
 The screams would echo into the sky as you walked through the streets of union, a place where the mind met the physical plain and vice versa, allowing anyone who was plugged into the machine to wander through the mind of another and see the intricacies of their sanity. The machine that was allowing union to exist was known as STEM which was where you had plugged your mind too at the start of all this, the core processor at the middle of the machine allowing for all of the minds to interface with one another with this idea being perfectly fine in principle until you got to the intricacies of the human mind. You see, when people who were either completely fucked in the head or had some form of mental illness the machine would proceed to create manifestations of said illness and place them into union which was why the place was filled with so many aggressive monsters that wanted to kill you as soon as they saw you.

Now you were trapped in a part of union that was controlled by Stefano Valentini, a man who had come back from a war and promptly started murdering people and mutilating the corpses in order to restart his art career. So when he was plugged into stem and sent to union in order to give the area “more artistic merit” and through various means started to turning his section of the world into a murderous hellscape full of horrible monsters that would keep trying to kill you. Now you were running through the streets of the rotting city, at the mercy of a demanded artist and the creation of his own mind with one of the creatures giving you a particularly hard time as you wandered around

The beings name was obscura with the woman being what you could best describe as a three legged nightmare with a gigantic camera for a head that was able to stun you with the camera head that she had on. You had shot her with god knows how many bullets and even stabbed her a couple of times but this seemed to do nothing to slow her down and instead seemingly only sped her up, making her want to kill you on sight which she very nearly did a couple times. At this point you had decided that the best way of engaging her was simply running away when you had the chance and hoping that she simply gave up and went back to whatever she was  doing at the start of it.

Now you were wandering around a ruined labyrinth which was once a theater, the walls containing horrible art pieces from the mad artists and the hollowed out shells of wax and flesh that were running around the place. Above you there wasn’t a giant creature that had the eye of the camera that completely covered the sky with its tentacled body, the blue light that shone out across you giving the entire area an even more nightmarish tone to it. Either way you had figured that you had found your way of fixing this place as you had heard rumors about a stabilizer that would relinquish Stefanos control over some of the theater and give you some rest bite from the hellscape.

You were walking down the rather extravagant hallway of the theater, lights hanging from the sealing as a pair of metal doors resting at the end of it, notably out of place from everything else that the theater has. You would promptly open the doors to be greeted with a massive room which had various columns all over the place with various photos and images being placed upon them with you wandering around the area  for a moment as you wandered around the room.  You would look around where you saw a pile of metal pieces in the middle of the room with you assuming that this was the transmitter that you had heard about, your eyes glancing around you as you thought that this was too easy.

You were soon proven correct when you heard the sounds of footsteps that weren’t yours around you, the gait being unequal as you gazed around the area, getting ready to get into another fight in the process. That was until you heard the sound of a camera shutter echo out across the air with you feeling as your vision blurred around you, your entire body feeling like it was submerged in a thick fog that you couldn’t swim your way out of. You managed to move your head so that it was half pointed in the direction of the footsteps, being to move your eyes just fast enough to see obscura standing behind you with this moment being the first time you were able to see it properly.

The first place that you looked was the beings head, which consisted of a camera that looked like it was from the Victorian era with the neck being a extendable tube, the lease of the camera being surrounded by a mouth with very plump lips and a thin yet drooling tongue. The creatures back was twisted backwards into a position that would be extremely painful for a actual person to have, her arms stretched out and clenching to her camera head as her breasts would point right up into the air, the breasts being plump and about twice as big as your head as your eyes would glance down to her three legs. The three legs were both plentiful with fat yet also immensely muscular, the pale flesh that was being shown being complimented by the bloody shoes that were placed onto her feet, a clear set of asscheeks being exposed as she quickly crawled in front of you.

She would scuttle in front of you before pushing out of the way and unfreezing time, your grunts echoing out as you slammed into the ground, your hands moving down to your pockets to try and grab ahold of a weapon to fend her off. She would quickly put a stop to that as she slammed her feet down into your arms, pushing down on your joints as she’d extend her camera head down so she could stare into your face, drool dripping out of it in the process. She would then extend her head back so that it was at what you guessed it to be its resting state, the back of the woman twisting further down so her hands could clutch ahold of your trousers, the woman’s camera's head pointing right at your head in the process.

She would attempt to fiddle around with the trousers for a moment before giving up on that entirely and deciding to just rip them in half, the sound of the threads of fabric tearing apart echoing out into the air in the process. After she had got done with that she would throw them behind her and move her hands down to your underwear of which she went straight to ripping apart, the woman’s camera head stretching between her arms to watch the show. Her hands would move upwards slowly, as if she was relishing each and every moment of watching your cock get released before the fabric gave way and your cock was exposed to the air, the woman’s mouth dripping again in the process.

She would glance back up at your head as her tongue lolled out of her mouth, drool dripping down onto your chest as she would move her hands back to her fat ass and proceeded to spread it, showing off a pair of glistening and wet holes. She would bend herself down, finally placing her legs onto your arms instead of just her toes as she would drip herself all over your cock, getting you lubed up for what was to come as the camera moved back to being in your face. She would lift her hips up into the air, going as far into the air as she possibly could go before she slammed herself down into your cock, moans escaping your mouth as the camera took a photo of your pleasure struck face.

She would quickly be able to slam into your cock, her limbs twitching around erratically as the more plump parts of her body would shake and bounce around, her holes still dripping all over your legs and crotch. She would then manage to pick her legs up from off the ground and started to move up your cock, the woman’s pussy practically salivating all over your crotch as she would occasionally clench up against your cock in the process. She would eventually reach the tip where her limbs would suddenly stiffen up and stop moving, quivering for a moment before they suddenly crumpled down and slammed back down into your hips, another moan escaping you as muffled noises escaped from the creature.

She would keep doing this almost mechanical process for several minutes, going up and down your cock as lewd sounds escaped from your mouth and her hips as she’d grasp her tits with her hands to pleasure herself. Her camera head would extend out as she’d keep clenching and clenching against your cock, observing your face before pointing down to where her pussy slammed down to your cock, wanting to see all that happened to her. She would then begin to go faster against your crotch, her camera head moving to take a photo of your face before taking another photo of your crotch, the camera flash blinding you momentarily as she would let out a couple more moans into the air.

The woman’s legs would no longer collapse, either getting used to the pleasure that was pushing through her crotch as her body twisted and groaned out, the woman’s legs digging into the floor in the process.  The woman’s camera head would be pointed at your face again as she clenched and pushed against your cock, the wet and sloppy inner walls that were wrapped around your dick being sure to hit all the most sensitive spots. Her hands would move away from her tits after giving them one hard grope, her arms moving down and clutching should of your own as she winded her camera head down so that it was right up against your neck, warm breath pushing across your skin in the process.

She would then start kissing your neck as she bounced up and down your cock, the woman’s lips practically sucking on certain parts of your neck as her tongue licked your skin, spit dripping down onto the floor in the process. She would keep kissing and sucking on your neck with his imagining that she would have started nibbling away at your neck if she had any teeth before she suddenly stopped and pulled up from the air, licking her lips as she did so. She would then move her hands away from your arms and would grab ahold of your head, yanking it up slightly so she could lick at your lips, humming at the taste of your spit before she began to go even faster against your cock.

The sounds of lewd slapping and your moans would echo out across the air, occasionally interspersed with an orgasmic scream from obscura as she would assault your hips with her own. The woman’s entire body was twisting and pushing against you erratically,  her hands not knowing where to place themselves as she would go from groping her tits to clutching your body to even spreading her asscheeks a couple times to show off her holes in the process. You would hear as the woman’s camera would click and take photos of the event, the woman having to clear the lenses of any drool as she kept fucking you, clearly enjoying herself in the process.

You would then feel as your cock started to throb inside of her tight pussy, the inner walls began pushing against causing them to twist and shift against your skin to make the feeling even more intense then beforehand. Then the pressure started building up within the tip of your cock as you got closer and closer to orgasming inside of the woman, the woman seeming to be fully aware of this as her head gazed down at your cock. Eventually you would not be able to take it anymore, the woman clenching against your cock as she felt the first shot of cum escape your cock and push inside her pussy, the woman starting to take photos of the cream pie that was happening inside of her.

You would shoot load after load inside of her pussy, the woman letting out orgasmic groans with each photo that she wouldn take, her toes clenching inside of her ballerina shoes as clenched against your cock like a vice. You’d keep reaching new and new limits with your orgasm until you eventually got to the peak, your breath escaping your lungs as she would quickly twist and take a photo before going back to taking photos of your pelvis. Eventually your orgasm would come to a end, even the most potent of ropes eventually turning into small drops as she had absolutely drained you of your cum, the woman’s camera taking one last photo before her entire body went limp against your own.

She would stay limp for several moments before she would quickly stand up straight again, slowly twisting her hips so they were off her pussy, the woman taking a snapshot of your fluid covered cock in the process. She would move a couple steps, getting off your arms for a brief moment before she began to curl her legs around your body before she would move so her body was resting against your arms, her arms wrapping around your torso as she did so. That was when you realized that she had somehow managed to claim you as her own, as her lover to be ridden and now being condemned cum inside her constantly, the woman’s panting camera mouth breathing against your neck in the process.

What a work of art indeed.


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