Carrion cumming

 It had been months now since you had managed to escape that laboratory although you had to admit that you didn't really know how you escaped nor why the being that you were escaping from let out live, the sirens still wailing out in your head as you remembered back to being chased by the carrion. You had known the carrion as this beast that had been found somewhere in the arctic and had been dragged back to the lab to be experimented on where it was revealed to be what seemed to be a mass of cells that would exhibit the same behaviors as human stem cells, that being able to convert to any type of cell on the fly. However what the scientists didn’t realize was that the creature wasn’t nearly as docile as soon as the cells unfrozen which lead to it being able to bind its time until the scientists let their guard down which was when it proceeded to attack and escape the facility, revealing another feature of its alien biology in the process.

That feature was the ability to break down human cells and reduce them into the more compatible stem cells which would allow for the creature to become larger and produce even more bizarre forms. When it got to you, you had assumed you’d be ripped apart and killed by the mass of meat but instead it seemed to take a liking to you and it instead decided to have sex with you to seemingly extract your cells through your cum. The last thing you remembered after your encounter with it was the creature getting ready to milk you once again but you seemed to quickly be knocked out and by the time that you woke up you were in a hospital,feeling somewhat dazed in the process.

After that you were told that you had been rescued from the facility a few hours beforehand and that you had sustained only minor injuries from the entire thing which you were very happy about. However when you asked what had happened to the strange beast of which you got absolutely no response other than getting told that the info was strictly classified which made you rather unnerved about what had actually become of the creature as well. Now you were sitting at a bar in the middle of the city, taking sips out of a glass of cheap gin that you had brought purely because it was cheap enough and strong enough to get the thoughts about the lab to stop for a little bit.

You had gotten through around a glass and a half when you noticed a woman staring at you from the bar, the woman herself wearing a red dress and not much else as she stared and stared. By the time you finished your glass she would walk over to your table, placing her hands onto the side of the table, resting her fingers on it and tapping it before she would speak to you ,with you noticing that the woman’s eyes seemed like that were somewhat lifeless. “Hey, you seem lonely over here, Mind if I sit down?” She would ask with you staring at her for a moment before you decided that you might as well have someone to get drunk with as you poured yourself another glass.

“Sure, go right ahead.” She said as she would happily sit down onto the chair with you taking a sip out of the newly poured alcohol as she would start speaking to you again. She would introduce herself as Carrie and said she was from out of town which made sense since she didn’t really have an accent that you could identify with, also noting that she wouldn’t actually have anything to drink, seemingly leaving her drink by the bar. You would talk about a range of topics as the night went on with everything from the news to the weather to the city being covered and before you knew it you were pretty intoxicated, the woman smirking as she would notice this from you.

“You know, you’re a real charmer, ain’t ya? Wanna go to your place and rest there since you’re getting pretty drunk?” She asked with you just deciding to nod along with it, the woman grinning as she did so. “Well, let’s get going in that case then!” She said as she grabbed ahold of your wrist and yanked you up off the chair, the woman having a shocking amount of strength in her given that she was actually pretty skinny, at least skinnier than you. The woman would simply just stare at you with a smile as you would take her to your home although it did feel more like she was leading you somewhere instead of you leading her but before you knew it you were back home, the woman seemingly getting ready for the night ahead as she undid her dress somewhat.

“Lead me to your room, handsome. I’ve got something special to show you.” She would say, the woman seemed like she was itching to show you it given how excited her tone of voice was, the woman's fingers digging into your wrist as she did so. So you would walk her over to your bed where she would turn and push you onto it, the woman walking in front of the bed with that grin still pushed across her lips, the woman briefly glancing over to the door before she would go and speak to you again. “You know, i was pretty upset you didn’t mention our time together at the lab… but hey, i guess we could talk about it now!” She would say, her voice sounding more like multiple people were speaking with each word that came out of her mouth as you could hear her bones start to crack and saw her eyes roll into the back of her head.

The woman would raise her left arm up for you to watch as it split itself across the bone, the top and bottom half of her arm only connected by small strings of red muscle as the fingers would start to outstretched and the skin would stretch over the expanding flesh, tentacles writhing around  from the inside, lashing at the air as you realized what you were dealing with, trying to get up in the process. The Carrion would quickly put a stop to that, the creature’s arm exploding out into a bundle of deep red tentacles, the bulk of which slamming into your chest and then into the mattress, making sure you were in place as the creature would bend it’s body forward, going way beyond the point where it should have been possible, the womans back tearing itself apart until you could see her spine, twitching in place within the fleshy cavity. The womans spine would then tear out of her back, other bits of flesh launching from her back and attaching themselves to the roof, allowing her to raise her now limb “Human” body up, the spine tendral covering itself in red flesh,a eye appearing at the end of it in the process.

“How did that song… go again? Oh, ‘I need you like I need a broken leg’... that's it!”  She said as one of her legs broke in several places before slamming into the floor and exploding into tentacles like her arm did, this time digging itself into the floor to make sure that it was rooted inside of the wood. The womans leg would outstretch itself slowly, the skin at the neck tearing away until nothing remained other than a mass of red flesh, one that stretched out somewhat from the head as her stomach would also stretch itself , tearing both her dress and her flesh apart to expose most of her fake organs, the woman exposing them all to you before she would speak again. “There we go! Feels so much…better when you stretch your muscles, don’t you think?” She would say as you would try and wiggle out of her bounds but you quickly found that you were unable to escape.

“Now, let’s talk, shall we? We have a loooooot to discuss!” She would say as you would attempt to speak to her, the woman responding by forming a crude hand out of the tendrils tip and placing a single finger over your mouth. “I know, how did I escape, how didn’t they catch me? It’s simple really, I just pretended to be one of you and walked out when the actual military got there…” She said as you would just your head back, getting the tendral out of your face for a couple of seconds in the process.

“Just tell me what the fuck you want!” You shouted at her as she would twist her head somewhat, causing whatever bones that were in her neck to crunch as she would do so.

“Oh, I was just… getting to that. You should be a bit more patient.” She said as she would push her finger against your lip and again and would then stretch her neck out so she could be face to “face” with you. “Now, it turns out you are all getting… a bit  better about how you deal with me.” She would say as she would twist her head around your body a bit, the woman's jaw seeming to distend slightly as she spoke which meant the words that she had said were not matching with her lips most of the time. “You have these scanners checking for my DNA, means you’ve essentially boxed in here… i just need SOMEONE to turn them off for me.” She said as she would caress your cheek with her tendril, the woman’s completely dead eyes staring into your own in the process.

“And you chose me?” You asked, the woman nodding with quite a bit of glee in the process.

“Of course I did! You’re the one with all the insider knowledge at Relith, aren't you?” She said in a  coy tone as she would shift what side her head was, the woman having a couple of tentacles coming out of her mouth in the process. “Of course, I can't just go about allowing you to do this without giving you anything in return, can i? So… why don’t I make you an offer of my body, just like in the labs.” She would ask as the woman would gaze down at your face, moving her tendril off your lips so you could respond.

“What type of agreement is that? I wasn’t even planning to fuck you in the lab, you’re the one that came onto me!” You would say as she would let out a slight sigh, using her tendril to rub against your chin as she did so.

“Oh please… you never tried to escape, you never tried to resist. You WANTED Me.” She would say in a deeper tone than usual, the woman sounding genuinely annoyed that you weren't taking up her offer as you thought for a moment about what she said. She was right in a way, you never did try to resist her and you also couldn’t figure out a way to get yourself out of this situation either, the woman pretty much outclassed you in every way since she was able to shapeshift herself effortlessly.

“Fine, i’ll help.” You said which would cause a distorted smile to move across her lips, the woman letting out several alien noises as you would watch some tendrils loom over your trousers and crotch.

“Excellent. Now, shall I get to rewarding you? We have a lot of work to do after all.” She said as the tentacles would then descend from her body and onto your clothes, undoing your trousers and pulling them off by the legs as she did so. She would discard them, throwing them behind her mass of flesh as she would gaze down at your cock, the woman groaning out as she extended what was left of her lower half, which was hips and segments of her legs, over your cock, fluids rapidly dripping out of it. She would wave her hips around for several moments, the woman seeming to be enjoying the taunting as much as she enjoyed binding you to the bed, the woman eventually having enough of it and proceeding to lower herself right onto your cock, moaning as she did so.

You would also moan out as felt her slowly envelop your cock, the woman's body being incredibly warm with you also noticing that her insides were twisting around a lot, the woman seeming to struggle to keep even the semblance of a human form. She would start to raise herself off your cock, the woman gasping out into the air as she would do so as you could feel her pussy would start to twist around, things beginning to emerge from it that you couldn’t see which made you somewhat concerned. The woman would get to your tip before slamming back down again, the woman groaning now her puffed up pussy lips collided with your crotch, her pussy fluids spraying all over you as she did so.

As she slammed and slammed against you, you would quickly realize that the things growing inside of her pussy were tentacles, ones that were coming to life and wrapping around your cock, making you clutch the bed in the process. You would feel as they would start to become more and more active, some of them wrapping around your cock and stroking it eagerly whilst others would move up to your cock and tease it by prodding and wiping themselves right down your member. The woman would also start to begin moving her “hips” faster, more and more tendrils fusing with her hips to make sure she could increase the speed, the woman moving faster and faster by the moment as she would outstretch her head again so it was closer to your own.

“MMph, come here and kiss me, anon!~” She would cry out as her top half of her head would proceed to split open into a position where it looked much like a flower, the woman’s jaw also distending way past where it should normally be. The woman’s tongue would then shoot right out of her mouth and would wiggle right into your own, the fleshy organ rubbing against your teeth whilst winding up against your tongue, the other tentacles in her mouth playing with your lips in the process. As the kiss would continue you would see as more and more eyes would sprout of the flower-like crevasse that was in her head, the eyes flicking around as you could also see mouths appearing within.

Your eyes would look away from her face and down to your crotch as you saw and felt more and more tentacles pushing out of her hole, most of which were writhing around your cock but some had more planned courses of action. Some of them would trace across your cock, pushing and rubbing against each and every vein as some would even move down to your balls, fondling them as she would keep kissing away at you. The woman would then proceed to start moving her body even faster than before, the woman this time doing it so suddenly that it would wind you for a brief moment, your breath being caught within one of the creatures many mouths in the process.

The woman would slam with such force that her thrusting to be rapidly more uneven then beforehand, the woman eventually managing to hook many of her tendrils together to stabilize herself somewhat. She would also disconnect herself from your face, allowing you to freely breath as more and more tentacles would descend from above and onto your body, the flesh rubbing against your skin, clutching against your chest whilst others would proceed to rub against your face in the process. “Isn’t this all worth it, anon? You can have this now, forever!” She would groan out as the sounds of her tentacles moving and the lewd sounds of flesh slapping against flesh would echo out across the room.

That was when you could feel yourself start to throb within the grasp of the hundreds upon hundreds of tendrils that were hiding inside of her pussy, all of which went into overdrive almost immediately after you started throbbing. They would writhe like crazy, moving across every single sensitive area on your cock as fast as possible, clearly wanting to make you cum as an intense pressure started to build up at the tip of your cock, pushing out against the air within the process, much to her delight. Eventually you weren’t able to take the overstimulating pleasure of the many tendrils that were wrapping around your cock, grunting out into the air as you started to orgasm inside of the abomination.

You could feel as rope after rope of cum would shoot out of your cock and right into the mass of tentacles that were inside  of her pussy, most of which grabbing at the air so they could catch a drop of your cum with them. Your orgasm would grow more and more intense with each rope that was shot into her, the woman moaning and grunting with her many voices as your orgasm would then reach its peak, a massive set of ropes spraying from your dick in the process, much to the monstrous women's delight.  Of course, your orgasm would eventually come to an end, your orgasm getting less and less intense, the last couple drops of cum dripping out of your cock and into her grasp, the woman letting out a few pants before she began to wind her body against your own.

“There…soon we’ll be able to get to work, once you’ve rested of course.” The woman would say as she would retract some of her tentacles from your body, the woman also unhooking herself from the now wrecked roof in the process. She would then love a few tentacles around your back and waist, hugging you closer as she would gasp and growl into the air, leaving you nearly entirely exhausted as you sat there and wondered what the hell was going to happen next now you were her partner in crime.Either way it seemed like you weren’t part of her assimilation plan so you guess you had made quite a impact on her so you simply sat back, tried to relax and braced yourself for the day ahead.


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