A most royal dream

 You lay in your bed, a feeling of warmth moving across you as your head pushed down against the pillows, your eyes glancing around the room on occasion to see if anything was there as you got ready to go back to your dreams which seemed to be the same place each and every time. You nicknamed it “The mindscape.”, the place seemed to be a surprisingly colorful reflection of your mind with the sky being the most garish of colors and the floor being almost the same and for a while it was almost comforting to discover the world inside of your mind until you realized that you weren't alone in your brain. For the past view weeks now you had been hearing whispers coming from unknown places in the landscape, a voice that was deep yet feminine that called for you to come to the source of the voice with you resisting the urge to get closer to voice as you tried to sleep.

However the voice had seemed to be getting louder and louder by the day with it now sounding like she was just a few feet away from you but never within your sight until yesterday where you had tried to run the voice. You had run until you saw a glimpse of something in the corner of your eye, the glimpse being of something that was a bright turquoise that left your sight just as it had entered it, causing such a jolt that you had woken up right afterwards. Your train of thought quickly lost its track as you felt your eyes become heavier than most weights as tiredness took over you, your eyes snapping shut with you taking a couple of breaths in as you felt the air get somewhat hotter around you.

Your eyes would snap open to see the ever so strange sky of the dreamworld, the pink sky looming over you with spots of purple and red peppering the sky, giving an almost flesh styled look. You look overhead to see the mindscape’s two suns beating down on you, one of them massive enough to cover the horizon whilst the other was much smaller and hovered over the first sun like how a moon would hover over the horizon as the sun went up. You would quickly look around the area that you had managed to spawn into this time around, the area being surrounded by dark brown rocks and somewhat lush red grass, your mind being relaxed for a few seconds  before you heard the voice.

“Come to me… mortal.” The voice said in a whisper across the air like a breeze across your shoulder, your back jolting up as you looked around for the source of the voice before a chuckle rained out across the air. “What’s wrong, can’t you find me? You were the one who let me into your mind in the first place.” She said as you continued to look around before deciding to start running across the grass in an attempt to escape the voice. You’d keep running and running away from the voice until you eventually tired out and decided to stop running, leaning against one of the rocks before you heard another chuckle move through the air with you knowing the sultry voice was going to say something else.

“Oh, I see it now. You’ve left the door ajar for me, haven’t you? So I can look in and take a peak at all you’ve got in store whilst you’re none the wiser.” She said with another chuckle before speaking again.  “So, why don’t you just open the door and let me step into your mind, mortal.” She would say with another chuckle as you wondered what she even meant by a door until you realized that you were now imaging a door in your mind. It was oak, much like the ones in your home and it was ever so slightly ajar, the words telling you to open it moving around and around in your mind as you tried to resist what was on the other end and resisting trying to open the door.

That resistance quickly came to an end when a stray thought fired through your brain as you imagined grabbing a hold of the doorknob, your hands twitching around it before you tried to shake off the thought from your mind. Of course, this only intensified the thoughts in your mind as you slowly pulled the door open, a sudden light hitting against both the imaginary you and the actual you with your hands shooting out and covering your eyes before the light stopped. A very familiar chuckle then rained out across the air as you recovered from the flash of intense light before she began to speak as you uncovered the eyes to see the woman standing before you at last.

“Thanks for letting me in, mortal.” She would say with a grin as you looked upon the woman who was about a two or three feet taller than you, the woman’s face looking much like a squid with several tentacles hanging down from where her mouth would be, the tentacles being large enough to reach her breasts, a golden tiara resting on her head. The woman herself was massive, her breasts easily being about three times as large as you head was with her nipples indented into her pinkish areola whilst a somewhat large area of chub ran across her stomach whilst her thighs and legs were about three times as thick as your own again with the woman being able to submerge your head in her thigh meat. The woman’s skin was the bright turquoise that you had saw in the corner of your eye a mere couple of days ago, freckles of a darker blue being spotted around with the only different colors from the blue being the pink of her Areolas, the purple underside of her tentacles and the foggy pink and yellow of her eyes.

“My, how rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself, have i?” She said as she put her hand next to her tentacles as if to cover her mouth, the tentacles wrapping around her hand before she moved them away. “My name is Princess Decabrachia, mortal and I’ve come to you with a deal.” She said with a grin as she slowly walked over for you, the woman’s breasts jiggling somewhat as she moved before she was right next to you before she began to speak again, those foggy eyes of hers looking right down into your own in the process. “I want you to have sex with me, mortal.” She would blurt out  with a sultry tone to her voice, two of her largest tentacles moving down from between her breasts and caressing your left cheek and the behind of your right ear.

The woman would wait for your response as you thought about all the ways that this could go wrong as she let out a chuckle, another tentacle moving down and caressing your other cheek as she spoke. “Oh, you didn’t have to worry about anything. We’re in your mind, that’s why neither of us are going to be hurt by this.” She would say as she trailed one of the tentacles from your cheek, moving it down to your chin and pushing your head up so you could look her deeper in the eyes. “Ooooh, those are some very lewd thoughts you’ve got bubbling up inside of that head of yours, mortal. So go on and do what you want.” She said with a grin as you would think for a second before your hands shot out from your body.

One of your hands would reach for her massive tits, digging your fingers into the blue breasts and groping it as your other hand attempted to wrap around her body, pushing against  her chub before reaching around to one of her cheeks to grope that as well. “Oooh, getting handsy! I quite like it, mortal.” She said with a grin as you kept groping and groping away at her body, occasionally moving from breasts to breast as she let out a few erotic moans, tenticles pushing up against your face and neck in the process. After a while you decided to spice things up a bit more, moving your hand backwards before slamming your hand into her asscheeks, the woman letting out a shocked sigh before letting out a rather large moan.

“Oh, you want to get to the main event, mortal. Then let’s do it then.” She said as she pushed away from you for a moment with you looking behind her to see that a wooden queen sized bed was behind her with sheets and a mattress fit for a princess like her. She would move and fall onto it, the woman’s body bouncing slightly when she hit the mattress as she looked down between her legs at you, the woman’s dripping pussy being on full display for you as you moved towards her, taking off your trousers in the process. As you got to the bed you’d throw your clothes onto the wooden bedpost with your cock hanging above her waist, the woman's legs folding around you so you couldn’t back out, not that you would at this point.

You would quickly find places to rest your hands on your body, pushing one of your hands against her thighs and the other to her breast, groping it somewhat in the process as she glanced up into your eyes. You began to move your hips back, staring down into her wet pussy as you managed to get your hips as far back as they were able to go, giving her a couple of gropes as she groaned into the air, her tentacles lashing against her body somewhat in the process. Eventually you decided to end the wait for her to feel you inside of her wet cunt, your hips moving forward and slamming down right into her pussy, the woman letting out a loud groan as her hands clenched the mattress. 

“Mmmph, just as good as I was expecting, mortal. Color me impressed.” She said with a wink as you twitched in pleasure of her wet and warm walls pushing against your cock. You then began to pull out of her pussy, watching as her fluids dropped and pushed off your cock as you pulled out, your hands doing almost massage-like motions across her body which meant your fingers were kneading and pushing against the soft flesh of her body. Just as you managed to get to the edge of falling out of her pussy you would slam back inside of her, two loud moans escaping your mouth and her own mouth as you hilted inside of her again, her pussy clenching against your base in the process.

“Oh, come here and embrace me,I can read your mind and I know you want to!” She said as you kept thrusting and thrusting into her hips, the woman’s tentacles moving out into the air and wrapping around you in the process. You felt as a couple of them moved across your armpits and around your arms whilst a few more of them wrapped around your chest the woman slowly dragging you down onto her chest as she panted into your skin. As you moved closer to the woman’s body and decided to start going faster against her pussy, feeling you pushed and slammed against it as she started moaning louder by the moment due to the new increased speed that you were going.

You felt as the woman’s pussy fluids splattered across your waist and crotch, the lewd sounds of her flesh slapping against your own as you felt her suckers pop and stick onto the skin of your chest. Your hands would quickly maneuver themselves around her body, one of your hands moving over to her other breast and groping it quite a bit more intensely then beforehand whilst your other hand moved over to her chub which you also groped quite a bit. The princesses' pussy clenched and pushed up against your cock much more intensely then beforehand, the walls rubbing away and causing you to feel even more pleasure.

“Mmmph, now this is amazing! You’re, Nngh, truly worthy of royalty, mortal!” She cried out as her tentacles would intensify their grip against your torso, several suckers pushing against your skin at once in the process. You would then feel as her massive legs would wrap around your back, the woman’s thighs now pushing up against your back and rubbing against it, the smooth blue skin and the warmth of her legs feeling pleasant against your back. At that point you decided to give her everything that you could give and started to go faster against her pussy, pushing your head down between her breasts somewhat as the thrusting intensified between her legs.

At this point both of you were too lost in your own pleasure to care about what was happening around you, her tentacles clenching against your skin for dear life as she would moan and groan loudly. Her pussy would push and clench up against your cock, the woman’s legs fussily rubbing up and down your back, your hands greedily digging into every bit of flesh that they could find, squeezing and pulling at her tits and chub in the process. “Mmmph, I can feel that you’re getting closer, mortal!” She said with a lustful glee  as you would move closer and closer to her body, feeling her heart beating wildly.

Your cock would begin to start throbbing inside of the woman’s wet pussy, the inner walls rubbing and clenching against you which only made the throbbing even more intense then it was beforehand. Then the pressure would start to intensify at the tip of your cock with it getting harder and harder to hold on with each thrust as you would hear the woman’s voice invade your ears again. “Come on and cum for me! You’ve already done enough work for now!” She would tease with a lustful glint to her voice as you decided that you might as well give the princess what she desired, slamming yourself right into her pussy which clenched around your cock to make sure your cum could not escape her.

 You would feel as the first shot of cum pushed out of your cock and nestled deep inside of her pussy, the second rope being even intense as you began to fill the princess up with your semen. You would get to the point where your organs would peak and you only knew this because the shot that you put inside of her literally took your breath away for a brief moment before it went back to normal for a few more shots. That was when your orgasm began to end, the shots getting shorter and shorter before stopping entirely, the last few drops of cum pushing out your cock before you collapsed onto her body, the woman chucking as her tentacles detached from your chest and neck.

“You’ve done pretty excellently, mortal. You’ll have to leave the door open for me next time, it’ll be much more fun that way.” She said as she gazed upon your eyes lovingly before you heard something around you. It was the sound of a deep buzzing, the sound getting louder and louder as you looked at her face to ask what it was, the woman putting a tentacle onto your lips so that you wouldn’t  be able to speak before she could. “Oh, that’s your alarm clock going off, mortal. I suppose I should let you go. Be back soon, I’ll be waiting for you.” She said as the noise got louder and louder before eventually your vision would go bright and then you felt the same warmth you felt before you went to sleep. 

You opened your eyes to see the roof of your room as you laid in your bed with you groaning to yourself as you pulled your body up from the bed which was when you looked down at your chest to see something interesting. It was a spread of several suckers pushed against your chest and body, the red rings seeming very fresh which meant only one thing, that you weren’t dreaming at all and the princess was very much a real entity. A smile moved across your face as you got out of the bed, the smile never leaving your face as you decided to go all the way through the day, making sure that everything went nice and smoothly so you could go to sleep at the end of the day and meet the princess again.


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