Love, revived
There was nothing that could stop you now, not the church, not the law, not any other dark forces that lurked within this wretched hole of a town could freeze what you had planned to put into motion especially since you had managed to obtain every single component needed to activate the night creature process. You would have never even imagined doing this in the first place if it wasn’t for them, those parasites causing pretty much every single problem that had occurred with you over these past few months even after everything that you and her had done for them, everything you sacrificed for them and they spat it right back in your face like you were mere dirt to them. Your eyes would glance over to the table that you had managed to turn into a makeshift altar with the mirage of things needed to complete the ritual littering around the sides of it all but what laid in the middle of the area was the crown jewel of both your life and this entire process.
And that crown jewel was your wife, now resting pale and dead on a table waiting for the blood that was stale inside of her heart to start moving again, something that you intended on doing tonight. You could still see the burns around her neck, red and raw yet no longer dripping with blood like they had been before they shoved her into that shallow grave, your hand tracing the wound somewhat as you would remember how easily they threw part of their own defense garrison to the dogs. They had forged evidence against her about how she was embezzling money from the armory budget, pushed her into a sham trial and had her put to death and they all did this because they were jealous of her, her rank and her success, something that they would pay for in a few moments.
They had all stood around and just watched, every single last one of the people that you and become a forge master to protect did nothing to help you in the end which was a bitter pill to swallow and a pill that had to be swallowed nonetheless. You had been doing this entire ritual under the cover of darkness since you knew that the church would fully disprove of your plans and attempt to stop them at any cost, your desire to get this over and done with peaking somewhat in the process. You grabbed ahold of the dagger that was on the table and looked down at your wife’s body with you being glad that you had studied for all those years and such only to refresh yourself on the night creature process, your eyes glancing over to the dagger as you did so.
It was beautifully crafted and had symbols in a once dead language engraved across the blade in perfect penmanship, your eyes glancing over to your wife’s corpse to see that it wasn’t too decayed for you to have to do too much welding to make sure she’s reassembled. All you needed to do was sow some metal into her muscles and joints just to make sure that nothing came off during the process as you briefly looked at your wife’s peaceful and quiet face, her red hair looking beautiful pushed against the table. You would whisper words underneath your breath as you would started to move the blade above your head, moving your eyes to the middle of her body and getting ready to plunge it into her before you heard the door swing open behind you.
“STOP THIS AT ONCE BY THE DECREE OF THE CHURCH!” A voice would scream out before you proceeded to try and go ahead with the ritual anyway, jamming the blade right into her chest before you felt as if you were grabbed hold off. You would proceed to jam your elbow right into the priest's nose, knocking them to the ground before you would feel something slamming into your head, being flung to the floor and hitting it with a large thump, a distinct warmth moving across your head. That warmth was blood pouring out of the large gash on your head before you would hear them speaking over you, not being able to hear what they were saying due to all of your senses blurring out with you swearing that you could see your wife’s body starting to move when your vision went completely for a brief moment.
You’d eventually manage to open your eyes to see the sight of blood pooling up on the floor, a couple of bodies laying on the ground with most of them being torn to pieces whilst what would seem to be blades clashing against one another. You would proceed to try and pick yourself off the ground, holding your head in your hand before you heard a scream cut off by a wet slashing sound, another body falling to the ground without his head, blood seeping out of the hole and onto the ground. You then had the head thrown right at your feet, bouncing somewhat as more blood would pool at the ground, your eyes staring at the decapitated corpse before you felt a hand clutch hold of your cheek which led to your head being craned up to see what had become of your wife.
The first place that you looked to her head, dark blue flesh covering the top half of her face whilst her lower half revealed the bone of her jaw, sharp teeth pushing down from the top of her jaw , horns pushing out of her head and curling against the sky, her soft ginger hair flowing down her back with her black and red eyes staring back at you. The woman’s torso was split into two pieces, one half being covered with that same dark blue skin on her face, one of her large tis being completely exposed whilst the other joined the other half of her body whilst was covered in what appeared to be a wooden set of armor, the same dagger that you had used to revive her now being lodged deep into her body, dripping with fresh blood. Your eyes then looked over to her arms, the woman’s firearms covered in thick black fur, her fingers being clawed and digging into your cheek slightly as she would touch you, the woman’s legs also being entirely covered in that same thick fur, her almost dog like feet digging into the dirt somewhat in the process.
The woman would analyze your face for a moment before she proceeded to clutch your body, wrapping her arm around your torso before she would throw you over her shoulder, the woman letting out a brief grunt as she did so. She then started running, first out of the door to the building you were in and then towards the forest, the sounds of her feet scraping against the concrete being replaced with the sounds of leaves being crushed underneath as she ran deeper and deeper into the forest. She would move so deep that you didn’t even know where she was at this point, your revived wife spotting a cave in the distance and running inside of it with you in hand, seemingly using the cave as a refugee from the church and whoever else was lurking within the town.
She would then throw you down onto the ground, her hands moving over to your shirt and yanking you back up a moment later, the woman gazing into your eyes and examining your face with her own black and red ones. The woman would drag you closer and closer to her, eventually making it so that your face was right next to her own, her hot breath pushing against your face as she would then proceed to start opening her mouth, her hand resting against the back of your head in the process. You could see her tongue in her mouth, winding against her teeth and her jawbone before she proceeded to start kissing you, twisting her head somewhat to the side before you’d feel her tongue jam between your lips and proceeding to push deep into your mouth.
You could feel as her tongue would start rubbing against your teeth before tangling with your tongue directly, winding against it and making sure you couldn’t move it, spit dripping out into your mouth and against your gums in the process. The wet and lustful organ would quickly push deeper inside of your mouth and right into your throat, choking you out as spit would drip right into your throat, the woman breathing heavy, wet air into your face as she would clutch your hair within her hands. This would go on for what seemed like hours, the wet organ twisting and rubbing against your neck and throat as you felt your eyes cloud and her hands playing with your face and hair, the woman dripping onto the floor before she pulled out of your mouth, drool flying all over the place in the process.
The woman would pant into the air, her breath steaming up the air before she would turn and start to speak, only for the words that came out of her mouth being in a strange language that you were unable to translate. However she did manage to get out of a couple words a moment later, her voice contorting somewhat as she would point at you, the words “Missed you” coming out of her mouth although it seemed like it pained her to say it before she pushed her finger against your chest. She would then proceed to slowly trail her finger down to your crotch, the woman then proceeding to trail her finger right around your cock before another word would slip out of her mouth, that word simply being the word “Mate” before she would move her hand away from your crotch.
The night creature that was once your wife proceeded to jump up off the ground and start moving over to the cave wall, her claws digging into the wall slightly, exposing her pussy and her ass to you in the process. Your newly revived wife then proceeded to move her hips from side to side, swaying them somewhat as she jutted out her backside from the wall, twisting her head to the side and letting out a slight growl as if to give you a hint and you decided that you didn’t need to be told twice. You proceeded to grab ahold of your trousers and pushed them down to the ground, your rapidly hardening cock being exposed to the air as you walked over to the monstrous woman, placing both of your hands onto her hips as she would let out a lustful growl.
You would start to push and grind up against her holes, the woman shivering and letting out several moans in the process as she would grind right back up against her, her fingers flicking away against the stone in the process. You would eventually stop teasing the woman before proceeding to hoist your hips back, looking down at her dripping cunt and watching as it would clench, practically begging at your cock as you eventually decided that you would give her exactly what you wanted. You then proceeded to slam yourself right inside of your wife, the woman gasping out into the air in a beastial fashion as you’d let out a loud moan, the sounds of the woman dragging her nails right down the rocky service of the cave face, scarring it in the process.
You could feel her warm pussy clenching and pushing against your member, the woman’s inner walls feeling wet and strong, rubbing against your most sensitive areas as you would dig into her cheeks somewhat. You then started to pull out of her pussy, hearing a slight whine escaping her mouth in the process as you’d move one of your hand to her head and proceeded to ruffle her hair a bit, as if to ensure the you weren’t going to be pulling her out just yet which seemed to calm the whining a bit. You’d then proceed to slam yourself deep inside of her again, her fluids splashing out of her pussy as she would let out a relieved moan, her teeth grinding against the bottom of her jaw as she would do so, the woman’s panting still fogging up the air due to the heat that her mouth was filled with.
This would go on for several minutes, the sounds of her moans echoing out across the cave as she would shake her hips from side to side with each thrust as to enticing you to thrust even harder inside of her. Your hands would move around her body, raking through both the fur that was attached to her arms and legs and the softer skin on her torso with one of your hands eventually moving over her stomach and onto her breasts whilst the other hand moved over to her hair, clutching it in your hand in the process. That was the moment you then decided to go faster against her body, hearing as she would let out a very lustful mixture of a growl and moan as you yanked her head back by her hair which meant that you were able to get a good look into her eyes in the process.
You could see the lust building up inside of them as your thrusts no longer stopped or gave her any chance to breathe with the woman’s pussy clenching around your member at a near constant rate due to the force of your thrusts. The sounds of her moaning were now interspersed with the sounds of lewd slapping that echoed through the air with the cave only making it so so the sounds were even louder than they would have been before, something that you found rather glorious as you fucked your wife. You would clutch her hair and would proceed to tug her head back some more, placing your mouth onto the smooth skin on her neck in Ofer to kiss it, noticing that a strange but pleasurable taste filled your mouth that almost tasted like smoked pork.
At that moment the woman’s panting would grow more and more rapid by the moment, her tongue hanging out of her mouth and lashing out at the air as you moved your fingers around her nipple, one being placed on each side. You then proceeded to grind against her nipples with those fingers, feeling as the nipples got harder and harder against you and as more and more moans escaped her mouth, the woman’s digging her claws even deeper into the rockface of the cave. You would then proceed to start going even faster against her body, feeling as her pussy fluids would splash against your hips and waist as she would let out several gasps and moans into the air, practically begging for more as you kept kissing at her neck and pinching at her nipple in the process.
You could feel as she would clench and push around your cock but this did nothing to slow down the speed of your thrusts and actually made it more pleasurable for the both of you, her tongue curling around her teeth. You would look into her eyes again to see the absolute delight that was laying inside of them, lust pooling around in the darkness and something that seemed to resemble the loving gaze that your wife would give you back when she was human, your hand moving to the back of her head in the process. You could feel as she was on the brink of orgasm as well, the woman’s clenching growing more and more sporadic by the moment as she would hiss out into the air.
You were slowly growing closer and closer to orgasm by the moment, the woman’s inner walls twitching against your throbbing member causing both of you to exhaustedly moan out into the air in the process. You could feel the pressure get more and more intense, throbbing away inside of your wife and waiting to explode at any moment with you wanting to hold on for several more seconds which was all that was enough to cause your wife to start orgasming, twitching and spraying across your cock in the process. At that point you decided that you should give her what she desired before you proceeded to start orgasming inside of her, several ropes spraying out of your cock and pushing against her inner walls which were now flowing with fluids in the process.
You would feel as rope after rope pushed out of your cock, each rope seeming to be larger and more intense then the last which made her groan out several times, her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head in the process. Your orgasm would reach its peak as you felt a particularly huge spray pushing out of your cockhead and pushing deep enough into her dripping wet cunt causing her tongue to wind around in your mouth, the woman resting her head against the stone cave wall in the process. It would then come to a end, fluids dripping out of your cock as the late couple of ropes pushing out of your dick and dripping out inside of her, a hiss and a grain escaping her mouth as you both would rest for a moment before she would push her hips away from somewhat, your cock falling out of her pussy in the process.
The woman would turn around and stare into your eyes for a brief moment before she proceeded to grab ahold of your body and pounced onto you, pushing you right to the ground before she slammed herself back onto your cock again. This was the start of a process that would go on for hours with you and her having sex for hours and hours, going into so many positions and cumming so many times that you had somehow managed to lose count but you had a feeling that it would hardly matter either way. You would cum one more time inside of her, both of you falling to the ground and hitting the rocks, your tired eyes glancing up to see that morning had come which meant that you had been fucking for several hours at this point as well.
You were both too exhausted to go for another round at this point, something that kinda shocked you somewhat before she proceeded to push herself off your member, cum drooling out of her cunt as you felt how absolutely soaked your cock was. She would collapse onto your body, resting her head against your chest as she would attempt to say more words again, the tiredness clearly not helping her comprehension of the English language before she would eventually force out a couple of words in the process.”Love… you..” She would groan out before she passed out on your chest completely with you moving so your head was pushed into her ginger hair and falling asleep as well, your wife by your side and the love of your life being revived.
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