Deeper sleep (OC)

  Your eyes would open as you felt the feeling of every single joint in the lower half of your body aching, your legs feeling like they had ran a marathon as you looked to the other end of the bed to see that the camera was still sat there, silently watching you as you pulled yourself into a sitting position as you thought about why that camera was there. You had always been a heavy sleeper, your mother joking you’d sleep through a nuke if you could, but recently you had been waking up aching all over especially around your hips which you wouldn't think anything off if it wasn’t for the fact that you had been having a increasingly violent wet dreams over the course over the past couple of weeks. The dreams were pretty fun if a bit intense and you could have felt that the body was simply reacting to them, the feeling of sweat dripping down your body and other fluids sticking to your crotch being evidence to that, until you felt a stinging sensation on your neck one morning.

That day you looked over to the mirror, looking down your neck to see that there seemed to be a circle of small pinprick cuts going down your neck in a circle with you figuring that you’d just scratched against your neck when you were asleep. That was until the day after when you saw another set of marks on your neck where you realized that it was bite marks but you had no idea what was causing them or how the hell you were sleeping through them biting you as you would do so. Eventually you would get past the initial paralyzing fear that you were going through before you figured that you needed to get something that would prove that there was something in the room munching away at your neck and decided to go down to your local electronics shop to see what they had on offer.

You’d search through the cameras for half an hour before eventually finding a trail cam that had a night vision option, one that you could easily rig up in your room given a hour and a roll of duct tape. Eventually you'll get it wired up to the computer, intending to have it record you the entire night, making sure you turned it on just as you went to sleep and the rest was now being downloaded right onto the cameras SS card, your fingers hastily taking it out of the camera before lodging it within your computer. With that you’d hear the sound of the computer reading the card, inviting you to look inside of it as you’d move your mouse over to the notification to click yes, the strobe for the card popping up to reveal the seven hour long video of you sleeping with yesterday’s date underneath it.

You hesitated for a moment, wondering what you could possibly find biting you and if some things were better off not found out but eventually you managed to gain some guts and clicked on the video. It would take a while to load which was fair since your laptop was essentially a waffle iron with a cpu, but eventually you’d see a blurred first portion of the video, seeing that you were fast asleep with nothing around you,the covers wrapped around your nude body in the process. The video would slowly load up to be in full definition, the pixels slowly melting into one another before you started to speed up through the video, trying to find somewhat as your go by minute by minute, hour by hour, feeling like you were being watched somewhat as you did so, much to your unease.

That was when you heard a sound come from the camera, the sound cutting right through the ambient buzzing of the camera with you being able to identify it as the sound of your bathroom window slowly peeing open. You thought that it made sense the being would come through there especially since the lock was broken and, as such, you heard as it’s hands and feet hit the ground and it would proceed to move to your bathroom door, slowly pushing it open as to tease the camera somewhat. You’d watch at the door would swing open with nothing coming out for a couple seconds before you headed a growl echo out across the air and a pale beast walk forward, your eyes widening as you took in just how inhuman the monster that you were seeing was.

The first place that you looked was the head, seeing that it was hairless and earless which exposed how pale the beast really was, her eyes being a pair of black voids with some sort of black staining around them, the eyes having a slight glow on the cameras before you looked at her mouth, strips of red being hidden behind her teeth. Your eyes would move down to the rest of the woman’s body to see that she was a mixture of plump and thin, the woman’s torso being skinny to the point where you could see her muscles with her front side having a massive set of tits hanging from them with the tits being easily way bigger than your head, your eyes glancing down and looking at a pair of thin arms, her fingers stretching out with her skin blackened. Your eyes then glanced down at her lower half to see her rather huge ass,a massively plump pussy being placed in between her legs with her legs doing the same thing as her arms where they would slowly blacken the further down the legs that it would go, her eyes glancing around the room in the process.

She’d prowl around the room for several moments, growling out across the air before she would jump onto the mattress,the claws digging into the covers as she would do so, the woman moving right over your body as she would do so. With that she would start to hump against your body, her pussy grinding up against the covers and the pussy fluids dripping all over, rubbing against your thighs somewhat as she would move her head over your own, the woman’s tongue slowly winding out of her mouth like a snake. Drool dripped from her mouth as she would start moving her head closer and closer to your neck, her teeth grinding against one another before she would proceed to gently bite down on the flesh, the teeth digging down and causing those bite marks.

She would proceed to give you a couple more bites on the back before she would clutch ahold of your covers, seemingly playing with them in her claws for a couple moments before yanking them back upwards, revealing your naked body. More drool would push out of her lipless mouth, the spit covering your chest as she would turn around and looked at your cock, staring at it as she clutched at your legs, moving her head closer and closer to your member as her tongue would unwind from her jaw again. She would lash away at your cock, hitting and pushing against it before she would wrap her tongue around your member entirely, a moan coming from her mouth as she would feel the texture and taste of your cock on her tongue, glancing up and down it all the while.

With that you’d watch as her tongue would start moving across your cock, the tongue starting to slowly drag itself across your member, moving down to the base of your member and seemingly teasing your balls with her tongue as she did so. She would then move her tongue up your member, slowly dragging the tongue across your member and letting the drool dripping down your cock, more and more spit pushing down from her and onto your balls, her claws digging deeper into your thigh as she did so. She would get to your tip and would massage it somewhat, rubbing the wet and warm organ across it and tasting the pre that was moving across it before she would proceed to move her tongue down your member again, panting somewhat as she would do so.

She would repeat his process several times over, moving her tongue up and down your member in a almost hypnotic fashion, the woman panting all over your member as she did so with you swearing the breathing was almost visible on the camera. You’d then watched as you heard the mixture of a moan and a snore escaped your mouth, the woman’s pale body twisting somewhat as she would turn her head to see if you were awake or not, drool dripping across her teeth as she would move herself somewhat. Now her ass was parked right above your face,pussy fluids dripping all over your sleeping face as she moved her hands down her thighs and onto your waist, claws digging into you, angling herself so that she was even clsoer to your member then she had beforehand.

With that she would then start to move her tongue up and down your member even faster then beforehand, the woman not longer stopping at the tip or the base although she was still assaulting both with her new technique. She had winded her tongue around your member like a snake, covering most of your cock in the drool covered organ, writhing across your veins and your nerves as she would groan out into the air, the groan being deep and primal as you looked to the tip of your member. She had it in a chokehold, wrapped around your cock like a noose as she would cover your tip entirely in her tongue, wiping across it and tasting all the pre that came from it like a drug, the woman’s warm looking body humping against your own as you slept in silence.

She would also torment the base of your penis, having done a single loop around that as she would writhe around your member, her panting growing deeper and deeper by the moment as her plumped hole started to drip onto your skin. You’d also watch as the tip of her tongue would start driving themselves around your balls, cradling them in her wet organ as she wouod start to move them around, massaging them around in her tongue as she would glance up at you, her rear shaking from side to side somewhat. That was when your cock would twitch inside of her grasp, the woman’s eyes staring at your cock intently as she would let out a rather large ball of spit sprayed across your member as if she was getting ready to massage your member even more then she was beforehand.

It was at that point her tongue would wind itself even more across your entire members covering your cock completely, crimson strips of writhing and dripping flesh moving across your cock as her panting growing more and more by the moment. The woman seemed to have pinpointed every single segment of your member that was the most pleasurable, your cock twitching and writhing inside of the woman’s fleshy grasp all whilst her claws dug into your hips as her hips pushed onto your face. With that she would start grinding herself across your face, pussy fluids spreading all across it as she would do so, the woman clearly enjoying herself as much as you were in your dreams, her groans and moans being able to be heard on the camera despite how far away she was from it.

You’d see her facial expression change somewhat, her tongue stopping its winding wrath for a brief moment as you realised that you must have been throbbing inside of her grip, the woman twisting harder in reponse as she would do so. You’d watch your body twist somewhat as the assault seemingly got more and more intense for your sleeping body to handle, her entire body letting out a couple of breaths as she would push herself clsoer to you, making sure you couldn’t escape her as she did so. Eventually it got clear that you couldn’t take it anymore, a groan echoing out across the air from you as ropes started to spray out of your member and across her mouth, the woman’s eyes rolling in her head as she felt the taste of your cum dig into your tastebuds.

You’d watch as ropes would start spraying out of your cock, a massive amount of ropes spraying all over your her tongue and face, the ropes coming out way faster then you had imagined as she stared at your cock. The orgasm would grow stronger and stronger by the moment,the ropes spraying out all over her before your orgasm would reach its peak, a massive amount of cum shooting out of your memner and spraying all over her tits and her face, the ropes dripping onto the matress as she did so. Eventually the ropes would start growing smaller and smaller, a few drops of cum covering her nipples as the last drops would fall apathetically from your cock and onto her tongue, your orgasm having finished as she withdrew her tounge back into her mouth.

You’d watch as her tongue would unwind around your member, your cock dripping with drool as she’d watch you for a couple seconds before a grin would move across her mouth, clearly happy to see that you were still erect. With that you’d watch her push her pussy away from your face, turning herself around as she panted into the air, the woman’s fat rear now being pointed towards the camera and her head was buried into your chest, the woman slowly raising her hips further and further into the air. She would then stop as fat as she could go which was impressively far given how her back worked, the woman stopping for a brief moment before she proceeded to plunge her ass down onto your cock, the woman letting out a growl as her asscheeks consumed your cock.

You’d see your cock poking out from her asscheeks as she rested against your waist, the woman sitting there for a couple seconds and feeling as your cock throbbed between her asscheeks, the woman drooling all the while. She would then proceed to raise her hips upwards into the air before she would slowly move them up so that your tip was buried underneath them, unable to escape her grasp as she would stay still for a couple seconds, the woman relishing in what she was doing. That was when she brought her ass down onto your waist, the woman keeping you pinned between her and the bed as her massive ass jiggled around your cock, claws digging into your shoulders as she would do so, her tongue starting to slink out of its mouth again.

She would repeat this process in a almost robotic fashion, winding upwards across your cock before slamming back down onto your waist as she would stop bathing in the pleasure for a moment as she put her tongue to work. The beastial woman would start lapping away at your chest, the tongue running across your skin before moving over to your nipples, starting to circle around them and pushing down into your nipples, getting them harder and harder by the moment, panting all the while. She seemed to enjoy the taste of your sweat on her tongue as she kept licking it, the woman slowing her hips down somewhat as she would do so, the woman’s blackened eyes staring into your sleeping face for several moments as she’d let out a growl.

As she would increase her tongues assault on your chest, drifting across it as her hips started to move up and down your cock faster and faster, the woman’s ass jiggling around more and more by the second as she did so. You watched as the woman started hitting against your hips so hard that your balls were slapping against them, the woman drifting her ass across your member yet never putting it inside for one reason or another with you wondering if she knew the two of you were compatable with one another. Occasionally she would go about wiping her puffy pussy across your cock, sandwiching your cock between her pussylips and dragging them across your member, causing a new set of fluids to cascading down your member and onto your stomach.

You’d watch as she would keep speeding up, her pale ass going faster and faster to the point that it was a near blur on the screen, the woman’s sound echoing out across the room like a hellish symphony. Moans and groans and sounds that you could only best describe as pleasure filled screams echoed out through the air as she would keep licking at your chest, the woman pushing her tongue down onto your chest and covering it in her drool, teasing your nipples with a eager glee as her tongue moved up to the collarbone. She would start dragging the tongue down the bones, lapping away at them before she proceed to move her mouth to the side of your neck where she had left teeth marks on the side of the neck, dragging it across the wounds as she did so.

That was when you realised that you were starting to throb inside of her asscheeks, pushing and pulsing against her unrelenting ass as she would keep rubbing her asscheeks all over your member, her tongue lashing against the air as she did so. Drool dripped all over the edges I’d her mouth and her teeth, the spit fizzing against the air whilst those sharp teeth ground agaunst one another with you swearing that her body was glimmering somewhat due to how much work she was putting into fucking you. Eventually it got to the point where you’d find your cock twitching between her asscheeks rapidly before ropes started to spray out of your tip, the woman ramming her ass down onto your cock to make sure that the ropes covered her and only her.

You’d watch as ropes started spraying out of your cock, the ropes seemingly being even thicker then beforehand, coating the woman’s cheeks in them as they would do, the ropes only growing larger with each shot you pushed out. More and more ropes would escape before a massive barrge of cum pushed out of your member and covering her ass in a thick glaze of your cum, a few more ropes spraying over to add to the glazing before starting to grow weaker and weaker by the moment. Eventually it got to the point that there were only a couple of drops pushed onto her asscheeks, the woman smirking as she would feel you go limp within her fat and very plump cheeks.

With that she would move closer to you, looming over your head as she would open her mouth, her tongue slowly sliding out of her mouth and pushing itself into into your own, starting to kiss you as she would do so. She would proceed to start kissing you, writhing her tongue around your mouth and covering across her teeth as she would push the kiss deeper and deeper, the woman playing with your limp tongue as she did so, the woman’s teeth trying their hardest not to scratch your skin in any way. She would then proceed to pull her tongue out of your mouth, letting her drool drip all over the woman’s face and her lips as she would do so, the woman turning herself and seeing the camera, her expression dropping somewhat before she smirked once again.

She would hop herself off the bed, the woman scampering around so that she was in front of the camera before digging her nails down into the carpet before she started shaking her ass at you, the woman swaying her cheeks from side to side. The woman would then proceed to move her hands around so that one of them were in the shape of a O whilst the woman would insert the other finger in the hole, dragging it up and down as if to hint that she was wanting to have sex with you woth you swearing that she would wink at you as she would do so. Eventually she would stop, properly figuring that you had got the point before she proceeded to run back into the bathroom and seemingly out of the window, the woman leaving you alone covered in her fluids.

With that you were rock hard, your cock straining against your underwear as you were both aroused and somewhat terrified that she had been able to break into your house and use you as a sex object but you couldn’t hell but feel something for the pale beast as you would do so, wanting to hold her, grope her even. You even wanted to put a baby inside of her, to grab ahold of her and breed that plump pussy like a wild animal,to feel her fluids splashing and splashing across your thighs and legs with you walking away from your screen and deciding to get ready for the day ahead, knowing that you’d have to go about and make sure to leave the window open nice and wide so she didn’t struggle to get inside.


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