Ayatun part 4 : Getting head (Eudico)

 It was another limb, long day in the vast expanse of space and you were sat in your ship and drifting across the darkness, hearing the sound of your ships internals groaning out into the air as you wondered what you were going to be doing tonight for all the people that you were working for. Once a slave to a mad god,you manage to fight back and escape the planet you had been trapped in and since then you’d been drifting from planet to planet, having no home but your ship and having no nationality but to space itself which meant that not only were you something entirely new to the outer universe which meant that you were able to ally with other groups that were running around space. One of them was the family Entrati, a group of people seemingly fused to their own residence on a planet that was rotting away and, despite that,their bodies were untainted by it, the smooth skin being remarkably pale without any blemishes being visible upon them.

You had got to know the family in more ways than one, not only going about getting new items for them but also pleasuring them as a reward for your efforts, something that you felt like you were very good at by the way you made them moan. Either way you had to go and get other jobs, mainly so that you could get more equipment to stuff your ship with which meant taking odd jobs from pretty much anybody, some of them being more annoying and tedious than others were. However, you had found yourself finding a place where you could have a mostly consistent state of employment and that was with the Vox Solari, a covert operation group that were fighting against people known as the corpus, an organization that would need help that couldn’t be traced back to them.

The Corpus themselves were some kind of megacorp organization, a group of people who built a language purely for trade and a lust for profit at any cost and the Vox wanted them stopped in any way possible. As such you became a contractor for them, taking their money to steal info from the Corpus and maybe leaving a few of their members mysteriously thrown out of the airlock before you left if you had been paid enough to stop them although you had to admit that your contractors were more interesting than who you were being sent to interact with. The first thing you knew about the Solari is that you had ever seen one of their faces before, the mostly flesh beings having replaced their heads with robotic ones although you didn’t have a clue as to why they would do this.

You’d be snapped out of your reflection when you heard the sound of your ship beeping across the air, meaning that you were growing closer and closer to the base of the Vox with what you assumed to be an important assignment waiting for you due to the fact that she demanded that you’d meet alone. Since the Vox didn’t have any home, you were sent to a hotel ship in the middle of nowhere, seeing as the ship would slowly appear in the distance before you’d start landing, clearing everything with the ship’s crew before landing in the bay. You took a moment to gaze at the impressive number of ships that were around the place before you walked over to a person holding your keys, looking at the number that read “2819” and deciding that’s where you were going to be heading.

It would take you a while to find the room, getting numerous messages from your contact about where you were before you eventually managed to get to the door, scanning the keycard and hearing a buzz echo out across the air. The door would unlock a moment later,the sound of the lock crunching echoing out across the air as you grabbed ahold of the doorway and opened it, walking through and seeing a Solari say on the bed, looking back at you before she would speak to you. “Ah,Drifter, you’ve finally arrived. I’m Eudico, I don’t think we’ve met but I think you've heard of me.” She said with you certainly knowing that she was since she was not only your boss but but one of the leaders of the bigger Solaris organization, the woman seeming rather eager to see you after all this time.

“You have been doing some good work for us these past couple months, haven’t you? Especially with you getting us those orbs taken down for the time being.” She explained with you remembering that taking down the orbs was a huge pain in the ass. “You've proven yourself trustworthy and you’ve proven yourself worthy of seeing my true face, Drifter. Now, just sit and watch.” She said as she pressed a button against the side of her body, a beeping sound coming from the mechanical parts as they’d begin to whirl. With that you’d see as the mechanical shutter that was pushed into her stomach would start to move upwards, slowly cracking upwards to reveal the woman’s true face, your eyes widening after a couple of seconds of looking at her.

You’d gaze at the head that was now sticking out of her torso, a bunch of wires and cables seemingly keeping it attached of which was kept in place with a gray plastic lining, the woman’s head being as moderately pale, freckles covering her cheeks and her nose as short cut read hair grazed her forehead, her lips being just as red as them. You’d then look at her robotic torso in more detail, seeing how the head holding case was jutting out of the chest whilst the smaller box that was hanging from said shutter area, various things beeping on it before you looked clear to the robotic head, seeing the rectangular head shift slightly, the blue lights that you assumed to be eyes still being on. Your eyes then looked down the rest of her body, the woman’s outfit being a mixture of rubber and harsh fabric being kept together with straps, a metal leg holding her up before you finally looked to the hands of the woman, seeing various rings move across the forearms, one of the hands being wrapped up in a large amount of fabric in the process.

“You looked shocked. Guess you don’t see this everyday, do you?”  She asked with you nodding in response as she got up off the bed with you trying to get up before she’d push your shoulder downwards, the bed creaking somewhat as you would do so. “Stay, sit down for me for now, Drifter. So, as you can see, I have decided to reward you for how good you’ve been for the Vox but this isn’t your only reward.” She said as her fingers drifted against your chest as she would let out a few groans into the air. “I’ve always thought you were attractive, Drifter, maybe it’s the mysterious man from space vibe you give off.” She explained as she would move her hand started moving downwards, her fingers drifting across the fabric and down to your crotch, curling her fingers around it all the while.

“Take your trousers off and let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” She asked as you’d nod in response, the woman smirking as she watched your hand grab ahold of your belt and slowly loosen it. You eventually got the belt out from around your waist before throwing it across the room, the belt itself laying slack against the bedframe, metal hitting against it before you moved your hands to your trousers and underwear, undoing them and letting them fall to your ankles along with your underwear. Your cock would bounce out against the air, your member swinging around somewhat before you moved your hands to the bed, the woman grinning as she walked closer to you, the woman stretching her fleshy arms upwards as she would do so, her eyes practically eating you up.

“My, you’re a big one, aren’t you?” She Said as she would move herself between your legs, crouching down somewhat with her metal leg digging into the ground, scratching apart the floor as she would do so. “Now, let’s get to work, shall we?” She asked, already knowing the answer to her question as she raised her arms up into the air and placed her arms onto your shoulders, her hands pushing against your back as you’d feel warm breathing pushing against your member as you would do so. You’d feel a hand grab ahold of your cock, pushing it to her lips, drool dripping down it as she stroked your cock somewhat before she would wrap her mouth around your cock, a groan echoing out from across the air as you felt the warmth push down from your member. 

The woman suckled away at your tip at first, making it so her tongue would start lashing against your member, feeling the taste of the pre that was building up on her tongue, gasping out into the air as she did so. You’d then feel as her hands would grab ahold of your shirt, clutching it in her fingers as she slowly dragged your cock into her mouth, more and more of your member being consumed by her warmth as she would do so, eventually finding herself at the base of your cock, her lips pushing against your base in the process. After a few seconds of drooling across your balls she would proceed to start dragging her head backwards, the woman looking up at you and seeing your pleasured expressions on your face, flicking her tongue against your crotch a couple times as she did so.

She would repeat this process several times over, moving up your cock slowly and drifting back down it in the same way, drool covering your skin and your sheets, the woman’s mechanical head twitching slightly to keep eye contact with you. Your hands would clutch against the mattress,rubbing your fingers against the mixture of fabric and metals before you pulled them up and wrapped them around her body, one of your hands moving to the straps on her back, clutching ahold of them as you did so. Your other hand would rest against her shoulder before moving up to her neck, feeling as the metal rods pushing against it, feeling as the metal rods would brush across your fingers, all whilst she would let out a couple of aroused hums as she would do so.

With your hands wrapped around her body like hers was wrapped around yours she would begin to go faster against your cock, speeding up slowly until she reached a much more consistent and faster speed. She no longer spent time waiting at the base and teasing your tip but instead would make sure that the entirety of your cock was bathed in some kind of pleasure from her moving so quick that the fairly normal air wouldn’t have enough time to act against your cock, meaning your entire member was stuck in pleasurable warmth. You’d also feel as her tongue would start to lash against your entire member, the long organ wrapping itself around your cock and dragging down it as well as lashing against the underside of your cock sometimes, drool dripping across her jaw as she did so.

Meanwhile you’d feel as your hands would grow frustrated yet again, stroking and pushing against her back whilst your hand moved between her neck and her head as you’d push the woman’s robotic head closer to your own. With that you’d feel as your lips hit against the cold metal of her head, your tongue briefly sliding against the cold steel as she clutched you closer to her own, your bodies clashing together as the lights in her eyes would stare into you, reflecting across her eyes somewhat. You’d feel one of her hands start to move up your spine, slowly dragging across it before her hand moved to your head and grabbed ahold of it, bits of hair being displaced between her fingers as she pushed herself against your head some more, groaning coming from your crotch as she did so.

With that she would start going even faster against your member, the woman unable to get up to your tip anymore due to how she was positioned, her throat clenching around your member as she would breath all over your crotch as she did so. You’d be able to hear noises coming from her, the sounds of her slight gargles and groans being smothered somewhat by the wet sounds of her face pushing against your crotch, the spit that she was producing being splashed up your stomach and down your thighs. You’d feel her throat wrap around your member as her tongue would do the same, seeking every single last inch of your cock to cover in drool and spit, the woman moaning as she felt your precum drip inside of her throat and into wherever the hell that led to.

With that you’d start throbbing inside of her, your cock pushing against her tongue and her throat which responded by clenching and licking back respectively, the pleasure growing more and more potent by the moment. You’d then feel as pressure would start building up at the tip of your member, slowly throbbing away and getting more and more intense with time as you tried to hold it in for her, wanting to make sure her throat was nice and filled as you would do so, a grin pushed across your face in the process. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, gasping out into the metal face as ropes started to spray out of your cock and inside of her, the woman’s hands falling around your body and hugging you close, her lips wrapping around base to make sure she took all your cum inside of her.

The ropes covered her insides with the fists volley, a massive collection of ropes spraying out as more shots would start to follow, each rope being thicker and more powerful than the last, much to your pleasure as she would swallow eagerly. Your orgasm would go on for a while before it would reach its peak, a massive spray of ropes pushing out of your member and across every inch of her insides, the woman letting out a series of gargles as your cum filled up her throat, even puffing her cheeks slightly in the process. Eventually your orgasm would come to a end, the ropes growing smaller and smaller by the moment before stopping in its entirety, the last couple of drops pushing against her tongue and throat as she would let out a few more groans to herself.

With that you pulled out of her face, hearing as she would swallow down what was left of your cum before she laid herself down on the bed, chuckling to herself as she would do so, resting her robotic head in her arms with you being able to h war as the gears would twist and hydraulics would release air. “Wow, well you’re certainly as good as you look, Drifter.” She would say as she would look up at you with her robot head as you went to retrieve your belt, taking it off the bed before putting it back on before she’d lift her body up so she was facing you with her actual face instead of the fake one, said face having quite the sultry grin on it as her eyes would lock with yours. “Now, you can get going if you want, Drifter. I’ll be calling you if I need you.” She said as you’d simply nod and walk out of the room, hardly believing the fact that you had actually had sex with her but you had a feeling that you’d be doing it a lot more often now she had a taste of you but now you had work to do and, if you were anything, you were a very hard worker.


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