Automata story

 Things had changed quite a bit for humanity since the solar flare hit mainly due to the fact that the solar glare had caused the majority of humanity to be destroyed and all of life on the planet earth which left the entire planet a burning desert with the remnants of humanity having to pick up the pieces of the destroyed world. After humanity managed to build the cities they built robots called pilgrims who were made to help adapt to the hellish new environment but, once humanity realised that they couldn't stop the desertification all of the robotic were made to do manual labour, essentially becoming a slave race. One thing had led to another and you were eventually sent on a trail to look for a robot who was modifying themselves, which was officially made a crime some time before you were born, and on this quest you had to go into a brothel which was when you met cleo for the first time.

Cleo would become one of the two staying companions through what was happening to you which would quickly spiral out of control when you placed a cpu into her that made her self repair which by extension had a set of assassins come after you. After disposing of the assassins and escaping that only to be picked up by a couple of their robots who were killed by members of the insurance company a moment later which meant that you were on the run again. After a few more run-ins you eventually found the other robots and, with lots of discussion, allowed them to make a brand new robot by giving them a battery that you had managed to salvage from one of the fallen ones during the shootouts.

The robot that the machines made was what could have been best described as a mixture of a giant insect and a bug, something that unnerved you somewhat before you left with Cleo and the new robot when things went south. Eventually all the robots but you, Cleo and the bug robot had died and as such you all went wandering into the desert that was earth , finding the ocean had survived and as such you decided to call that place home. After a while you had managed to build a house out of all the scrap that was nearby as well as pretty much getting whatever food you wanted by occasionally breaking into the main city which was easier now since they thought you were dead.

As you say inside of your makeshift house you could hear the sound of mechanical clanking moving out through the air with you recognizing it to be Cleo by the way the steps were dispersed, turning to face her as you did so. You looked up to see the woman of plastic and metal, her body being made to be somewhat curvy with an obvious thigh gap and breasts but she had enough bulky metal  tubes on her arms and legs to make her look less human. You would then look up at her plastic face to see the most realistic visage of a human that the robots could provide but it was still very obvious she wasn’t human with the gray color of the face and how deep her eyes were in her sockets..

"Come with me. I want to show you something with the robot." She would say as you got up your seat with you sighing somewhat since this had been the first time that you would have had a bit of rest in a while. But you were interested in what this robot had managed to do since it had managed to evolve itself somewhat whilst you were in the desert, the bug robot fixing itself up with metal, both you and Cleo giving you both loving glances as you walked across the sandy dune, sand blowing across your face in the process. Eventually you would reach where the robot was located which was close enough to the house where you could see your home but far enough away to be partially obscured by the sand that was blowing everywhere.

That was when you looked down to see the creature which was pointing away from you as they studied something which was when you realized that there was some kind of vagina resting inside the large abdomen which almost looked scaly due to all the metal that was used to build it. The robot stood upon six legs with golden feet pushing against the ground, four of them being pointed away from the body much like a spider's legs whilst the other two of the legs were pushed inward somewhat to support the head and the neck. The head itself was a thin bar of metal with a variety of cameras and lenses that itself was surrounded with gold and plugged into the main body with a few wires, Cleo going to speak as you stared at the addition to the robot.

“Looks like she’s managed to obtain a hole for you, Anon.” She said as she walked closer to you, the woman’s footsteps being somewhat heavier behind you as she moved so she was behind you and her mouth was right next to your ear. “Look at her, waiting for you. You’re the only one who can pleasure her, you know that?” She would whisper in a way more seductive tone than beforehand, the woman having an ever so slight smirk across her face as she spoke again. “Are you gonna leave her yearning for it? Or are you gonna give her what she needs?” She asked before moving away from you with you nodding again and grabbing ahold of your trousers and undoing them.

You would throw the trousers and underwear to the ground, your member moving out into the warm air as you moved over to the robotic insect, trying to figure out how the hell to approach the robot. You eventually decided that grabbing the large abdomen was the best way to go about it with you moving yourself so that right next to her, grinding up against the hole of the robot which made it push out some electric chitters into the air. Eventually you would manage to grow confident enough to push yourself inside of the beast with you pulling your hips back into the air before you slammed right into her, both of you letting out pleasured sounds into the air in the process.

You would feel as the hole would clamp down on you as soon as you entered, the new hole obviously not used to having something inside of it and as such it began twitching and pulsing against your cock as you began to pull away. You could feel her fluids dripping off your cock and waist as you clutched her abdomen with you being surprised that the metal was spongy as your inspection lover let out moans and groans as Cleo watched onwards with a smirk. Eventually you would get to the point where your cock was only tip deep inside of her before you slammed back in with both of you moaning yet again as the bug robot pushed up some sand from the ground.

You would continue this process for a few minutes, routinely making sure that your insectoid lover was well pleased when you slammed into her, a couple of times her legs even stumbled due to the force of your thrusts. You would move your hands somewhat as you would get more comfortable with fucking the woman, moving your hands to the back of your legs and clutching ahold of them, lifting her up into the air somewhat in the process. That was when you would begin to speed up your thrusts against her, hearing as the wet slapping sounds of flesh against metal began to echo out into the air along with her moans.

You would feel as the dry warmth of the desert contrasted with the wet warmth of her insides, the robot letting out chitters into the air as her legs would twitch and push into the air in the process. Her hole would also clench and twitch more intensely then beforehand as well, her inner walls trying to keep you inside of her no matter the cost but she was a bit too weak for her to do anything major, leaving you with a pleasant pulling feeling against your crotch. You’d feel as her four feet that remained on the ground pushed into the sand, making several groves down onto the sand as you pulled her other two legs backward.

As you held her legs further and further into the air as she twitched and pushed across the ground as you pushed more and more of your weight on her as she twitched and chirped in pleasure. The sounds of her body clanking and groaning echoed out into the air as you would slowly lay your body on top of her own with you feeling as each gear and each wire moved around, the warmth coming off her body pushing against your skin in the process. That was when you moved your hands away from her back legs, which then moved to wrap around your waist, before you grabbed ahold of her front legs and began to go even faster.

At this point you were completely lost in your lust for the robot as the robot's head looked up into the air in pleasure, groaning and letting out sounds so often that the speakers sounded like they were breaking. Either way you could imagine that the camera that were her eyes would be rolling into the back of her head if they could, her pussy spasming rapidly as she would occasionally hit and push up against your cock in the process. You could also feel as her legs shifted and pushed against your hips, kneading them somewhat as she moved her feet against your hands with you clutching them in the process.

That was when you began to throb inside of her pussy, pushing up against her metal walls as she clenched and pushed against your cock, trying to milk the cum out of you at this point in the process. You would then feel as the pressure began to increase at the tip of your cock, your orgasm growing more and more intense by the moment with you wanting to hold it in for her but you knew you couldn’t hold for long. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, deciding to give her what you’ve got and slamming inside of her, beginning to shoot cum inside of her, the first shot pushing out and moving deep inside of her in the process.

You slammed yourself so that you were base deep inside of her before she clenched against your cock, the woman making sure not a single drop of cum could escape her as she did so. You would keep shooting and shooting until your orgasm reached its maximum output, the rope that you shot out your dick making you breathe out a sigh of relief as your orgasm eventually began to run itself down, both of you being exhausted by the time that came. Eventually your last couple shots would push out of your cock, splattering her walls with drops of cum as you groaned and sighed, the woman letting out happy electronic sounds.

You would then proceed to pull out of the pleasured robot, the cum dripping and oozing out of her hole as the robot laid on the ground, utterly pleasured as sweat pushed and dripped down your body.  As you looked upon the cum filled robot Cleo would walk over to you, the woman grabbing ahold of the robot in one of her arms as she looked over to you, a ever so slight smile being placed across her unmoving face in the process. “Well, it looks like you’ve done a very good job. Now, let’s go inside, shall we?” She asked as you looked and her and nodded, the woman beginning to walk away as you began to pull up your trousers and walked together to the quiet home in the desert, away from the harsh sun and sand.


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