Hovering hearts (Carmen And Kilowatt)

 For a while you always wanted one of those roomba type robots, partially for the status of owning one of them in the first place and partially due to the fact that cleaning was a right pain in the ass and took forever given how little furniture you actually had on the floor in the first place. Of course, there was the issue of price because, even though they were on their fourth of fifth generation at this point, the hoover robots were ridiculously expensive and the older models simply couldn’t do what the new ones could so everything about them was more of a pipedream than anything else which was when you saw something sticking out of the garbage in your apartment block. You looked over and opened the door of the dumpster to see a pair of roombas inside of them although they seemed to be customized by the owner having different color schemes and all sorts with you figuring that you may as well take them out and see if you could do anything with them.

You had taken them to your apartment and started to try and work on them, looking around for any power switches or anything that you could put batteries in only to find that there wasn’t anything there at all. So you decided that you may as well download the app to see if it worked by paring it to your phone only to get no response from that either so you figured that it was just busted and that you could sell them for parts after the fact and as such you went to the toilet, leaving them alone as you did so. What you didn’t expect to happen was for them to turn on when you had a piss with you opening the door and stepping out to see that the roombas weren’t actually roombas at all because you couldn’t recall a model that was able to fly around the room.

It turns out the two robots were alien in nature and as such not being able to communicate with you in English but it did seem like they could understand you especially since they reacted to stuff you’d tell them in semi human-like ways. You had names for the both of them, the one with blue eyes being known to you as Carmen and the one with the red eyes was known to you as Kilowatt, the sounds of chirping and clicking echoing out into the air as they would try to communicate with you. Despite the fact they were a pair of flying saucers they did seem to have a set of distinct personality traits between the pair of them,Carmen being a more adventurous and curious type whilst Kilowatt was more tomboyish, about as tomboyish as a woman like her could be given her body type.

You had managed to strike up a friendship between the two mechanical beings despite the fact the first couple days were difficult due to the fact you condone decypher what their chirps meant but you managed to get it eventually. Now you and them were able to communicate with each other with you wondering what today would bring as you drove over to your apartment building, parking and getting out of the car and walking over to the building, flicking the keys in your fingers as you did so. As you walked it dawned on you that you had discovered alien life and that you probably could have been a millionaire if you sold them out to the government but you’d rather not expose them to the wrath of what they were capable of, so you decided to keep them to yourself as you unlocked your door.

With that you’d hear the sound of a whirlwind of chirps and screeches echoing out across the air, the robots buzzing around the place and gliding around the area before you’d go and speak to them. “Ladies, ladies, calm down! What’s happened to make you both so excited,eh?” You’d say as they would keep chirping as if they had something to explain to you, before Carmen would back away from you so somewhat. She would proceed to move herself so that she was showing you her rear end, the woman’s metallic shell slowly clicking and moving away to reveal something that you certainly didn’t expect when you had first seen her, your eyes being instantly locked to the newfound feature of her mechanical body.

It was what could only be described as a synthetic pussy, the woman’s robotic pussy being rather plump with the somewhat thick lips poking out of it, a slight lubrication pushing across the pussy lips, the insides being the same pale blue as the her eyes with you starting to look over the rest of her robotic body in the process. Your eyes starting to take in her metal body, her silver body having various lines moving across it with a rim that had several flashing lights across it as wall as two antenna like constructs sticking out of it although you had no idea what they were used for especially due to the fact that she seemed to have tech that was so alien to this planet as well. One part of her that was very alien to you was what was keeping her off the ground, a large glowing blue repulser that surged and pulsed with all the energy needed to keep herself in the air, her eyes being a deep blue with a pair of metal eyelids that seemed to give her a half lidded look to her eyes.

If the presentation of what you assumed to be her pussy wasn’t enough for you then the desperate chirping and screeching certainly did, a smile moving across your face has she would do so. With that you’d move your hands down to your rapidly tightening trousers, your hands grabbing ahold of your belt and taking it off before placing it on the chair before you’d pull your trousers down followed by your underwear, your cock bouncing out as kilowatt would let out a couple of chirps in response. You’d look at her for several minutes, not being exactly sure what to do about the situation as you grabbed ahold of her saucer-like body, feeling her warmth in your hands as she let out a couple more chirps with you not being able to help but notice the almost lustful tone of them.

With that you’d start to grind your hole against your member, the woman’s plump lips pressing against your cock as pussy fluids would start to drip down your member, making it so you were lubed up so that you could thrust inside of her. You could keep your hands ahold of her as you moved her up into the air, the woman clearly allowing this to happen since she had turned off her repulsor or at least didn’t turn it off, clearly wanting herself to get fucked by you as you bit your lips somewhat. Eventually she’d let out a couple chirps into the air before you proceeded to slam you cock inside of her, both of you groaning out into the air as Kilowatt looked on, seemingly rather entranced by all that was happening she would do so, the warmth being the first thing to hit you as you hilted inside her.

The first thing that you felt was the feeling of her soft and wet walls wrapped around your member,clenching and clenching around you as she gasped out into the air, a few chirps escaping her mouth as she would do so. With that your arms would start to move like the arms of a machine that had not been used in a while, slowly pulling her up your cock as you felt her clenching around you with you imagining her metal body being able to shake it she had the ability to shake in pleasure. Eventually you’d get to the point where the tip of your cock was inside of her, the rest of your fluid covered cock dripping across the floor as the robot would chitter across the air before you slammed yourself inside of her again, the woman chittering again as she did so.

You would start moving the woman’s robotic body against your cock even more, moving her up and down slowly as moans escaped your mouth, the woman’s chirps growing louder and somewhat longer with each stroke. You could feel her pussy lips kiss at your member whenever she reached the base of her member, the feeling of her lips pushing against your base and the fluid leaking out across your balls causing you to moan, your hands pushing against the warming metal in the process. You’d then hear as her chirps started growing more and more intense by the moment as if she was asking about you going harder with your even seeing the blue eyes glancing over to the side somewhat as if to see if you were going to do it as much, something you were very eager to do.

With that you started moving her faster against your body, the sound of metal clashing against flesh echoing out across the air as she would do so, the woman’s chirps cutting themselves off somewhat as she would feel the pleasure surging through her. Meanwhile you were feeling the same waves of pleasure pushing across your cock, hitting against the hips as your balls hit against her metal ever so slightly, the woman seemingly attempting to increase the rate of fluids that were leaking out of her. You could feel her inner walls spasming around your member somewhat as if she couldn’t get used to the pleasure with you, almost wondering if sparks were going to fly somewhat before she would eventually recoup herself and start working her inner walls for you.

The walls would first stop spasming, clenching around your cock in a slow but thoughtful rhythm before she would realize that clenching in certain areas of your cock would cause more pleasure to move through your body. She would proceed to clench around your glands and your veins, making you moan out into the air as the pleasure would cause your cock to twitch inside of her, your grip around her being lost somewhat as she did so, the metal whipping down your fingers as the blue eyes glowed slightly brighter. After a few moments of bathing in the pleasure you quickly realized that you didn’t want to be undone by the woman, strengthening your grip on her and clenching your teeth somewhat before you started to move her faster and faster against her as you did so.

You’d hear as her moans would peak her speakers, the sounds of her moans glitching out across the air as she would do so, the woman’s coordinated plan to pleasure you going out of the window at this point. Her inner walls would go back to spasming faster and faster by the moment, the woman's eyes glowing brighter and brighter as she would do so, both of you indulging themselves in each other's pleasure as she would do so, sweat starting to build up on your skin as she did so. Meanwhile you’d look over to her to see that Kilowatt was eagerly watching, unable to keep her red glowing eyes from looking away from you as she would do so with you wondering what a turn with her would be like as you glanced back down at Carmens moaning body.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb inside of her, pushing against she clenching walls which responded by crushing your cock within their pleasurable grip, your hands twitching somewhat as you felt it. With that pressure would start moving across your cock, the tip of your member growing heavier and more pressure filled by the moment as you struggled to keep your orgasm in, the woman’s inner walls being very, very able to make it seem like she was trying to squeeze all that cum out of you. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore,the pleasure filled throbbing simply growing too strong as you slammed her down onto the base of your cock, groaning as ropes started to spray out your member and deep inside of her, the woman clenching around you as she did so.

You’d feel the first shot fly out of your member, feeling as a powerful volley of ropes sprayed out across her insides, more and more ropes spraying all over her inner walls as your orgasm would continue onwards. The ropes would grow thicker and larger by the moment before your orgasm would reach its peak, a massive spray of ropes pushing out inside of her and deep into her with you being glad that she was so well built because she probably would have short circuited otherwise, her chittering still echoing out across the air. Eventually your orgasm would start to go down, the ropes growing smaller and smaller by the moment before the last couple drops leaked out of your cock, your arms feeling exhausted as sweat would drip down from your body and onto her metal.

You could hear the sound of her humming to life, the sound of the repulsor coming to life again before you watched the woman pull herself off your member, cum dripping out of her pussy as she would close the metal around the hole. She would fly away, chirping happily in a sing song style before you would proceed to try and walk away, hearing the sound of one of them heading towards you before your move forward was blocked by Kilowatt, the woman letting out a set of annoyed chirps to you as she would do so. With that she would start moving forward towards you, still chittering and chattering at you as you’d hear the sound of the metal would start opening up on her behind until you felt a cold wall hit you, watching as she would turn around and show you her own holes.

This hole was somehow even plumper than the one that her fellow robot had, the fat lips looking almost like a sandwich with jet black skin and red insides, the heat that was moving across the saucers body seeming to cause the fluids to steam up somewhat as you’d look across the rest of her body. Her body was more pointed then the last one as if someone pinched the metal in her body upwards, rows and rows of lines moving down her body, the woman having the same pair of antenna sticking out of her sides with red light poking out of it, the light flashing every once and a while before you looked at her lower half, seeing the dark rim with red lights shining out across it. Your eyes then looked down at her repulsing, the red light ungulating somewhat as you’d look at her yellowish red eyes again both of them being much more wide eyed and alert as she would make it clear what she wanted from you with a couple more chitters that would escape her.

Now you were backed into a corner and just couldn’t escape her, hearing more and more of her chitters as she would direct herself over to the tip of your member, pushing her warm pussy against your tip as she would do so. She would grind herself across your cock, the woman letting out a series of long beeps as she would do so, her eyes flaring up with that red light as she would do so, the repulsive humming away with you wondering what it was going to feel like now that the repulser was still on. It turns out you were going to be finding out  way sooner then you thought you would as she would suddenly reverse into your member, her pussy lips straining for a couple of seconds before she would let you inside of her, hitting against your base as she did so.

She was way warmer then you could have ever imagined, the woman’s inner walls practically oozing with warmth as you would feel her fat lips squish against your base, causing more and more warmth to surge through your waist in the process. You then felt as she would begin to move up your cock, slowly dragging against your cock and making it so pleasure would start slowly moving across your member until she would reach the tip of your member, clutching and grasping against you as she would do so. Eventually she would have enough of taunting your tip, the woman letting out a series of screeches as she would do so before slamming herself down onto your waist, the metal pushing against it somewhat as both of you would let out noises of pleasure.

She would repeat the process several times over, moving upwards across your cock before slamming herself back onto it again, the repulsers heat wave brushing and pushing against the skin, making sweat pour out of it. You’d resist clutching ahold of her, the woman buzzing against the air as you figured that she was willing to take control over you, the humming and warmth making you gasp out into the air, your tongue dragging against your teeth as you would feel her let couple more beeps out into the air as if she was being sarcastic. You would thrust back in response, hitting against the metal that made up her body and ellicating a shocked  beep into the air before a couple of deeper beeps would escape her mouth before she slammed down onto your waist and pinned you to the wall for a couple seconds. 

With that she would start moving again, going at the same pace and starting to go faster and faster by the moment, winding up and down your member without stopping and slowly going at such a rapid rate. The pleasure would become less pinpointed and would start to flow more and more across your member, starting off as a buzzing warming pleasure before turning into something much more tense and explosive pleasure, hugging against your entire member and making you moan as she did so. You looked down at her and saw her beeping to herself, the woman having the same peaking and cutting off issue that her fellow robot compatriot did but it seemed like it was much more frequent, the woman’s eyes glowing brighter and brighter the more pleasure moving across her circuits.

She would keep going faster and faster to the point that she was a blur across your member, the feeling of her slamming against your cock making you moan out into the air, your back rubbing and scratching against the wall in the process. You could tell that she was clearly starting to lose herself to the pleasure, the woman letting out a series of buzzing sounds and her eyes occasionally flickering as if she was overcharging herself somewhat, her hole also seeming like it was overcharging as well. You would wonder if you could try to stop her or not but at this point you figured that you should just let it all run it’s course and you were afraid she may crush time fingers if you got anywhere between you and her hips as she would do so, groans escaping her body as she did so.

That was when you started to feel yourself throbbing inside of her again, your cock pushing up against her inner walls which would clench back once again, the beeping getting louder and louder as she awaited your orgasm. You’d feel that pressure push all over your cock again, growing much more intense then the last one as you grasped at the wall, attempting to hold on for as long as possible as it got harder and harder to run away from, your tongue lashing your own mouth red raw in the process. You decided that you should let it out once it become truly unbearable,a groan escaping your mouth as ropes would spray out of your member and push deep inside of her, the metal saucer ramming herself deep into you as she would do so, beeping eagerly.

You started to feel as the ropes escaped your member once again and covered her insides, the woman’s beeping sounds growing higher and higher by the second as she would do so,her pussy still clenched around you. Your orgasm would reach its peak but it seemed like the peak would last for quite a while, volley after volley of large and thick ropes escaping your member as she would proceed to let out the sound of what you assumed to be something short circuiting, sparking slightly as she did so. The ropes would grow smaller and smaller by the moment, a groan escaping as you realized that she was stuck on your cock until she rebooted herself, the last couple of drops dripping away into her inner walls as you felt like you were about to collapse.

With that you’d look over to the balcony, letting out a sigh before you opened the door and walked out, leaning against the glass as the metal saucer on your cock would stay attached to you, Carmen  hovering out and joining you as you looked to the stars together as you’d start to feel like you were getting sleepier and sleepier. You could feel your eyes growing heavier and heavier as the cold air would brush against your skin, sweat being flicked away at as you would look at Carmen, giving her a thumbs up as you’d feel yourself slowly move into slumber, wondering if there were any other robots lurking around this earth and if they’re were humans that were as lucky as you were with them.


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