Tentacles of temptation

 You had been a treasure hunter for quite some time now, going to all manner of ruined buildings and abandoned temples on the quest to find something that would make you so rich that you’d never feel the need to walk into another temple again, although you hadn’t quite reached that goal yet. Of course, as a treasure hunter you would often go place to place, not staying anywhere that couldn’t give you enough money or places that were simply too dangerous for you to stay without being ripped apart by either what lurked inside of the buildings or the citizens outside who’d kill you if you disturbed their shrine or whatever. However you had recently become entranced with a certain temple next to the city of sarn, or more accurately, what was inside of it in the first place and that temple's name was The Lunaris Temple, home of nightmares.

You knew of this place beforehand, hearing it was filled to the brim with miscreations and other monstrosities but you had also heard rumors about great  riches within, riches that you desired to have more than anything. As such you moved into the temple which was mostly a more silent affair than Anything else until a certain being showed up, known to those around it as a Tentacle Miscreation, a being that was a twisted mutant of a human being. Of course, you were quickly overwhelmed by the being, the tentacles swinging around in the air before you ran away from the being and out the temple, the being stopping at the front door and shifting inside, happy to allow you to leave with your life.

However, the craving for the treasure you had been seeking was too much for you and you quickly went back in, managing to get a bit deeper down into the temple before you encountered the exact same Tentacle Miscreation. She had seemed to recognise you as well, the woman twisting her head for a moment before a more playful smile moved across her face,the woman quickly moving after you as she would continue the cat and mouse game you were playing. This cycle would continue with you venturing inside before getting “found” by her where she would chase you and you escape, the woman seeming attached to the game of cat and mouse in a more sexual way then anything else.

Now you were back in the temple once again, your eyes falling across the ruined walls and the dusty shadows of what was once a great table, a smile moving across your face as you waited for your friend to arrive. You could eventually see a shadow in the distance, seeing the tentrals flick around in the air, the sounds of her guttural groaning echoing out into the air as you shone your torch closer to her, seeing as the shadow would briefly move away somewhat. The shadows then would move suddenly before you would drop your torch, the flame going out before you would gaze at the beasts body, backing up a couple steps  as you  took in the full beauty of her form.

The first place that you looked was the mass of  tentacles that made up her a large part of her body, the skin form just below her breasts to the top of her waist being ripped off to reveal the red flesh underneath, around five tentacles sticking out of the flesh and lashing around the room as your eyes would move up her body. You would look at her fairly large breasts, seeing them move somewhat as she breathed slightly as you saw that she lacked arms, a pair of tentacles being in their place whilst your eyes would drift up to stare up at her head to see that it was human for the most part. The woman's hair was a deep black and ran down her neck and hung by her shoulders, the hair resting on her chest somewhat whilst her eyes were somewhat glassy, the woman seeming to be in a strange state between living and dead given how mutilated and gored she had become. 

She would smile at you, the woman winking at you to start the game as you would turn around and start running, the woman growling out into the air as she would start to chase after you, her tentacles lashing at the air all the while. You would feel as she was chasing you across the winding corridors and pathways, the tentacles lashing closer and closer as you proceeded to move slower than you usually would, feeling as the wind coming off the tentacles moved closer and closer to your body. Eventually one of the tentacles would wrap around your arm, pulling you up to her as the other tentacles would quickly wrap around your body, two of them moving around your legs and another clutching to your arms as she would quickly start canvassing your body with the rest.   

Her tentacles would grope and tease at your body before she would decide to go underneath the clothes, moving up under your shirt as she would start to drag your trousers down, revealing your rock hard member that was underneath. The woman would grin at you as she would move her tentacles up to your head, slowly stroking and caressing it as she would look into your eyes, the other tentacles surrounding your member as she would let out a growl and hiss in the process. The tentacles would slowly move closer and closer to your cock, the tentacles eventually starting to wrap around your member, the wet and warm tentrals pushing against your cock, moans starting to escape your mouth in the process.

You could feel as she would start to stroke your cock with her tentacles, the woman establishing a good grip around the base of your member before she started to move upwards across your cock, the limb pulsing in the process. She would move up to the tip of your cock, the woman pushing the tentacle against your head to choke it with pleasure before she would stop for a brief moment, the woman reducing her tightness as she would start moving down your cock, the tendril dripping with fluids all the while. The woman would reach your base again, resting there for a couple of moments before another tentacle proceeded to lean against your balls, the woman starting to move and rub against them as she would continue to proceed with the tentaclejob.

The woman would proceed to repeat the cycle, the woman letting out a growl in the process as she would keep your arms wrapped in her tentacles as you would start trying to escape them, the woman letting out a low growl in the process. You would eventually manage to get one of your arms free, your hand moving over to her breast as you started to grope it somewhat, pushing your hand into it as she would let out a huff and a sigh, biting her lip somewhat in the process. The woman would gasp before she would pull you closer to the twitching mass if her body, the monster gasping and groaning before she would start to move faster against your member, making you groan out into the air in the process.

She would no longer stop at your base and tip, instead moving faster up and down your member, the woman groaning as she would move another tentacle up to your tip to play with it separately for her other tentacle drifted up and down you. The tentacle that was managing your balls would also increase in speed, rubbing and grinding against them, the woman smirking as she would hear as you moaned out for her as your hand would keep digging into her tits, rubbing against her hard nipple in the process. The woman would start licking her lips before she would proceed to push her lips down onto your own, the woman groaning out as she did so, her eyes shutting somewhat as you groped and groped away at her body.

You would grope away at her make intensely now, moving your hand over to the other breasts before digging your fingers into it, your palm grinding into her nipple in the process as she moaned out in pleasure.  You could see as she would grind her teeth in pleasure as she would remake the tentacle from the other arm,your hands moving down and grabbing ahold of her other tit, the woman groaning out in furious pleasure in the process. She would then quicken her assault against your cock using her tentacles again, the woman moving faster and faster against your member as she would gaze into your eyes in the process.

The tentacle would also writhe around your head, making it so all of your flared glands were being pleasured at once, whilst your balls were near constantly massaged by one of the other tentacles. Meanwhile your hands would keep groping and groping away at her breasts, the woman pushing her chest up against your hands, the woman pushing and grinding her nipples against your hands, her lips quivering somewhat in the process. She would also have her tentacles play with other parts of your body as well, some of them moving over to your chest whilst others moved over to play with your hair somewhat, all whilst she choked your cock in pleasure.

That was the moment that you started to feel yourself throb in her grasp, your cock pushing up against her limbs as she would let out a long groan, knowing that her reward would be coming soon enough. She would keep pulsing and pushing against your cock, the woman groaning out into the air as the pressure at the tip of your cock began to increase and increase, slowly and eventually getting all too much for you but you still couldn’t cum just yet. Eventually you would feel as she would squeeze just a bit more against your cock, the woman letting out a low groan before you proceeded to start organizing, the cum shooting out into her tentacles in the process as she smirked.

You would shoot rope after rope into her tentacles, the woman groaning as she felt them get covered as your orgasm would increase and increase in intensity, all whilst you gazed right into her eyes. Eventually your orgasm would reach its peak, the woman feeling as cum shot out of your cock so hard that drops of it would fall out from the tentrals, the woman’s chest moving up and down as she let out several growls of pleasure in the process. Your orgasm would slowly and slowly come to an end, the woman letting out a slight sigh as she felt the ropes decrease and decrease, eventually mere drops pushing out of your cock as she would withdraw your tentacles, the woman seeming exhausted.

As you looked over her you realized that she seemed to be close to orgasm herself but she needed something to pull herself over the edge, something that you could help her with as you would push your hand to her chest. You would keep moving down until you reached her mass of tentacles, the woman letting out a few sighs and moans as you would move across the tentacles, the limbs seeming to part in a few places in the process. Eventually you would reach a certain area within the tentacled mass, the woman letting out a groan and pushing her crotch into your hand in the process with you figuring that you had actually found the spot as you started to rub up against that area.


You could hear moans escaping your mouth as her tentacles would wrap around your arm, making sure that you couldn't pull  away and reduce the pleasure that you were giving her. You could feel as the thing that you would rub against was wetter then it already was with the woman seeming to want you to go harder against her judging by the way she was grabbing ahold of your arm and jamming it right into clit, the woman’s groans escaping into the air all the while. So you decided to give what you want, moving your fingers into a specific pose and starting to slam them right into her clit, the woman practically howling out in pleasure as she legs would start to twisting against the air.

You could feel her clenching and clenching around your wrist, threatening to break them at that point as the other tentacles started to drag right down your chest as well, a couple hanging right off your shoulders. You could feel as the fluids started flowing and flowing down your hands, the fluids sticking to your fingers somewhat as she would kick against the ground in pleasure, her teeth grinding up against one another in the process. Eventually you could tell that she was getting really close to orgasming, the woman howling like she was possessed before the floodgates eventually opened again, the woman starting to spray her fluids all over the floor in the process.

You would watch as the fluids would pour out of her body and splatter across the floor, making it wetter and wetter by the moment as her feet would push and kick into the ground somewhat in the process. The woman’s orgasm would slowly begin to subside as time went on, her legs parting more and more as the waves would become less and less potent, her breath being surprisingly shaken in the air in the process. Eventually she would stop cumming, the woman opening her mouth and letting her tongue roll out of her mouth as her legs would go limp, leading you to look over the surprisingly lewd sight in the process.

She would come out of her stupor after a while, the woman using her tentacles to grab ahold of your arm before she yanked herself up onto her feet which were still somewhat shaky after all this time. She would gaze into your eyes with a mixture of love and admiration about you, the woman’s mouth pushed into a smile somewhat as she would do so, the woman looking over in the direction of the exit to tell you that she wanted to play the  game again. You’d smile as you would pull up your trousers before giving her a wink, running away before she would let out a mock growl before chasing after you, the cat and mouse game beginning all over again, only you wanted to get caught these times around.


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