God rest ye merry gentlemen

 It had been a while now since your new houseguest had come into your life and things had been rather interesting especially given that you couldn’t really show her in public nor could you have anyone over because you Imagined they would reveal the truth about your houseguest's species. Either way the houseguest was more then happy with the entire arrangement, especially during the first weeks where she was way worse for ware then she was now and, other then the woman’s rather furious appetite and the odd couple of damaged items, nothing else had gone wrong and she had been a rather great houseguest. As you would lay down on your bed, you heard the sounds of her eating her meal in her room, the woman tearing through flesh as if it was paper as you thought back about the time that you had found her in that field so long ago.

You were driving down an old country road when you saw this flash to your side, your eyes glancing over to see a giant burning scar in the counts, burning them away as you stopped driving to stare at the spectacle. You would keep watching as it burnt away at the sky until you noticed something appeared to have fallen out of it, the object plummeting from the sky with your first thought being that a helicopter had blown to pieces and that could have been the pilot trying to escape. However, when you ran into the field and finally found what you assumed to be a human being you found something else, that thing being the houseguest that you had taken in, your eyes widening as you stared.

You remember that she was curled up in a ball in front of you, laying in a puddle of her own blood with scars and lesions being pushed all over her body as you stared at her in shock. You also quickly figured that she was not human, mainly because her body was much larger than a normal humans should be and her face didn’t seem to be human at all but you didn’t want to leave her to die so you would attempt to pick her up and carry her to your car. You would manage to slip her into the backseat with a little bit of rearranging, resting her head on the side of the doorway as you began to drive away from the crash site and too your home, where you could get her healed up from her wounds.

You would manage to carry her to the spare bed that you had, the blood soaking through the sheets as you tried to bandage her up, the woman seeming to have a concussion from the fall. Eventually she would manage to get up and try to get out of bed only for you to tell her that she couldn’t a d that she was severely injured, the woman looking at her wounds and deciding to believe your advice, at least for the time being. You would eventually be able to sow up all of her wounds and pour enough stuff into them to make sure that she wouldn’t get an infection, the woman growing more and more lively as she recovered, eventually being able to walk around the house. 

She would also gain herself quite an appetite, mainly due to the fact that she wasn’t human but it was also due to how massive her species was and that she essentially starved herself during the first days of recovery. Talking about her appetite, you could hear as she finished her meal, the woman’s long legs pushing onto the floor outside as she walked, the woman stopping in the hallway and turning towards your door before she began to walk towards it. You could see her shadow getting larger and larger in the doorframe, the woman letting out a couple of gargles before she would enter into the room, giving you a good look at the woman that had fallen from above a long ago.

The first place that you looked was her head,seeing that it was styled in the same way that a nuns habit was with a white band being where her eyes would usually be and, below that, was her mouth with a set of insanely sharp teeth, the teeth being a black with what appeared to be a zipper hanging off her lip. Your eyes would then move down to her arms to see the massive hands that she had, the hands being easily larger than your head and each one was tipped with a sharp edge although you couldn’t quite tell if it was a claw or simply just how her finger was shaped due to being covered up by her clothes. Meanwhile your eyes would glance to the rest of her body, seeing the ripped up fabric on her leg which showed off her pale thigh and some ripped off around her breasts which meant you got a good look at atbher cleavage, a spiked belt keeping the gown on her body due to how lose fitting it was in certain areas.

The woman had let out a light growl into the air before waving at you somewhat with you waving back a second later, the woman walking over to the edge of the bed as you noticed her licking her non-existent lips somewhat. She would crouch herself over the bed somewhat before she would clutch ahold of the mattress, doing it just light enough so that it wouldn’t rip apart before she would begin to slowly crawl over to you, still licking her lips like a hungry dog in the process. She would manage to get herself face to face with you, a slight amount to drool dripping off her face and onto your chin with your first thoughts being that she was about to eat you before you realized she wanted something else.

The woman would place her hand onto your chest, feeling your heart beating through your clothes as she would slowly move her hands down to your trousers where she’s slip her fingers underneath them. She would then slowly push the clothes down, being surprisingly gentle for a woman of her size and weight, the nun panting out into the air in the process as your cock was fully exposed, the entire experience obviously causing a large amount of excitement inside of her. She would let out a rather happy sounding moan as she saw your member before she hiked up her rope somewhat to show off her wet pussy but before you got a good chance to look at it she slammed her hips down and enveloped your cock with her warm folds.

You’d both groan out into the air, your cock pushing up against her inner walls as her hands clutched at your shoulders, her tongue hanging out of her mouth idly before she would manage to place it back into her jaw again. She would start to raise her hips upwards, slowly moving her wet inner walls against your cock as she would eventually be able to reach the tip of your cock, your member glistening as she clenched and pushed across your tip. She would eventually let out a gasp into the air before she slammed her hips down against your own, winding you for a brief moment as you attempted to get used to her monstrous body and her even more monstrous thrusts.

She would keep doing this process for a while, slowly moving up your cock before harshly throwing herself back down at it, her hands quickly drifting over to your head to clutch it gently within them. She would then slowly bend her body down so that you were face to face with her again, the woman’s hot breath pushing up against your face as drool dripped from the sides of her mouth, the woman’s tongue starting to hang out again in the process. That was when she would slam her mouth against your own, her tongue digging deep inside of your mouth as she would start to go faster against your hips, bouncing off them somewhat in the process as she cried out into your mouth.

You could feel as her hips started to speed up against your waist, the woman’s hips slamming down hard enough that the lewd sound of them hitting were echoing across your house. Your moans would push into her mouth before they would be interrupted, her tongue wrapping around your own, making your moans and sighs even quieter than they would have been, drool dripping from either side of her mouth as her kiss would continue onward. Her hands would keep your head from moving by firmly clutching it against her fingers, the claws scratching against your head as she would grab your back and scratched against it somewhat in the process.

She would pull her tongue out of your mouth eventually, strings of drool keeping the both of you together as she would splatter spit all over your face, making you groan out somewhat in the process. Moans would also escape her mouth as she slammed and pushed against your hips, the woman stretching her entire body out as you glanced down at  her pale flesh, managing to reach your hands down to grab ahold of her thigh, feeling how soft her flesh was as you did so. With that grope you can clearly ignited the fire that was within her, the woman groaning out into the air as she would begin to go even faster against your body, making you groan and cry out in the process.

At this point her hips would be bouncing off your own whenever she made contact with them, the woman’s holes clenching and pushing up against your cock as she would grind her teeth together between moans. Her legs would curl against your own, her toes digging into the ground as she gasped and sighed, her arms latching onto your head again as you braced yourself for another kiss, her mouth opening to release her tongue in the process. She would then grab your head and then slam her tongue onto your mouth, the tongue wrapping around your own before she indulged herself deeply within the kiss, the salty drool dripping out of her mouth and right onto your tastebuds.

That was when you started to feel as you throbbed inside of her pussy, the woman groaning out your mouth before she went to clench against your cock again, making the throbbing an even more pleasurable experience. Then you would start to feel as pressure started to build up at the tip of your cock, your orgasm growing closer and closer by the second as she would ride you mercilessly, the nun wanting your cum deep inside of her in the process. Eventually she would get her wish of which you couldn’t take anymore, starting to shoot your cum deep inside of her as she would slam herself against your hips, clamping her pussy right against your cock in the process.

You would feel as shots of cum would escape your tip and would burrow deep inside of her, making sure she would have a thick cream pie in her pussy with her tightness making sure nothing could get out. Your orgasm would reach its peak with a particularly large rope that you pushed inside of her, the woman groaning out so loudly she would move her mouth out of your own, drool flinging all over the place within the process. Eventually your orgasm would come to a end,the last couple of shots dripping out of your cock and into her snatch as she let out a lustful and proud growl, the woman making sure your cum was nice and deep inside of her in the process.

She would rest against your body for several moments as she would try and catch her breath, eventually stopping her lusty panting before pulling off your cock, revealing the creampie that was inside of it. She would show it off for a moment, obviously proud of what you had done to her before slamming down onto the side of your bed before the woman slipping her hands over and under your body, bringing you into a hug against her. You smiled at her as she would bury the top of her head in with the pillows with you deciding to do the same, feeling as the woman's heartbeat would lightly beat within her chest as you fell asleep by her side.


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