Knock, Knock, Knock part 2 : Slam, Slam, Slam

 The sun had fallen upon your town and darkness had spread across your home, the clouds blocking any light that would come from the moon and the stars, leaving you in your bedroom with nothing but the light of your alarm clock and however far your eyes could see within the darkness of your room. Other the past month or so you had even adjusting to your new way of living and one of the ways that you had been adapting to it was to keep yourself awake until she arrived since the first few times that you had went to bed after the first incident with her you had actually tried to go to sleep of which she responded by pleasuring you until you were moaning and squirming within your bed. She hated it when you ignored her with restraining your moans meaning that she would simply try and have sex with you more furiously then beforehand whilst ignoring her entirely pretty much ensured you’d be pounded into the bed until you were left unconscious if you were lucky but if you had somehow managed to anger her too much she would simply keep you awake until you had no choice but to pass out due to exhaustion.

Despite all of your encounters with her, you didn’t exactly know what she was with you nicknaming her as an alternate since she seemed to be an alternate version of a human corrupted by whatever dark force was in power. You had no idea where the woman came from, the woman managing to sneak into your house during your first encounter after knocking on your door several times where she proceeded to milk you with her tits and her tongue right on the floor of the corridor. Since then she had appearing every single night to milk you, appearing in a flash within the cover of darkness, occasionally performing her tricks again, before proceeding to have sex with you over and over again with the woman seeming to fuck you for hours regardless of your state of consciousness.

She never talked to you and she never really made any sounds at all besides from the occasional gasp or sigh and it seemed like she could make her mouth disappear and appear out of her own free will,raising even more questions about what the hell she was. She had a personality but you would describe her personality as sadistic at the very least especially given how she wanted to hear your pleasured cries and would react harshly if she didn’t get the response that she desired. You had also learnt over the course of the month that she seemed to enjoy playing games with you, the beast never pouncing on you right away unless she would be able to feel some semblance of fear, her favorite game that she would enjoy playing was something that resembled red light green light.

It would start when she would first arrive, the woman standing deathly still at the other end of the room much like a statue, not even blinking as she waited for you to move in front of her before she would act. It could be any sort of movement really, anything from a simple movement of you being in bed like sitting up or actually trying to escape like you had done the second night, but either way she would quickly pounce on you soon after which was when your milking would begin once again. You sometimes wondered if the reason for this was to pass off some of the “blame” for the sex act onto you, as if to tell you that if you hadn’t moved at all then she wouldn’t be furiously slamming her tits up and down your cock and attempting to drain your balls of every last drop of cum.

Your thoughts eventually moved back to the present and you were sitting in your room waiting for her to arrive, your heart moving somewhat quickly in your chest as you waited for the event to happen once again. Your eyes would keep glancing over to the corner of your room which was her favorite spot to be hiding in,your eyes eventually glancing to her usual hiding places in the process which was when you heard the sound of steady, unfocused footsteps, a sign that she had finally arrived at long last. You could feel your entire body lock up for a moment before your eyes would begin to creep over to the corner, the light of your eyes being just enough for you to see the full form of the woman, your heart beating faster and faster as you tried to figure out what part to focus on first.

Your eyes would eventually manage to stabilize to be on her head, briefly glancing up her elongated neck as you did so, a silhouette completely covering her face which meant that you could see two white eyes with deep black irises staring back at you unblinkingly, the eyes almost having some kind a glow to them. You would proceed to start looking across the woman’s massive frame, the woman being roughly 9 foot tall with the woman having a equally massive set of assets for match, her tits being bigger than your head and her hips being wide to match, a glance down at the beasts thighs revealing they were just as huge as they had always been, her entire body covered in a gray, static-like skin. The woman also had a set of long arms which were proportional with the rest of her huge body, her large hands being tipped with sharp claws as you would then quickly realizing that there was something off about her about her, something that frightened you when you realized what she was doing and what it could mean for you.

She was twitching restlessly in front of you, her legs rubbing up against one another with her thighs wobbling somewhat with each movement, her arms and fingers flicking and flicking away in the air before you saw her neck begin twitching and bending in the process. You could tell she was clearly restless, maybe even frustrated about something as she would wait for you to move and you simply refused to do so, playing the game that she so enjoyed playing with you after all of this time. However, this time it seemed like she wasn’t playing the games anymore with you not even being able to move before she proceeded to run towards you, running at a terrifying and near breakneck pace before jumping right onto the bed, the sound of the bed creaking under her weight echoing out across the air.

The woman clutched ahold of your sheets and practically ripped them off your body before slamming them into the wall before one of her hands pushed right down onto your chest, her eyes glancing down at your erection in the process. She seemed to be glad that you were both naked and erect for her and her monstrously hot body which meant that she relented for a couple seconds before going back to her twitching and her extreme aggression towards you would soon follow with her.  Her free hand would clutch ahold of your left ankle, the woman’s fingers wrapping around it, her sharp fingers digging into your leg before she would remove her hand from your chest and wrapped around the other ankle, the woman letting you process the situation before she would start moving again.

The woman would then proceed to start bending your legs backwards towards your head with you being afraid she was going to tear them off before she eventually stopped when your ankles were placed beside your head. The woman would then start to adjust her body now that you were laying helpless underneath her, the beast managing to move her own hips above your cock to reveal that it was dripping wet to the point the fluids were sticking to her thighs and drooling down onto the mattress. She would keep that pose for a few seconds, the woman managing to retain her sadism even despite her seemingly desperately horny situation,  before she proceeded to slam herself down onto your cock, causing you to moan out loudly into the air in the process.

The woman's thrusts would begin almost immediately after the fact, making you unable to adjust properly to the molten hot inside of her pussy as she would start to move up your cock, clenching around it a couple times in the process. The beast would move to the tip of your cock and clench around it an extra harsh way, making it so you’d push out an extra loud moan as you’d look up to her shadow draped face, the woman’s teeth beginning to appear as she would then proceed to slam herself down to your cock. You could feel your hips clash against her own, fluids splattering out all over your hips and your stomach before she raised up almost immediately after the fact, the fluids stringing from around her pussylips to your cock as she did so.

You then watch as she would start bending down as she thrusted against your body, the woman’s massive tits pushing up against your chest slightly as her neck would twist to make sure your face was right next to her own. Her teeth would quickly part to reveal her tongue, the long, wet, purple organ slithering out from her mouth and hanging in the air for several seconds, swaying from side to side somewhat before she would tense up and target against your lips before she would start her kiss with you. The woman would push her fat tongue right between your lips and push through into your mouth, the woman wiggling her tongue around your mouth rapidly, hitting against your teeth before she proceeded to wrap around your tongue, choking your moans in your throat as she did so.

The Alternate would then start moving much more rapidly around your hips, allowing whatever overwhelming lust she was feeling to take over as you would attempt to moan only for them to be choked out by the woman's tongue. The ramming against your hips felt like you were getting pushed down into the mattress due to the speed and intensity that her thrusts provided, her fluids drooling out all over your balls and cock in the process as her pussy would start to spasm and clench around your cock at a much more sporadic rate. You could feel as her slick inner walls would push against your veins and the most sensitive areas of your penis, each one causing you to twitch out against her body of which she would respond by putting pressure against the part that moved as if to quell any intentions of escape.

The only thing that you could look at as her tongue would tangle and lash against your mouth and that was her body, moving up and down and slamming into you, clearly not intent on simply milking you this time around as you looked into her eyes. You stared into them for several moments seeing that soullessness that had always inhabited them as well as the sadistic aura that was burning in them but you could, this time, see an intense lust to breed, to have children, to become permanently bonded to you in a way. The woman seemed to notice your staring after a couple of seconds which caused her to react as she proceeded to push her tongue deeper inside of your mouth, choking you for a second before she would pull back and kiss you with a newfound intensity.

The woman would then start going even faster and even harder than beforehand, the lewd sounds of your muffled moans and the wet slapping sounds of flesh against flesh echoing out across the room in the process. You could  feel her pretty much clinging to your cock now with her pussy, meaning that her inner walls were being dragged across your cock, her lower lips practically kissing away at your base every time they slammed down, all whilst drool would drip out from the side of your mouth in the process. Your entire body felt like it could go numb from the pleasure and overstimulation that was happening to you due to you being restrained and smothered by the woman’s massive body and the woman had practically robbed you of almost all your oxygen supply with her kiss, leaving you lightheaded.

That was when you felt your cock throbbing away inside of her, pushing up against her inner walls which only tightened even more, making even the slightest shedding of the pleasure you were feeling almost impossible. The pressure at the tip of your cock would build up almost immediately due to all of this, each and every moment her body made against your own making your orgasm get closer and closer by the moment with you not even being able to stop her and hold your orgasm back for even a second. After a few more seconds you couldn’t take it anymore as you started to cum inside of her, what would have been a borderline orgasmic moan being muffled into a silent scream as your ropes began to shoot out inside of her in the process.

You could feel as rope after rope furiously exploded inside of her, covering her inner walls and presumably pushing into her womb as she kept thrusting against you, not even using this moment to give you a break from the overstimulation. You had no idea how long your orgasm had gone on for before you reached your peak, all semblance of time being thrown out of the window at this point, but you did feel your breath getting taken away for a moment when the massive rope shot out inside of her. You kept shooting and shooting inside of her although you could feel the ropes reduce intensity before it came to an end, the ending consisting off the ropes rapidly declining in speed before stopping entirely, a few drops pushing into her inner walls as she did so.

Of course this didn’t stop, it never did usually, but this time you could tell that this time she wasn’t stopping due her usual sadism but she instead was doing this out of a primal, breeding lust and at this point it all started blurring together. Seconds felt like hours and minutes like seconds at this point and you had started to lose track of everything but the feeling of her slamming against you, the pleasure of it all and the orgasms that she had so desired to obtain from you in the process. By the time that you passed out your mouth had gone entirely numb from the kiss that she had trapped you inside of and your hips seemed to be going that way with you estimating that you had cake about  five times inside of her before everything went dark and your eyes shut.

You would walk up after god knows how long, feeling as if you were not sleeping on your mattress but instead sleeping on something that had the texture or rubbery skin, your mouth and hips both entering numb at this point in time. You would then realize that you were laying on top of her, looking up to see her eyes staring down at you from her shrouded in shadow head as her hand would move down to your head and start to stroke your hair, seeming to show you some care and attention for once. With that you felt as the tiredness would start flowing through your body again with your head moving so that they were wedged up against her breasts, closing your eyes and falling asleep again as she would rest by you, both of you seemingly exhausted yourselves.

When you woke up it was morning as she was gone, leaning you with nothing but numb body parts and a mattress in her wake and after that she didn’t seem to appear at all, night after night going by silently and without being milked. This had gone on for months with you being able to walk around your home freely at night as well as being able to simply do whatever you wanted at night with you feeling like today could have been like no other, your head hitting the pillow as you attempted to go to sleep. However, as you closed your eyes, you would hear the sound of something that you hadn’t heard for months, of which made your blood run cold and that sound was of unequal footsteps, dragging heavily across your carpet as your head began to turn to the corner of the room.

Those few seconds of looking into the darkness felt like an eternity as you finally got your eyes into the corner to see it was back, standing deathly still as she usually was, but this time there was a change that shocked you quite a bit.  You could see that she was clearly pregnant and seeming quite far into her pregnancy as well, her stomach  bulging out somewhat as she was bathed in the slight glimmers of moonlight that was coming through the curtains which seemed to highlight this change somewhat in the process. That when when you realized that she was back to playing her games with you, the woman waiting for you to stir, to move so she could pounce on your body with you briefly feeling the urge to twitch somewhat in the process of staring at her.


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