Her name is (NOT) Annabelle

The paranormal had always interested you, especially the tales of ghosts or demons that would possess certain objects and proceed to wreak havoc across the home although they’d never seem to kill like the movies like to say which made things  safer but somewhat less interesting when investigating them. You had been to many places and you had found absolutely nothing haunted in most of them with the ones that did have anything that could be construed as haunted could also be construed as just the building being built awfully or as simply blurs on the cameras that they used as evidence for you. However there was one particular house that you could safely say was definitely haunted by something, be it a ghost or some kind of demon and within that house there was a doll locked away in a single room simply known as Annabelle.

Annabelle herself, judging by the photos that  you had seen of her,appeared to be a rather uncanny looking porcelain doll dressed in a kinda southern gothic look which had been found at the house by the current owners. They had initially wanted to get rid of it but their daughter decided to take a liking to it so they kept it, the parents not realizing that something was wrong until the doll started appearing in impossible places like air vents on the top of shelves. Things would start escalating with knives and other objects being placed in either dangerous or random places, the daughter drawing pictures of a doll and what the parents described as being a demon and the daughter even being physically harmed by the entity.

As such they had called you to deal with the entity and you quickly drove over to the rural area that the house was nested inside off, the dirt splattering across the metal of the car before you pulled up in the driveway. The house was a rather gothic affair with you imaging that, without the repainting that the previous homeowner did to make it actually sellable, it was even more gothic both in architecture and coloring as you would take the keys out of your pocket, the family still in the hospital with the daughter. You would get to the door and insert the key inside, glancing up to see a shadow behind the glass with you slowly twisting the key until the lock clicked before the shadow would disappear as you would then open the door and enter inside the haunted house.

The house was silent with the only sounds being from above you which was the creaking of the floor before that sound would also stop, your hand clutching the keys before you threw them into your pocket.  You would walk up the stairs towards where the doll was located, the air growing colder and colder the further you went up the, before you felt the steely cold of the top floor, the parents bedroom door being slightly ajar with light oozing through the door from the window. You’d move over to the door and hesitate to open it for a moment, not being sure if you could be attacked from the offset or not before you decided to swallow your fear and move right inside the room to see the doll herself.

She was sat on the chair at the other end of the room, your eyes first linking to her face which was rather uncanny, the bright red lips not quite fitting on the face and a pair of glassy eyes staring right back at you, the thick head of hair the doll had being wrapped up into a pair of pigtails. Most the the dolls porcelain body was covered in a flowing white dress that was trimmed with red, the dress itself seeming to be in a southern gothic kinda look,a large red piece of fabric being wrapped around her stomach with the fabric being finished with what appeared to be a finely crafted rose that was in the front of it. The doll itself was completely unmoving and didn’t actually look like it could move at all, the doll just staring right at you as you would go and leave the room, the door then proceeding to shut itself as you realized that you were just where you wanted to be, grabbing ahold of some rope in your bag as you would do so.

You turned around to see that the doll was now standing up, its feet somewhat struggling to contain all of the weight that the top of the doll had as the hands would move around and those glassy eyes would lock onto you. Well, you’re certainly a new face. I want to see it closer.” She said as she would proceed to run towards you, the small legs of the doll having a surprising amount of speed to them as you would grab ahold of the cross that you had resting inside of your bag along with the rope. As the doll would go flying towards your face you would place the cross right onto her chest, the woman letting out a brief grunt before a unholy hiss echoed out of her mouth before she would fall to the ground, the woman trying to rise up as you moved to use the robe.

You would start wrapping ropes around the dolls arms in order to make sure she couldn’t escape, the demon managing to wrangle some control of the dolls body as she would start writhing and writhing around the place. “Get your hands off me right now, mortal!” The doll would say as it would keep wiggling around as you managed to get the doll's arms nice and tied up before you’d move to the legs, much to the annoyance of the demon. You would wrap her legs up as she would continue to shout expletives at you, not really being able to resist that much due to being maids out of porcelain as she would glance up at you and hiss somewhat when she saw you smirk away at her.

“Well, maybe if you didn’t go about haunting these people, Annabelle, then this wouldn’t have happened at all.” You’d say as she would stop for a  moment before wiggling in annoyance even more, the woman opening her mouth to speak in the process. 

“That is not my name, mortal scum! I am Malthus, a scourge of hell, I will not be devalued into a mere doll!” The being  screeched as it kept moving and moving around, the porcelain limbs squirming and causing her outfit to slip somewhat. Unfortunately for her, one of those items were a pair of panties that the doll had been apparently wearing this entire time with you watching as they slid further and further down before the doll noticed. “D-don't you look down there, human!” She said with a  surprising stutter to her as you would go against what she said as  you grabbed ahold of her legs and moved her rod you could stare right down her dress,  your eyes widening when you saw what was inside.

It was her pussy and it seemed to be a mixture of porcelain around her cunt and actual demonic flesh that the actual hole was made out of with you looking up to see the dolls face had a surprisingly embarrassed expression on her. “Well, you’ve seen my womanhood now, I’m sure a man of god like you will now exorcize me  and be done with it.” She said as you would grin to yourself and reach for your belt, the woman unaware of your true plans. She would then see as the belt proceeded to be thrown over her before her eyes would glance down to see your cock hovering right over  her dress, the woman seeming shocked by this as you grabbed her and picked her up.

“Unhand me, right now!” She would cry in a rather useless attempt to get you to stop what you were going to do to her, the woman’s legs twisting in her bounds as you’d sit her next to your cock. You’d lift her right above your cock and  then bent her legs right into the air so that her pussy was exposed to the cold air, the dripping wet hole resting right next to your member, the head of the cock rubbing against the lips which caused her to groan out somewhat in the process. You’d then lift her up and slam her right down into your cock, the woman letting out a rather loud groan as she would do so as you would bring her to the base of your member as her legs would writhe around in your grasp.

You could feel as she would rub and clench around your cock, the womans legs pressing against your hand as her glassy eyed would roll right into the back of her head before eventually popping back out again. She would attempt to grunt out some words as you would slowly pull her doll body right up your cock,the woman's demonic cunt clenching against your member in the process as you would go to speak, the woman preemptively letting out a sigh in the process, as if she knew what was going to come out of of your mouth.”So, how are you liking this one then, Anabelle?” You said with a somewhat smug tone to your voice before you slammed her right back down onto your cock, the woman hitting against your base as her rebuttal became a series of moans.

“My, Mmgh, name is not Anabelle you wretched human!” She would growl out as she would try and wiggle out of your hands before you’d lift her up and slam her down again, the twitching stopping and being replaced with pleasured moans and sighs. This would keep going for several minutes, the woman’s tongue lashing around inside of her mouth somewhat as she would try to hide her  moans from you as her pussy would start clenching around your cock in some kind of reflexive lusting for your cock. Eventually you decided to speed up your thrusting somewhat, grabbing hold of both of her legs and hoisting them up somewhat as you slammed before you started to go faster, the woman letting out a pleasure filled growl across the entirety of the house she receded in.

You’d no longer stop when you moved her to the tip or slammed her onto your base, the woman's legs going somewhat floppy as she would try to get used to the new pace that you were putting her through as her eyes would glance up at you. “Hell, I hate you so much!” She moaned out, the woman’s lustful tone of voice not making you take her very seriously in that regard as she would let her tongue hang out of her mouth slightly as you would keep railing her pale, porcelain hips, her fluids dripping all over the dress in the process. You could also feel as her pussy would keep clenching more and more against your cock, moving against your member in an almost milking like motion, the woman clearly falling more and more into lust with how much she was panting and groaning.

 You would quickly move one of your hands up to her neck and nudge her head backwards, meaning you could see her glassy eyes and what appeared to be the demon's actual tongue sticking out of the doll's mouth. You would then push your mouth right into her own, the woman’s tongue pushing against her own as she would groan into your mouth, the doll's warm breath pushing inside of your mouth, the woman’s spit tasting warm and almost like cinnamon as it hit against your mouth. Your tongues would tangle for several moments before you proceeded to go faster inside of her, the woman moaning out into your mouth in the process, the woman no longer twitching and now embracing her fate.

At this point you were going without any mercy on her hips, thrusting with just enough force that they wouldn’t break on contact, the woman’s entire body moving up with the force of the thrusts in the process. You would eventually pull away from her mouth and felt as her hot breath pushed against your face, the woman letting out a couple of groans into the air as spit linked your lips together with the links eventually being broken after several thrusts against her where her hips would go bouncing off your cock somewhat.The woman would keep her head pointed at you as you felt as her pussy would start twitching away at random, the woman growing closer and closer to orgasm by the moment.

You were also getting closer and closer to orgasm by the moment, your code starting to throb and throb inside of her before she would clench back, making the throbbing even more intense by the moment. The pressure that was nestling at the tip of your code was also getting more and more intense by the moment, the pressure slowly getting you much to pair as you used the doll like the toy that it was, the demon seeming to enjoy the usage. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore before you proceeded to slam herself right down onto your cock, the woman clenching up against your cock as you would start to shoot out ropes of your cum inside of her drooling cunt.

As you would shoot rope after rope of cum right inside of her pussy she would start to orgasm as well, the woman’s pussy twitching against your cock as she would start spraying her demonic fluids all over it. Your orgasm would intensify until it would reach its peak, a massive load shooting inside of her and causing her legs to try and wrap around one of your arms somewhat, a particularly large wave of  fluids pushing out against your cock in the process. Both of your orgasms would come to an end at some point, the woman groaning as she would slowly come off her orgasmic high as you would shoot the last couple loads of cum right inside of her as she’d go somewhat limp in your hands.

Both of you would pant into the air as you would stay resting against the wall, sweat dripping down your body as she would crane her neck up so that she could look into your eyes. “My-my name isn’t Annabelle,h-human scum.” She would manage to grunt out before she would seemingly just fall over onto your chest in order to rest with you being glad that you didn’t have to go about restraining her tied up legs any longer. As you laid there with the doll laying against your body you wondered what the hell you were going to do but, given that you had the entire house to yourself for the weekend as the homeowners stayed in the hospital, you had to assume that you were going to be doing way more of this with her.


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