Hello nurse!

 You had no idea how long you had been walking around this hospital now but it felt like it was truly a eternity, each of the grime covered walls taunting you as you ran and pushed yourself down the hallways, the slamming of metal and the sounds of screeches that weren’t quite human also echoing out. You had no idea if you had simply became lost in the hospitals walls due to how similar everything felt or if the building itself was mocking you, deliberately turning itself into never ending maze of grand proportions to watch as you ran and ran around it before it got fed up with you and put you in a situation you couldn’t escape from. What was worse was that there were clearly being in here with you, things that would follow you around from the corner of your eye only to disappear when you glanced at them, only hearing the sounds of unstable footsteps and inhuman noises echoing down the rusted metal hallways.

You knew that you should have never come to the foggy hellscape known as silent hill but the idea of seeing your family again was simply too irresistible to give up although the evidence your family was here was little to none. Now you had no choice but to walk through the rusting nightmare that was this time, your eyes glancing against the rusted panels that were stuck onto the walls as you turned around to go into another hallway. The hallway was filled with medical garbage, the trash that covered the floor being Anything from medical rags that were brown with dried blood to needles pointing out of the trash, discarded metal beds also being left around the area as you began to walk through it.

You would gaze upon the beds as you walked through them, seeing the grime where someone had been laying on the bed, the several knife marks on the mattress indicating that the marks were due to another reason. Either way you wondered what could have caused the scars within the bed, figuring that it could have been the thing that was following you around, the idea of being pinned down and then stabbed to death making your heartbeat just a bit faster. That was when you heard the sound of the jittering footsteps, as if the thought of such a thing had summoned it to come after you, your first thought being to run away from the beast instead of trying to fight the wretched thing.

You would run down the hallway and turn to your left to see that the hospital had changed again, the hallway now pointing towards the one that you had just come out off, trapping you inside a never ending loop. You cursed the building under your breath as you moved into that section of the corridor to see the silhouette of a jittering person in front of you, your eyes glancing around the area to see if you could find a weapon to kill the beast. Your eyes would focus on a rusted pipe that was on the floor, your hands clutching ahold of it before ripping it off the wall, the rust staining the skin of your palm a wooden brown before you gazed upon the silhouette, getting ready to strike at almost any moment.

The rhythmic sounds of thumping machinery and grinding metal echoed out into the air as you walked towards the creature, the body being twisted at several unnatural angles. The way the body moved was also unnatural, the movements being smooth yet way too fast for any human to possibly pull off, much like a puppets strings being tugged or a video that would get stuck and shift, giving the humanoid figure way more of an unnatural look then it should. The creature would eventually be close enough so that it would be able to see you, the creature's head twisting as it started to walk towards you, the light coming from the grates giving you a good look at the beast's twisted form.

The first place that you looked was the head which lacked any facial features which were instead replaced with tumor-like growths all over the face, making the head look heavy and bloated compared to the rest of her body, a nurse’s hat being somehow stuck on top of the mass. Your eyes would then glance down to the woman’s plentiful chest, the grubby and blood covered nurses outfit that she was wearing exposing quite a lot of her tits, your eyes briefly glancing down to her hands to see she was holding a scalpel, her fingers clenched around it in such a manner that her fingers should be completely broken. Finally you looked down at her legs to see that her crotch was only observed by a shirt and dirty looking skirt, the woman’s legs twisting around at angles that shouldn’t be possible, the thighs being nice and thick and the shoes that she wore being a stained set of high heels.

The creature would eventually get to the point where it was face to face with you, the woman shuddering her arm upwards to try and slash at your body, the rusted scalpel cutting through your shirt as you raised the metal pipe. You slammed it down into the air, the woman letting out a light gasp in the process, the woman’s grip on the scalpel not wavering at all before you rammed the pipe down into her chest, knocking her down to the ground as you went to restrain her. You would jam the pipe against her own so she couldn’t stab you before your other hand decided to land on her tits, your fingers digging into her breast as she would let out a mixture of moan and some unholy sound.

That moan and the feeling of her massive tits pushing against your hand made your cock get hard, your trousers rapidly having a tent in them as you gazed upon the creature's rather lewd body. You would then move your hand down to the bottom of the skirt and flicked it up somewhat to see her dripping wet pussy underneath it, the woman’s lips being somewhat puffy as she would sigh and groan, the vagina also twitching much like the rest of her body. You would grin as you kept the woman’s arm down and tried to undo your trousers, placing them to your knees before you sent your underwear the same way, your cock hanging out in the humid air of the hellish hospital.

You would quickly move yourself between her legs, the women feeling as they twitched and rubbed against your skin, the woman letting out a couple of groans as she felt you on top of her. The woman would groan even more when placing your cock onto her pussy lips,feeling as her fluids pushed onto your cock which would be very handy to use as lube before you clutched her body again, getting ready to have a good time with the creature. You would move your hips back, hearing the sounds of her gargles and the sounds of the machinery echoing through the halls, and proceeded to slam yourself right inside of her, the woman and you both shouting into the air in the process.

You could push yourself so you were almost balls deep inside of her, the lips dripping and pushing against your member as you started to pull out, feeling her body twitch around you in the process.  She would clutch against the scalpel on the ground as you slowly pulled out of her pussy, the fluids dripping against the dirt as you managed to get to the point where your tip was threatening to fall right out of her pussy, her legs digging down into the ground as well. You would eventually stop pulling back before you proceeded to  slam back down onto her pussy, the woman groaning out again before you felt the twitching around your cock which was so erratic that it was pushing against several areas at once.

You could keep repeating the process for several moments, your hips slamming and pushing down against her own as your eyes locked to her tits and a idea proceeded to spark up into your head. Your hand would move her to her shirt and proceeded to nearly rip it apart, the buttons parting from the fabric as her tits popped out of them, the woman’s nipples being hard and ready as you watched as she breathed heavily and lustfully at the feeling. You then proceeded to grab ahold of her tit, pushing her nipple between your fingers so that you could pinch at it before you started to go faster against her body, feeling as it twitched against your body eagerly in the process.

The sounds of wet slapping and groaning would echo out across the air, the woman’s body twitching harder then beforehand as your hand started to go to work against the woman’s breasts. Your hand would knead them like they were dough, pushing and groping against them as you positioned your hand so her hard nipple was resting up against your palm, your hand pushing down and scraping against her nipple, the woman letting out several groans in response. Meanwhile the woman’s pussy would flex and twitch around your cock, pushing against every area on your cock possible but doing it unevenly, blindsiding you with pleasure most of the time in the process.

As you continued to fuck her you could see that she had dropped the scalpel that she had in her hand, your instinct being to knock it aside so she couldn’t reach so you could use your other hand on her. You would use this hand to full effect, digging it into her other breasts as she would let out even more groans and sighs, her nipple being grinned against your palm as her legs would wrap around your body in varying ways due to how the woman twitches constantly. This is when you decided to do give it your all,  your body leaning against her own as your hands squeezed her tits, the woman starting to move her hips slightly as you started to go even faster against her dripping wet pussy.

At this point your hips had no rhythm to them, just slamming and slamming against them as pussy fluids stuck to your crotch, a puddle rapidly forming on the floor as the furious fucking continued. You could look at her lack of her face closer from the position that you wrote in, seeing the mass of curled flesh that was her head didn’t actually have a mouth and instead the voice just seemed to come from within although you didn’t really care about that right now. She would practically crush your cock within the grasp within her inner walls most of the time, the woman’s gasps and sighs only getting louder and louder as you pushed pass her twitching walls to stretch her out more and more. 

That was when you started to feel yourself throbbing inside of her pussy, the woman’s pussy clenching against yours somewhat as you felt your orgasm grow closer and closer. Then the pressure started pushing against her tip, your grip on her breasts growing more and more intense as you felt it get closer, wanting to hold onto it as long as possible to the point where it was getting painful to keep it held inside of you. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, groaning out into the air as you slammed inside of her pussy, releasing the first of many ropes into her tight womb in the process.

You would keep cumming and cumming, rope after rope escaping the tip of your cock like a fountain, then woman’s pussy being clenched against your cock in a strange moment of stillness. Your orgasm would get more and more intense by the second, larger and larger ropes escaping your cock with your orgasm eventually managing to reach its peak with a particularly large rope, your breath escaping you for moment as you felt the orgasm run through you. Of course, all things had to come to an end and your orgasm soon ended after it’s peak, the woman letting out a couple of sighs and mumbles before the last drips of cum dripped from your  cock, your hands still clutching her body in the process.

You’d pull out of her snatch to watch all of her cum leak out of it, the woman twitching on the ground as you stared at her for a moment, noting how sweaty and shapely after all the fun that you had together. Either way you figured that you should probably try and get out of there before the hospital tries to kill you again, the woman still twitching on the ground as you did up your trousers, a grin moving across your face as you now knew what you could do for the nurses. For now though you had to get running through the cage of a hospital that you were in, hoping that you’d see some more of the nurses soon, maybe even being reunited with the nurse you just fucked in the future.


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