Valak story part 3

 It had been a couple of months since you had managed to capture the demon known as Valak from the church and a few weeks since you had managed to place her within your household, the entire experience being a mixture of annoyance, rage and sexual lust for both you and her. You distinctly remembered your first meeting with her in the church, recalling the fact that you had outright summoned the demon despite the fact the Vatican would have expressly denied such efforts but those efforts ended up working and the demon was summoned, ready to kill and haunt whoever had summoned her. The demon itself had taken the form of a nun assumingly because it simply wanted to fuck with the members of the church but it didn’t exactly know what to do when it saw you, a outsider to the church and decided to try and kill you.

Of course, she was unable to do this when she was bound within a set of heavy chains, the demon cursing your name as you proceeded to have sex with her which quickly drained the energy from the both of you. After that you decided to take her home with you, figuring that you couldn’t leave her in the church after everything that you had died and as such she had now become a permanent occupant of your household, much to her annoyance. Of course, you had placed several countermeasures to stop her from escaping such as binding her to the house as well as making sure that she had a spell on her that stopped her from killing you so she couldn’t do much other than stand there and rant at you.

Of course, you both still had fun together since every night you’d have sex with a pale skinned woman, the demon seeming to enjoy the sex despite her annoyed protests that it wasn’t the case at all, instead being “Base impulse reactions”. However, she had seemed to grow somewhat mellower over the past few weeks, the woman’s constant cursing and screaming at you now becoming annoyed growls and rolled eyes, the demon having accepted her new residence at this point. Either way you felt safe to leave her in the house due to the strength of the rites you had placed on her, the woman being free to walk around the house until her heart was content as you did your demon hunter job. 

You thought about all of this as your eyes glanced over to the trees, seeing them be illuminated by the strong and powerful moonlight pushing down against you, the wind and rain forcing them to batter against each other. Your car would speed by these as you slowly moved towards your house, the dirt road providing you with the sounds of the rocks hitting against the cars underbelly, your eyes eventually locking in front of you when you saw your house in the distance. The house was shrouded in darkness, only casted into light by what was coming from your car of which was quickly banished away when you twisted the car key around, the engine churning into silence in the process.

You’d leave your car and slam the metal door behind you, looking into the house to see a very familiar silhouette in the darkness, waiting for your return although if it was just out of boredom or genuine yearning was unknown to you. Either way you finally entered your home, slipping your shoes off onto the floor as you felt the warmth of the room push against your face, all while the cold of the outside wilderness was blocked by the doorway. You would turn your head to the side to see the demon standing in the hallway, your eyes glancing up and down her body as you smirked to yourself eagerly, enjoying your look at the nun before you took a more in depth look at her body in the process.

The first place that you looked was the woman’s face, the woman’s extremely pale skin contrasting with the darkness whilst her blackened eyes stared back at you, her crooked, almost witch-like face was hanging off her face and her mouth closed so as not to reveal her fanged teeth to you. Your eyes would then glance down her naked body, the woman still not bothering to wear any clothes after all of this time, meaning that you could get a fresh look at her surprising plump breasts, slight black veins being visible on them as you could see her black clawed fingers resting against her side, the fingers twitching against the air. Your eyes would then move down to see her smooth and pale thighs before moving up slightly to see the pussylips that were resting beneath them, the plump lips seeming to be freshly wet which meant she was probably anticipating your arrival, the woman’s eyes rolling again as she began to speak to you.

“Look who’s managed to drag themselves in again.” She would say with a slight growl to her voice as she walked closer to you, the floor creaking and cracking slightly as she walked across it. “You're about an hour later than usual , you know that?” She would say in a more haughty tone, the woman sounding pretty annoyed at you as you moved so you were face to face with her.

“What can I say, had a rather stubborn demon around, remind me of you in a lot of ways.” You would say as she would cross her arms again, a chuckle escaping your mouth in the process. “Don’t worry, you’ll be the only demon in my heart, Valak.” You said as you gave her a playful slap on one of her thighs, the woman letting out a stifled moan as you’d see a red handprint burnt up into her leg, the nun swallowing the moan before letting out a snarl.

“Oh, if I had my true power I’d make you pay for that!” She would say with an angered tone, her body betraying her words as you could see her pussy was spewing out fluids, the woman being undeniably horny.

“Says the woman who’s pussy is dripping more than a broken facet.” You would say, the woman letting out another growl as you noticed a slight black blush move across her face, a grin moving across your own face in the process. “Are you fingers just not doing it anymore? Maybe the dick of this “Powerless human” is too much to resist?” You’d tease as she would look away from you, glancing around the area and then looking back at you, looking directly in your eyes in the process.

“... Just shut  up and go to your room. Strip yourself whilst you’re at it as well.” She would say in an aroused but obviously angry voice as you chuckled to yourself, your hands being unable to resist another spank to her thigh. You’d hear a muffled moan followed by annoyed whispers as you walked over to your room, dumping all the demon hunting equipment you had brought with you to the side of your bedroom before you began to strip. You take off your clothes one by one, throwing each and every one of them to the ground before moving over to the bed, resting against the mattress as your cock throbbed up against the air, eagerly waiting for the nun to arrive.

Soon the demon would quickly drift into your room, the woman looking over your body in the process before she also moved onto the bed, coming in from the right side of the room before she would start to straddle you. The woman would move above you before sitting down on top of your stomach, her asscheeks brushing against your cock as her hands would rest down around your collarbones, the claws rubbing against your neck somewhat in the process. The woman would look at your smirking face and would let out a slight groan before she would move her hips backwards before raising them up off your flesh entirely, the woman’s pussy getting wetter by the moment.

You could feel as the woman’s lips would drip and drip onto your cock, slowly lubing it up with her own demonic fluids as the woman’s puffy lips would clench against the air, the mere thought of you being inside her arousing her. The woman would start groaning and groaning, her hands clenching against your shoulders as she would ready herself for what was about to happen, the  woman’s chest moving up and down somewhat in the process. She would then proceed to let out a deep inhale before raising her hips up just a bit more, her fingers grasping your shoulders before she slammed herself down onto your member, her mouth opening up into a moan in the process. 

The woman would bare her sharp white teeth at you as she contained her moans and groans, her tongue flicking around her mouth as you felt her around your cock, her desperate pussy clenching around your member. She would then start to raise herself up your cock, the woman’s inner walls clenching in the process, rubbing your cock with her pussy fluids as the wet inner walls rubbed around your cock, not wanting to have you escape her grasp in the process. She would reach the tip which is where she would stop, readying her hips so that she could slam down against you before doing just that,ramming them against your own again as she did so, both of you letting out pleasured moans into the air.

She would keep doing this for several minutes, moving herself up before slamming down against you, your hands growing restless during this time so you decided to have a bit of fun with the demon. Your hands would move up to her pale asscheeks before clutching ahold of them, pushing and rubbing against them which would elicit plenty of moans from the woman, her fangs digging down into her black lips somewhat in the process, drool forming at the sides of her mouth. You decided to take her by surprise when you raised your hand up into the air before slamming your hand down onto her asscheeks, the woman letting out a groan as her asscheek started to jiggle from the force of the smack.

The woman would look down at you with a rather annoyed look on her face, the demon then proceeding to start moving faster against your cock, assaulting your cock with her hips in the process. The sounds of lewd and wet slapping would then quickly fill the room, the occasional moan from you or the demon woman escaping as she would slam and slam against your body, her pussy lips pushing and wrapping around it, covering it in pleasure in the process. You would also feel as her inner walls would wrap and clench around your cock, rubbing against your member and almost crushing your cockhead inside of her inner walls, her hands nearly scratching your skin now.

The woman would continue slamming and slamming her pale ass against your cock her pussy fluids splashing across your waist before she would suddenly stopped, the woman’s hands twitching against you in the process. She would then slowly move herself off your cock, letting it fall out of her pussy with fluids dripping all over the mattress, the woman moving so her lower body was nestled between your legs, the woman’s eyes locked onto your fluid covered dick. She would then move her lips right up to the tip of your cock, wrapping them around your head slowly before slamming herself down onto your member, a moan escaping your mouth as you felt her throat around your cock.

You’d feel as the wet walls would twitch and push around your member as she would take her time deepthroating your member, feeling as your cock shiftied inside of her in the process, of which would make some muffled moans escape her mouth. You could also feel as her tongue would bash and wrap around your cock, her favorite move being to curl around your tip before slamming her face down onto your member, bits of drool splashing out from her mouth in the process. Her hands would clutch your thighs as if to stabilize herself, the woman also parted your legs slightly so she’d get a better method of sucking and throating you.

You could then feel as your cock began to throb inside of her, rubbing and pushing against the inner walls of her throat and causing her to gag somewhat in the process, much to her pleasure by the muffled sounds coming from her mouth. You could also feel as a pressure started to build up at the tip of your cock, getting more and more intense by the moment and not helped by her tongue rubbing and pushing against the tip, teasing the orgasm out of you in the process. Eventually you tensed up, not being able to take it anymore before you started to cum inside of her, the woman slamming herself down into your cock and wrapping her lips around you base as ropes started to escape your cock.

The first few ropes pushed out of your cock and splattered all over her mouth, drenching her demonic tongue in cum before the ropes would start to get more and more intense but the moment, her moans being muffled by it all. The larger ropes would splatter across the back of her throat, the woman letting out several gags as the sensation hit her, the woman letting out several expressive exhails from her mouth as she did so. Eventually your orgasm would begin to subside, both allowing her to stop choking and making sure that most of what was left inside of your balls were planted right onto her tongue, the woman feeling as the last drops of cum rested themselves onto the tip.

She would stay on your cock for a few moments, swallowing up your cum before she popped off your cock, the woman letting out a couple of splutters as your cock dropped with her spit before the woman got up. With that you got to see that she had rather obviously orgasmed from the entire thing judging by the stream of fluids that had pushed down her thighs, the woman releasing that you could see that and blushing slightly as a grin would wipe across your face. “Not… a single word!” She would say as she would leave the room with a annoyed huff, leaving you to grin to yourself onto the bed as you knew that she kinda enjoyed this, even if she wouldn’t show it to you.


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