Wretch story part 2 : going berserk.

 You had been stranded on the ruined planet of sera for months now, roughly three or so months if the Tally marks being etched out into the walls of your abode was any indication, the desert air drying your tongue as you took another swig of water, resting against the walls in the process as you thought about those months. The first month was hard, since you were not only stranded on a nightmarish desert planet but you had also been placed with the beings that had ruined the planets to start with known as the locust horde, a race of murderous and monsterous beings that had overran and destroyed the place. However the planet was even noticeable barren by most standard, the locusts barely becoming known to you as you scavenge for food but you did eventually come across three members of the horde, the three of the beings being known as wretches and they were surprisingly none hostile to them since you had given then food.

After that you had proceeded to get to know them all way more intimately then you thought that you ever would, having sex with the beasts and feeling pretty good when you did it, even if it was strange fucking the beasts at first. They seemed to enjoy the sex as well, the beings seemingly willing to do whatever you could have possibly wanted as long as kept then well fucked and well fed, two of the beasts currently indulging in the feeding whilst one was elsewhere. You would watch as the two of them sloppy eat their food, seeing the tongues that had pleasured your cock wrap some meat within them before shoving said meat into their mouths, drool dripping down onto the floor in the process.

However the two of them were quickly interrupted when the third wretch would jump out from one of the halls, looking around before running right over to you, letting out a series of excited growls in the process. You would go to ask what she was so excited about before she would proceed to grab ahold of your arm and tug you towards where she came with you having no choice but to follow after  her, the other two women following after you both in the process. The beasts would take you out into the deserted city and would run across the road, nearly tripping itself up a couple of times before you were dragged over to some kind of abandoned steel factory, the beast stopping and staring at it in the process.

The building itself appeared to have been falling apart, the walls covered with rust, the roof having collapsed into the factory in several areas and the factory itself appearing to have been torn open, the door hanging off one end of the door by hinge. You would stare inside of the black void that laid within the factory with it being clearer that the wretch wanted you to go and see what was inside of which you were pretty unsure about given the state of the place. However you did trust the wretch and they hadn’t brought you to anything bad as off yet so you took a deep breath before you walked into the darkness, the air chilling you somewhat as you removed yourself from the sight of the harsh sun.

You would quickly get lost within the darkness, the three wretches following from behind as you start to hear something moving around the dark, its footsteps heavy along with the sounds of chains clattering in the air. You would head towards the sound, unnerved by just how loud it was as the footsteps were quickly interlaced with the sound of something groaning as you got closer to it, your hairs standing on end as you would get ready to encounter what the beast was. You would reach an area deep in the back of the facility to see a set of chains attached to the wall, some of the chains having clearly been ripped off as you’d suddenly hear the sounds of slamming get louder and louder, your heart rate speeding up along with it.

Suddenly something would come smashing right though the metal crates that surrounded you, a puff of dust pushing out into the air as you would turn to face whatever had smashed through, the dust clearing as you would see that it was a berserker that the wretches wanted to show you. The being itself was a ten foot tall mass of pure muscle, some of the areas of the muscular bodies not even having skin and instead having exposed muscles like the areas around the neck and legs and those that did had hard plates, like some kind of armor with the armor around her chest revealing her to be a woman, a set of massive breasts being squeezed up inside of it. The back of the neck itself was covered in a large amount of armored skin with quills sticking out of it as the hairless and noiseless face would look down at you, a pair of surprisingly human eyes being placed within their sockets as the fanged maw would drool all over the place, the creature clearly hungry for something as it would stare at you, a glance down to see a few drops of pussy fluids that were dripping out of her crotch being a good indicator for what she wanted.

Of course, it was obvious that she didn’t want to kill you, the fact you hadn’t been ripped in half already was proof enough as you looked behind you to see the wretches, happily watching the entire thing. You would then turn around to the berserker, the woman looking over you before she would move one of her muscular hands over to your body before pushing you down to the ground, doing as gently as she could as she would quickly crouch onto her stomach to be on your level. The woman would then slowly pull your legs open, staring into your eyes before she would proceed to open her mouth, her tongue rolling out of the huge maw after a couple of seconds.

She would then move her fingers upwards and flick off your armor, the metal plates hitting the ground as your cock would bounce out of them, being fully exposed to her, her eyes affixing on it like a dog to a treat. You would feel as she would begin to pant against your member, the warm and humid air that was escaping her mouth pushing against it as drool dripped out the sides of her maw, the woman getting ready to have what she had been waiting for. She would eventually rest her hands against your legs, making sure that you couldn’t move before she would move her head closer and closer to you before she would proceed to place her warm and wet tongue onto your throbbing member.

You would moan out into the air as you felt the warm organ push against your cock, your hands clutching against the ground as she would continue to stare at your cock,being absolutely entranced by it. She would slowly move up from your base which meant that your cock was pushing into the soft flesh of her tongue, your twitching legs being stopped by her much stronger hands, the woman's eyes gazing up at your face in the process. She would eventually reach the tip of your cock, lingering there for several seconds as the tip of her tongue would play with it, lathering it in sweat and making sure to taste all the pre that was coming off your cock before she pulled away.

She would keep doing this for several minutes, lapping away at your cock as she would moan and groan eagerly, clearly enjoying licking away at your cock as she would move even closer to your waist. She would keep herself pushed there, glancing up and down your cocky form base to balls before she would place herself closer to the floor, the metal floor freezing underneath her body weight in the process as the wretches cheered from the sidelines. She would eventually grow tired of the pace that she was going, letting out a sexually frustrated grunt into the air before she would start lapping away, her tongue going faster and faster against your cock in the process.

She would no longer linger anywhere on your cock, the beast assaulting your member as she would curve and push against it, making sure not a centimeter of skin was not marked with her thick drool. You’d slowly realize that her going slow was a mere attempt by her to test to see where your most sensitive areas were on your cock, meaning that she would curve her tongue around to hit multiple areas at once, making your cock twitch in her grasp. She would quickly whip from each one, not giving you enough time to react with anything other then moans, your hands grasping at the ground as her own were wrapped around your own, denying you any sort of escape in the process.

Eventually your hands would finally stop clutching the ground and proceeded to move out into the air, your hands grabbing ahold of her head of which would make a slight chuckle and moan escape her mouth. She seemed to enjoy the fact you were clutching ahold of her head as if she appreciated that you were “fighting against” her, her breath getting sharper as she would start to breath faster against your cock, her heart rate increasing more and more by the moment. She would eventually speed up even faster past her usual rate of licking away at your member, absolutely assaulting your cock with her drool covered member, the spit dripping off your cock as you groaned into the air. 

At this point the woman’s eyes were staring directly into your own, burning a hole through you as she would bathe inside of her own lust, her hips rubbing up against the ground somewhat as she would do so. Drool would drip out of her mouth like a waterfall, adding to the pool of fluids that was covering the floor underneath her in the process, the puddle of drool and precum brushing up against her fingers although she didn’t seem to mind at all.  She seemed to be more focused on your cock twitching needingly against her tongue, wanting to feel it twitch so she could push against it even more in the right places.

Her technique seemed to be working pretty well since you were going closer and closer to cumming inside of her mouth, the pressure at the tip of your cock growing more and more intense by the moment. You could then feel as you would throb against her tongue, pushing against it of which she would respond by attempting to lick across all of your members at once, the throbbing turning her on more then it did stop her from licking away at your cock. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, your cock twitching a couple of times as cum started to shoot out of your cock and pushed down onto her tongue, the woman latching her mouth up against your cock to make sure your cum didn’t escape her mouth.

Rope after rope of your cum would start to push out of your cock and against her tongue, splattering all over it as you’d clutched ahold of her head, a purr escaping her mouth in the process of it all. She would keep pressing her tongue against your cock as it reached your peak, a massive burst of cum pushing out of your tip and onto her tongue, some pushing into her throat as she would swallow it eagerly, letting out a pleasured sigh in the process. Eventually your orgasm would come to an end, the woman opening her mouth as she would pull away, the cum being thick on her tongue as she did pull away, the woman having her fill of your cum as she would grin at you.

“There, there, big gal! Got your fill, eh?” You would say with a smirk as you would pat her head affectionately, the woman growing out in happiness as the wretches would finally climb down to be with you. They would eagerly move over to you, licking and rubbing away at your body as one of them growled towards the berserker, the massive hunk of muscles pushing herself off the ground, seemingly so she could walk to the compound with you. You would also pick yourself off the ground, feeling as her spit would drip off your cock and onto the floor as you figured you had a new member of your pack, wondering  what creature you would add next to your horde in the process.


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