Now in Technicolor

 You could feel your legs aching, the feeling of your muscles and bones burning inside of your skin being prevalent as you and your friend ran through the mall, the abandoned building having a distinct smell of mold moving through it, spires of moonlight pushing through the holes that had been pushed into the roof. As you ran you thought over the series of events that had managed to get you into this situation in the first place, remembering when you had had been asked by one of your friends to go and explore this abandoned mall in the outskirts of the city which you decided to agree too even though you didn’t really want to go inside during the night due to not wanting to be stabbed by a homeless man. However you were assured that there was nothing in the mall so you eventually got them to pick you up at your place as to drive everyone over to the abandoned building, the rapidly falling about concrete block looming over you as you would go to enter, the shadow of the building causing a chill to move across  your body in the process.

At first everything was fine, the door was wide open so you just walked right in, the cameras started rolling and everyone was making jokes or wondering what could have been with the ruined mall. However, when you were walking around you couldn’t help but feel that something was watching you as you walked around the area, hearing sounds coming from the darkness  and occasionally seeing a tall figure but every time you shrugged it off, figuring the state of the building was just causing everything to be creepier than it was. However, it soon proved itself to be foreshadowing as one of you went into the darkness, a scream echoing out across the mall and causing you to run towards the source with you seeing nothing left but a pair of glasses and a dirty red stain laying on the floor.

At this point you all decided to run to the door to drive off and get some help to deal with whatever the hell had just taken one of your crew members, the darkness seemingly all encompassing and  almost acting like walls against you all. However, when you got a reasonable distance from the blood stain you’d suddenly see something leap out from the darkness and grabbed hold of the camera guy, a brief scream echoing out before he was dragged into the abyss, a sharp crack echoing out as the screams were plunged into silence. After that you all decided to run deeper into the store, the creature seeming to notice and begin to give chase, the sounds of unequal footsteps echoing out as you heard another scream, another one of you being dragged into the creature's grasp.

After that the footsteps would cease but you and the remaining member of the crew kept on running, not willing to be caught in the creatures grasp before you two saw a clothing shop with the shutter half open. “Quick, get in there!” You shouted, your friend nodding as you proceeded to crouch yourself down and move underneath the shutter, almost sliding through as your friend would do the same, stopping for a moment to get your breath as you’d glance around the ruins of the shop. There were mannequins strewn across the floor, ripped apart and scattered along the tiles, empty clothes rack rusting away in the middle of the store before you saw a door at the other end of the room, covered in wooden boards which seemed to be towards an exit of some kind.

“Right, try and find a metal bar or something to get those boards down, i’ll try and break it down myself!” You said as your friend nodded and ran off behind you with you passing a series of dressing booths before reaching the door. You would start tugging at the boards above you and kicking at the boards below you with a few of them smashing in two when your foot slammed into them whilst a few of the boards in front of you were so weakly hammered into the door that they eventually slid right out. As you keep kicking and pulling you’d suddenly hear the sound of something moving quickly behind you, your blood running cold and your hairs standing on end before you turned around, your eyes widening slightly to see that your friend was waving at you from one of the clothing booths.

You would quickly figure that the creature was nearby and that he had ducked within the booth to hide from it with you quickly running up to the booth, glancing around the darkness to see nothing hiding within it. You looked over to the booth to realize that something was off, the arm ducking into the booth just before you arrived at the doorway, a few drops of red resting on the floor as you grabbed ahold of the clothing booth door, opening it quickly with the intent of jumping in before you were stopped in your tracks. It was your friend's arm, having been ripped off at the elbow and thrown down to the floor, blood starting to pool as you would start to look upwards to see your tormentor standing there, your eyes eventually locking onto its own before you would start taking in what you were dealing with.

The creature’s head was in the shape of a cat with a pair of what seemed to be ears stuck out the top of it’s head but it’s face was like something out of a particularly horrifying Fleischer cartoon with a pair of absolutely massive eyes and a lipless mouth with extremely long teeth hiding within, it’s nose being small and button like. Your eyes moved down from the head and traced it’s incredibly long and almost stick-like neck to her collarbone before moving to her surprisingly large tits, the woman having a rather puffy set of nipples as you would look a little bit further down  to see it’s pussy, dripping away at it’s own thighs with the entire torso being covered in smooth ink black skin. The creature had a set of long arms that easily were as long as the actually creature itself with the arms being like rubber hoses in that they had no joints that you could see, it’s hands either being covered in a pair of large four fingered gloves or simply being shaped like them, the gloves being a almost striking white as you stared, not even being able to scream at this point.

The creature would quickly stretch out and grab ahold of your body, dragging you into the booth with her as you tried and failed to fight back against her, the woman shutting the door behind you as she would do so. The woman lifted you up to her face, the woman’s massive eyes staring at you intently before you’d watch as the mouth of the beast would start to open itself, the teeth parting ways whilst the jaw moved in one, fluid movement with it almost feeling like it was opening the same way a puppets would.  Within her mouth you’d see a inky black tongue, writhing and flicking around the insides of it’s mouth, the tongue slowly slithering out of the fleshy cage that had been created for it, the organ quickly moving over your cheek and leaving a inky black smear against your face.

You’d then feel as the tongue would move down to your neck, wiping it up and down your skin as if to taunt you about how you couldn’t escape her now with you knowing any attempt to fight back would end in your death. Then the tongue would pull away, hanging in the air much like a viper before her tongue proceeded to slam itself against your lips, resistance being futile as she pushed past both your lips and your teeth in order to tangle with your tongue, waving the wet organ around as she curled around it. You would quickly feel as the kiss would grow violent, the woman clutching your head harshly in your hand as she would quickly fill your mouth up which made your jaw open even more, drool dripping off your teeth as she began to push her tongue even deeper.

 You felt as the tongue began to slowly burrow itself down your throat, the fat and wet organ dripping thick drool right down your gullet as you’d start to choke on her tongue as you tried to pull away from the  beast slightly, failing. You could feel your chest burn somewhat as her tongue would writhe inside of your throat with you assuming that this was a very elaborate way of killing you, your own body starting to twitch involuntarily as you would try and escape your rapidly approaching death by choking in the process. However, just as you felt you were on the cusp of life, she suddenly pulled her tongue out of your mouth, leaving you panting into the air as drool dripped down her jaw, the woman’s other hand moving to your shirt and ripping it off in one clean motion.

The woman kept ripping and ripping away at your clothes, throwing the fabric all over the place before she proceeded to slam you into the bench within the booth, causing the entire structure to shake somewhat as she would do so. The beast would proceed to sit onto your hips, the woman wedging her asscheeks against your cock so that you’d let out a moan between your gasps before you started to see her hips raising up into the air, the woman’s pussy dripping all across your cock as she would smear them across it.The woman would stay in the air for a few seconds, hovering over your cock as she stared at you intensely, waiting for a couple of seconds before she proceeded to slam herself down onto your cock, letting out a growl into the air as she would do so.

You could feel as the woman’s hips jammed against your own, the woman grinding you into the bench for a couple seconds before she began to raise herself up, her head moving downwards so that she can rest her head next to your own. As she went further and further up your cock as her mouth began to open again, the woman’s tongue starting to lick and lick away at your neck and cheek again, slathering it in her dark black spit as she did so before she proceeded to rest against the tip of your cock. The woman would wait for a couple secondment, savoring in your fear and confusion before she proceeded to slam herself back down onto your cock as she would do so, the woman’s pussy clenching and pushing around your cock as a distorted purr escaped from her teeth.

She would keep doing this, moving up and down your cock at a slow pace and a brutal strength with you feeling as if the bench was about to collapse if she thrusted into it a couple more times, much to your fear. You could feel as the creatures boneless arms would start to wrap around your body like a boa constrictor would, the grip getting closer and closer before you felt a  pair of hands grab ahold of your thighs, slowly spreading your legs and moving them so that they were latched around her body. She then lifted you off the bench, the woman groaning out as your head found itself between her breasts, the warmth pushing out against your head as she looked down at you, the woman’s tongue moving out and licking your face as her hips began to move even faster than beforehand.

You could hear the sounds of wet plapping and distorted moaning around you ,the woman slamming into you with such force that your hips would have moved backwards somewhat if her grip against your legs wasn’t as iron as it was. The woman’s pussy was clenching more and more against your member by the moment, the woman’s sadistically clenching so that she would crush the most sensitive areas of your cock with her walls, making a muffled moan escape from her tits each and every single time that she did it.You could also feel as she was leaking more and more fluids, the womans pussy juices splashing all over your cock and thighs, drenching you in her lust as you felt as her hand would grab ahold of your head, yanking it upwards in the process.

You stared into her eyes as she gasped and shivered, the woman’s mouth slowly opening back up to reveal that massive tongue again, any chance of escape being hindered by her hand pushing your head between those large, soft breasts. You then felt as the tongue would keep wiping against your face, curling around your skull before she would start to slather your lips in her thick and sticky drool before she would find the middle of your lips, writhing around somewhat as she would do so. You then felt as the tongue would start to part your lips, the drool filled tip oozing all over your lips as she would eventually get to your teeth, starting to lather them in drool before she proceeded to shove her tongue forward, parting your jaw and letting her have free range of your mouth.

You would also feel as her hips would also start speeding up, eventually becoming so rapidly you couldn’t hear anything other than the sounds of the two of you having one sided and utterly lustful sex as she would keep you in her nightmarish kiss. The woman’s inner walls were in full motion now, moving from your base to your tip whenever you were deep enough inside of her causing you to groan and moan out even though those moans were muffled by her thick tongue slowly deepening it’s grasp within you. The wet organ would start grasping and pushing against your cheeks as she panted and breathed against the air, her tongue slowly teasing the back of your mouth before pushing down your throat, causing you to let out several coughs as you did so, the woman ignoring that completely.

That was when you felt as you began to throb inside of her, grunting out into the air as you felt your cock to push up against your inner walls, the inner walls responding by clenching against your cock in an almost vice-like manner. You could feel the sensation of you being choked out of most of the air you still had inside of your lungs, groaning out as the pressure at the tip of your cock got more and more intense, threatening to explode at any moment as she used you like a sextoy. Eventually you couldn’t take it all anymore, the absolute sea of sensory melting pleasure combined with the rapidly overflowing and choking kiss caused you orgasmed inside of her, the first pearly ropes escaping your cock and splattering all over her dark inner walls as she clenched your cock like a vaccum.

You could feel as rope after rope would escape your cock, flowing out and covering her walls, the ropes only growing more intense by the moment which means they were pushing even deeper inside of her then they were beforehand. You orgasm would reach it’s peak within a minute with you orgasming so hard that it took what remained of your breath away almost, the woman letting out a ever so slight moan as she felt the cum push up against her deep against inside of her, her fingers loosening her grip slightly as well. You could feel as the ropes would slowly dwindle after that, fewer and fewer ropes coming out of your cock at slower and slower speeds unitl a few drops leaked out of your cock, signifying that your orgasm came to an end as she let out a sigh.

The woman would eventually vacate your mouth, her tongue dripping with a mixture of her own spit and your spit, the woman letting out a slight chuckle as she looked down at your exhausted and broken body, the entire thing aching. You were expecting her to let you leave or at very least expecting to be dropped onto the ground but instead she kept you held against her breasts, your cock still being nestled inside of her as she began to walk out of the box as your conciseness started to wane. As she walked you’d hear the sound of her whistling a old showtime with there something ominous about it coming from her inhuman mouth as she walked deeper and deeper into the mall with you wondering what would come next as you passed out in her grasp.


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