SCP : Project Valentine

 Deep within the the American wilderness of Arizona there lays a exclusion zone that lasts for several acres of forest where if you were to venture you’d be killed for trespassing, your body being buried in the same woods and with your fate either being claimed missing or as suicidal. Venture deep enough into the woods and you’ll find around four layers of walls surrounding a facility you were never meant to see, the walls being as gray as concrete and just as boring with signs claiming that whatever was within was a danger to life which was not a lie but not in any capacity that the average person would expect. For the select few who would manage to get past the electrified gates those walls bared they would find a white paneled building pushing out of the ground with it being about as large as the average warehouse and a symbol of a circle with three arrows pointing to the center meaning you were now in the domain of the SCP foundation.

Within those walls of the actual building were mostly armories filled with heavy weaponry and explosives but if you took an elevator down you would see some horrors beyond your comprehension. For that was were the SCPs were located, each one being assigned a number and cell fitting their specific conditions to a T and also splitting them into usually three categories : Safe, Euclid and Keter with safe obviously being the lowest risk and Keter being the highest. You had been informed of this when you were handpicked to assist in a project to take one of their most dangerous SCP, the SCP that was invulnerable to most forms of damage and would recover from everything else : SCP 682.

SCP 682 was also known as the invulnerable lizard and her cell was the most strict  of those that you were allowed to see, the lizard woman being bathed in the strongest acid that was available to keep her tame enough to not break out. They had tried everything to get rid of her from throwing her into a nuclear hellfire to experiment weapons the like that you had never seen before to even attempting to unleash her fellow inmates against her. Eventually they realized there was no way of destroying this invisible threat and as such they had to find new ways of pacifying the beast and as such you were brought in for a project that was internally known to outsiders as Project Valentine.

Project Valentine itself came from a hypothesized argument from a researcher already at the facility which was that if you could control her base sexual impulses then controlling her would be a hell of a lot easier. You yourself had been brought based on your own time at the foundation where you had been diagnosed with having teratophilia which was a fetishtic intrest and monsters which meant working with a monster's base impulses would be perfect for you. You had been given all of her files and got to meet the woman herself within her acid cage where you noticed her eyes looking at you with a selection of hatred that only she would know and only you could utterly adore.

As such you got to work quickly making a concoction that would allow her to express anything other than rage for anything else that was alive and as such you had to figure out what she actually was. Of course, you couldn’t actually tell what she was but using biological samples that had been saved up from previous experiments you could figure out that she had DNA spikes that were mostly related to humans and members of the lizard classification as well as a few species of whale. As such you proceeded to do research into what turned said species on and then proceeded to attempt to extract the raw essence of it out, eventually managing to make what you called Gas V.

Gas V, or high potency aphrodisiac solution as it was officially known, utilized several feminine hormones such as estrogen as well as the chemicals that would cause estrus to occur in mammals. It would also contain several lizard and whale hormones as well as several chemicals that increased the sex drive in humans such as raw coco and several berry extracts to just add onto the horniness that the lizard woman was going to feel. Once you got the gas officially approved  the next step of who the hell was going to test if she was actually susceptible to the gas or not of which was when you willing stepped in and said that you would do it and, with a few contracts signed about the event of your death, they allowed you to do what you will with her.

As such you were now wanting outside of her facility, slowly stripping naked as the acid was pumped out of her cell with you watching as it drained from the glass doorway of her cell. Then the gas would pump from every air vent in the cell, slowly fogging it as she began to reform although you weren’t able to see the resort as the thick, somewhat steamy gas blocked your vision as your hand moved over to the security pad and put in her cell code. The code would go through and the screen would go green, the sounds of the door unlocking echoing out into the air before you entered the cell, feeling as your cock would get harder and harder before the door shut behind you.

You would wait for a few seconds before you began to hear noises from the fog, the sounds being a mixture of growls and confused moans as you could see a shadow in a fog, shifting around somewhat in the process. Then you’d see several sets of Orange eyes piercing through the fog, staring directly at you unblinkly, that same hate being present within them but you soon noticed that there was something else within those eyes that had never been present before. “HUMAN!” She would shout in her horse voice before you saw the shadow move across the air and into you which slammed you to the ground, the woman’s massive body pushing against your own when she jumped off the door and landed right onto your chest.

 That was when you saw the full glory of her body placed upon you, the woman’s rubbery dark skin having visible rips within the flesh showing off her bones around her spinal cord, her bony tail slamming into the ground as tip looked at her crocodile-like face, drool oozing out of her mouth as her glowing eyes stared at you. Your eyes would move onto her ass which was planted right into your chest with each of her thick asscheeks being huge especially given she was around nine foot tall, the woman’s large, meaty asshole and drooling wet pussylips were shades of purple and red and were swollen with her lust. You would look up to her chest which contained a pair of massive breasts which would easily be able to smother you with if she just placed your head between them, the woman glancing at your cock as she moved her ass over to your face before slamming her pussy down right onto it.

“EAT. NOW.” She would say in a very angry and quite lustful tone, her pussy fluids submerging your face as you would smirk to yourself, grabbing ahold of her massive asscheeks and groping them which elicited a growl from the woman. Meanwhile you’d feel as the woman laid down against your waist somewhat, her size meaning that your cock was squashed inside her tits, the woman’s breasts making you let a moan into her lips. She would open her mouth to show off her slithering tongue, the organ wrapping your cock and writhing around it with you deciding to repay the favor by sliding your tongue inside of her with your feeling her shake as you began to pleasure her.

You would sliver your tongue all over her insides as her pussy dripped onto your tongue as her own drool dripped onto your cock, the woman’s breath being lustful as she gave you a blowjob through her tits. Her hands were wrapped around your ankles as her tongue covered your dick in her drool, seemingly in case of you making any attempts to escape her, although why she thought  you’d want to escape from someone as terrifyingly beautiful as her was beyond you. You would grope her ass some more pushing and massaging it before you moved your hand up into the air and slammed it against her ass, the spank causing her cheeks to jiggle immensely as she’d let out a lustful breath.

That was when she would promptly pull her ass from your face, which was now covered in the results of her lust as she turned so she could face you, her breasts pushing against your chest as her face rested beside your own. “LITTLE HUMAN SLUT! WHY AM I SO ATTRACTED TO YOU?WHAT HAVE YOU CONCOCTED?” She would shout at you as drool dripped from her mouth as she began to raise her hips into the air as she dripped all over your cock, preparing you for what was going to be the ride of your life as you smirked at her. She would let out a growl at the lack of response to her questions as she wrapped her arms around you and pushed her talons into your ribs before she promptly slammed her fat ass down onto your already pleasured cock. 

With that you groaned out into the air in pleasure and so would see as she felt your cock slide inside of her molten warm hole, her inner walls pushing and wrapping around your cock as you both moaned with glee. She would look down at you as you moaned into the air, the woman looking at you with a mixture of her usual disgust for humanity and whoreish lust that you’d only see in a particularly eager hooker of which mixed into a frightfully amazing combo. You’d move your hands up to her body, one of them moving over to her massive cheeks and groping them, your nails digging in since she causing even be harmed by humans, let alone feel pain, and the other moving over to breast, two of your fingers pushing and pinching at her rock hard nipples.

For the first minute of her being molested by your hands she would let out a chorus of moans, the woman’s tongue flailing around her mouth before she looked down at you and moved her face closer and closer. As she did this her lips would be going faster and faster, clenching more and more against your cock as her pussy fluids drenched  the area around your cock and would make quite the puddle on the floor as she moaned and sighed into her face. “WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO HOT? LITTLE HUMAN WHORE!” She would say as she grabbed ahold of your head and slammed her muzzle against your mouth, her tongue being able to force its way into your mouth easily.

There she would kiss you as she mumbled words to herself, mostly saying that you were some variation of a slut for fucking her but you did hear the words “Stupid, big human cock” come out as she wrapped her tongue around your own in the kiss. Meanwhile her hips went into absolute overdrive, the woman’s massive hips slamming their full weight onto your own and making you groan and cry out as her pussy clenched up against your cock. Her body would shift and push up against your body as her sweat dripped all over your body, her other hand clawing at the ground and making marks in the bombproof paneling that made up the floor as your mouth filled with her salty drool.

She would continue to push and kiss you before your cock began to throb inside of her pussy with you getting close to your orgasm, the woman seeming to be close as orgasming as well judging by how much her pussy was flexing against your cock. She would pull herself out of her mouth as she would moan out into the air, the feeling of pressure building up inside of your cock getting more and more intense by the moment as she looked down at you and growled. “CUM! USE THAT STUPID, FAT HUMAN COCK FOR SOMETHING GOOD AND CUM!” She would command with you doing as she said, slamming your hand into her ass as you shot out your first load inside of her.

She would promptly clamp around your cock and begin orgasming all over your cock and hips, the fluids pushing against your own shots of cum and making waves of pleasure push over the both of you in the process. You would shoot rope after rope inside of her with this being the most pleasurable sex that you had ever managed to have, the most powerful shot pushing up into the end of her pussy as the most powerful wave of her pussy fluids washed your cock of any other residue. Eventually both of your orgasms would come to an end although it would feel like it would take forever for you both to finish, the woman letting out a couple of sighs as a couple drops of cum dripped down onto her walls.

She would fall down upon you, nearly crushing you under the weight of her wonderfully thick body as she glanced at you, letting out a couple of growls as she did so with you still feeling up her massive ass in the process. “YOU’RE MINE NOW! YOU’RE MY HUMAN WHORE!” She would growl out as you smiled and nodded at her with you giving her another spank to the real which would make her moan out in pleasure before she growled at you. Your cum and her pussy fluids would drip out of your cock as you both laid there with you moving your hand away from her breast for two actions, one to sign for them to keep the gas flowing in the room and another to tell them to leave you in the cell with her.  

After all, you were hers now.


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