Wanna play?

 When you became an uncle you expected that you’d be doing the normal things a family would do like attending school plays on occasions or babysitting her when her parents went out and did stuff, not having to sit around and look after a doll that you had brought her for her birthday a couple weeks ago. It was a shame to, especially given how much money you paid for the bloody thing, but the family had alleged that the doll was both able to speak without any batteries being installed into it and was able to run around the house like it was alive which you had found hard to believe but to calm the families nerves you stuck up a deal that you’d stay and watch the doll and they’d go out dining. So here you were, sat in the dark of your cousins house and watching as the news would drone on and on, your eyes glancing down to the doll  on occasion to see if it had moved or not of which I had not throughout the night which left you to think back to when you had brought the doll in the first place.

The doll itself was a Good Girl Doll of which was the hot new thing according to some news reports  so you decided that buying one for your niece would be a good idea but when you got to the toy shop you were met with a much different sight. The police had surrounded the place, telling everyone that wanted to get in that they had to wait for a couple hours for them to clean up the place with you walking up to one of the officers and managing to squeeze out some information from them about what had actually happened. Apparently they had chased down a serial killer, one Charles Lee Ray,  and proceeded to kill him right inside of the toy store, the murderer smearing his blood all over the place which was why it was taking so long to get the place cleaned up.

Of course, the tabloids quickly ran wild with all sorts of garbage with such gems including the  fact that the serial killer apparently screamed out some random voodoo shit to transfer his soul into one of the dolls which was very obvious bullshit. You would manage to snap yourself out of your thoughts before looking back over to the tv screen to see that they were discussing the death of Lee Ray, going over the murders that  Ray committed as well as how the murderer's death had gone down. You would briefly glance over to the doll expecting it to be in it’s sat down position that it had been stuck in only to see that it had disappeared completely, having to do a double take at first since you couldn’t believe that it had somehow managed to run to somewhere else in the house.

You quickly jumped up off your sofa and flicked the light on, looking around the room to see if the light of the tv hadn’t just betrayed you and hid the doll in the darkness but it seemed like the doll had disappeared entirely. You rapidly tried to justify to yourself how the doll would move, figuring that it had the batteries still in it and that it was able to move around by  itself, you mind quickly going from making excuses to actually finding the doll walking into your hallway to see if it was in there, flicking the light on to see that the doll wasn’t there. However you would see that the door to the kitchen was somewhat ajar, your footsteps slowing and getting softer so you could quietly walk over to the room, hoping to catch the doll by surprise as you start to hear sounds coming from the kitchen.

The first thing that you heard was the sound of scraping across the ground which you assumed to be a chair being moved into place, the sound stopping for a couple moments before you would hear the sound of something trying to climb onto the chair. It would struggle with you hearing the harsh thumps of the doll hitting the ground with you swearing you could hear the doll go “Aw shit” a couple times before the doll managed to get to where it wanted and everything proceeded to go silent again. You grabbed ahold of the door and swung it open, your hands almost immediately moved over to the light and flicked the light on to see none other than the doll standing on the kitchen counter, checking out a knife it had in its hand before it realized that you were standing there staring at it.

As you stared your eyes would glance up and down her body with the first place that your  eyes focused on was her face, the plastic face of the doll which had somewhat more pronounced lips that you expected whilst the ginger hair of the doll was cut into a messy bobcut which made the doll seem even more frantic looking then it would otherwise. Your eyes would then move down onto the dolls torso, the woman having a pair of chest bumps that pushed out her chest ever so slightly, the doll being clothed with a multi coloured shirt with a pair of overalls over the top of it, the overalls themselves having the words “Good girl” sown into the fabric, as if to taunt you about the doll in your possession. The doll's tiny hands were wrapped around the knife,holding it quite steadily as it would tap its foot against the ground, the little boot causing the sound to be louder than it would have been before you would hear as the doll began to speak, a almost taunting smile moving across her face in the process.

“Hi, I’m Chucky, wanna play?” The doll would say in the same chipper voice, pushing the knife up to its own cheek as if to look cute before she would jump right off the counter and run towards you with a surprising speed to her. You looked around and saw a cutting board resting on the side, grabbing ahold of the board and slamming the board right into the doll head, watching as the doll would fly off her feet and rammed right into one of the legs of the kitchen table, a grunt echoing out of it’s mouth in the process. “That hurt, you fucking bitch!” The doll said, this time dropping the cutesy voice entirely and moving into a much deeper yet still feminine voice as you quickly realized what you were dealing with, the realization making you freeze for a moment.

They were right, the murderer that had got himself shot to death in a toy store had managed to get himself to possess a doll and it just so happened to be the one that you had given to your niece which meant she very well may have intended on murdering her. Now with a renewed sense of rage flowing through you quickly snapped back to reality to see the knife wielding doll run towards you again, your response being to boot her right into the face, causing her to fly against one of the kitchen cabinets. This time you didn’t give the doll a chance to make some kind of witty quip or insult before you grabbed it by the overalls and held it up into the air with one hand, flicking the knife out of its hand before slamming her against the wall,the doll growing somewhat in the process.

“Get your fucking hands off me!” She would say as she would sway her tiny little legs from side, your response being to slam her against the wall again, the doll letting out a yelp as she would hit the bricks.

“Piss off, you murderous little shit. I could easily just smash your head against the table and this would end.” You would respond, deciding that you might as well treat the doll how she had treated you at this point, the doll responding by rolling her eyes and flicking her eyelashes at you in the process. 

“Pfft, no you couldn’t! I may look plastic but I’m all flesh and blood!” The doll would brag before a few things would click in your head, mainly wondering if those plastic bumps that were her tits had become actual tits with you being more than willing to test this theory on the murderer.

“Is that so! Why don’t we go and test that then, shall we?” You asked before you’d hold the doll in such a way that it was wedged between your arm and your back which was quickly met with the feeling of tiny hands punching you in the back. As you walked to your destination you’d hear a variety of insults from the doll, almost every single one ending in “bitch” as she wiggled around underneath your arm before you eventually reached the master bedroom, throwing her right onto the bed before pinning her there with one of your arms. The doll would squirm around a bit more and even clawed at your wrist ineffectually before giving up, letting her hands move to the bed before she’d open her mouth again, making you sigh out of pure instinct in the process before she spoke.

“What ya gonna do here, dickhead, seduce me?” She would say with you responding to you silently before you would slip your fingers between the space where the buttons connected on one of the overall straps before you flicked it off. The doll would quickly change her tune when she realized what was happening before you flicked the other strap off, the denim material resting by her side before you clutched ahold of the front of the overalls, the doll finally being able to come up with a resort in the process. “Hey, hey, hey, I didn’t mean that literally you fucking weirdo!” She would shout as you’d drown out her words and yanked the overalls right down to her shoes, the woman seeming shocked at you stared at her semi naked body, the woman’s pussy hidden by a pair of white cotton panties which made you chuckle as you grabbed ahold of her rainbow shirt.

“Oooh, not acting so cocky now, are we?” You would respond before pulling up her shirt until it was all pressed up underneath her chin, the woman not having a bra on underneath which meant you got to see her tits for the first time. She had a relatively flat chest, probably around B-cups, but her tits looked fairly cute given her size, the woman’s nipples seeming rather perky and somewhat hard as you would trace your fingers around them before pushing down upon them, a groan echoing out her mouth in the process. “Looks like I’m gonna have to make sure to train you up and make you a good girl, ain’t I?” You said as you kept rubbing away at her nipples, the woman squirming around before you moved one of your hands down to her panties in the process.

“Oh please, you ain’t gonna do shit you little bit-“ She would say before letting out a squeal as you’d pinch her nipple, wrapping one of your fingers around the edges of the soft fabric before you’d speak again.

“Now, now, good girls don’t swear like that, do they?” You would taunt as you saw her face flash with anger with you practically savoring every single moment you could before you dragged the dolls panties down to show off her pussy. At first you couldn't believe that she actually had one, let alone the fact that it appeared to be somewhat wet from all the attention her nipples were getting, your knuckles pushing down onto her pussy before proceeding to rub up against it, a chorus of moans escaping her mouth in the process. Whilst you distracted her with this you’d move the hand that had previously been assaulting her nipples over to your own trousers,undoing them before throwing them to the ground before doing the same to your underwear, letting it bounce out before you moved your knuckles away and packed it between her small legs with your cock resting on her waist.

“Jesus! L-listen, what’s your niece gonna think if she finds her favorite doll all messed up,eh?” She would ask you as you would roll your eyes at the doll having the gall to attempt to ask for your sympathies now of all times.

“Well, you’re flesh and blood, ain’t you? In that case I won’t hurt you at all.” You said with a grin as the woman would proceed to devolve into a series of several swear words before you pushed her legs out, silencing her once again. You would move your cock against the doll's plastic waist before pushing your cock right up to her warm and wet cunt, the woman letting out a hiss as she could feel you starting to push up against her hips, the woman’s hands grappling a hold of the bed covers in the process. You then proceeded to move your hips backwards before slamming them right inside of her, groaning out into the air as she would let out a mixture of a moan and a scream, your hands wrapped around one of her arms and one of her legs as you would do so.

“Oh, you fucking fucker! Get your hands off of me and your dick out of me, you perverted fuck!” She would scream out as you’d make sure to get her to your base, seeing a slight bulge develop inside of her where your cock would stretch the plastic flesh out. You’d watch as the ginger doll's eyes would flicker and groans escaped her lips as you pulled out of her plastic cunt, feeling as the walls clenched and pushed against your member, making it really hard to pull out of her all the way. You’d eventually have to stop pulling out, her fluids dripping right off your cock as you’d then slam into her again, another moan and hiss escaping her mouth as she would dig her plastic fingers against your arm in the process, getting ready to say something else in the process.

“You’re just not letting up are you? You little fuc-“ She said before you responded with another nipple pinch, the woman letting out another yelp as you would repeat the process over and over again, moving your hips up and slamming right back into her afterwards. You could feel the doll's small body shaking with each of your thrusts against her, the doll's mouth agape as her tongue would wiggle against her mouth, her feet resting against the upper side of your hips as they would try and futilely kick against your body. With that you decided that you wouldn't take it easy against the murderous little shit any longer and proceeded to put more of your weight onto the doll's body, the doll's lower half being raised up at an angle before you started to go faster against her body.

Any insult that would have been formed between her somewhat plastic lips had been turned into slurred moans as you quickly thrust inside of her body, that bulge that would appear when you thrusted all the way inside becoming much more prominent than before. The woman was clenching around your cock even more than beforehand, attempting to hold on to your cock and failing in such a way that would only cause more pleasure to push through your body as well as just making it more uncomfortable for herself. You could hear the lewd sounds of your balls slapping off her semi-plastic ass echoing out across the air as you would do so, the woman going to snarl out something in-between her moans as you’d rub your fingers up against her nipples again.

“Mmph, you mother f-fucker!” She would say before you moved your hand over to the plastic woman’s ass and slapped it, eliciting a loud moan that echoed out across the air before you would speak to her again.

“Uh-Oh, looks like you still haven’t got the hint yet, have you?” You would say as you’d move your body again, making it so that she was leaning up against her head and shoulders as you would speak yet again. “Looks like I’m really gonna have to go hard on you if you want to be a good girl, huh?”  You Said as you proceeded to start slamming against her body even faster then beforehand, a mixture of a moan and a roar that echoed out of her mouth in the process, her legs hanging in the air in the process.

The woman’s legs would twitch and push against your hips as the flurry of thrusts pushed down against it, her teeth grinding up against one another as your hand would grab ahold of her head, feeling as her ginger hair brushed against your fingers. You’d yank at her hear a bit to hear a slight yelp escape her mouth between hissed moans, that stomach bulge being a near constant feature now due to how fast you were slamming inside of her, your other hand moving to feel it for a brief moment before you rested the hand on your chest. You moved your thumb up from the hand that was grasping the back of her head, rubbing it against her cheeks for several moments before jamming it into her mouth, the woman being so deep in pleasure that she didn’t have the strength to bite down on it anymore.

You then felt as you started to throb inside of her body, pushing up against her clenching plastic cunt as you feel her tongue rubbing against your thumb, your response being to move out of its way a bit which caused her to moan louder since you wanted to savor every single moment of what was about to happen. The pressure at your tip was building and building up, getting harder to hold in by the moment as you would clench your fingers against the plastic, feeling the warmth of her body moving down your fingers in the process. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, groaning out into the air before you slammed yourself in one last time, feeling as she would clench and clench away as your base rubbed and pushed up against her lower lips,ropes spewing out of your cockhead in the process.

You could feel as rope after rope of pearly white cum would spew out of your cock and inside of her, the woman groaning  out as she felt her rather small and tight pussy get fuller and fuller by the moment. She would grow more and more full before you let out a particularly strong shot of cum inside of her, the massive rope causing cum to drip out of her pussy, small drips of cum moving down the side of her crotch and thighs, your orgasm starting to wind down somewhat in the process. You could feel as the ropes would get smaller and smaller by the moment eventually moving into being mere drops before stopping entirely, your hands relaxing somewhat as you would know glance up at the dolls now completely pleasure stricken face in the process.

You would pant over her body as you would analyze the face of the doll for several moments, the doll's mouth being agape and panting and tears of pleasure  streaking down her face somewhat as you went to pull out of her pussy. You would see her pussy gaping and dripping with your cum, your hand clutching ahold of her hair again and lifting her up somewhat, the woman continuing to pant as you went to speak to her, letting out a sigh before you would do so. “So, are you going to be a good girl now?” You asked her as she would pant some more, the woman going to speak a couple times but stopping herself for a moment to get her breath back, the doll eventually managing to choke out a sentence for you as she gradually came back into consciousness.

“Y-yeah, I-I’ll be a good girl now…” She would pant out as you would drop her onto the mattress, letting the cum drool out of her as you figured that the lesson as been taught for now but you always figured you could housekeep one day


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