Clawing hands (OC)
Working at a massage parlor was a surprisingly decent job with the clients always paying well regardless of if they had one head or seven or whatever types of back that they had and you had managed to avoid the sleaziness that came naturally with a couple of the clients purely due to the fact that you were a Male. The salon was placed onto the moon on Concorsia, a moon that was unable to be mined of its resources and as such was turned into a entertainment paradise with you imagining the sounds of the casinos that were on every single block of the planet could be heard from space, varying fast food places, gyms, strip clubs and, in your case, massage parlors. Given that the moon attached beings from every single corner of the galaxy the massage parlor was built for pretty much every type of species around with you having everything from a quadruped to tripods to varying tentacled beasts, the place even had a radiation relaxing chamber that you didn’t want to go near because you afraid that the radiation might turn you into a fine puddle of flesh.
Either way, you had just got done with your latest client, a Clandexian which was a raise known for their legs and their running abilities which meant that you had been massaging the aliens legs for the past hour or so in order to help with de-stressing. You would watch as she would move to the checkout counter, the woman stretching her legs as she would do so before you’d watch as she would scan her card and leave again, running down the street and making several other people dodge out of the way for her. With that you’d grab ahold of your tablet and looked through the client list, seeing that you had another client booked in for ten minutes from now which was more than enough time for the cleaners to make sure the room was free of any offworld pathogens.
The client's name was Igaonx Rosentail and she was from a species that you had never really heard of before with you figuring that they traditionally lived on the outer rim of the universe and as such hadn’t been able to interact with the universe for all that long. Either way you looked through her characteristics to see that she was a quadruped which wasn’t unusual in the slightest, mainly due to the fact they couldn't really reach their backs most of the time and as such needed someone else to do it for them. They also seemed to enjoy how dexterous biped fingers were, admiring how they were able to get into every nook and cranny before you would bring your mind back to the topic at hand as you looked down at the next line to see something that interested you.
It turned out your client had armored placing across her body which was confusing as to why she wanted a massage in the first place since you can't exactly massage the plates, let alone give her a massage that would benefit her somewhat. Of course, she was a paying customer and that meant that you couldn’t exactly refuse the job and as such you would watch as the cleaners would slowly mop up the room, your eyes glancing around as you thought about more of your stranger clients as you would do so. There was that one species, a onamae which had a back with a joint in it, the nerves in the spine being super malleable and allowing them to twist to somewhat which was certainly a nervous experience for you since you didn’t want to go about breaking your clients spine as well.
You thought about those that didn’t really have spines at all but had a series of muscles running down their backs that needed treating which you imagined was the same feeling as tendering a very large steak given how solid some of the backs were. Others were these weird, gooey creatures that required you to place your hands inside of them and knead them somewhat, almost like they were made out of some kind of doughy substance which was certainly one of your least enjoyable ventures. That was when you heard the bell ring as the door would open, looking over to her to see the armored woman would walk through the doorway, walking over to the lobby to see her standing there, nodding away at the cashier as you would start to analyze her body somewhat.
You first looked at her face, her head being shaped much like a cone and covered in light purple scales as you wouldn’t be able to see any mouth or nose, the only facial feature that you could see being her eyes which was shrouded into darkness and coloured in bright blue, the eyes seeming calm and focused as she would do so. You’d then started to move your eyes down her body,seeing that it was very much pear shaped with a large chest which was heavily armored which went down to a smaller and slimmer waist with the top half of her body covered in the same purple scales and her chest covered in these paler, more flesh coloured scales that seemed to be pushed deeper into her body. Her hands and legs were very dog-like in nature, her black claws pushing into the ground as she would scamper across it and eventually move over to be in front of you, the woman having a tail that was small and somewhat filled out, much like a power wire.
“Hello there, Mrs Rosentail, isn’t it? Are you doing well today?” You would ask her before she would move from the reception and crawl over to you, the woman coming as face to face as she could get before she started nodding at you which you took as her agreeing with you. “That’s excellent to know! Now, follow me to our tables Mrs Rosentail, we’ll get you set right up.” She said, nodding away as she would follow behind you to the room where the tables were located, the woman looking over them as she did so. There was a variety of tables available, all covered in a black, leather-like substance with most of them having various holes inside of them before she would eventually move her hand upwards to point at a table with a square cut out of it,looking at you as she would do so.
“That seems like an excellent choice, Mrs Rosentail.” You would say as she would move herself over to the table, climbing on top of it and slowly slotting herself inside of it, the pinkish scales being placed into the square hole as she did so. You then watched as the scales would start moving,opening bit by bit as she would slowly reveal what was hiding within her chest, a series three rows of breasts slowly coming out of them with you analyzing them as the woman stretched her arms and legs as she did so. The woman’s purple skin would glimmer around in the light somewhat, the skin being smooth and thin with her nipples being somewhat spongey by the look of them, the woman turning her head around to glance at you with her glowing blue eyes as she stretched some more.
With that you now knew what the armored woman wanted massaged and you seemed rather eager to get to do it with the woman seeming to wait for you to get down on your knees and start rubbing away at them. And you’d just do that, getting down onto your knees and started to glance up and down her chest for a moment, not really knowing where to start before you moved to her top left breast, cracking your fingers somewhat before you’d start moving them towards her tits. You were nervous,not having done anything like this with a alien such as her but she seemed nice enough with you cupping her breast into your hands, feeling the softness and smoothness of your skin against you before you’d start moving your hands, hearing a groan of pleasure escaping her heads general direction as you did so.
You could feel the softness of her breasts as you would start moving up and down them somewhat, gliding across the sides and the skin before going right to the middle of her breasts where the nipple was located. You’d move one of your hands away from her left breast when you realized that one of them would be more than enough to handle her tits, slowly kneading and rubbing against both of her breasts, feeling as her nipples hardened somewhat with the massage, warmth moving through her smooth skin as she did so. You’d also feel as her nipple would rub and push against your palm which seemed to only add to the massage somewhat as you’d slowly move your way across the woman’s breasts, drifting away from them before gently cupping the middle pair.
You’d keep rubbing and rubbing away but you’d made to sure to vary how you rubbed to make sure you felt your client feel nice and relaxed, sometimes moving down from nipple to base like you were washing them with one of the left-hand breasts. You could hear that she was clearly enjoying it as well judging by the sound of her growls and groans into the air, her head arching backwards somewhat as her tail would sweep from side to side in a slow and gentle fashion which you were certainly rather enjoying. You’d then move up to the edge of her breasts and notice that the skin seemed to be getting more clammy and dry, these parts obviously being why she wanted the massage in the first place with you removing yourself from her underside as you moved to a cabinet.
You would own it and rummaged around inside for several moments before you would proceed to grab ahold of a bottle of lotion and would start slowly pouring it into your hands, slowly lathering them up in the fluid as you would do so. You’d then move your hands over to her breasts, getting underneath them once again as you squirted a slight bit more lotion to them, moving your hands over to the top two of her breasts as you would do so, slowly moving towards them once again. You’d eventually get ahold of one of her breasts, feeling the squelching against your hands somewhat as you would do so as she would let out a delighted hiss into the air as she would do so with you letting out a hum as you’d start moving the lotion across her breasts.
You’d start at the base of the breast, starting to rub the lotion gently into her dried skin as she would let out a few more contented yells into the air as she would do so, your hands slowly moving down her breast. You’d make sure that the liquid was rubbed into every single inch of her soft flesh, feeling the heat pounce through it somewhat as she would do so, her eyes looking down at you as she stretched herself even more against the table, eventually laying flat against it as she did so. Eventually you managed to get yourself to her nipple, starting to rub against it as you’d hear her howl her let out a satisfied sigh like sound before you’d move onto her next breast, feeling the lotion that was on your hands soften the skin even more than before as you did so.
You’d move from breast to breast, doing the same that you had done for all the others, starting to rub the lotion into the base before slowly moving her hands down her breasts, rubbing it nice and deeply into her skin in the process. Eventually it got to the point where her breasts were fully moisturized and lubed up, glimmering somewhat against the light as you’d rubbing against the last two, making sure that it was all rubbed into them before you’d eventually move your hands away from her tits. With that you would move your hands away from her breasts and looked over your handiwork for a moment, seeing them glimmering slightly in the air as you would do so, wiping your hands against themselves slightly as you would go about staring away at her.
“Well, looks like we’re all done here, Mrs Rosentail.” You would say as she would let out a couple more noises and would stretch so her chest was puffed out so to speak with you watching as her breasts slowly moved back into the hole they came from. She would then close her chests up with you watching as she then closed it up, the plates coming together with a slight click as she would do so, the woman proceeding to hop herself off the table as she would do so, stretching her limbs. After a long and rather exaggerated stretch she would start to walk off, walking in a almost trotting manner as if she felt refreshed with both of you seeming to be in agreement that you had done a good job as she moved back into the receptionist desk as you moved to the restroom to sit down.
With that you’d hear the sound of something pinging from your watch, flicking it around to see that a rather large payment had just been inserted into your bank account from one Mrs Rosentail who seemed to have added a generous tip onto her fee, something that made you smirk somewhat as you would do so. You would then proceed to simply just sit back and relax,wondering if you should really pour that coffee that has been in the glass for a few hours as you were happy you had another customer under your belt especially with that fact that she was a rather unique customer at that with you wondering who or what was going to come back through that door as you relaxed.
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