Lost by not alone

 Things had been pretty intestine ever since you stepped aboard the Jupiter two but you had to note that this wasn’t by your own choice since you were originally stationed on a space station called the Resoute until it was attacked by robots of the most alien nture. Of course, you weren’t going to be dying by there hand and as such ran off into the nearest ship that would take you which so happened to be the Jupiter two with the coordinates should have been to somewhere that was safe but, unfortunately for you, one of the alien ships had promptly rammed into your win and sent you hurtling to a different set of coordinates. Not only that but one of the alien robots had managed to get on the ship and was promptly massacring all of the crew, with you only surviving because the ship had hit the ground before the robot got to you which was when you were promptly knocked out.

A few hours you’d wake up to the ship being a complete mess but the ship was thankfully mostly intact with you slowly getting up to see body after body down the halls from you, all from that killer robot. Not wanting to see the sight of your dead crewmates for a second longer you decided to exit the ship, stumbling out into the alien planet to get a look at what was out there, blood streaming down your face somewhat in the process. You would look up to see a forest in front of you which was half destroyed by the ship slamming into it, the burnt up trees still smoking from the impact as you figured that you should see if there was any survivors out in the forest who also escaped. 

As such you began to travel into the forest, pushing your way through the foliage and being careful not to touch anything that looked poisonous before you saw something moving within the trees but, instead of a human, it was some kind of creature. You would look around for a way to escape it before looking over to a tree and deciding to climb it with you getting up to the top with hope you had escaped the horror, only to look in front of you to see the top half of the robot, its blank face staring at you. It’s face would promptly start flashing red before it started to swipe at you but since it was so damaged it couldn’t even reach that far to grab you, a couple of sparks falling to the ground in the process.

Those sparks would quickly ignite the fuel that had soaked into the dirt, a fire spinning up that threatened the very tree that you were clutching ahold of, the crackling of the flames making you shake somewhat. With no way out and no hope of being able to destroy the robot directly you decided to cut the branch that the robot was attached to, the branch breaking quickly due to the weight of the robot which quickly fell back into the fire. You looked down to see the lower and upper hands of the body slowly forming back together, eventually fixing itself before it started to climb up the tree and grabbed ahold of you before taking you out of the tree and right back to the crash site.

When you got back to the crash site the robot would seem to analyze you somewhat, the robot's screen face glowing a bright blue before it began to speak to you, seemingly in whatever amount of English it knew. “Sorry, Anon, dead crew.” The robot would say to you in a relatively flat tone as it put its hand out to you in order for you to shake it, with you hesitating to forgive it for killing your crew members but you decided that shaking its hand would be for the best. “I am yours now, Anon.” The robot said as it placed its hand back down to it’s side, the seemingly sentient machine now becoming completely devoted to you and whatever you were planning to do to get away from this planet.

As such the following days had been doing basic repairs to the ship, mainly to ensure that it didn’t sink into the lake that it was half sticking out of by getting water pumps fitted all throughout the facility. After shedding the water and ensuring that there was nothing else on the ship that could ignite, you and the robot proceeded to start fixing the electrical systems, eventually getting it all fixed and ensuring the ship would survive anything that could attempt to breach it. With that all over you decided to simply lay down and relax the night away with you laying down in your bed before you figured that you had to take off some pressure so you decided to whip your cock out and start jerking off.

You were laying on your back as you stroked yourself, simply putting your head back against the bed and closing your eyes and envisioning the women back home, being unaware of the footsteps echoing out into the air. It was only when you heard the door open your eyes would open and you’d spring up from your bed to see the robot right in the doorway, staring at you as you fumbled around with your trousers as you tried to hide your crotch from the creature. “Do not hide it, Anon. In fact, let me help.” The robot said as it walked over to the foot of your bed slowly and seductively, staring at your crotch for a moment before the metal around her crotch began to shift, several slits of metal moving away before it revealed that it was in fact a She.

This was the first time that you had actually looked at her and analyzed her more alien form, your eyes scanning up her two legs that were in a somewhat wide legged pose with three large points where the leg was attached to the ground, a glance up to her crotch revealing a human looking but still distinctly alien vagina between her spikey thighs. You looked up at her four arms, seeing the slits in them that showed off the glowing energy running through them, her three fingered hands clenching somewhat as she looked upon your cock. Your eyes would then glance up at her robotic torso, the many metal plates that it was made of making it so there was a hole going right through the stomach, showing off more of her orange glowing power source before you looked at her head which was featureless except for the screen that would glow a certain color depending on what emotion it was feeling with the color it was glowing now being a pinkish red.

You stared at her in shock as she moved onto the bed, the sound of the metal supports under the mattress creaking echoing out into the air due to how heavy the alien robot was. She would slowly shift over so she was on top of your body like some kind of robotic panther, her hips shaking from side to side as one of her metal hands rested on your shoulder, grabbing hold of it like a vice as her other hand was placed onto your chest, the other two hovering in the air. “Desire me, Anon?” She would say in her usual flat tone as she moved her hand from to your crotch and by extension your exposed penis, the woman looking up at you for a response of which was a nod of the head from you which made her stiffen up somewhat. 

With that she would proceed to lift her hips up into the air, the sound of her metal limbs twisting echoing out into the air as her hand would move against your crotch, beginning to jerk you off with her hand. You could feel as her smooth metal skin moved across your cock, the woman stroking you  almost expertly until you were back to your full hardness which was when she’d let go and trail her hand back over to your shoulder and clutching ahold of it. That was when she would stop raising her hips up into the air, the woman processing for a couple of moments before she clenched her pussy a couple times and slammed down onto your hips, making you moan as the metal hit you.

You would barely have a chance to get used to the almost extreme warmth of her pussy as she began to pull away from your cock, leaving a slurry of pussy fluids in her wake as her hands gripped your shoulders. She would slowly move up your cock as her pussy would clench against your cock, the new muscles that she had charred down there getting used to having something inside of them. Eventually she was able to get up to the tip of your cock, clenching and pushing against it before she froze up again and slammed back down onto your cock with you nearly getting winded by the weight of her hips pushing against your entire lower body.

As she would ride your cock, moving up and down it at a slow but powerful pace as her other two arms would twitch and push into the air, grasping at the air around her before you she moved her hands down to your sides. She would slowly wrap her metal arms around your body, making sure not to hurt you in any way as she did so before she brought your torso and face slowly over to her metal body, feeling the warmth of her body in the process. She would then begin to move right down to the base of your cock, her pussy lips clenching against your base before she proceeded to start going faster against your crotch.

You let out a minute of a moan and yell as you felt the intensifying force against your hips, the woman no longer freezing when she reached the tip of your dick before her three fingered hands gilded against your back. One would eventually reach your head, clutching your hair in her hand before she posited the woman’s head, her screen face glowing it’s pinkish tinge against your skin as she went to push against your lips in some kind of attempt at kissing you. She would wait for you to kiss her back with you letting out a moan into the screen and grabbing ahold of the metal before she began to kiss you, your tongue running across the screen in the process.

That was when you began to hear her moan somewhat, the moans being somewhat less monotone sounding then her usual tone as her pussy fluids splashed against your crotch. You would also feel as her pussy twitched more and more by the moment, the warm inner walls rubbing against your crotch as her pussy fluids dripped down your balls, the woman getting hornier and hornier by the second as her body began to warm up even more. Her arms would clutch your body before she began to go even faster against you, the loud groan of machinery speeding up echoing out across the room along with the lewd sounds of flesh against metal.

At this point your hips had gotten used to how intense her thrusts were against you so any pain that you could have felt was quickly mitigated by the massive pleasure your cock was in as her pussy walls wrapped around your cock. At this point there was a near constant cycle of clenching and unclenching against your cock, constantly covering it in her fluids and making it so that her pussy was getting even warmer. You could also tell that she was getting close to orgasming, or at least close to simulating orgasm, due to how high her moans were getting and how her fingers were twitching against your back.

It helped that you were rapidly getting closer to orgasm as well, your cock beginning to throb inside of her and pushing up against her inner walls, the woman’s legs twitching and kicking against the floor in the process. The pressure in your cock began to build up, slowly rising to the tip and beginning to intensify with you trying to keep in your orgasm for as long as possible so you could be inside of her wet cunt longer. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore and clutched ahold of her metal body for dear life as you started to bottom out inside of her, the woman clutching your body as your first shots pushed out.

The first couple shots of cum pushed out of your cock and splattered against her inner walls as she quickly began to orgasm as well, the woman squirting all over your cock in the process. You would continue to shoot larger and larger loads out of your cock which quickly nestled themselves deep inside of her pussy as she squirted all over your balls and waist, making it drip onto the ground in the process. Of course, all good things had to come to an end and as such your orgasm did just that, the last couple shots oozing out of your tip as she stopped squirting, her hips slamming down into your own before you both collapsed into the bed, the woman only collapsing cause she wanted to be with you.

You panted out into the cold air of the ship as sweat began to pour across your body as her hands would caress you somewhat with you looking back at the screen in her head to see it was still glowing a bright pink. “Did you enjoy, Anon?” She asked as she stroked your cheek with you smirking as you simply nodded at her with the woman responding by grabbing ahold of you with her arms and hugging you close to her so you could feel her warmth. As you laid there, enveloped in her warmth, you would look at the robot that had tried to kill you and actually killed the rest of the crew with a sense of compassion and maybe even love, your hand caressing her face as you laid on the bed together.


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