Stings of passion

 You slowly walked down the side of the beach as you gazed upon the water, hearing as the waves crashed and pushed down onto the sand, the moonlight illuminating most of the beach and the slight chill of the winter air moved across your skin, making you shiver somewhat. You were coming here to meet your girlfriend who had decided that now would be a good time for a date, the woman also saying she needed to tell you something important although when you asked why she wanted to tell you at the beach she wouldn’t say, simply saying that you being here in person is the only way that you’d be able to believe her. Your girlfriend was a kind if very sensitive girl, the two of you meeting in a course you had to take for work where she was rather awkward and seemed to want to try and get out of it, much like you did and since then you had managed to become a couple, going in several dates throughout those several months.

However it did seem that she was hiding something from you since she would occasionally fall from the earth, not responding to any texts and never being found at her house, much to your curiosity. You had attempted to talk to her about this several times before only for her to either brush it off or say she was simply called into a late shift at work that night, the woman seeming to get agitated and annoyed whenever you brought it up. However everything else with her had been going well, especially the more lewd activities that you liked to do with you wondering if this trip to the beach was one of those as you looked up and saw her in the distance, waiting for you nervously.

She was wearing some thin and loose fitting clothing which consisted off a pale green crop top and a pair of denim shorts, her rather thick glasses being rested on her nose and her brown hair looking much lighter than it usually was. You could see that she was obviously concerned about something, the woman glancing around and particularly looking at the moon a lot with you going to ask what was wrong only for her fingers to move up to your mouth in the process. “Listen, I’ve come here to explain something to you. I only have a couple of minutes so I just need to listen.” She would say, her voice obviously filled with worry as you nodded so that she could speak to you.

“You know all of those nights I didn’t talk to you?” She would say as you nodded, the woman growing silent before you spoke as you wondered what the hell she was going to reveal to you before she spoke again. “Ok, so those nights i… come to this beach,like I’ve done on every full moon in my adult life. When I was young, I was stung by a jellyfish.” She said as you would flash a confused look on her face before she glared at you somewhat. “Ok, before you wonder about that, it… did something to me. Changed me dna, made me, at a full moon, turn into something that isn’t human.” She said as you would just become even more confused since you had no idea what she’d even turn into.

“I only brought you here because I know that you wouldn’t believe me if I didn’t show you what happened next.” She said as she would cup your cheek somewhat as she would gaze into your eyes lovingly. “I love you, I just hope you can love me after I transform.” She would say with a grin as she would grunt, her arm wrapping her chest as she would spit out a bunch of water, the woman looking up at you with a slight grin in the process. “Well, here we go. Wish me luck.” She would say as her skin started to turn a pale white as well as going somewhat rubbery, the woman frantically grabbing hold of her shirt and shorts and throwing them to the ground before she would start to transform.

She would grunt out into the air as several tentacles would launch rough out of her back, hitting against the ground before slowly become active, the parts of the bald that had been torn apart to make room of them slowly regenerating as her eyes and mouth started to go black and a dark liquid started leaking out of her eyes. You would then watch as her head would crack and crack, sharks of her skull popping out before she would stop screaming out into the air, the woman briefly going limp before your head proceeded to explode, parts of your girlfriend's head being flung all over the place as the new head was revealed. The new head looked exactly like a jellyfish, the massive head looking much like a mushroom as well as being white and semi translucent with you being able to see four glowing eyes, or what you assumed to be eyes, hiding behind a shroud that was attached to her head.

You stared at your girlfriend's new form in shock, the woman letting out several wet sounds as she stumbled towards you, the dozens of tentacles lashing against the air and sand as she would try to speak. She would move her hands out into the air and grabbed ahold of your shirt, the watery groans still escaping her body as you would 

move under the mushroom-like part of her face to caress the actual head that was hiding underneath it all. You could hear a few more groans escape her mouth as you caressed what you assumed to be her cheek, the woman seeming calmed by it as her tentacles would stop lashing the air and the clutching of her hands would suddenly become looser.

She seemed to be comforted as she realized that you still loved her within her new form, the woman’s tentacles starting to wrap around your body in a hug, the tentacles not stinging you despite the fact that they were touching your skin. They would drift across your body for several moments before they would land against your trousers, trying to fold against your belt and slowly pull it off,pushing it to the sand before pulling the trousers and underwear to the ground completely. She would stare at your cock for a few moments before she would gently lean you over the sand as if to tell you to lie down across it, the jellyfish leaping over your body once you did as she thought and laid down across the sound.

She would slowly push across your body with her tentacles, some folding over your chest and the others pushing against your back as she would rest her soft skinned hips against your waist and stomach. You’d move your hands up and grabbed ahold of her hips, groping and feeling them as she would gasp and groan, her hips slowly moving across your stomach and looming above your cock, the woman’s pussy dripping and dripping over it in the process. She would eventually raise her hips up and, with one powerful and swift slam, would push right down the length of your now erect member with a moan escaping your mouth and a bizarre gurgling sound escaping from her own.

She would moan out as she would feel you stretch her newly transformed pussy out with your cock, the woman’s tentacles hugging close to your skin as she would eventually start pushing up your member. The woman’s inner walls were surprisingly smooth and tight as well as seeming to have many more muscles then beforehand, the woman’s inner walls clenching and wrapping around your cock, water dripping from her body all the while. She would eventually pull up to the head of your cock, the woman twitching and groaning as her pussy would grasp around your head, the woman colliding with your most sensitive areas before she would slam herself right down onto your hips.

She would keep doing these movements for several minutes, groaning and grunting all the while as she would massage your face with her tentacles,the watery substance on her tentacles pushing all over your skin in the process. You would grasp your hands against her asscheeks, feeling the soft flesh in your hands as she would twist in your grasp, making sure to push deeper and deeper into your clutches in the process as she would wrap her tentacles around your face slightly. She would then tighten up against the rest of your body, the woman making it so the tentacles grasp against your arms as she started to go faster then she did beforehand, making you moan out into the beach.

Now she was actively pounding against your hips, slowly stretching her tight pussy out in the process as you tried to wiggle out of her grip somewhat before she briefly clenched against your body to get you to stop. Meanwhile your grip on her asscheeks would only increase, particularly due to the fact that she would practically forcing you too due to both her tentacles not allowing you to move and  the fact that letting go would lead to even more pain to be dished out by her hips. Either way she wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, the woman clearly feeling too connected to the act, the woman knowing your love transcended  her form and  that she wanted the sensation to be as memorable as possible.

You were more willing to help her with that, raising your hands up ever so slightly before her hand started to push and slam against her asscheeks, doing several light spanks in quick sensation which caused her to groan massively. She would respond by wrapping around your even tighter as a strange, tongue-like appendage pushed out of her mouth, slithering form under her jellyfish head and moving right next to your mouth. She would move across your lips several times, the spit dripping off onto your lips before she pushed down into your mouth, the woman speeding up your hips in the process as she groaned wildly, your groans soon joining her.

At this point it was a near constant assault against your hips, the woman’s rubbery flesh bouncing off your own as she would cry out eagerly in the air, the woman gasping and grunting all the while. The woman’s tongue, in the meantime would curl and push across your mouth, most of your moans being muffled by your girlfriend’s grip on your tongue with you deciding just to do the same with her as you would start to fight back against her tongue. You would also feel as her pussies clenching rapidly sped up, the inner walls rubbing and pressing up against your cock eagerly, wanting to milk your cock dry in the process. 

The woman would not have to wait long, the feeling of your cock starting to throb pushing against the woman’s smooth pussy, the woman groaning out into the air as she clenched back against your cock. You could also feel as the pressure started to build up or up at the tip of your cock, groans echoing out as you dug your fingers right into her cheeks as she would pull her tongue out of your mouth, allowing you to breathe as you gazed upon her glistening white body. At some point you couldn’t take it anymore, the woman groaning out as she felt the first rope fo cum escape your cock, the woman’s hips slamming down onto you in the process, her tentacles loosening ever so slightly as she writhed.

Rope after rope would escape your cock and would push into her pussy, the ropes getting larger and stronger by the moment, the woman’s clenching only helping to make it more intense. Your orgasm would reach its peak quickly, taking the breathe away from the both of you due to how intense it was before it would slow down, sweat starting to drip off your body and mixing with whatever fluids were dripping off her own body in your skin. Eventually your orgasm would stop entirely, the last couple drops spitting out of your cock and onto her smooth walls as her tentacles would loosen completely, her entire body struggling to stay up as long as possible before she managed to stabilize herself.

She would eventually pull herself off your cock, the woman groaning out in the process as she got onto her feet, cum dripping down her thighs and legs as she would begin to walk away from you. She would then move to the edge of the ocean and would twist around before falling into it, the woman floating on top of you as watched on, the entire display being rather beautiful as the stars and the moon reflected against the sea. With that you decided to watch the woman drift and drift in the water, smiling as you knew your girlfriend was most likely enjoying herself as the tide hit your feet, the cold beach air moving across your body as you the waves lulled your mind.


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