The Demon trilogy : Part 3

 You couldn't believe that you were doing this but you were finally deciding to try our absence, taking those annoying paladins and even more annoying clerics advice that you abstain from the sin of the flesh for enough time to let your body to relax and allowing your cock to rest after everything it had been through. You had never been having sex all that often when they offered that advice, mostly playing with the local harlots before you went on that faithful mission to the bandit camp, the bandits being the slave owners of three demon sisters, who were now under your employ, with you having shown no mercy upon the slavers as they didn’t deserve a single drop of mercy to relieve their suffering. After that you freed the demon and you had grown quite attached to the both of them, with this relationship at first being a normal working relationship before the demons started teasing you with their monstrous and erotic bodies, feeling more and more inclined to fuck them by the moment.

Of course, you ended up fucking the older and the larger sister, known to you as SeriesStella and CaelumMachaera respectively, the two of them being as hungry for your cock as you were for their bodies. You’d had sex with them both in pretty much every single location that you could imagine, from forests to taverns to dungeons,to the point that it was genuinely affecting the rate that you could do your work somewhat and as such you would go about making sure that you had to get yourself back on track. As such that was when the absence plan would be put into place with you vowing not to have sex with the demons for a month or so, just so you could earn any money you may or may have not lost due to the fact that you were too busy having sex with your companions to care.

Of course, this was to the disapproval of said companions, the two of them hating the idea and only sticking with you through it because they knew that you were going to be having sex with them at some point anyways. However, there was a slight issue with that plan and that was their youngest sister, known to you as TempestasUmbra, the woman herself having gone completely and utterly mad over the course of the couple weeks, seemingly desperate for a cock that she had never felt inside of her before. She had rubbed her pussy fluids across most of the items that you took with you on your adventure, you’d found her face first stuck in your underwear drawer a week ago and she had even chewed on a few tables that she could get ahold of, bite marks being dragged across them.

See, the main issue with TempestasUmbra was the fact that she was considerably more feral and animalistic then her sisters were, preferring to use her instincts rather than her brain as her sisters would put it. You had asked the sisters to come up with a plan to make her stop doing this sorts stuff, mainly because you were getting tired of wiping her pussy fluids off your belongings every day or so, the two demons simple smiling at your and vowing that they would come up with a idea in the near future. Now you were advertising again, setting up in another forest as you into the pile of wood that was in front of you, eventually feeling as a clawed finger would tap on your shoulder with you turning around to see that it was SeriesStella again, her cloak remaining fully closed which was a rare sight.

“Hey, I’m gonna look for some more firewood whilst the other two are out hunting. Wanna come along?” She asked as you would nod in response, figuring it would be good to take your mind off things as you got up from the rock you were sitting on. “Great! I heard there’s some firewood over there so let’s go on and see, shall we?” She asked herself as you’d and she would start walking to a particularly dark part of the forest, the shadows shifting into the darkness as you walked deeper and deeper inside of it. Eventually it would seem like you had wandered too far into the woods, your demonic companion disappearing from your side as you looked around for her, trying to look for those glowing orange eyes in the distance only to be met with nothing but trees.

You’d walk around the dark woods for a couple moments, trying to find SeriesStella within the darkness and finding nothing, wondering where she could have possibly gone as you suddenly heard the crunching of leaves to the left of you. You’d turn your head to see that a pile of leaves had been run through but there was no semblance of a trail or anything that would lead you into finding out who the perpetrator was although it didn’t seem to be SeriesStella due to the fact that they moved way to fast for someone of her size. You’d soon find out who it was though when you hewed running behind you, turning around to see a blur heading towards you, one that you simply couldn’t avoid as she slammed right into your chest with you looking up to see TempestasUmbra was the one that was holding you down.

The first place that you looked was her face, glancing into  the same pair of glowing orange eyes that her sisters had ,before you looked over the rest of her monster-like face, seeing the sharp teeth and large ears which flicked around the air, drool dripping down her jawline as she would do so. As such your eyes moved past her neck and onto her breasts, seeing them hanging in the air with them seeming slightly bloated as well, her muscular arms currently slamming her clawed hands into your chest which were currently scratching against the fabric as you’d look down the rest of her body, seeing the slight chub that was hanging off her stomach as she would do so. You’d see her tail, seeing that it was short and stubby and flailing around in the air, being nestled against a pair of fat asscheeks with her thick thighs shining across the air, her clawed feet digging into the dirt as she would do so, the woman raising her hands into the sky as she did so.

She then slammed them down onto your clothes, slowly tearing them to shreds as she would do so, streaks and streaks of fabric being thrown all over the place before you were eventually entirely naked and at her mercy. She would proceed to start moving her hips up into the air, the woman’s pussy fluids dripping and dripping against your member, seemingly weeks of pent up sexual frustration brewing inside of her hips as she would move her hands to your shoulders, the claws digging into your body as she did so. Eventually she would reach the highest point her hips would go, letting out a couple of testing thrusts into the air before proceeding to slam herself down onto your cock, a moan escaping your mouth and a feral roar echoing out into the air as you did so.

You’d feel as your cock was plunged into the warmth of her pussy immediately, the woman shaking her hips side to side somewhat before she would move them up again, the woman getting to the tip in quick motion. She did not wait for a second nor did she falter when she reached your tip, slamming into you a moment later before raising her hips up again, ramming and ramming against you as her claws kept digging into your skin, her mouth slowly opening her mouth as she would do so. The woman’s mouth would start snapping at the air, nearly biting her tongue a couple of times before she would proceed to move her mouth down to your neck and would start biting at your flesh, giving you a small and only slightly painful nip as she would pull away from you.

This would lead a series of bites hitting and clicking against your flesh, slowly making small marks within them with you already being able to see the areas where her teeth had sunken into your flesh, a slight bit of blood coming out a couple of the areas. She would, at that point, start going even faster as you would eventually decide that you weren’t just going to be taking this lying down grabbing hold of her legs harshly as she would let out a moan, feeling the warmth push through your fingers as she would do so. You’d then lift your back up, catching her off guard before pushing her down onto her back, hearing as she growled out eagerly into the air before you bent her legs to her head, looking her in those deep orange and black eyes as she would do so.

Now you were in control, clutching her legs in your hands before you proceeded for start slamming and slamming against her, attempting to speed up rapidly as you would do so, pussy fluids drooling down to the floor as she did so. You’d feel her clench against you as you thrusted and thrusted against her, slowly moving your head closer to her own as she would feel as the heat of her breath would be felt against your skin, sweat starting to drip down your body as you almost felt like a infection of lust was moving over you. Eventually you were face to face with one another, lurching forward and pushing her face against your own, her mouth opening and her head having to be bent sideways before tongue would slip inside of your mouth and as such your tongue pushed into her own mouth.

With that the two of you would keep kissing one another, moaning and groaning into eachothers mouths as your tongues clashed, the large and wet organ that she had attached to her winding around your own and making sure you couldn’t escape her. You then watched as she would proceed to pull herself off your mouth before she would proceed to move her feet to your chest and pushed you to the ground, your cock sliding out of her Molten hot pussy and feeling as if it was moving around in the air as you did so. You then looked to see that she would get onto her hands and knees for you, the woman’s pussy dripping onto the floor as she would shake her ass from side to side, her tail drifting across the air as you’d get up onto your feet and walked to the demonic woman as you would do so.

You’d look over her for several moments before you would proceed to move your hands onto her body, clutching ahold of her tails before grabbing ahold of one of her asscheeks, moving it to one side as you’d see her holes as you do so. You’d then starting to start moving your hips backwards, the woman dripping and growling into the air as you’d leave her waiting for you as she shook her hips from side to side even more, practically begging you to come and thrust yourself inside of her as you would do so. With that you would chuckle into the air before she would proceed to slam herself down onto her pussy, grunting out into the air as she would let out a growl, the woman’s pussy clenching around your cock extremely hard as you eventually got all the way inside of her.

You gasped out in pleasure as you would start moving your hips as fast as you could against her body, the woman groaning and gasping out into the air as she would do, drool dripping off her maw and down onto the dirt. You felt her inner walls clenching and clasping at her inner walls as she would do so, the walls rubbing away at your cock eagerly, trying to embrace it for all that its worth as you would do so, the woman’s tongue lashing against her teeth as she would do so. Meanwhile you were trying your hardest to cope with with the feeling of her pussy clenching around your cock, rubbing and pushing against it as she would, needling into all of your most sensitive areas as she would do so, your hands almost making claw marks within her flesh as she would do so.

That was when you felt yourself start to throb away inside of her, the woman feeling as her inner walls would be pushed against by your cock which she responded to by clenching right back, making it even harder for you to thrust then before. You’d then proceed to feel as a very familiar pressure would start building up at the tip of your cock, growing more and more intense by the moment as you’d keep trying to hold it in, wanting the demon to be satisfied with what she came for as you would do so. You’d then feel as it would get to the point where you couldn’t take it anymore, feeling as you would start to cum inside of her, slamming down to your base with the woman clenching her inner walls to the point where you didn’t think that you’d be able to pull out of her if you tried.

You’d feel the ropes escape from your cock, splattering all over her inner walls as she would do so, the woman herself growling and groaning into the air as her claws dug into the ground, scarring it as she would do so. The ropes would get more and more intense by the moment, her back arching up against the air as she would feel them go deeper and deeper before your orgasm would reach its peak, your ropes shooting as deep inside of her as possible as you’d feel her backing up against your hips somewhat. With that you got to the point where your orgasm would start to come to an end, the ropes growing weaker and weaker by the moment before stopping, both of you seeming exhausted as she would collapse into the ground slightly as she did so.

You would rest there, panting for several moments before you’d proceed to watch as the woman would get up off the ground and start sprinting across the dirt, dragging you along with you still inside of her pussy, the woman still wrapped tightly around you. You’d watch as you’d be dragged to camp, trying your hardest not to scrape your legs before you saw the campfire in the distance, stocked up with fresh firewood before she would pull up right next to it, making it so you were leaning against her crotch as you did so. With that you’d finally sigh out into the air in relief that it was finally all over, your legs shaking as you’d eventually get your strength back, hearing a slight bit of chuckling coming from the other two demons as you would do so before the eldest began to speak.

“Seems like you’re rather stuck there, Anon.” She said as you’d roll your eyes, her sister chuckling as she would move to one side of your body  whilst the other demon would move to the other. They would then outstretched your tongues and would start lapping away at your cheeks, licking away at your sweat as they rubbed their hands around your chest and back as you looked down at the other demon was still connected to you yet was also seeming to go to sleep on the ground, leaving you connected to her. She would eventually disconnect but at that point your face had been licked is much it left you in a daze where time didn’t really seem to matter and you fell asleep quickly afterwards, continuing your adventure as you would do so, your crotch slightly saw after all that.

Days would become  months as time would grow by which had brought you to the current day with you walking through the forest and back to camp, the cold air moving through your hair before you heard the scamper of tiny footsteps in front of you before a weight was pushed into your chest, bringing you to the ground. You’d look down and saw your daughter had pounced into your chest, her claws digging into your shirt gently as you glance around at the others running around the camp, rubbing her head slightly as you’d do so before you’d look to the three mothers that were by your camp, chuckling away to one another with you assuming that TempestasUmbra was chuckling giving it just seemed like she was making sounds. They were also all feeding their young, seeming rather ecstatic about doing it as the children suckled away with you thinking that you had done a good thing when you slaughtered those bandits after all as you went to join more of your children.



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