Lethal liability (Savage Swine)

 The moon shone down from above like a spotlight, the shadows carving up the wall and the wind whistling through the concrete walls as you wandered around this abandoned hospital, the standard smells of broken plastic and damp now also having the slight twinges of blood across the air as you would shine your torch around. You had been doing this urban exploring type stuff since you were young, going from abandoned building to abandoned building and only getting caught by the police a couple of times, mainly because one time you had been chilling out in this abandoned pub in the city center and the police raided it since they assumed you were running a drug operation out of it. Since then you had grown a lot smarter and a lot stealthier, deliberately going out at night and making sure you broke into places that no one would ever care about like abandoned schools and ruined factories with your chosen target today  being an abandoned hospital on the outskirts of the city.

The hospital had always been rumored to have things hidden within it since it shut down with everything from the ghost of a man who died in a x-ray machine to organ harvesting operations occurring within the surgical wards. You had even heard that the basement was home to serial killer known as the Savage Swine, a killer lurking around the woods and hunting anyone they saw down but you figured that was a lie meant to keep kids away from the hospital as you would move into the doctors stairwell, the metal stairs being rusted with time. You would shine your light down them, realizing that these would probably go down to the basement, a smirk moving across your face as you realized that you could go down them and prove them wrong at all last, starting to walk down the stairs to the basement as you did so.

You could hear the sound of the metal creaking underneath your boot as you walked, the sounds echoing out across the entire stairwell as you walked with you imagining if there was a serial killer lurking inside, you would have alerted them by now. You would step down onto the ground, looking down to see that there was a thin layer of dirt covering the entire floor like it was a carpet with you assuming that some dirt just had fallen from the forest area in some kind of random event, your eyes glancing around to see where it fell from. With that you’d start walking down the hallway, feeling as the dirt cushioned your footsteps somewhat as you’d see the warehouse area of the hospital, entering into it and nearly dropping your torch onto the floor with what you found.

It was what appeared to be a small encampment around here, the owner clearly having been here for months given the fact that there was what seemed to be a makeshift barn in the middle of the area, varying tables that were both homemade and stolen from the hospital being littered around it. You’d look to the walls to see that varying metal tools were hanging from the wall, varying shears hanging from the walls, a rusted cattle stunner rusting at the bottom and dozens of blades from machetes to meat cleavers there, all of them dirtied with some kind of substance. Looking at the table would give a hint at what these things were used for, varying butchered animals laying on the tables, with you passing the piles of what once were woodland animals, their bones laying both around and on the table.

Eventually you found yourself at the door of the barn, pushing your ear to it and hearing nothing coming out of it, figuring it was empty which was when you opened the door, your heart dropping at what you’d find. There were human corpses within the barn, strewn to the walls with most of their skin hanging off them, some of them seeming fresher than others as you glanced around, blood leaking across the walls as you figured that you should probably be turning around and running out of here. If the corpses didn’t give you enough motivation to run them you sure as hell had it when you saw a shadow come up from the ground, the shadow taking a couple steps towards you as you witnessed the one who had caused all of this carnage in the first place, that being the Savage Swine herself.

The woman was probably around two or so heads larger then you were, her eyes staring down at you with the only hint that she had eyes was the white pupils staring down onto you, a pair of pig ears sticking out her head whilst long and stringy hair would cascaded down her back, her head having a huge stitch going across her entire face, her pig nose sticking out her face. From there you’d look down at her absolutely massive chest, the woman probably being able to push her head between her tits to choke you out, half of the skin on her tits being a dark brown whilst the skin from the lower half of her tits to her stomach being coloured a much lighter brown, the two patches of skin being kept together with a massive stitch going past them. Your eyes would pass down her pussy, the lips seeming surprisingly tight and nestled between two massive thighs, each one bigger than your arms as you looked down at her feet, seeing each toe had been sewed as you would promptly turn around and start running, figuring your life depended on it.

With that you’d hear a pig squeal echo out across the air as the sound of footsteps started to echo out, the woman seeming to be chasing you in a full sprint, causing you to do the same to try and further the distance between you and her. This didn’t seem to work, the woman growing closer and closer to you by the moment, the eyes staring right at you as she would scream out a strange mixture of human groans and pig oinks, turning a corner as you hoped that would be enough for you to escape her. It was not and soon you would feel as her hand would grab ahold of your head, her fingers threading into your hair as she would pick you up off the ground and then slam you down onto the dirt, the woman proceeding to move herself so she was looming over you, her hand clutching your arms.

At that moment you figured that you were dead, that you were going to have your head ripped from your body and then have god knows what else before she clutched ahold of your trousers and underwear and then promptly tore them off your body, throwing them to the ground and leaving your half erect cock on full display. You’d hear her let out a groan into the air as she would crawl over your body, her breasts rubbing against your chest as she would raise her hips up into the air as you realized that she wasn’t going kill you but she was going to rape you instead. She would raise her hips the furthest that she could possibly get them which meant her face was right next to your own, the woman panting and groaning away before she slammed herself down onto your cock, a groan escaping your mouth as she did so.

She would keep you pinned between her and the floor for several moments with her hips, your legs barely being able to move before she would proceed to start moving upwards as her hands would clutch against the floor. The woman’s inner walls would clench across your cock furiously as she would let out another couple of groans, the woman clearly not wanting you to escape no matter what, eventually reaching your tip as she would stop, the woman shaking slightly as she kept your tip within her warm, wet grasp. You then felt as her hips would proceed to slam down once again, the woman pushing down with the entire weight of her body as she would do so, her eyes glancing into your own as eager panting would escape from her mouth, the woman seeming extremely eager about this whole thing.

As she would keep thrusting against you, you’d quickly try and see if there was a way to get out if this situation, your hands moving to grab ahold of her body in a futile attempt to push her off you, your hands pushing right into her breasts and kneading them somewhat as a result. This caused a rather huge groan to escape from her, a couple of oinks coming soon after it as she looked down at you, her hands moving away from the floor and pushing you into a hug, her legs doing the same. Eventually it got to the point where you were completely submerged in her body, unable to escape from her grasp as she would hug your body against her own before she started to go even faster against your body as you’d groan out into her chest as you would do so.

The woman seemed to be getting more and more possessive for your cock, moving up and down your member without stopping at your tip and base, the woman thrusts being unbalanced for several seconds before she eventually got herself into a rhythm. Meanwhile her pussy seemed to be rubbing even harder against your cock, spasming against your dick when she would slam herself down onto your cock, the woman’s clit grinding against you and causing more pleasure to move though the huge swine woman. You could feel her legs rubbing against your own, your knees kept within her plentiful thigh meat with the woman rubbing her legs against your own whenever you would twitch against her, the woman’s face moving closer and closer to yours as she did so.

This would have the unfortunate side effect of having the woman’s massive tits slowly pushing down into your hands, more and more of the woman’s tits threading between your fingers as she would keep raping you. The slams would cause your hands and fingers to twitch, her fingers pushing and kneading down onto her tits, each grope causing her to shake somewhat as you start feeling her warm breath against your face with you being able to see lust stirring in her eyes as she would thrust against you. You’d hear as her breathes would start to deepen somewhat, her hands clutching at your skin before she proceeded to start going even faster against your body.

At this point she had devolved into a true animal, what was once a standard raping turning into a lewd and purely brutal act of lust, the primal desire to not only fuck but also breed moving through her mind as she plunged onto your hips like a jackhammer. The woman would start screaming out her moans into the air, some of them almost sounding like pig squeals as she would slam herself against you, the woman’s legs now going completely limp as if the pleasure moving through her wouldn’t let her control them anymore. Meanwhile your head was thoroughly drowning inside of her tits, your head poking out of them to occasionally see her face before you were dragged right down under to get a full face of titflesh again, the woman clutching your head to keep you there as she did so.

You would then feel as your body's own resistance began to falter when your cock throbbed inside of her which only encouraged the woman to go even faster then she was beforehand due to the feeling. This didn’t help with the pressure that you were trying to hold in, your hands firmly digging into her massive tits which didn’t help matters, her massive ass filling the sounds of lewd, lustful intercourse as she would get closer and closer to her prize which only consolation for you was that it didn’t involve gutting you like a pig. Your resistance would soon come to an end, your orgasm starting as you let out a moan into the air, one that was quickly silenced by her entire body collapsing on you, her hips ramming down against you and sending shockwaves across your body as she did so.

Due to the fact that you actually held in your orgasm instead of letting it all out, you instead had to deal with one of the most explosive orgasms that you had ever felt, an explosion of ropes shooting out inside of her for your first volley of cum. These volleys would grow more and more intense by the moment, eventually peaking with an absolutely massive load of cum that most likely touched every inch of her insides at some point, the woman letting out one of the loudest and unholy squeals out into the air in the process. Thankfully your orgasm would seem to dissipate after that, growing smaller and smaller before almost becoming fountain-like, the cum spewing out of your cock and against her walls as she laid down on your body, bathing in her own bliss.

Eventually she would pull herself off your body, the woman letting out a few huffs as she would feel your cock messily slip out of your cock, hitting your waist with a wet plap as your cum would drip out of her pussy, making a puddle on the floor and a trail down her thighs. With that she would simply stand above you and stared at you, the woman letting out a couple of huffs before she proceeded to turn around and wander into the distance, leaving you a sweaty and panting pile of limbs on the floor. It took you a while to realize that she was gone and it took you even longer to know that she had actually just left you alone with you getting up off the floor and feeling a rather wild pain in your legs as you would look at your trousers, seeing them destroyed on the floor.

You grabbed ahold of them and tied them around your waist, deciding that it probably wasn’t the best to walk straight into the elements with your cock and balls hanging out, eventually regaining a ever so slight bit of modesty as you ran off. You would sprint out those rusted steps as fast as you possibly could with you figuring that the rumors were right and the Savage Swine was very, very real and you’d just had an extremely close encounter with her even if it ended differently than everyone else’s did. Although, as you ran away you had one deeply perverted thought about the woman and that was that you wondered, if she had raped you to the point where she had got herself to orgasm, would her orgasm would last for as long as a actual pigs orgasm would.

You then decided that some things are best left unanswered.


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