Damp spaces (OC)

 Since you were young you had always been fond on insects, secretly smuggling the spiders out of the house before your mother could kill them and also collecting some insects to watch them but you had never seen quite like Centi, a centipede that was really weird looking in color and shape, being unlike nothing you had ever seen before. You had first found Centi during one of your long, long walks in the forest, not taking much notice of her at first before you realized that she was a bright, deep red unlike anything else had been crawling around the wood with you crouching down and looking at the insect, watching as she would bite and chew away at a ant that she had found. Despite her strange appearance you couldn’t help but find her strangely cute, watching her mandibles flicking and lashing away at the insect that she was munching on with you eventually grabbing the log that she was on walking back with her on it, the insect being nice and still for you.

With that you’d leave her in your garden for a few moments before grabbing ahold of a cardboard box and placing her under your bed, keeping her away from your parents as you’d look after her. You’d feed her, your water her, you’d watch as she crawled around inside of her box as she would drag her meal around it, munching away at her meal and tearing it limb from limb, the woman needing larger and larger meals the bigger she would grow which you thought was normal at first. That was until you noticed that she didn’t seem to stop growing, soon being larger than your entire hand before you realized that the box was going to be way too small for her if she kept growing, which was eventually proven to be true as her insect features got more and more defined.

By the time she had got to the point that she was the size of a small dog you figured that she was impossible to hide from your parents and as such you brought her outside and let her go, watching as she crawled away as she did so. However, she did come back from time to time, seemingly growing larger and larger by the moment with it eventually getting to the point she was taller then you with you just being glad that your parents hadn’t noticed that giant insect running around the forest and going into your garden. Once she got large enough she would seemingly lead you to somewhere, using her body to point you in a direction which would eventually lead you to her home,a wet and dank cave which was the perfect size and habitat for something like she was.

You had been inside of the cave a couple of times and bore witness to what she had been doing, the woman having made herself a nest out of varying locks and reeds as well as a few stones to raise it off the ground somewhat. She had also made herself some kind of larder type room where she kept her prey for future use, most of them being birds of squirrels that she had clearly killed before they got there, sticking them to the wall with some sort of goop before you recalled the one time she brought something in alive. It was a deer, the insect having clearly mauled one of the beasts legs off before wrapping around it and breaking its spine, the half broken body breathing into the air helplessly like it had to put thought into breathing and it waited to die.

With that you’d come and visit her often, usually following a flowing lake down to where she was located and playing with her which was what you were doing now, hearing as the water would flicker and splash against the bank. The water would grow more and more intense the closer you got to the cave with you now looking cord over the water with the cave behind you, knowing that Centi and crawled inside for some reason, presumably to eat something although you couldn’t imagine what the hell she was eating. Suddenly you’d feel a rock become dislodged from the grind below you and you felt your body falling into the water, knowing that there was no way to stop you at all, your body pushing into the cold water and soaking you completely as you would do so.

You’d be stunned for a couple seconds, your limbs flailing around in the water before you managed to get yourself up and out of the lake, your clothes now completely soaked through to the point they were pretty much unwearable. With that you’d decide that it was the best idea to take your clothes off, slowly stripping away at your clothes one by one until you were entirely naked, basking in the sun for a couple of moments as you would do so, feeling the water drop off your skin somewhat. Eventually you’d embrace the warmth, feeling it and the slight wind as being comforting before you would hear the sounds of something crawling through the rocks, snapping you out of your brief trance before you turned around and looked to see Centi staring back at you, taking in her body as you did so.

The first place that you looked was her head, her eyes looking like rather feminine despite the fact that she was a insect, the woman’s antenna flicking against the air as she would let out a clicking sounds with her mandibles, a pair of larger ones wrenched out across the side of her face and a pair of smaller ones moved into her chin. Your eyes then proceeded to look down the rest of her body, three pairs of breasts moving down where you assumed to be her chest, two larger pairs of legs sticking out against the air, the woman’s red muscles curling around the “shoulders” whilst each leg was tipped with a sharp, almost scythe-like claw that looked like it could rip flesh apart like butter. You then looked down the rest of her body, her underside being a shade of off-white yellow ,her hundred legs that moved down her body, the small things flicking against the dirt, her back being covered in a black, hard shell, a pair of antennas flicking against the air from her rear.

The woman proceeded to stare at you for a few moments with you feeling pretty awkward, looking away and backing away somewhat before she would place herself onto the ground and start to crawl over to you, clicking as she would do so. She would then proceed to start winding around your body, making sure you couldn’t escape her since she had caught your legs in her trap, the woman wrapping around you so quickly that you didn’t have a chance to fight back against her as she would do so. Soon she would go come face to face with you, the woman letting out a few clicks as you’d hear the sound of something opening, the noise sounding wet like fluids had just falling out of it as she’d constrict against your body rapidly, a moan escaping your mouth as you felt her insect pussy wrap around your member.

You’d look down to see the hole that you were now inside or, the slit being thinlipped and drooling with a rather thick fluid, her inner walls almost gulping around your member before she would move herself again. You’d  then feel as she would start to twist her body backwards, slowly dragging her pussy across your member as she gasped out into the air, taking in some of that fresh breeze before she reached the tip which was when she stopped, the woman staring you in the eyes as she did so. Eventually you’d blink when you felt her mandibles flick against your face which was when she proceeded to slam herself back down against you, a few of her hairs sticking into your skin and slowly scratching across your body, leaving a couple of marks in place as you did so.

You repeated this process several times over with a almost robotic precision to them, the woman’s antenna moving against your face, rubbing against your skin all the while she would see that you were writhing a lot before she would do so. The woman would then flick her larger legs into the air before she wrapped them around your body,making sure that you couldn’t escape her as the sharp claws dug into the skin, her breasts growing closer and closer to your face as she did so. Eventually she managed to submerge your face in her tits, the six breasts rubbing against your face as she would proceed to ram herself against your one more time before she kept you in place, making sure that she could not escape her as she moved onto the next stage of her plan.

With that you’d feel as her inner walls would start twisting around your member, the feeling of the inner walls being soft and pillowy much like the flesh of a maggot as you noticed that she was starting to move her pussy in a milking motion. She’d clench her pussy around your member, grasping and rubbing against the base before she proceeded to start moving her walls up against your member before she would reach your tip, starting to massage against your member as she did so. You’d also feel as she would make it so there was an almost airtight seal against your member, the woman’s fluids no longer leaving it and instead slowly submerging your member inside of it, pleasure running across your skin thanks to it as she’d continue onwards.

You could feel her legs flicking around you, more and more hairs digging into your skin and scratching at your flesh somewhat yet you didn’t really feel any pain despite all of this, the scythe legs grinding against your skin somewhat. You would feel her breasts around your face, feeling a warmth pushing across your face as she would do so, sweat dripping down your face somewhat with you feeling as the breasts witness would make you want to rest against them, like a fly into a web. You’d hear as she would click and hum to herself quite a lot, letting out sounds that you could only describe as a moan being filtered through sand, drool building up on her mandibles and flicking across the air and spraying spit all over the place, a couple more pieces flying onto your back.

With that she would start moving her inner walls even faster then she had beforehand, the woman shivering ever so slightly against your body as you’d groan into her tits, feeling as her inner walls go faster and faster by the moment. You’d feel as the clenching of the walls would start to meld together to the point where it felt like there were two waves of clenching across her member at the same time, making you gasp out into the air as the pleasure started to melt into its each other. It was a constant pushing and pulsing against your member, her legs growing restless across your skin and your body, scratching against you as she would spit more and more, some of it moving into your skin and some of it moving into your hair as she groaned in pleasure.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb inside of her, groaning out into the air as you’d push up against her puffy walls in her fluid filled pussy, feeling as they would clench back exactly to the tune of your heart. She would keep pushing and pushing against your member as you felt as the pressure would start building up inside of your head, the feeling of weight in your tip growing more and more intense by the moment as you struggled to keep the cum inside you as her ruthless pussy clenched around your member. Eventually she became all too much for you with you cumming inside of her, ropes of cum starting to shoot out as she clenched around your member, the hairs digging into your skin as she would do so, scratching you up even more than she had before.

You’d feel as rope after rope would escape your member and would push deep inside of her, plowing through all the pussy fluids that she had inside of her and pushing onto her inner walls, slowly covering them as she did so. The ropes grew stronger and stronger, your orgasm overall more intense by the moment until it reached a peak, a massive bundle of ropes shooting inside of her and covering every inch of her insides, pushing into her deepest reaches as her legs all quivered around in the air. The ropes would grow smaller and smaller by the moment and eventually were reduced to mere drops, dripping out inside the pool of fluids she had made as you’d pant into her many tits, exhausted about what had happened before you felt the inner walls move again.

This would be one of three cumshots that you’d pump inside of her, each one larger than the last one as she would keep you closer to her, moaning and gasping out into the air as she would do so. You could feel as her legs would flick against your own, those sharp and thick hairs that adorned her body pushing through your skin, grating against it somewhat as she would do so, the hairs prodding away at your skin and leaving scratch marks all over your body as you would do so. Eventually it would all come to a end with you somehow being covered in more fluids then you were before you had when you were in the lake before she crawled into the darkness, leaving you or your own before you began to walk away from her cave and towards your house again.

You’d only come back to her after a few days, looking like you had just fallen into a cactus by the time you had come home, walking through the forest with a spare pair of clothes in your bag, just in case you fell in the water again, humming to yourself as you got closer and closer to the cave as you did so. Eventually you’d reach the cave and moved inside, slowly moving through the darkness until you saw her in her nest, a clutch of eggs with your children brewing inside of them as she would let out a couple of clicks before moving towards you, wrapping her body around your own, the woman looking into your eyes with a series of emotions within them although one that you saw was lust. With that you’d feel as her arms would slowly move down to your trousers and slowly pulled them down with you hoping that people wouldn’t investigate the moans coming from the cave.


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