Satisfied (Clickers)

You would look around the moss covered buildings as you walked around what once was a prosperous city or that was at least before the earth fell to the fungus with you being able to recall the day the infection truly got out of hand and the government fled, leaving everyone in America to defend for themselves. The fungus had ravaged America but it seemed to only infect women, turning them into zombie-like creatures that roamed the area looking for prey which happened to be any and all males that got caught by the fungus got near cripplingly ill and then finished off by the infected women, known as clickers due to having to see through echolocation due to their lack of eyes. This made any city pretty much uninhabitable and everywhere else a place where tensions were high as humanity he tried to rebuild and you had found yourself a rather profitable business as a scavenger, running back into the highly infected areas willingly to collect things that people wanted with everything from weapons to  family heirlooms for a decent price.

However you couldn’t help but feel that, despite the exorbitant amount of money you’d been paid for this exhibition, that you were a little bit over your head especially given that your client was one of the scientists that worked on the fungus. They wanted you to go to the center of the infection, deep within one of the now abandoned and ruined government blocks to retrieve some data, apparently something that could be used to create something to kill off the infection once and for all. Now you were here, in the center of the wretched city where all of this started, your hand clenched around your gun as you would run, being aware that some random bandits could arrive and try and kill you at any moment as a shadow passed over your body with you looking up to see just what you wanted.

It was the building you were looking for, the Axicten skyscraper, the windows having all smashed to bits with moss and leaves covering everything that remained like it was some kind of abandoned gravestone. The building was imposing and dark, shadings draping the insides before you decided to holster your gun and grabbed ahold of your torch, turning it on and you entered the insides to see that the ground floor was utterly ruined from years of rain, wind and general rot. The walls were covered in a mixture of a green substance and off white paint, the roof clearly having bubbles in it from when water had soaked into it and the floor seemed to have taken the worse hit of it with it almost being like the floor was going to burst open if you stepped on it although you doubted that would happen.

You would move onto the floor, feeling as the soaked carpet leaked under your feet and the wood bent under your weight, the sound of creaking echoing out , much to your annoyance since any clickers now knew you were in the building. You quickly moved through the ruined lobby and towards the backend of the building where the data supposedly was, seeing that everything was rotting from the inside out as you walked, ripped apart wires sticking out of the walls and broken lights littering the roof. Eventually you got to the database at the back of the building with you starting to go through the now faded plastic to find the hard drive eventually finding it lodged between two of the servers with you ripping it out of its plastic prison and pocketing it, your side of the bargain now nearly down.

However, just as you took a couple steps out back into the hallway you’d hear the  sound of wooden bakers snapping into two and the ground suddenly jutting a couple of inches down as you suddenly felt a twinge of fear move through your body. That twinge would escalate rather quickly when you felt the floor completely give way under you, a mixture of wood and carpet flying into your face before you realized you were falling right into the basement, covering your face before you slammed into the concrete. You would groan as you would suddenly hear the sound of something falling off the shelf, the sound of shattering glass echoing out across the air as you suddenly felt some kind of substance cover you, the liquid seemingly soaking right through your clothes in moments.

You instantly get up onto your feet, feeling as pain pushed across your front of your entire body before you looked down to see that some kind of pink substance was on the floor, one that was all over your body now.  You would try and wipe it off as you would see the shadows start shifting around with you praying to god that whatever this was wasn’t toxic and that what you were seeing in the shadows was just rats but that hope was dashed when you heard a very familiar clicking noise. You closed your eyes for a couple seconds, praying to any god that would listen that this was just a dream and you’d wake up on a mattress somewhere with you opening your eyes to see that it wasn’t rats hiding in the shadows but a pack of clickers, four of them to be exact.

You glanced around for a moment before looking at one of them, your eyes first locking onto the ruined head to see that the entire top half of her head was gone, a brown mushroom exploding out of the stump, her mouth and plump lips hanging ajar, drool dripping down her dirt and fungus covered chin. Her arms were covered in row after row of mushrooms, most of them having ripped apart her skin to get to this point although it seems that her tires had swollen up immensely from before she was infected judging by the face you could see her shirt threatening to break as she let out her shallow breathes, her nipples poking through the fabric as your eyes pushed further and further downwards. Her legs were covered in the same rows of fungus that her arms were as well, although this time the fungus only went up to her thigh instead of just consuming the entire limb which meant that her thighs and her waist was exposed, their pussies seemingly having been puffed out like her tits were.

You would hear as they would all start clicking again, tongues writhing around their mouths and teeth before they would seem to start breathing heavier, the beasts promptly pouncing towards you in the process. At that moment you figured that you were a dead man, one of the many people who had been ripped up by these creatures before their bodies collided with your own, slamming you down to the ground as they were surrounded by wet flesh and heaving lungs, drool dripping all over the floor. That was when you realized that they weren’t going to bite you, their teeth’s clenching and grinding against one another as you realized that they were instead sniffing the air around you with you figuring this was something to do with the pink goo you had spilled on yourself.

Suddenly you felt as one of them would pounce right onto your chest, her feet pushing against your stomach whilst her hands landed right at either side of your head, scratching against the concrete as she did so. The woman would quickly move face to face with her, her mouth opening up before her tongue rolled out of her mouth, spit pooling at the end of it as she would start moving closer and closer to your face with you being unable to escape as the others would crouch beside your body. Suddenly her head would proceed to slam down onto your own, her lips pushing right up against yours as her tongue pushing deep into your mouth, her spit instantly spraying all over your mouth as she would move her tongue across your teeth before eventually finding your own tongue.

She would start curling around your tongue, slowly and slowly constricting it until you were entirely at her mercy, the other clickers grabbing hold of your trousers as they realized that they had you at their mercy. They would quickly rip apart your trousers with her hands, slowly tearing the fabric into pieces before throwing them away, your underwear being ripped apart in the process which meant your cock was fully exposed to both of them, a couple of curious clicks echoing out across the air in the process. You’d hear the sound of their breathing becoming louder and louder as they seemed to try and stare at your cock, clicking and clicking out into the air before you’d feel as they would start crawling closer and closer to you and your member.

You would then feel as a warm tongue would push up against your member,a second tongue joining in a moment later as the wet organs ran against your veins, kneading against your most sensitive areas in the process. You’d feel as these slow licks became quicker and quicker, the beasts moving from base to tip and slathering your cock in their thick drool, the hands twisting around your legs as they would eventually start pushing their plump, chapped lips against your cock, panting wildly as they did so. You would then feel as a third tongue would start licking away at tier balls, twisting against them as their lips would quickly press against the bottom eventually enveloping them entire, suckling away at them as the two that were servicing your cock grew even more intensely lustful. 

As the air in your mouth grew warmer and warmer from sharing a kiss with the beasts, the clickers moaned and gasped out into the air as the two clickers that were lapping at your cock started to kiss at it, moaning loudly in the process. The kisses would grow more and more lustful by the second, the kisses lasting for longer as their tongues would push and whip around your cock, slathering them in layer after layer of spit before pulling away, spit beading the lips together before they moved onto another section of your cock. Suddenly you’d feel the woman’s tongue unwind from your own, pulling away before letting out a mixture of a howl and a scream which caused the other three women to pull away from your cock, the infested woman turning around as you did so.

The woman would slowly move over to your cock, clicking her tongue as the others would back away and crawl up to rest their hands onto her chest, the clicker that had just stopped kissing turning around so she was facing you. You then watched as she would plant her hands on your stomach, the fingers spasming all over the place as she would start raising her hips up into the air, her pussy dripping all over the place like it was a broken facet before she would stop moving, her back twisted at a inhuman angle.  Eventually you’d see as her legs would start to shake, her entire lewd body shuddering somewhat before she proceeded to slam herself down onto your cock, groaning loudly into the air as you would do the same, the three other women clicking away in satisfaction as she did so.

You could feel as her pussy would clench around your cock, her soft inner walls rubbing against your cock due to how puffed up it seemed for be before she would proceed to start moving herself upwards again, doing so in one quick and jutting motion. She would proceed to slam down a moment later, knocking the wind out of you somewhat as she would let out a gargle-like moan before raising up and doing it again with this motion being faster than the last, her fingers pushing deeper into your skin as she did so. She would repeat the process several times over, going faster and faster with each repeat of the sequence to the point that she was rapidly slamming against you like a dog in heat, her pussy clenching and clenching around you as if she was trying to squeeze the cum out of you.

Meanwhile the three other clickers seemingly sensed the quickening of your heartbeat, the three of them proceeding to place their lips and tongues against your chest, starting to kiss and lick away at it, only enhancing the pleasure of the clicker riding you. You could feel their plump lips rubbing and pushing against your skin, their tongues starting to wipe all over your skin, their hands managing to find themselves all over your body, some of them grabbing hold of your arms whilst others found themselves near your face. Meanwhile the woman would keep bouncing and bouncing away on your cock, somehow managing to find a way to go even faster against you compared to how she was moving before, her groans becoming louder and louder as she ground her tongue against her mouth.

The thrusts had completely lost all sense of rhythm and flow, instead just slamming and slamming down onto your cock with her pussy fluids now flowing all over your thighs and your waist as she groaned more and more. You could feel as her pussy spasmed around your cock at random, her inner walls pushing against your cock and pushing against tight most sensitive areas, the woman’s hands plunging her hands onto your stomach, the other three women looking up to see their fellow clicker enjoying herself. You could see her massive chest bouncing around in the air, tearing and tearing with each thrust she would make before eventually exploding completely, exposing them to the air as her fellow clickers kept licking and kissing at your chest.

That was the moment you felt as her cock would start throbbing inside of her pussy, rubbing and pushing against her tight inner walls as they would twitch and clench back, rubbing against your veins in the process. You could also feel the pressure of your cum building up at the tip of your cock growing more and more intense as you tried to hold it in, assuming that this was the only reason that she hadn’t killed you yet although it was getting harder and harder to hold it in as time went on. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, the pressure getting too much for you to bare before you began to cum inside of her, ropes starting to spray out of your cock before she would slam herself down one last time, grinding against your waist before she clenched around your cock.

You could feel as a massive burst would first shoot out of your cock splattering across her inner walls as she would moan and claw eagerly at you as your ropes would push deeper and deeper inside of her zombified woman. These ropes would simply keep growing and growing and eventually reaching its peak, a massive rope of cum pushing out and nestling deep inside of her womb, the woman shivering in delight, her fingers relaxing for a brief moment before she went back to grasping at your skin again. Of course your orgasm would start winding down again, gasping slightly as your ropes would grow slower and less intense, eventually being reduced to nothing but drops as you laid there, utterly exhausted as the other clickers would raise their heads somewhat.

As you would breath heavily to try and get some cold air into your lungs before the woman would start moving upwards, the other three women grew more and more alert before the last woman proceeded to pull herself off your cock. What happened next could only be described as a mad scramble for your cock, the three women slamming into one another and getting into a fight above your cock, the clickers making some of the most aggressive and violent sounds the human vocal cords would allow someone to make. Meanwhile the clicker that had popped off your cock proceeded to move over your face, grabbing ahold of your face and slowly moving down to it, her mouth opening and her tongue rolling out of her mouth as she went to kiss you once again.

That was when you realized that this wasn’t going to end until all four of the women were satisfied which, given that the first woman had an insane amount of stamina, meant this was going to take a long, long while yet. That was when you heard a triumphant roar echoing out across the air, one of the other clickers clearly winning the scuffle before the victor would proceed to place her hands onto your stomach and started to crouch down above your cock before starting to move your hips upwards again. As you watched these hips raise higher and higher as your heart would quicken inside of your chest yet again, a hand pushing your cheek somewhat so you couldn’t see the other clickers which means you had to wait until you felt her infected hips slam down onto your body.And you’d have to do it again and again.

Until they were satisfied. 


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