Deep sea domination

 Within the oceans around the Marianas trench there are a series of 25 nuclear capable submarines hidden deeper than most submarines can even go, lurking within the dark where no one could find them and why and how they were there was a mystery to everyone except for a chosen few. This entire project was known simply as Project Atlantis and was made in response to the 1981 hijacking and eventual sinking of a submarine that was crossing past the trench where Russia was initially blamed and a first strike was about to occur before it was revealed who the true attackers were. It turns out the attackers were some kind of deep sea warriors resembling the mermaids of old and since that attack occurred a new, more deadly method of dealing with this hijackings were revealed and this method was known simply as the Anglerfish class submarine, the deadliest submarine known to exist on planet earth.

The Anglerfish class was named after the massive light that was attached to the hull which was built to blind any creature that would come near the ship in order for the many small turrets that were attached to the sides of the submarine. These turrets were built to shoot through armor as if it was paper and would make quick work of anything in its path but the true capability of the anglerfish class were the modified nuclear missiles on the vessel. Each anglerfish class had ten nuclear missiles that were built not to breach the water but, in the event of the creatures attempting a land invasion, completely obliterate any chance of the creatures' civilisations continued existence.

You were an engineer on a nuclear submarine that would often tour the gulf regions before you were contacted by the fbi and sent to one of the oldest anglerfish vessels in order to repair it as it patrolled. This particular vessel was sent to the deepest regions of the trench to deal with creatures known as the abysmal anglers, a civilisation of anglerfish-like bipeds that wandered around the deepest reaches of the trench. Whilst the males were small and suited for more intellectual roles you were told that the women were the warriors of the group, taller than most human males and both strong and very dominant to anything that they considered to be weaker than them.

You had seen them occasionally from outside the hull, lurking in the darkness as you repaired the broken down ship but most of your time was you trying to convince mission command that you needed to dock the ship in order to fix it. The ship had hull degradation and the ship’s doors could be easily pulled open from the outside since the locks had broken yet any attempt to fix them would be met with snide comments from high command. It didn’t help matters that the people on the ship were all under trained in the first place and were definitely not trained in the art of shooting something inside of the submarine which made this glaring weakness even more urgent for you to solve.

So when you woke up to the sight of flashing red lights and the sounds of sirens you went surprised in the slightest, the words “BREACH, BREACH” echoing out across the air as you went to grab your sidearm. However, you would look within the drawer the gun was in to see it was already stolen from you and as such you were left with nothing but your fists to defend against whatever had managed to breach the hull as you left your sleeping quarters. You could hear the sounds of gunshots and screaming echoing out across the hull of the ship, the right light giving everything a hellish aura to it as you walked towards the source of the sounds that were echoing through the ship.

Eventually you would get into a hallway that was the main connector between all the parts of the ship to see all of the bodies of your crewmates that were spread across the floor like garbage. You could see that most of them had either had their heads cracked against the metal walls like eggs, which led to brains getting smeared all over the walls, or had parts of them ripped off, limbs laying separate from their bodies, pools of blood moving across the floor. You would step in the blood as the sounds of gunshots stopped as you entered into the next hallway, seeing that the red lights flashed as an abysmal angler had her hand wrapped around your commanding officer's neck as he knelt on the floor.

However, instead of your eyes linking to your officer, they stared at the fish woman instead, the woman being as big as they said the females were since she was around seven and a half feet tall, her skin color being mostly a dark black with the insides of her thighs and tits being a dark gray. Talking about her tits, they were pretty big, putting most human women to shame as you looked at the glowing parts of her body which were dots that were on her arms and seemingly on her back as well, large and thin fins being attached to her shoulders and spine. You finally looked up at her head to see the glowing angler hung from her head, her orange eyes looking very feminine both in shape and due to her eyelashes, the fins on her head all pointed backward where her mouth, filled with hundreds of thin fangs which were punctuated with thick black lips. 

“You call yourself a command officer?By Ragayher, you’re no better than the shrimp dicks males from my city!” She said with sustain as she began to move her hand upwards, the sound of your captain's gargled screams moving across the ear as his head was torn off his body. She would look at the head and scoff before throwing it away, kicking his body down to the ground out of annoyance as she noticed you were standing watching the entire thing happening, a scowl moving across her face as she did so. “I thought you were all supposed to be warriors! You destroyed our people centuries ago and now you hide behind metal and steel.” She would say angrily with you having no idea what to do as she got closer and closer to the point she was looming over you which was when you pulled your hand back and slammed it into her face.

Her eyes would widen as she put her hand up to where you punched her with you stepping backward from her out of fear of what she’d do next, the woman glancing around before looking at you. However, there wasn’t anger in her eyes but instead a hot, beastial lust that seemed to be coursing through her veins before a smile formed across her mouth, the sharp yet thin teeth pushing together before she grabbed ahold of your shirt. She then proceeded to slam you into the wall, the woman looking at you with her breathing rapidly becoming heavier by the moment,  her nipples seeming to have become rock hard and her pussy starting to drip down her thighs of which were shaking slightly.

“Oh, now that’s more like it! You don’t know how horny you just made me, human!” She said with a grin as she pushed her lips up against your own, her tongue slivering her mouth and pushing right down into your own. The woman’s mouth was long and covered in small yet pleasing to touch bumps, the woman feeling as her salty drool dripped out of it and down into your mouth, her eyes staring very intensely into your own as she pulled out your mouth and went to kiss your neck, her eyes briefly looking to the engineer tag on your shirt before she spoke. “By Ragayher, to think you’ve been cooped up in this engineering role of yours. You should be a warrior, taking the spoils of war.” She said lustfully as she dropped you to the ground, the woman smirking as she pulled her next move.

She would move so that her face was pointing to the wall and placed her clawed hands to the black parts of her asscheeks with the insides of the cheeks being a light gray as she squeezed them together, her pussy dripping as she spoke. “Come on, warrior, pin me to the wall and take me! Don’t you dare show a hint of mercy either or I’ll tear out your throat!” She would say, the woman’s horniness clearly getting the better of her as you took off your trousers and underwear, your cock bouncing out as you approached her asscheeks. You would slam one of your arms against her neck and the other wrapped around her stomach as you moved your hips backwards and slammed right into the angler woman’s lower lips. 

She would let out a loud moan from her black lips, drowning out the siren for just a moment as you moved yourself to hilt inside of her,feeling as her inner walls clenched and pushed against your dick. You noted that her hands would scratch against her ass before they pushed up against the wall, the woman licking her lips as you started to pull out of her, her pussy fluids dripping onto the floor and mixing with the blood that was on it. You would make sure that you were nearly leaving her pussy,seeing as the woman would sigh somewhat before you slammed down into her again, slamming against her plush asscheeks as she moaned out again, looking at you as she did so.

You moved one of your hands down from her neck and onto her ass as you pushed in and out of her fish pussy, your hands sinking into her surprisingly soft flesh as you pulled and groped away at it. She would moan with each yank and grope, the woman briefly trying to speak before a moan escaped her mouth, the woman eventually managing to get her words out as you continued to fuck her. “Go harder! Punish me for killing your crewmates, treat me as a toy!” She said with a loud moan with you wondering if she came here to fulfill some kind of human domination fetish that she had but either way you were happy to oblige and began to piston yourself in and out of her pussy.

She would moan even more the beforehand, her claws scratching against the wall as your other hand moved up onto one of her breasts, clutching ahold of it and pushing your palm against her rock hard nipple in the process. You would hear the sound of her cheeks slapping against your body, the lewd sound making the siren sound background noise as you moved your hand away from her arse and raised it up into the air. You would wait for a moment before you promptly slammed your hand down against her ass, feeling as the woman’s pussy clenched up against your cock as she let out a lustful yelp into the air.

“Do that again! Go on and slam your warrior hands against my lusty body!” She moaned out loudly into the air, drool dripping out of her mouth and onto the floor as you saw her reposition her hands. You would keep doing as she said, raising your hand up and slamming your hand onto her cheeks, usually moving onto one and then moving onto the other, watching as her cheeks would jiggle with each and every spank that you would place upon them. You would feel as she would tense with each sharp spank to the ass, the woman letting out a groan as you decided that you might as well give her your all, pushing her even more against the upper wall using your body and beginning to go even faster.

At this point half of her face was pushed against the metal walls as you slammed in and out of her lower lips, the wetness oozing from them drooling down both your thighs as she panted into the air, her tongue pushing against the metal in the process. “Mmmph, you’re so brutal, so merciless! By Ragayher,take me like your sex slave, human!” She would groan out as you pushed and slammed into her, your head moving to the side of her neck in the process. You then began to kiss and push against her neck, wiping her tongue against it before you pushed your teeth against her skin, threatening to bite into her neck which, if her moans were any indication, was turning her on even more.

That was when you felt yourself getting to the end of this glorious fucking, the feeling of your cock throbbing against her walls making you moan into her neck as she moaned into the metal. As the pressure at the tip of your cock built up you could see as she was getting very close to orgasm as well, the woman’s body twitching and her pussy wrapping and unwrapping around your cock way more rapidly then she was beforehand, even with the spanking. “Oh my, I’m so close! Go on and make me cum, make me moan sluttily for you as you brutalize me!” She would say which would push you over the edge, making you slam yourself inside of her so you could fill her with your seed.

You’d moan into the air as the first couple shots pushed down into her pussy before she would cry out and start orgasming furiously as well, pussy fluids pushing and spreading against your hips and thighs as she moaned. You’d shoot shot after shot inside of her, the months of being pent up inside of the metal coffin that was the submarine making your loads way thicker than usual, meaning they’d easily push against her fluids and were able to nest inside of her. Of course, you’d both eventually run out of steam, her orgasm ending shortly before yours did, the last couple drops of your thick cut dripping inside of her pussy as you both panted, exhausted.

You would eventually push out of her pussy, your cum slowly dripping out of her pussy and onto the floor, the woman turning around to face you with a lusty grin that was on her face, the woman licking her lips as she did so. “Oh, ooh, that was pretty great. Do you know how hard you need to fuck one of my kind to get me saying this things?” She said with a chuckle as she moved over to you and wrapped her arm around your body, her fanged grin shining in the light as you did so. “Since that pathetic command officer of yours is dead, I guess that makes it so you fit his rank?” She asked with you thinking for a moment before nodding, wondering what she was getting at. 

“Excellent. In that case, maybe you need someone to keep you company? Maybe you need a certain fish woman to stay with you so you can wrap your hands around her and pound her into the metal?” She would say with a grin and a chuckle with you quickly grinning back and moving your hand down to her asscheeks before proceeding to spank it, the woman letting out a slight yelp as she looked down at you and smiled.  “Oh, that was a very clear yes! Now, let’s get going, captain, we’ve got some waters to sail.” She said with a grin as you began to walk over to the control room with her, the woman by your side as you figuring she was going to scream out a lot more for your cock in the future.


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