Blink and you’ll miss it (Weeping angels)

 The last couple weeks haven’t been the best for you especially given that work hasn’t been going too well with nagging customers and nagging higher ups but you also had to deal with your girlfriend who turned out to be not as loyal as you expected her to be, cheating on you with someone that you didn’t care to think about. Now you decided that you might as well use your time that you would be spending with your girlfriend  to chill out instead, looking around for some places to explore and walk around so you could unwind and put the last couple weeks behind you, glancing through google maps to see if there were any abandoned buildings that were in a good enough state for you to explore. You had originally considered going to the abandoned apartment building on the edge of town but you figured that there could be police still lurking around the area since it was a technically still a government building which was when your eyes moved over to the shut down hotel that was in the east of the city, one of which you knew didn’t have any security at all.

So you quickly went to pack, throwing a flashlight and a few snacks just in case you got hungry on the trip, throwing your bag over your arm before leaving and starting your trek through the city, hoping to forget all that happened the past couple weeks. It was a pretty long trip with you having to walk yourself all over the place before you got to the abandoned section of the city, the few people that were on the streets becoming zero, the roads being eerily quiet before you proceeded to see the hotel in the distance. The hotel looked like it was about to fall apart, the paint having been eroded off the wall, stains dragging down it whilst most of the windows having been boarded up, the sign that was once lit up having been broken down and rusted apart, a few of the letters looking like they were about to fall off.

As you got closer and closer you noticed that there were several angel statues standing outside of it, all of them having their hands covering their faces as if they were weeping although what you found curious was that they weren’t there when the hotel was actually active. As you walked up to them you’d swear that they would move inches across the ground, some moving closer and some moving further away from you but you figured that couldn’t be possible as you turned to the entrance of the hotel. It was obvious that people had been here before, the wooden boards that covered up the doors either being crowbarred onto the dirt or kicked into the hotel lobby with you simply, grabbing ahold of one of the doors and swinging it open, letting yourself inside of the hotel.

You’d look around the lobby to see that it was surprisingly clean despite the fact that it was obviously abandoned, the check out desk being covered in dust and wallpaper peeling off the walls somewhat, the walls expanding due to the moisture within them. You jumped over the desk and looked over the keyrack, your eyes eventually drifting through the many keys before you proceeded to find the key to the penthouse, grinning and grabbing ahold of the key before shoving it in your pocket. With that you would walk out from the desk and started the climb up to the top floor, figuring that the elevator wasn’t working given the state of the outside which was when you found something within one of the stair walls that shocked you somewhat, stopping you Stone cold in your tracks.

It was another angel, in the exact same pose as the rest and appeared that it had been placed there long ago, dust seeming to cover everything but the stone as you decided to walk past it and began to walk up the stairwell again. As you walked up the stairs you’d see more and more statues around the place, some of them being in the corner of the stairwells, facing the wall and staring into their hands whilst others lurked in the corridors, appearing just in sight despite being covered in shadow. Eventually you reached the penthouse, not seeing any angels this height up before you proceeded to put the key in the door and started to jangle it around, eventually managing to get the key into the mechanism, twisting it and eventually hearing the lock click and the door slowly opened.

You opened the door and walked into the penthouse sweet, seeing it all in its expensive glory as you grabbed your torch and looked around the place, moving across the built-in kitchen and eventually seeing the bedroom door at the other end of the room. Interested in seeing what it was like, you walked over to it and opened the door, moving into the darkness before fiddling around with the switch for a couple of  moments before you turned the lights on, seeing the very impressive bed in the middle of the room. You then looked around the area to see the rest of the room before you managed to glance at your watch, looking down at it when you realized that it was going to be late, turning around to go out through the door before you saw a sight that made you jump in shock.

It was two of the stone angels that had been lurking around the hotel only that had not only moved but had also changed position entirely, the hands that were once placed around their faces now with you also noticing the nails of the angels seemed sharper. Your eyes then looked into their faces, seeing that they both seemed to have smiles placed upon their lips, their eyes completely devoid of all emotion as you blinked which was when you realized they changed position again. This time one of them hand moved next to the light switch,finger placed right underneath the switch as you saw that the their angel had moved closer with you eventually blinking again to hear a clicking sound, opening your eyes to complete black room as you tried to turn on your torch to see that they had taken it from your hand.

You would start to move backwards, unsure of where you were going to go next before you felt yourself pushed against a hard stone body, trying to move before a hand clutched ahold of your wrist with you now trapped within a stone grip. The other hand would move to the top of your shirt with you predicting looking down to see your shirt within her talons with you then proceeding to blink to seem your shirt was pulled up somewhat, another pair of hands having found themselves resting against your hips. “You’re wondering who we are, aren’t you?” A voice asked from the deep abyss that was the hotel room with you simply letting out a nod since you were too worried to speak, feeling as your belt was yanked off and dropped to the ground in the process.

“We are the weeping angels of old. We are from before your time and we are not statues, we only appear as such.” Another voice would say, presumably the other angel as your trousers were dragged down to your knees. “Humans are curious creatures, so warm, so very very warm. Curiously our biology is also compatible, as long as we're not hungry.” The explanation continued as the trousers found themselves right down at your ankles as your shirt was pushing up against your neck and chin. You would then let out a slight yell when you felt a cold hand moving out to your crotch, seemingly catching it mid grope whilst the other hand had a few fingers parting your underwear from your trousers, a brief gasp echoing from the both of them as they would speak again.

“Oh yes, I feel like you’ll be VERY compatible. You see, all our males who came to this planet have been wiped out by time lord trickery.” She would say as you would blink again, finding your underwear pulled down to knees. “We require humans to mate with, most we simply kidnap off the street but you came. That means you’re willing.” She would say as you wondered what the hell they were going on about before you would blink one last time to see your underwear down at your ankles and your shirt having been cleanly taken off your body. With that the hands disappeared into the darkness as the sounds of chattering would come from between the two angels before you heard the lights click on again, your eyes widening at what had appeared in front of you.

The angels were now completely naked with you being shocked that you were able to do that with your eyes first moving over to their faces to see them grinning eagerly at you, their sharp teeth being on full display as you moved down their cold stone necks to look at their now completely naked chest, their wings outstretched behind them. Both of the women had pretty large sets of tits, a few cracks in the concrete running across her breasts with darker concrete seemingly making up the areola and nipples, your eyes staring affixed to them before your blink again to see one of them playing with their tits, seemingly being caught mid grope before your eyes glanced down to the rest of their bodies. Their bodies were somewhat curvy as well with you being able to see a stone pussy resting between a pair of rather thick stone thighs, the pussy themselves seeming somewhat pussy in nature before you’d blink again and see them move closer towards you, the light being switched off again before you proceeded of hear another voice again.

“We promise you this, we shall not feed you. We are loyal within our words.” One of them would explain as you wondered what you’d do next, a hand outstretching from the darkness  and pointing right at the bed. You then moved yourself over to the bed, laying yourself face up on it as you’d hear them move within the darkness, blinking and suddenly feeling weigh against your legs, the stone angel staring down at your body with her stone pussy staying right above your cock, her hands resting on her own thighs in the process. You’d blink again to see that the other angel proceeded to move over your head, the woman’s pussy resting above you before they both proceeded to drop themselves on you, a groan briefly escaping your mouth before you were silenced by the other angel.

Despite the cold stone outsides you were shocked to find out that the insides of the angels were actually soft, warm and fleshly, feeling as those inner walls pushed against your cock before she began to move up your crotch. You could feel as the inner walls would clutch and wipe themselves across your cock, her teeth pressed against one another as she would gasp out into the air, the woman eventually making it up to your tip which is when she would stop, waiting for a brief moment as she did so. Eventually she would manage to get her control together, the woman clutching your chest for a brief moment before she proceeded to slam her hips back down onto your own, feeling the stone pushing against you before she’d start moving herself back up again.

Meanwhile you’d feel as the angel that was above your face would start grinding her pussy against your lips, the woman clearly wanting something from you as you decided to stick your tongue out and push it against her cunt. Judging by the sound of moaning above you, you assumed that you were doing what she wanted so you moved your hands up to her stone thighs and started lapping away at her cunt, feeling the heat of her pussy rapidly building up against 

your tongue as you did so. You could feel her hands touching your own, her fingers interlocking with you’re before she proceeded to grind even harder against your tongue then beforehand, out of the angel seeming pretty impressed as you felt a set of claws start digging deeper into your chest.

That was when you felt as the angel's hips started to go faster against your cock, the woman moving up and down at a rate that was growing much more rapid by the moment, increasing the feeling of pleasure moving across your dick. The angel that was resting against your face would do the exact same, grinding up against your lips faster and faster and making sure that your tongue would start to push inside of her pussy with you now being able to feel the warmth pushing and pressing against your tongue in the process. You responded to this by clutching her thighs harder and moving your head upwards, digging your tongue nice and deep inside of her before starting to writhe around inside of her, causing a chorus of moans to escape her mouth.

You would attempt to do the same with the angel, trying to thrust up into her stone hips as she moved upwards with the attempts being greeted by the feeling of her stone hips ramming right down onto your hips as she would do so, bringing you down onto the mattress. This would cause her to hold your hips down with your own a few times as well, grinding her hips against yours and feeling as her pussy would smear against your base before she pulled up and rammed against you once again. Eventually you would grow tired of simply laying down on the bed and letting them work with you pulling away from one of the angel's holes, feeling the taste of her fluids against your tongue as you gave her a slap on the thigh, a slight bit of pain moving across your hand as you did so.

“Hey, how about the two of you bend over for me, would you?” You said, the two of them letting out hushed whispers to themselves as they proceeded to move into position,both of them bent over, exposing their holes to you in the process. They’d bury their faces in the pillows as you moved up to one of their asses, feeling the cold stone against your hands as you would move your hips backwards, briefly grinding up against her pussy which would make her let out a slight purr of pleasure. You then proceeded to slam your hips right against her own, moving quickly deep inside of her until you were pressing against her stone with you getting acclimated to her insides before you started much more rapidly, the purr from the statue becoming a series of muffled moans.

As you would ram against your hips you’d feel as her pussy would clench around your cock, the woman’s wet inner walls squeezing against the tip of your cock and slowly moving down to the base, the clenching growing more and more intense by the moment. After a few minutes of thrusting you’d decide to give the other angel some love, pulling out of the other angels pussy and feeling as her fluids dripped off onto the mattress before you moved over to the other angel, grabbing her stone ass in the process. You heard the brief moan that came from her mouth before you pushed yourself deep inside of her, feeling as her warm inner walls would clench against your cock as you noticed that the two of them still had their heads buried into the pillows, moaning and gasping as they did so.

You let out a brief growl to yourself as you heard their muffled moans echo out from the pillows, pulling out of the left Angels pussy and moving towards the other ones once again, slamming inside of her as you started speaking. “Come on and get those heads out of those pillows, I want to see you moaning.” You said to them and within a few blinks later the faces were pushed out of your pillows with you being able to see the stone faces twisting and moving into pleasured smiles with each blink that you’d perform. You’d go between the angels at a near constant rate, going from one to the other whilst feeling as your cock would linger in the cold for a couple moments before being plunged into pleasurable warmth yet again, your fingers twitching in the process.

You’d do this for several minutes before you felt as your cock began to throb inside of their pussies with you feeling it pulse against the air as you switched from one angel to the other, the angels letting out a set of  pleasured hisses as they did so. You could feel the distinct feeling of pressure building up at the tip of your cock,making it harder and harder to not cum inside of them with every ounce of thought that you were putting into not cumming only delaying the inevitable. Of course, it would eventually get to the point where your body simply couldn’t take it anymore, slamming down into one of the angels pussy and starting to cum inside of her, the woman letting out a moan into the air as the other angel would watch, the first ropes escaping your cock all the while.

You could feel as the ropes exploded out of your tip, spraying all over the woman’s insides as they started to grow and grow in pressure and intensity, pushing deeper and deeper into the angel's cunt as you did so. Eventually your orgasm would reach its peak,ropes escaping your cock with such force that it nearly winded you, pushing deep inside of her pussy as you pulled out and slammed your cock into the other one, a few ropes covering their stone skin before you started filling the other angel's womb. Your orgasm would start to wind down once you reached your peak, your ropes growing smaller and smaller before eventually turning into mere drops, exhausted breath escaping your mouth as you would keep your hands firmly clutched around the angel's waist.

You would pull out of the angel’s pussy, feeling as a combination of jizz and pussy fluids dripped off your cock and onto the mattress, the two women seeming equally exhausted with cum dripping out of their pussies. You would briefly look them in the eye before you proceeded to collapse into the bed, feeling absolutely exhausted as you felt sweat drip down your chest, your eyes feeling heavier and heavier by the moment as you’d see the angels start to shift above you, half submerged in the darkness. They’d eventually move over you, both of the, chatting to one another in words that you couldn’t fully make up as you felt your eyes getting closer and closer to shutting before shutting completely and having you fall asleep as the angels looked over your body.

You would open your eyes up to see the hotel roof above you, pulling your head off the pillow and looking around to see the angels were at your side and that your entire body felt like it was covered in sweat and various other filth. You’d lay there for a few moments, mainly trying to get your balance back before you walked into the bathroom, looking around and grabbing ahold of the two,watching as water would flow out of the metal pipe as you let out a sigh of relief into the air as you would do so. With that you’d turn the shower on, hearing as the rapidly warming water hit the bathtub before you gained a idea, moving your hand to the light switch and shutting it off before you stepped into the shower and shut your eyes, waiting for your two angels to come and join you to have some more fun.


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