Through the fog

 The smell of damp and mold moved across your nose as you walked through the rotting and abandoned hospital known as Brookhaven with the surgical tools and various other metal trays covered in rust and what seemed to be a mixture of stale water and blood spread across the floor, the fog clouding up all of the windows so you couldn’t see what was outside. You had no idea how you had managed to get stuck in Silent Hill with you trying to drive through the seemingly normal town until your car broke down just as you entered with you looking at your engine to see that it was impossibly waterlogged and rusted as if years of decay happened within mere moments of driving into the area. Then the fog would descend upon the town, making it so you could barely see five or so meters in front of you, the roads becoming completely broken down with potholes and cracks and the pavements that you had to use to get into the town proper were also completely broken up which you didn’t pay much attention too since you were focused on seeing if there was a mechanic in town.

 But when you reached the town there was nobody there at all, the streets being completely silent and every single building being abandoned with even the cars being rusted and unmoved which meant everyone disappeared a long time ago. You had searched around for any sort of life and found absolutely nothing, walking into abandoned stores with rotting food on the shelves and wandering around buildings so rusted and rotten that they could look like they were about to collapse at any moment. You occasionally see something deep within the fog but it certainly doesn't look exactly human, it instead looks like some twisted mirror image of a human but anytime you’d chase the beings they’d disappear deeper into the fog and seemingly disappear from the area entirely.

Eventually you had managed to wander into the hospital and you had been stuck inside of the ruined and rotting building since, the door somehow managing to lock as soon as you entered with you trying to force it open and failing each time. Now you wandered around the blood stained walls of the hospital, entering room after room to see dirty and soaked hospital beds, needles and various other sharp objects littering on the floor in the process, almost all of the windows either being boarded up and too high up in the hospital to jump out off. Not only that but you always felt as if there was something watching you, occasionally hearing the sounds of uneven and jittery footsteps behind you as well as the scraping of metal on concrete although you never found the source of the sounds.

You would enter another abandoned room to check the cabinets for anything you could use to either defend yourself or escape from the abandoned hospital which was when you started to hear those sounds again. The sounds of unsteady footsteps would start to echo out into the air with it almost sounding like there was someone walking on broken ankles as well as the  familiar sound of metal scraping against the concrete with you trying to look for something to grab ahold of to fight back against what was coming. You’d eventually find a rusted scalpel on the floor, clutching ahold of its rough handle before you moved your back to the wall, looking over the wall to see a silhouette moving through the darkness with it taking a couple of seconds before you could see what was just shadow and what was the being.

The being in the shadows appeared to be shaped like a human being only the limbs were shuddering and moving so rapidly in the darkness that there was no way it could possibly even be human at all. It also seemed to have a head that was way too big for its body with you recognising as the creature got closer and closer to you in the shadows as you ducked back behind the wall, praying that whatever it was would walk away like every single other time that you had encountered it. You’d hear the hallway go silent for a few moments, breathing out for a sigh of relief for a moment before you felt a cold metal pipe ram right into the side of your head, your legs giving out from under you before you fell to the ground with you looking up to see the aggressor in the process.

This would reveal that your attacker was some kind of nurse judging by her rather revealing outfit, the woman's tits being exposed enough that they seemed like they were going to burst out of the filth covered dress that she was wearing although the place that your eyes were most attracted to was her head. Instead of face or any defining human characteristic there was instead a lump of tumor-like flesh that had seemed to have wrapped against itself several times over at this point which gave her head the oversized appearance, lines cascading around it where the flesh wrapped with other flesh, the head twitching erratically from side to side before your eyes moved to look at her legs. Her legs had been twisted around somewhat, her knees and ankles seeking to be twisted around so they were at the wrong angles, the limbs still twitching and twitching around, your eyes glancing to her arms to see it was the same thing, the limbs twitching erratically at impossible angles in the process.

She would seem to examine you for several moments, her head twitching from side to side as she would begin to drag herself closer to your body, her legs twisting somewhat as she proceeded to loom over you. You could feel as her hands would find their way above your head as she would lower her hips onto your chest, the woman sitting right down on it as she did so, her legs eventually flicking back, the twitching limbs finding themselves just below your arms as she would start moving her hand down the cold stone floor.  The hand would trace around the floor for several moments beige moving her hand over to your cheek, the woman rubbing it for a few seconds before she would twitch her head just ever so slightly too far before turning around completely. 

The woman would yet again observe for several moments before her hands proceeded to move down to your crotch, the woman tracing them around for a moment before managing to catch a hold of the buttons. She would then start slowly undoing your trousers, the woman taking her time before she would proceed for move the trousers down to your ankles, leaving you in your boxers as well as leaving you staring at the woman’s ass which was clothed in a set of tight white panties in the process. She would gently move her fingers underneath the strap of your underwear, the woman starting to pull them upwards before proceeding to push them down your thighs, your cock springing out as she would twitch somewhat, moving her hands into the air as she would stare at your cock without eyes.

The woman would then proceed to move her hands backwards and start to scoot back so her ass was planted right on the top of your chest, her cheeks resting right into your collarbone as she would do so. You’d then would hear the sounds of her shoes falling to the ground, the pair of shoes being haphazardly thrown aside as you would see her soft feel flex around somewhat in the air, the woman seemingly having not taken her shoes off in a long, long while as her hands rested against your chest. You’d then watch as she would move her knees back so that they were closer to her body, the woman flicking her toes somewhat as you felt her feet impact against your cock, a slight groan moving out of your mouth as her hands clutched your clothes slightly.

You could feel as her soft feet would start moving across your cock, both of her feet rubbing against your member once they both got into position, the two of them moving slowly and gently in the process. You could also feel as her toes wound sporadically shift and flick up against your tip, the woman seeming to know exactly where most of the most sensitive areas on your tip were, tracing across every single one of them as you’d feel as her hands would start wandering around your chest again. She was seemingly doing this just to tease you given how she’s occasionally digging her nails into your skin and shirt but eventually you’d feel as her feet would begin to move once again, circling your cock and entrapping it within pleasure as she would do so.

Now she had moved so that only one of her feet had been placed right onto your cock, this time with the soul pushing down at the base of the member and her toes just scraping against the tip, most of your length being wedged between the two. She would then move her foot against your dick so that your cock would be bent down somewhat, pushing it into the soft warmth of her foot as she would do so which caused you to let out a particularly loud groan, something the nurse paid attention to as her head would stop twitching for a brief moment. You would then feel as her foot would stop moving for a short period of time, holding your cock downwards as she started to go faster against your member, causing your moans to echo out into the air as she would do so.

With this increased pace you’d feel more details of her smooth feet against your cock like how the foot would fold ever so slightly as she would press her foot against it, the woman letting out a few distorted moans although you didn’t know how this was at all possible given she had no mouth. She would also start using more toe movements against your member, the woman managing to cup your tip as she would do so which meant that your cock was enclosed in an ever moving enclosure of pleasure. You would be able to feel every twitch and every shiver that each toe would make, the woman grunting and sighing out as she would feel as the fluids would push out and rub against her toes, dripping all over the place as she would do so as more groans were heard from the both of you.

She seemed to enjoy every moan and groan that you let out, twitching just that little bit more with you wondering if she was using her sense of hearing to try and figure out if you were feeling pleasured or not. The woman would proceed to move her other foot over to the other side of her cock, the woman starting to briefly move across the bottom of your cock, occasionally moving up to the tip of your cock and nudging against your head some more, causing you to moan louder as she would do so. That was when you’d hear another gargle escape from her body before she would proceed to start moving faster and faster yet again, the woman’s soft feet now gliding all over your cock at such a rapid pace as her fingers dug right into your shirt.

At this point her feet were moving so rapidly against your cock which was causing your entire length to be humming in pleasure, your tongue lashing around in your mouth somewhat as she would do so. You could feel her toes flicking and flicking away all over your cock, some of them rubbing and pushing against your tip and some of them pressing against your tip with the occasional couple or touch pushing against your balls, lightly moving across them in the process, the woman delighting in each flick she made. She would move her hands  further down your body and move right into your stomach, digging her fingers into it as they would twitch and flick around your skin.

That was when you felt as you started to throb out into her feet, the woman pushing extra hard against your cock which was only making it even harder to not cum within the sooth prison that was her feet. You could feel the pressure at the tip of your cock beginning to increase and increase by the moment, each movement making it harder and harder to hold in as you would groan out into the air, the woman then going faster in the process which meant you were in an endless circle of escalating pleasure. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and you started to cum within the grip of her feet, both of them curling around your cock so that she could feel as your cum would spray out against her feet, the woman’s twitching coming to a stop which caused her to become clearly still.

Rope after rope would escape from your cock and spray all over her feet, dripping all over her feet with the ropes getting more and more intense by the moment some of the cum dripped off onto your cock and balls in the process. Eventually your orgasm would reach its peak, a massive rope of cum escaping your dick before slamming right into her toes, splashing all over the place and even moving right through her toes, the force of the orgasm causing you to shake somewhat as you would do so. After that your orgasm would start to slow and slow, the ropes growing smaller and more intense before you would eventually stop cumming at all, the last couple drops dripping onto her smooth soles as she would pull her feet away from you in the process.

She would then twist herself to the side so her legs were resting on the cold hard floor that you had been lying on, the woman eventually lifting herself off your body, a weight being pleasingly lifted off your chest in the process. The woman would then twist herself down to the ground, moving her hands so that they clutched her shoes, the woman stumbling off as she would leave you to think about what had just happened to you and what you were going to do now given everything that happened to you. You would wonder what would happen next after this experience before you heard another set of heels moving through the hard concrete hallway, your heart quicken as you realized that another nurse was roaming down the ankles, searching for new prey.


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