Spring in your step (Coilhead)

 To say that you were having a bad day at work would be a understatement as you ran through the abandoned base that you and a crew of three others had been sent to with you figuring that this moon, 31-offense, that it would be a simple and easy trip and you’d be sitting back on the weekend with a nice and hefty paycheck. Now the rest of the crew had been  killed and you were the last one standing with it turning out this entire base had several entities lurking within it, hiding out of the view for humanity for god knows how long before you proceeded to enter into the building with them where you were promptly massacred he being that you couldn’t quite see which filled you with a distinct sense of dread you couldn’t quite place. You could hear it shuffling behind you every time you turned to run with everything you looked behind you would hear the shuffling stop as if they were taunting you by doing it, telling you that you were going closer and closer and that there was nothing that you could do to stop it.

You would eventually manage to duck out of the way into a dark room and proceed to slam the door behind you, keeping your body by it for a moment before you would move forward, letting out a sigh of relief as the being didn't ram down the door.  With that you grabbed ahold of your torch and flicked it on with you being able to see the dust moving through the air with it seeming like that you were some kind of storage area, filled to the brim with boxes and scrap metal which would have been a  great haul before your group got murdered.  However this place seemed to be safe enough from whatever the hell was running around out there with you figuring that you could hang here for a bit until the coast was clear with you taking another deep breath before you heard something hit a bit of scrap.

You pulled the torch up into the air towards the area you heard the sound only to see nothing at all, the scrap having been barely moved and the dust being absolutely unmoved, the sound of shuffling soon being joined by something else. It took several moments for you to figure out what the hell the sound was before you quickly figured out that it sounded like someone flicking a spring around, the spring sounding notably more bassy then you would expect as you shine your light to try and find where it was. As you looked around everywhere before you proceeded to hear the spring stop moving for a few seconds, moving back over to the shadow before the spring stopped moving again, wondering what the hell was causing it and if it could have seen you now you shone the light on it.

Suddenly you felt as the light would flicker somewhat before the sound of the spring started again with you moving around the place again with you desperately trying to shine your light on it as it got louder and louder. You would manage to find it again, leaving it there for a couple of seconds before you proceeded to watch as the light would flicker again before turning off completely with you quickly realizing that your torch wasn’t going to be turning back on with you flicking the light on and off several times in the process. Eventually you got the torch back on again, hitting the torch and swinging the torch into the air to hear the spring sound stopping again, looking up to see who was stalking you in the darkness all of this time with you being shocked about what it was.

It was some kind of mannequin with the most notable thing about it being its neck of which had been replaced by a spring, the massive coil being easily as tall as you were with you moving the torch up to the head to see a blank mannequin head, a pair of empty gaping eyeholes looking down at you with a equally empty mouth devoid of all teeth and tongue. Your eyes and your torch would start moving down her body before reaching at the chest to see that the arms had been chopped off from the elbow down with her chest containing a pair of truly massive tits, the breast easily being as big as your head, her nipples being inners with it seeming like they were puffy and swollen somewhat. Your eyes would keep creeping down before you saw the handles that were attached to her rather large waist, a slight bit of chub being carved into her stomach whilst her thighs were equally as huge, the woman’s pussy being completely exposed to the open air where it seemed like the lower lips were way more fleshy then they should with a slight  bit of fluid dripping off her lips.

As you shine your light on her you realize that she seemed to only move when you weren’t looking at her, moving to the side of her somewhat before you realized something else had happened whilst you were looking at her. It turned out that you had found her body so alluring that you had got extremely hard inside of your suit with you moving around to the back of the entity to get a look at her ass, the mannequin still not moving in the process as you  suddenly came up with an idea. Since she was of no harm to you when you were looking at her and had at least one hole for you to relieve yourself in, you figured that you might as well take out your stress and lust on her, moving towards her and gazing upon her plastic back before moving your hands out.

One of your heads clutched ahold of her handle whilst the other hand moved down to the crotch of your suit which you then began to unzip, your hard cock dripping with sweat from all of the running you had been doing. You then proceeded to push your cock inbetween her large asscheeks with you being shocked to find out that there were surprisingly soft against your cock with you letting out a brief groan as the would thrust your cock a couple time into them, twitching against the plump cheeks as you did so.  Eventually you figured out that you had teased yourself for long enough, moving your other hand over to the other handle before you would move your hips back and slammed inside of her, a muffled moan escaping your mask as her coiled neck wiggled slightly.

The woman’s pussy was surprisingly warm and wet despite the fact she appeared to be a statue with you letting yourself get used to the feeling as your hips were firmly pressed against her firm asscheeks. You then started pulling out of her warm and wet hole, groaning somewhat the still hole was almost perfectly tight, her fluids dripping all over the floor from your cock as you’d do so with you making sure that your eyes were always locked on the statue less it start moving again or went to attack you when you weren’t looking. You would get to the point where your tip was just about to slip out of her hole, managing to stop yourself right at the moment before you proceeded to slam yourself back inside of her, a clap echoing out across the air followed by the sound of her coiled neck twisting.

You would continue this process for quite some time, wanting this to go on as long as possible as you would take a moment to look at her mech twisting and writhing around before you moved one of your hands away from her handle. Your hand would then slowly move up her stomach and onto her breast,feeling that it was just as soft as her ass, if not softer, your hand readjusting itself a couple of times with your fingers pushing themselves into her breasts as if you were kneading dough as you did so. Eventually your hands would get to the point where your fingers were completely clasped around her breast whilst her nipples were firmly pressed against the palms of your gloved hands with you starting to eagerly grope away at her breasts, pulling and tugging on them as you did so.

With your groping you’d feel as your lust would grow more and more out of control, your hips starting to move faster and faster inside of her as she would feel as your tongue would start to move against your teeth and gums. As you would slam and slam against her before your eyes would glance up at her head and by extension her neck, the neck swaying around from side of side rapidly, the tensing and untensing echoing out across the room as you were finally able to get a look at her empty face as you did so. You would get a glimpse of those empty eyes during the peaks of your thrusts, the dark holes seeming to stare down at you from above although they were nearly always still and ever changing with you being unable to feel if she was pleasured or not from the entire thing.

As your hips would move faster you would also start groping against her much harder than you were beforehand, your fingers digging into her breasts as you pushed your body closer and closer to her, groaning eagerly as you would do so. You had dug your fingers in so deep you felt the fabric of her tits around your finger whilst you noticed that her nipple seemed to grow harder and harder  the more that you grinded against them which only meant that you were going to be grinding against them even more than beforehand. Eventually your other hand would move off the handle and onto her tits, your hand practically consuming her breast in its grasp as it would grope more and more roughly by the moment but, despite all of this, she didn’t even react to you in the slightest. 

At this point you were starting to lose complete control of yourself, your hips moving as fast as you could humanly move them at this point, the loud, wet and lewd sounds of flesh clashing against plastic. Her head was now swinging all over the place from that spring that she called a neck, the sound of the spring clashing against the air and itself echoing out as you’d catch more glances of her empty eyes and face, still in that same semi-shocked expression as you kept pushing and slamming against her. It was almost beastial in the manner that you were thrusting against her, all sense of humanity being thrown out the window as you would rut the mannequin as if you were trying to breed her.

That was the moment you felt yourself starting to throb inside of her pussy, pushing against her inner walls as she wouldn’t tighten or loosen which meant you had a near constant resistance against your cock as you thrusted inside of her. You could also feel as more and more pressure would build up inside of the tip of your cock, slowly and eventually getting more and more intense as it would travel down your cock which made you clench your teeth from underneath your mask as you would do so. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, crying out into the air as you came inside of her head, your trusting coming to a stop as you slammed yourself into her asscheeks, hilting yourself inside of her pussy to make sure that not a single drop of cum would leave her stationary body.

The first ropes would leave your cock and rest themselves deep within her hole, coating her beige inner walls white and mixing with the fluids that were leaking out of her, your fingers clutching down with each and every rope. After a minute or two your orgasm would reach its peak, a massive amount of cum shooting out of your cock and pushing deep inside of her, the woman’s neck shuddering with each rope that was pushed into her as you felt like the ropes were so huge they would be able to coat the other side of her pussy. Of course, all good things had to come to an end eventually and soon your orgasm would stop, the ropes getting fewer and weaker before eventually becoming mere drops which pushed out and stained her insides as you held your body up with her own.

You would pant against her body for several moments before you proceeded  to pull yourself off her and by extension pulled yourself out of her, cum dripping out of her hole as she would sit there silently with you wondering what was going on with that head of hers. Either way you had found yourself with quite the issue given that you figured that she was going to be gunning for your head and you couldn’t just stare at her forever given that you wanted to actually leave this place and get back home even if your crew was dead. Then you had a idea, moving behind the mannequin and grabbing ahold of the handles again, hoisting her up so she was cradled in your arms before starting to sprint out of the doorway, running away from this wretched place, from the claws and maws of death that surrounded.

And leaving with a very, very special bit of scrap.


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