Audrey part II

 You had been working in that flower shop in downtown Skid row for quite a while now and despite the fact that you were living in one of the shittest areas in New York you found the work to be surprisingly nice, all things considered. The pay was good, at least good enough to feed you and pay for all of the bills, the hours weren’t too bad given the work that you were expected to do and the “owner” of the shop was rather nice and quite flirtatious with you which wasn’t surprising given the “Employee benefits” that were on offer to you. Of course, when you first walked into Mushnik's Flower Shop what you didn’t expect was to see that the owner had either been replaced or devoured by a giant, talking plant nor did you expect that plant to want to suck your cock either.

You still remember the shock of it all, seeing a plant that was easily larger than you in terms of both height and width not only talking but almost instantly flirting and trying to suck you off which was certainly not expected. You also didn’t expect her to be extremely good at sucking you off at that, those bright red and very plump lips as well as that thick, drool covered tongue milking quite the orgasm out of you that day, as she would continue to do to you every single day that you went to work. Of course, you’d have to occasionally work the counter just in case anyone walked in to buy aplant but she wouldn’t leave you alone even then with you always finding a tendral had worked its way underneath your desk in order to stroke you so she could keep you hard and ready for her.

You were walking down that street right now, the sun making you squint due to how bright it was as you’d dodge the various piles of trash on the floor before reaching the flower shop proper, seeing the bare brick walls in front of you in the process. You would stare at the window before you would enter the building, the usual silence greeting you for a couple of seconds before you noticed a green tentacle laying on the counter which would quickly start moving around in the air as a very, very familiar voice came shouting from the backroom. “Oh my, is it my lovely and handsome employee who’s just come in? Come on deeper, momma’s real hungry!” She would shout out in her usual boisterous tone as you started to walk towards her, the vine soon leaping off the table and around your hand.

You’d feel as the vine would sow itself between your fingers, the vine also moving around your palm somewhat as another vine would launch out of the darkness, quickly wrapping around your stomach somewhat before it moved downwards. The vine would quickly make itself useful as you would feel it move right down into your trousers, her tentacle moving inside of your underwear and stroking your cock with you noticing that she seemed way more frisky today then she usually was which was quite impressive. You could hear her as you walked closer, the woman chuckling to herself as well as groaning and moaning quite a bit as well, the woman clearly being rather pent up before you walked into the room to see the face and body of Audrey II.

The first place you looked was her massive head which made up the  bulk of her body, the woman herself having a rather large ring of leaves moving around her head in a way that almost resembles shaggy hair, the majority of the woman’s body being green with several ridges running down the head. However the main part that you paid attention too was her wide mouth, her red lips still being as plump as ever, maybe even more so due to his well fed she was, her mouth hiding a large row of sharp white teeth and behind those was that long tongue that had worked magic on your cock, moving and pushing down it when she would suck your cock. The rest of her body was a rather elegant vine that moved back into the pot she was placed into, the woman’s body being surrounded by leaves that were a rather vibrant green as she would let out a hiss and a hum before she would start to speak, your attempts to say hello being silenced by the vine moving to your lips.

“Uh-Uh, there’s no point in talking, you stud!Mama has got herself real worked up last night and I need somebody to take out all my pent up aggression on!” She would shout into the air with her usual level of bravado. “Now just stand there and relax for me, I wanna go ahead and unwrap my gift!” She shouted as she would move two of her tentacles over to your shirt, catching the underside of it before pulling it above your head, moving both your arms up above your head in the process. She would then move over to your trousers and your underwear, getting a grab at the underwear before she would undo your trousers and place them right down at your ankles before pushing your underwear down in the same way which exposed your rock hard cock to her in the process.

“Mmph, look at that fat ol thing!So big, so meaty! How could a mean green mother resist?” She said as she would curl her tentacles around your cock as she kept stroking away at your member, moving her mouth nice and close to it in the process. She would breathe heavily as she loomed over your dick, the woman licking her lips as drool would drip down onto the floor as her tongue would escape her mouth, moving around your tip and looping around it before she withdrew her tongue and smirked at you. “I’m gonna wrap my lips around that fat thing on the count of three! One…Two…” She would say before she suddenly moved right onto your cock, wrapping her lips right around it as her tongue would push against the bottom of your tip, a moan escaping your mouth in the process.

She would hum happily to herself as she would suck away at your cock eagerly, moving from tip to base and practically kissing your lips in the process, drool escaping from her lips despite how hard she was latched onto you. You would watch as her tongue would stay wrapped around most of your cock, flicking and flexing around your cock as she would do so, the woman being able to cover your balls in her sticky drool when she would do so, the womans vines clenching against your legs in the process. You could hear her growling and moaning away as you would try to remove your hands from her vines only to feel that they were winded against them to the point that you couldn’t move, let alone escape them as she would continue to suck away at your cock.

She would keep sucking and sucking away at your cock as her tentacles would advance across your body, your legs being tied together as she would flick a couple of them right down your back to increase stimulation. She would then proceed to lift you off the ground, the woman pulling herself off your cock before panting into the air, drool dripping and dripping off your cock and onto the floor before she would start speaking to you once again. “Mmmph, hope you loved the starter because you’re gonna have your mind blown by the main course!” She shouted as she would proceed to wrap her mouth around your cock once again, the woman moving a lot faster than beforehand.

At this point she wasn’t stopping or savoring any particular taste or texture but instead ramming her lips right into your hips, strings of drool connecting them both as spit would go flying all over the place. Her tongue would also rapidly run up and down your cock, moving all around it as well as making sure to bury the tip of her tongue into your most sensitive areas,making you his out into the air in pleasure as she would hiss out into the air with satisfaction, the hiss being rather deep and seductive. You could also feel as the vines holding your legs would move somewhat, expanding out from your thighs and moving up to your balls where she would then begin to massage and grope them, rubbing them eagerly as she could feel her meal inside of them, more drool escaping her mouth as she waited.

Sometimes even her tongue would join her vines in playing with your balls, rolling out of her mouth and wrapping around them for a few seconds, encasing them in warmth, before she pulled away and left them with a fresh coating of drool on them. The woman would tighten her grip on you more and more, a few vines wrapping around your chest and stomach as she would do so as she would stop for a brief moment, preparing herself for something which both made you rather excited and somewhat nervous in the process. You soon got your answer about what that would be as she would start to move extremely quickly across your cock, the woman grunting and moaning out as you would try and fail to twist inside of the binds that she had you caught in.

At this point her tongue had lost all rhyme and reason to it and now was just spastically grinding and slamming across your cock, your balls now being wrapped around and coated in much more of her thick drool then before. You could hear her moaning loudly as well, the moans loud and rapturous as she would keep jamming those plush lips against your hips with you wondering if her eyes would have rolled into the back of her head if she actually had eyes, the woman operating purely out of her own lust at this point. You could also feel as her vines would push and wrap around your balls, playing with them much more roughly as she would beforehand, as if she was trying to milk the cum right out of your balls.

 You could feel as your cock would then start to throb inside of the mouth of the plant, the woman feeling as you would push against her tongue with the woman proceeding to start lapping and pressing against your cock, more and more drool dripping out her mouth in the process. You could also feel as the pressure at the tip of your cock would start to increase and increase, your cock feeling as it was about to burst as she would grunt and groan loudly in the process, clearly being eager to receive your cum. You eventually couldn’t take it anymore, the pressure and the pleasure being too much for you before you proceeded to cum inside of her mouth, the woman slamming her lips into your hips as ropes of your cum would shoot right into her mouth as she groaned.

She would feel as the ropes would proceed to spray out all over her tongue, rope after rope escaping your cock and splattering into the back of the beast's mouth, the woman gulping it all down eagerly as she would do so. She would proceed to keep gulping it down until you proceeded to orgasm right down her throat as your orgasm would reach its peak, the woman letting out a couple of coughs as she would do so, the woman still clutching against your body in the process.  Eventually your orgasm would grow weaker and weaker before it would come to the end, the woman feeling as the ropes would grow less and less before  mere drops would start moving out your cock, the woman lapping them up eagerly.

She would keep suckling off your cock for several moments before she would proceed to pop herself off your member, the woman groaning out as she would do, her grip on you quickly unraveling in the process. “Mmmph, my,my, looks like all my teasing got you real pent up as well! Mamma get you that turned on, huh?” She asked as you would nod, the woman chuckling back at you before she would slap you on the back with one of the vines. “Now, i think i heard the store bell ringin’ so why don’t you go out there and please our customers, good lookin’!” She said with a grin as she  would slap you on the back again with you pulling up your trousers and venturing out into the store, knowing that she would be ready to please you at any time.


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