In space, no one can hear you breed

 You had no idea what you were getting into when you got that distress call nor did you have any clue what you were going to find when you followed it,thinking that it was merely a cruise liner that had gotten into trouble at first and needed some assistance to get everyone off the ship before the inevitable hull breach. When you attempted to play the distress message all you’d hear is a garbled mess of random noises and what seemed to be something scampering around the place of which confused you greatly but you assumed that it was just that the comms of the cruise spaceship were simply configured wrong but it wasn’t too much of a issue since the signal went on long enough to get a clear set of coordinates of the ship. You would flick some buttons on your control panel to set the coordinates before starting the relatively short flight over to the ship and, after a couple of hours of moving through the dark, you’d eventually see something in the distance coming closer but you would quickly realize that it wasn’t a cruise liner or at least not one you had ever seen before. 

The ship was absolutely massive, about two times as long as an oil transport ship and was also twice and thick as one as well, the ship seeming to have its thrusters turned off given that there was a lack of engine flow from its back end. As you would grow closer you’d realize that the entire ship didn't have any windows and it only seemed to have one small open for ships to dock within it with more and more details being revealed to you by the moments, like the masses of pipes running down the hull of the ship and what seemed to be veins as well especially towards the thinner and more angular front of the ship with the pipes being more localized within the rounded up lower half. The place was built almost like a mixture of a massive industrial spaceship and an ornate church, an oppressive regalness emanating off the vehicle as you decided to give the ship a brief circle to see if you could find out just where it came from.

As you would circle towards the thrusted you’d quickly realize that this ship seemed to be an actual biological organism due to the fact the grooves where the thrusters ended and main hull started were held together by thick, black muscular tissue. You drive your ship closer to the hull and flicked on the search lights that were attached to the front of the ship, gazing down it to see that it seemed to be made out of some hardened black substance, not too different to that of the chitin that makes up the skin of a insect. You would eventually end up where you started by the side of the ship, weighing with yourself if you should go within the ship or if you should go through with it but you eventually decided that you might as well go inside and see what was hiding within it.

You would enter into the hull, seeing that it was empty of all life except for various parts of scrap flesh and metal, the entire area having various pressure dials and pipes moving in and out of the walls for reasons that were completely unknown to you. The door to your ship opened up and you ventured out into the bay, looking around for a moment before you were able to see what seemed to be a door at the other end of the ship which caused you to go towards it to see what was inside. You’d eventually reach the door and saw that there was some kind of lock that you had to stick your arm in to either get the door to unlock or to open with the hole looking quite a lot of a vagina which made you unsure about what would happen to you if you did stick your hand inside of it.

You’d eventually swallow your worries once again and shove your hand within the hole, feeling as the wet fluids dripped down onto your hand and arm, the hole flexing and wrapping around your arm in the process. You’d feel as it would clench in a rhythmic way as the sounds of something flowing through the pipes moved through the empty hull, the door eventually managing to pull itself open with a loud and almost guttural groan, revealing the insides of the ship as you did so. You moved through the door before you heard before it would slam behind you, the door seeming to lock before you’d look down the halls of which was covered in the same chitin substance that was covering the outsides of the ship but it seemed to be in different configurations this time around.

The floor seemed to be configured in such a way that it was almost as if people had laid down rows after rows of bones together, the ridges sticking up every so slightly so more pipes, valves and fleshy grates that seemed to just be fused into the wall instead of covering a hole or anything. You’d walk down the hall, looking down the spanning area whilst only the sounds of your footsteps and the ships groaning echoed out into the air with you eventually managing to reach a crossroads. You’d look to the right to see nothing of note, just a dark hallway which seemed to have no end but you turned your left to see that area appeared to have been broken into, scratch marks being left across the walls and floors, the scratched surface exposing the grayish thinner skin that laid within it.

You walk over to the scratched up area to see that a door attached to the other room saw that it had been smashed through, the rest of the door littering the floor as you entered into a room of which you couldn’t identify the purpose of. The best you could make of the screen was that there was a massive bed-like contraption on in the middle of the room with the bed being easily around 20 foot long, the bed itself being made particularly out of sharp and angular bits of the chitin substance as well as various fleshy tubes which were ridged in nature although you were unsure that it would have actually pumped into the bed. Meanwhile what appeared to be a mummified corpse appeared in the top of the bed, the corpse seeming to be covered in various blemished and dried brown skin, it’s head being covered in a solid see through substance, a tube connected from its face to its neck which made its neck contort painfully.

However you also noticed that there appeared to be a giant hole in the creature's chest, the organs having long since rotted into a brown mush but it seemed that whatever did this managed to tear out a large section of the chest of the massive being with ease. You would then hear the sound of something slamming behind you, your eyes widening as you turned around to try and see if there was anything behind you to see nothing was standing in the darkness but you did notice that something new was waiting on the ground. It was drool, thick, white and bubbling on the ground with you deciding that it was best not to touch the gooey substance on the floor as you realized that there was something on the ship with you which was confirmed by the low growl that echoed out behind you.

Before you could get an actual look at what it was you’d feel as something would fly from your left and slash right into the helmet of the space suit, smashing the visor and cutting the oxygen, switching to the air that was being pumped through the ship in the process. You could feel as the warm and steamy air would push into your nose before you were slammed to the ground by something that proceeded to straddle you,a black flurry of limbs moving around above  you before they would grab ahold of your suit. It would then start tearing parts of your suit off your body and threw them to the floor haphazardly, shards of fabric being flung all over the place until you were nearly naked, a claw hand grabbing ahold of your underwear and ripping them in half, your exposed cock flying out into the air which caused the creature to stop moving which allowed you to get a good look at her.

The first place that that you looked was her snarling face, seeing its sharp teeth grinding together as that white fizzing drool escaped her mouth, her head being elongated and having no eyes or nose to speak off, the large skull being glossy in nature as your eyes would start to move down to the rest of her body. Several fleshy pipes moved from her body, some of them running from her collarbone and down behind her back whilst the others were more spire like and stuck out the back of her shoulder blades, the woman having a rather large chest on her whilst her arms seemed to have the same pipes with the ridged area which seemed to make up her arms, links between smooth flesh moving down her arm as well each and every one of her fingers tipped with a sharp claw. You would then look down to her lower half to see her tail swinging around in the air, the tip being almost knife like in nature whist ridges ran down the 

rest of her tail to make it look almost spine-like in nature whilst her thighs seemed to be extremely thick and nestled a dripping wet pussy underneath them, the woman scraping her tail across the ground in the process.

The female creature would look down at you before she started to drool onto your chest, letting out several growls as she would spread her legs somewhat, resting them on either side of your legs as she would do so. Her hand would move against your body, the sharp fingernails scratching against your body just soft enough that they wouldn’t penetrate your skin, the woman moving her tail back and forth somewhat as she would do, scraping the sharp edge against the ground as to cause it to start scaring the ground. She would eventually move her tail over to your ankles and proceeded to wrap them within her tail, making sure there was no chance of escaping what was coming to you, letting out a satisfied growl as she would start shaking her hips from side to side as she did so.

She would then start to raise her hips up into the air, the woman letting out several growls as you watched her back starting to contort in various strange ways, her fingers moving down your chest ever so slightly as she did so. The insect-like woman would hold her hips up into the air for several seconds, the woman’s pussy dripping all over your cock as to make sure that it was lube, the liquids being thicker and more dense than any humans, the woman growing more and more aroused by the second as she hyped herself up. Eventually she proceeded to slam herself down right into your member, the woman moving with such force that she bounced slightly when she hit against your hips, both of you moaning out in pleasure as the breeding between you and her had begun.

The alien wouldn’t move for a few seconds as her pussy would clench around your cock,feeling as parts of it would swell out and clench around your member, the woman’s insides feeling like they were ridged in some way. She would then start moving up your cock, her fingers digging into your flesh somewhat as globs of fluids would slowly smeer down the sides of your cock, eventually pooling at your base as the grip of her tail around your ankles would relax somewhat as she would wait at your tip for a brief moment. The woman would then slam her hips down once again, the alien letting out another gasp as you would let out a moan, the woman resting a couple seconds before she proceeded to start moving up your cock again, wanting to repeat the process.

As she would move up and down your cock at a relatively slow pace, her hands would start to move, haphazardly traveling all over your chest before she would move them to your head, grabbing hold of it harshly as she did so.  She would then move her head over to your own, the woman opening her mouth and letting out a hiss before she would jam her mouth right into your own, a secondary appendage which seemed to be another mouth pushing out from her mouth as much more drool dripped from this appendage. You could feel as a tongue would push out from her mouth and start wrapping around your own, the tongue being angular and ridged as she would start kissing you, elevating the passion of the event to a brand new level as she groaned eagerly.

As she would kiss you she’d proceed to start moving faster against your hips, the woman seeming to no longer stop at the tip and the base, making the pleasurable motions her hips were making near constant. Her pussy would also start twitching and flexing around your cock some more, the ridges seeming to flare up which caused them to rub and push against some of your more sensitive areas which meant that you were groaning more into her tongue and mouth, filling it with more and more hot air. The kiss would continue onwards, her tongue finding new ways to twist and turn in your mouth, her spit dripping into your mouth causing it to froth away in your mouth as she would do so.

The woman’s claws would drag across your head, the woman continuing to kiss you in a brutal and primal embrace, her claws raking through your hair and scratching against your cheeks somewhat as she would do so. You’d feel as her tail would tighten around your legs again, the sharp end of the tail digging down into the floor before flicking up and wedging between your ankles, the sharp end tickling against your skin somewhat as her body would start twitching into a brand new position. The woman’s chest would be pushed to your own, her neck twisting somewhat so that her tongue withdrew slightly, the drool now flowing directly down your throat as she would wrap her arms around your back and grab ahold of your head once again as she would do so.

That was when she would start to go even faster against your body, the woman losing all rhythm in this frantic set of thrusts that your hips were receiving, the sounds of growling echoing into the air as she would do. You could hear the sounds of lewd slapping echoing out across the room, the sounds of flesh against flesh being music the the creatures ears, the woman’s groans and moans mixed with your own also filling up the air somewhat with this sounding deeply personal in a strange way. Her tongue would writhe as much as her inner walls would twitch around your member, the ridges seeming to flare especially powerfully now as if she was trying to wring the cum out of your cock as fast as she could, the pussy fluids splashing up against your stomach as she did so.

That was when you felt your cock start throbbing and throbbing away inside of her, feeling as your member would push out against her inner walls of which she responded with a slight hiss and several flexes back. She would feel as she kept slamming and slamming against you, the pressure at the tip of your cock getting harder and harder to keep in, pants and moans escaping your mouth and nesting inside the twin mouths of the alien, her hands clenching hard against your head as she would do so. Eventually you couldn’t take anymore before you started to cum inside of her, feeling as she would slam down in an instant to your hips, making sure they were tight to the ground before she clenched against your pussy, the woman letting out a satisfied moan as she did so.

You could feel as ropes would spray out of your cock at a rapid rate, covering her inner ridges as she would clench around your cock, the woman panting inside of your mouth as her fingers clutched against your head extremely hard. You’d feel as the ropes get more and more intense by the moment before you’d eventually reach the peak of your orgasm, the wind being taken out of your lungs as you assumed that your cum had been splashed into her womb if she had such a thing inside of her body. Your orgasm would come to an end after a while, the ropes growing smaller and smaller for several moments before they eventually became drops dripping out your cock, the woman pulling away from your mouth with a sigh, drool bridging you and her together as she panted as she did so.

The woman would stay impaled on your cock for several seconds before she would decide to lift herself off your cock, a combination of her fluids and your cum dripping right out of her pussy and onto the floor as she would stretch herself somewhat. She would let out a loud growl before she scampered away into the hallway and essentially back into the darkness again, leaving you alone and alive within the chamber with a corpse in front of you and your heart racing in your chest at how thrilling the entire thing was. You would lay there for a moment before you proceeded to get up off the ground, your head pounding slightly as you wondered what lurked deeper within given how big the ship was with you figuring that there was only one way to find out.


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