growing and spraying across the wood, steam flowing out of it. Suddenly there was a ever so slight bang followed by a immense flash of light, causing you to cover your eyes somewhat before you wait for the light to fade, peeking out from your hands as a smile moved across your face, realizing that you had done it as you looked upon the Atronach that was before you.

The first thing that you notice was her size, the woman being twice as tall as you to the point her horns were nearly scraping against the roof, a immense fire pushing out from the back of her head and between her horns, the flame lashing at them as you looked past her  lack of eyes and to her small, almost button-like nose and a pair of surprisingly plump lips. You looked across her body, your eyes moving down to her chest to see that her tits were kept within a black and rocky armor, the armor being unable to keep the woman’s plump nipples being visible, parts of her arms rippling and burning as you moved down to her lower half, the woman still “looking” at you as she did so. Her thighs were thick and her pussy was dripping wet despite the flames that rippled from her ass, the woman’s thighs being kept together inside strips of rock, the woman’s lower legs and feel consisting of cracked rock with what seemed like Lava ran down her legs.

You’d look up and down her body, being proud about what you had summoned as you’d find your eyes keep locking onto her thighs and her tits, feeling as the space in your trousers would quickly start growing lesser and lesser. You’d attempt to take attention away from his hard your cock was getting as your legs shifting around somewhat before you noticed that the Atronachs head had craned itself downwards, staring at your boner somewhat as she would start walking over to you, her feet pushing against the floor elegantly as she did so. You’d watch as she would start bending herself downwards, the woman bending her body in such a way that her ass pushed upwards slightly with you being able to see her tongue drifting from one lip to the other as she would do so, flames cracking against her tongue as she did so.

With that she would proceed to clutch ahold of your shoulders and drive you into the wall, the sound of the slam echoing out as her lips proceeded to ram against your own, her tongue starting to slither itself down inside of your mouth as she did so. You’d feel as her tongue would start drifting against your teeth, slowly slathering your mouth with her molten hot drool as you realized that she wasn’t actually burning your mouth with it all, instead feeling as if warm water was being pushed against your face. You groaned into her mouth as the kiss would grow deeper and deeper by the moment, the woman letting out a slight hiss as she would keep you clutched close to her, the woman’s fingers dragging down the wall behind you as she would pull away from you again.

With that she would proceed to click her fingers with you feeling a light burning move across your body as you realized that the woman had burnt your clothes away, the woman ramming you against the wall once again. You’d hear the rocky parts of her skin would shift but, before you got the chance to say something or comprehend what was happening to you, you’d feel her mouth push against your own, the woman’s tongue slowly slipping inside of your mouth as one of her hands moved down to your chest and grabbed ahold of your cock. She’d keep it in the grip for several seconds before moving it against her pussylips, moving up and down it before she proceeded to ram her hips down onto it, consuming your member in her pussy lips as you’d feel the warmth of her pussy drift across your cock.

The woman’s lower lips would hit against your base, a surge of heat pushing against them before she started to move her hips upwards, your member practically melting inside of her as you’d feel her body against your own. The pussy would slowly drift up your member, going inch by inch across your cock, leaving a warmth that was dripping off your cock, the pussy fluids causing it to cool down slightly as she would reach the tip of your member, stopping her hips as her feet pushed against the floorboards. She’d wait there for a few seconds as she would start massaging your tip, pushing and grinding against your tip as she would proceed to slam herself back down against your hips, a groan escaping your mouth as your arms would start shifting around against the wall.

Your arms would shoot out into the air as she would keep slamming her hips against your own as your hands moved to her back, feeling the pleasantly warm fire brushing against the skin of your hands as you would do so. With that you’d start dragging your hands down past her back before moving to her sides, your hands then proceeding to move to her breasts clutching ahold of them in your hand as you’d feel the warmth push across your hands, the woman letting out a moan as she would do so. She’d proceed to move her head off from your lips, the woman’s tongue tearing from your mouth as drool dripped down her throat, the woman panting with steaming breath into the air as her own hands would move down to your legs, clutching ahold of them.

You’d feel as her arms would move against your head, curling her arms around them before she proceeded to start moving her hips faster against your member, letting out a couple of groans into the air as she did so. The woman would hit against your hips much more often now, the woman’s warm insides now no longer stopping at the tip of your member, nor did her pussy lips go about kissing your base, the bath of pleasure your cock had been trapped in now becoming a relentless shower against your crotch. You’d feel as the fires on her body would be stoked somewhat by the newfound force of which she was ramming against you, your cock twitching slightly inside of her inner walls, rubbing against them and making her let out a growl to the rapidly warming air.

Meanwhile your head was pushed down against her tits, the feeling of the warmth of her body being intense yet comfortable, sweat dripping down your face as you felt your mouth grow restless, your tongue yearning for something to touch. Your tongue pushed against her tits, drool dripping down against her body before your mouth would latch onto a part of her breast, the warm flesh buzzing against your skin as you’d hear her moans from above, the woman’s muscles clenching all the while. You’d feel as she would keep herself hugged against you, the woman panting into the air as she got closer and closer to you by the moment, her leg moving to your side to keep you pinned to her so she could get even more leverage on you, groaning all the while.

With that leverage she would move her hips even faster against your hips, ramming into them with such force that you could hear the wall creaking behind you somewhat, her inner walls clenching and pushing around your member as she did so. The woman’s body heat would somehow manage to grow stronger and stronger, sweat dripping down your body somewhat as her fingers against your neck, a few moans escaping your mouth as you crained your head upwards into the air , looking up at her with an eager grin. Your legs were nearly off the ground due to how large she was fucking you, the sounds of her hips slamming against your own moving across the air before she slammed her face into your own, kissing you once again with a eager moan.

With that you’d start to feel as your cock would begin to throb inside of her, the feeling of your cock pushing against her walls causing you to moan out into her mouth especially when she clenched down on your member. You’d also feel as a pressure would start to build up at the tip of your cock, slowly spreading down your member more and more and growing more intense by the moment until it was getting intolerable, making you pace your breathing inside of her mouth as you’d do so. Eventually it would get to the point where you could no longer tolerate it, groaning into her mouth and choking away at her spit somewhat as you would feel her slam into you one more time, clenching around your cock to make sure that not a drop would escape from her.

You’d feel as ropes would start spraying out of your cock and across her inner walls, the warm and wet flesh soon being covered in white as more and more ropes would nestle deep inside of her, a hum of moans coming from her mouth. More and more ropes pushed inside of her, slowly filling her to the brim as your orgasm would reach its peak, a massive amount of ropes covering her insides and most likely covering her warming womb as well, the fire on her head glowing particularly bright as she would feel inside of  her. Eventually your orgasm would come to a end, the feeling of your cock twitching as ropes would spray out in much lesser amounts, the woman shaking somewhat as she felt the last drops hit her inner walls, the woman’s mouth pulling away from your own somewhat as she did so.

You’d feel as she’d stop for a few moments, the woman staring at you as you pulled her mouth away from you and smothered you in her tits, making sure you couldn’t scream into the air as she would start moving again. This is what started what would become hours of hot and sloppy sex with her, her hips battering your own until they would ache, fluids dripping down your thighs as her body pushed against your own, your bodies switching positions constantly as you’d keep having sex with one another. Night would soon become day and you would hear the sound of someone knocking the door, your hands shakily grabbing ahold of the door handle as you opened it slightly, exposing your red face and sweaty skin as you did so, your eyes widening as you saw your professor standing at the other end of the door.

“Hello, Anon. A-are you doing alright?” He asked, sweat dripping down your body as you’d speak to him.

“Fine, just under the weather, y’know?” You said, letting out a croak as you’d would do so, your voice hoarse after the many hours of sex you just had.

“Well, lets hope that you get better soon, Anon. Anyways, I’ve actually come to apologize to you about the summoning exam.” He would say, a slight smile moving across your face as you’d near him say that. “It turns out that I had given you the incorrect components so I shall be getting you the actual components and you shall be able retake the test.” He said as you coughed and gave him a thumbs up , figuring that you should rest your throat as he would nod at you with a chuckle. “Well, I’ll get going now, you rest up and well rearrange the test for when you feel better. See you soon, Anon.” He said as you’d nod and shut the door, looking down to see the Atronach clutching your ass, licking and lapping away at your asshole as you’d move away from her, leaving her tongue lashing at the air.

You’d look at her for a moment as she would proceed to put her tongue back into her mouth, the woman letting out a few moans into the air as you’d stretch your tired limbs out somewhat, grinning as you got ready to pounce on the woman as she would pull herself off the floor, looming over you as she did so. “Wow, nearly made me lose my cool there. Seems like someone needs to be taught a lesson.” You said as you’d grab her and pinned her down to the bed, both of you growling out in pleasure as you felt yourself getting harder against the air, both of you knowing that you were going to have another long, passionate session of lovemaking as the heat swelled in the room again.


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