The breeding of a sacred deer

 When you went into the abandoned shopping mall at the edge of the city you were expecting many things such as lights hanging off the roof, crumbling walls and maybe even an animal or two, either alive and feeding off scraps or rotting away within the bowels of the mall and forgotten by the rest of the world. There had always been rumors about the place with people saying that some far off druid population showed up and summoned some entity that they were worshiping something that you had believed was completely rubbish because how could it  be anything but especially given you had lived within the area all your life and never saw any trace of these druids that were around the place. That was until you actually went into the abandoned mall and wandered around a bit, entering into one of the wrecked stores and appearing out the other end into a forest that was actually impossible to have been there.

You wandered forward into the forest for a long, long while before you realized that it was either never ending or simply that it was just extremely large, the trees seeming to loop as you walked and walked and walked. In the horizon there were mountains that were littered with trees and moved into the skyline, meaning you could never see the top and you’d occasionally find a river that seemed to have no start or end point as it simply just drifted off into the distance and never stopped. However there was a notable lack of life anywhere around the place with no birds populating the trees and no animals running around the forest, not even small creatures like mice and insects with you eventually finding a sign that there was life within this place over then you.

It was, judging by the robes they had been wearing, the druids that had managed to open the gate here to begin with, however it seemed that they had been involved in some kind of ritual that made them all kill one another. There was a  larger group of them, about 6 in total, that were all laid out in a line, their bodies lying face up with their heads having all been cut off  and placed somewhere unknown whilst three more of them laid face down in the lake, seemingly poisoned given there weren't any exit wounds. The cuts across the necks were incredibly clean and, given the lack of blood,  it seemed that they had been done a long, long time ago with you having no idea what the point was given that they had already got to what they assumed the promised land was in the first place.

However, before you could escape from the encampment you suddenly realized the sun was setting which was curious given that the sun had been right at its highest point only a few seconds later as you would go to lay down. You would lay there for several moments, looking into the now inky black sky,the sky lacking both stars and a moon as you would attempt to get some sleep, figuring that you would be able to get out of the forest  tomorrow by going back the way that you had come. However your sleep would be quickly interrupted by a bright blue light shining over you, your eyes opening to see that it was one of the corpses that were headfirst in the river, blue light oozing out of the eyes and mouths before the head would start to move somewhat.

It would tilt to the side briefly before the head started to cave in on itself into a single point that was right in the middle of the head, flesh and bone tearing apart like it was wet paper, much to your shock. After the woman’s head was pulverized a symbol would replace by the head, the symbol itself being a triangle with three other triangles overlapping with the corners, a single glowing light laying in the middle, staring at you as the other bodies would start to move as the horizon would glow the bright blue. The two by the river would go through the same process of head pulverization and then replacement whilst the other headless corpses at the other end of the encampment would proceed to use up and reveal the symbols as well, the sound of something moving in the trees causing you to turn around to see what you assumed to be the leader of the dead beings.

The first thing that you noticed about the being that she had the same lack of head that the rest of the followers did, the woman symbol having set of horns sticking out of it, the horns being made of jagged lines coming out of the head whilst the head and neck were surrounded by these large glowing balls. The second thing that you noticed was the woman was around eight or so feet tall, towering over you and everyone else there as you noticed that the woman seemed to be part deer, the woman’s entire body being covered with a pale brown fur, the woman also being completely naked which you meant that you got a good view of her rather impressive rack,which bounced slightly as she walked. The woman’s thighs were also the same level of thickness, the top of the thighs being surrounded by a circle of rectangles across them, the top of her arms having the same thing as well as what appeared to be some kind of necklace that she had surrounding her neck and breasts.

She would proceed to point at you, the woman's glow being almost blinding as you felt as the other cultist women grabbed ahold of your arms and legs, making sure you were held in place as she would then proceed to say something. You couldn’t understand what she was saying as it seemed that it was in a entirely alien language as the women that were holding you would grab ahold of your clothes, the woman then starting to tug roughly at your clothes in the process which made you realize what was about to happen, The clothing around your chest would tear first, exposing your skin to the cold air as the clothes around your legs and crotch would be torn apart, exposing your rapidly hardening cock to her in the process which she seemed to stare at for several moments. 

She would then proceed to crouch herself down over the top of you, the woman's pussy now hovering right over your crotch with the lips looking both extremely plump as well as appearing extremely wet in the process. She would move one of her hands down to your chest, pushing it down onto the dirt somewhat before she would grab ahold of one of your arms, the woman looking into your eyes as she would begin to move her hips upwards, her back arching and her heels coming off the ground somewhat. She would eventually reach the point where couldn’t get any higher into the air, which allowed you to see that a deer tail was moving back and forth above her fat ass, the woman saying something in her alien tongue before she slammed herself down into you, enveloping your cock in the process.

You’d moan out into the air as you would feel her hips slam into you, the woman's fur brushing up against your skin as she kept you pinned to the ground, your body being unable to move due to the weight and height difference between you both. She would then start to move back up your member again, the deer deity’s surprisingly strong inner walls clenching across your cock, the woman moaning as she would travel upwards as her wet walls would rub and rub up against your cock rather excellently. She would move over to your tip, the woman’s grip on your chest briefly weakening which caused her fingers to slide down your chest somewhat, the woman eventually clenching once again as she would slam herself back down knot your hips,albeit a little bit gentler than the first time around.

She would keep moving up and down your cock with each movement being either faster or slower than the last, the woman seemingly testing to see what gave her the most pleasure as the other women would stare at the lewd sight. The woman’s symbol head would twist around before she would slam at a particular angle down your bulge, the woman’s head proceeding to tilt back further then before managing to regain her strength and would move it back to the place that it was before. She would then proceed to move herself closer to you somewhat, the woman bending over you so her tits were hovering above her head as she would clutch ahold of your body before she started to thrust against you faster than before.

The woman would take several moments to get herself at a constant pace, the woman eventually getting into an almost heartbeat-like rhythm as she would let out what you assumed to be moans. You could hear the lewd sounds of her hips slamming against your pussy fluid covered hips in the process, the woman’s hands clutching and clutching against your skin as she would keep clenching against your cock in the process.  However the woman’s pussy would also twitch some more as well, meanings that the woman’s walls would clench and rub against your veins and glams, pleasuring and pleasuring you as you could swear that a blush apppeared on her face in the process.

She would push deeper and deeper into her own lust, the woman’s warmth pushing off your body in the process as she would fuck you, her followers being more and more aroused by the goddesses display in the process. You could see that her tail was going into overdrive with his it was moving around, the balls that were hovering over her body glowing brighter and brighter in the process which made you close your eyes somewhat in the process. She would quickly wrap her arms so that her hands resting against your sides as she would have something to grab ahold of, the woman then proceeding to thrust even faster as her body would envelop you in the process.

Her hips would quickly lose all sense of rhythm due to the increase in speed, the thrusts becoming faster to the point she was practically bouncing off your hips due to the increased speed. The woman’s breasts were pushed against your face to the point that you were inbetween them, the woman’s soft fur brushing against your face as a warmth submerged your head, putting you into what felt some kind of lustful trance. Her legs would curl around your own as she would clench and clench around your cock, practically trying to wring your cock and balls out of anything that it could have had inside of it in the process.

She would get her wish soon enough as you would proceed to start throbbing and throbbing inside of her, the woman’s inner walls subconsciously responding by clenching down against your cock. The pressure at the tip of your cock would also grow more and more intense, your cock obviously wanting to escape from your member yet the pleasure not getting to the point that it would allow for release, even if you were close at this point. Eventually you’d reach that overflowing point and you couldn’t take it anymore, moaning out as you would start cumming inside of her as she wouod pin your hips back to the ground like with the first  thrust, tightening around you as she did so.

Your first few ropes sprayed out all over her walls before she would clench right against your cocks, the woman letting you focus on shooting deeper and deeper inside of her in the process. Your orgasm would reach its peak after a while, the woman shaking somewhat as she felt the shot push inside of her as she would feel as your orgasm would start to come to a end, getting shorter and shorter with each shot in the process. Eventually your stop cumming inside of her entirely, a few drops dripping out of your cock and into her walls as she would just catch herself before she would fall onto you, gasping somewhat as she would do so.

She would eventually proceed to clutch ahold of your body again as she would proceed to pull herself off your cock, the woman groaning somewhat as she would do so as her followers would gaze around the area. She would then sweep you up into your arms as she wouod wave her hands at the other followers, the woman all falling to the ground when the symbols disappeared as she would lay down on the ground with you in her arms in the process. The woman then proceeded to snuggle herself up with you, hugging you much like someone wouod with a plush before seemingly dozing off herself, the woman’s grip so strong that you had no choice but to go and sleep along with her.


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