It’s all gone to hell

 Everything in the building that once was a uac fest facility was covered in a flashing red and black aura as a siren would scream above you, the shrill sound echoing through the metal building which gave the sirens scream a distorted feel as if it was being dragged deeper and deeper into Hell itself, something that wasn’t too far from the truth given the situation. You had always known that the portal opening was an horrifyingly terrible idea no matter how much energy could have been gained from it but the hire ups wouldn’t listen and forced the portal to be opened, only for something to come out through the other side and attacked the first person that they saw, a horde of demons pouring through the gate a moment afterwards. Now the entirety of the facility had been taken over as well as parts of mars in its entirety which meant you and the remaining humans were fighting to survive, trying to take everything that you could to help you which meant that you were armed and armored to the teeth.

You were holding your pistol in your hands with it being powered by a super high powered battery which meant that you essentially had unlimited ammo as long as you allowed the gun to cool down every nice and a while. As well as that you had a rifle of the more conventional kind strapped around your back, the hunk of metal straining somewhat on your back since not only was it full to the brim but it also had an attachment on it that allowed it to shoot a few micro missiles at anything that came by. As you kept walking down the metal corridor you’d hear the sound of something above you, the footsteps being large and heavy, shaking the roof somewhat, causing the sirens to scream even louder and causing you to become even more on guard then beforehand. 

You’d quickly switch out your pistol for your rifle, placing the pistol by your hip before you felt as the rifle burdened your hands, the gun feeling heavy and powerful as if you were carrying around an anti tank rifle. You were soon glad that you had managed to switch in time as you certainly heard the bending of metal and the slashing of wires, the fizzing electrical sounds echoing through the air as the siren was silenced leaving you and the beast with only the light to accompany you both. You could hear each footstep that the creature made, hearing how the floor broke underneath the feet as you would clutch your gun close to your chest and put your back to the wall, getting ready for a fight as you would do so, the demon letting out a loud roar into the air.

A moment later a piece of rebar would fly across the hallway that was attached to your own, scraping across the ground and leaving rough and jagged marks across the floor and the roof, taking plates all along with it. You would ready yourself for what was coming around the corner with you pressing a button on the gun to let the micro missiles out, hearing the brief pop of the metal compartment  with the hiss of steam blowing out against the air,the missiles all priming at once for added efficiency. You took a deep breath and turned a corner into the hallway, hearing a brief grunt before you jammed your finger against the trigger before several missiles pushed out into the air and slammed right into the demon, smoke filling the air and causing you to cough slightly when the volley was over.

You would wait for several moments for something to hit the ground with baited breath, backing away from the smoke slightly before you proceeded to see a silhouette in a shadow which caused your eyes to widen as you switched to shooting normal ammo. The bullets would move through the smoke and would hit various objects, from the walls behind and around the beast to a couple hitting the demon itself but none of them were able to stop it but they did seem to damage the demon somewhat. The demon would move its fist into the air before slamming its fist against your arms, forcing the rifle out of your hand and making it bounce off down the hallway as you were slammed into a somewhat far away wall which allowed you to get a good look at the demon.

The first place that you looked was her head, her fanged maw bared into a angry grimace before your eyes moved to her own eyes of which seemed to be glowing with some kind of demonic energy, massive horns sticking out of her head and curling around to the front of her face, your eyes moving down to her chest. That was when you got the confirmation that she was, in fact, a so,an as she seemed to bare a pair of massive breasts, the tits being coloured the  same pinkish red that the rest of her body had been, her arms looking muscular  and her hands being massive and tipped with knife like claws, seemingly able to tear through metal as if it was butter. You then looked down to her lower half, seeing a pair of rather huge thighs with a rather obvious pussy resting between them, her thick lips protruding someone from her pussy with you also noticing a couple drops of pussy fluids dripping onto them before she would proceed to start running towards you.

You would quickly come to your senses and grab hold of your pistol, taking it out of your pocket and starting to fire rapidly, the volley of plasma shots seemingly annoying the creature more than the bullets given that it seemed to slow her down somewhat. Either way she would quickly look over you, a growl escaping her mouth as you shot a couple of plasma shots into her face, the beast backing away slightly, her breathing growing somewhat ragged as you would turn the pistol onto charge shot more. You could hear as your pistol would let out a series of beeping sounds as the charge shot grew more and more powerful, eventually reaching its peak before you let go of the trigger, the shot slamming into her face and causing her to back up and slam herself into a wall.

The roof would then send a mixture of metal and rebar to fall out of it before slamming into her legs, pinning her to the ground and leaving her dazed as you found yourself staring into those green eyes. That was when you felt as you would slowly get erect inside of the armor you had on, the woman’s lewd and demonic body seeming much more pleasurable especially that you had been running around for several days with you resting your pistol against your side again as you walked over to her body. You’d step over the metal bar before sitting yourself on her chest as you moved your hands over to your crotch armor, undoing it and letting it pop out as you exposed your cock to the demon with the demon seeming to come to her sense before her eyes locked to your dick.

The woman would seem to react with a mixture of shock and confusion as you left it lingering off her face, the woman’s breath being smokey and warm before you raised your cock up into her air, getting ready to thrust into her warm mouth. You would move to make sure you were stabilized, one of your legs landing on either side of her shoulder blades before you proceeded to grab ahold of her horns, feeling the smooth texture of them in your hands as you would stare into those green eyes one more time. You then proceeded to slam your cock right into her mouth, the woman letting out a brief gargle as she felt you insert yourself inside of her mouth, the woman’s eyes widening as you would rest inside of her mouth for a few seconds to get a feel of her body.

You could feel just how warm her insides were around your cock, the woman’s drool dripping down onto your dick and making you feel even hotter as you eventually managed to get yourself adjusted to the feeling. That was when you proceeded to start moving your cock out of her mouth, pulling it out to see beads of drool were linking your cock and her teeth together with you being able to feel that she would take a deep breath, getting ready for you to slam yourself back inside of her mouth. Eventually you’d feel that only your tip was inside of her, surrounded by her hellish warmth before you brought your hips down against her mouth, the woman letting out a groan as she would feel the slam against her face, the woman’s eyes staring right at you with somewhat less hatred inside of them.

You’d keep repeating the process for a while, slowly dragging yourself out of her mouth before rapidly slamming yourself back in, the woman seeming to have grown used to it as she would then open her mouth just a slightly bit more than it was before. You would then feel as her tongue would start to slither up from her teeth and then moved across your balls, playfully licking away at them and covering them in drool before she would move herself over to your asshole as she would do so. You then felt as she would start rimming you with her ultra hot tongue, the organ moving around your anus in circles as you could hear as her sharp claws would scrape themselves across the floor.

That was when you proceeded to go faster against her face, no longer stopping for her but instead moving at a near constant pace against her mouth, something that would take her off guard for a brief moment. You could hear the sounds of the lewd plapping of flesh slamming against flesh,your balls hitting against her chin as her tongue would twitch some more, slathering your anus in her spit before she would start changing the method of how she went about rimming you. She would proceed to start moving faster and faster around your asshole, pushing against the rim as an almost magma-like warmth moved down your ass whilst your cock was slathered in her spit in the process.

You could feel as the woman’s panting would intensify as you kept fucking her face, warm and steamy breaths pushing against your hips and cock, making it drip with her own spit somewhat as she would do so. Your cock would eventually find your way to the base of the tongue that was lapping away at your anus with you being able to feel as the muscles would twitch and rub against your tip, rubbing and jamming around the edges of your tip as she would do so, making the entire experience even more pleasurable in the process. That was when you decided to give her the full force of what you were capable of, clutching her horns proper hard and pulling her head up into the air somewhat before you proceeded to start thrusting even faster inside of her mouth.

You could hear the metal that was pinning her legs down into the ground creak underneath her as she would twitch out in pleasure as her tongue would lose all semblance of technique and pace and would instead decide to rapidly speed up. You could feel as the hot and wet organ would wipe all over your asshole, covering every single inch of it in drool and spit, making sure it was dripping with heat as her panting would grow harder and harder with you being able to feel as her chest would raise up and down in the air. As you thrusted wildly you would look into the demon's glowing eyes to see that they were somehow glowing even brighter than beforehand, the lust seeming to literally burn up within her eyes as her claws would dig themselves right into the metal in the process.

That was when you felt as you started to throb inside of her mouth, pushing against the base of her tongue as you realized that only caused her to go even faster than beforehand, making the entire thing even more pleasurable to try and sit through. You could feel as the pressure at the tip of your cock would grow and grow but the moment, getting more and more intense then beforehand but you chose to keep holding it in to make sure you could ride out this pleasure as much as possible.  Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and you proceeded to cum inside of her throat, grabbing ahold of her horns and making sure that her face was pushed right into your hips, ropes of cum starting to shoot out of your cock and slathering her mouth with your jizz in the process.

You would feel as rope after rope would spray from your cock, each one seeming more powerful than the last as it would cover everything from her teeth, to the roof of her mouth and even her tongue and throat. The ropes would grow larger and more intense before it eventually reached its peak,a massive burst of cum escaping your cockhead before slamming into the back of her mouth, causing her to cough as your grip against her head loosened slightly, drool dripping down your hips and legs in the process. After that your orgasm would come to a slow stop, the ropes growing both less frequent and less intense before eventually stopping entirely, a few drops of cum pushing against her mouth as you both would breathe out sighs of relief that it was over.

You’d pull out of her mouth quickly, seeing a mixture of cum and drool pushing out from the edges of her mouth before climbing off her entirely, making sure to just get far away from her so that she doesn’t attack you. However it seemed that she wasn’t intending to get herself up off the ground at all, instead seeming way too exhausted to do anything but panting and feeling as your fluids would make their home within her stomach as you started to put your trousers back on and wondered what to do next. Eventually you’d walk away from the woman, leaving her satisfied and relieved as you went to grab ahold of the gun that she had swatted across the floor, wondering if all demons were this easy to tame but you figured that there was only one way to find out.


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