Heart spider story
The only things you could hear from 500 feet below were the sounds of your feel pressing against the rocks, the sound of whatever water that had managed to get down there and the sound of your rather tense heartbeat shuddering in and out of your chest as you went deeper. The strider caverns are long and expansive with the caves themselves never being fully charted which meant that the town beside the caverns had made folklore that they were not only limitless but also pushed down into the pits of the underworld which was the reason why no one had gone too deep inside. This was not helped by the fact that numerous people had died within the caves, either getting stuck inside of the claustrophobic routes or slamming their head into the rocks and scattering brain matter across the floor, to the point a register was put in place to make sure people came back alive.
You had heard about the caverns on the internet and decided that you might as well go and check it out and when you went to the climbing area you asked to go inside which is when you had to give a background check before they gave you the specialist equipment. That equipment was a specialist black box style device of which you had attached to the backpack to recover your body if the needs be but that’s when somebody else walked up to you. It was a elderly woman who looked impossibly old by human standards, her body covered in a colorful arrangement of rags with a pamphlet within her hand which she offered you and which you took after you gave your thanks which was when she mumbled to herself and walked off.
You looked up the pamphlet to see a blue page with white and yellow writing on it with the title of “Heart Spider woman” with several paragraphs of disjointed prose about the creature. The pamphlet caused them creatures that lurk in the cave and go after men specifically where they take the men as mates and that’s the true reason why they never left the cave which you thought was complete rubbish as you placed it in your bag. With that you went back into the cave and then your exploration began, going deeper and deeper within the rocks until you got to where you are now, five hundred feet down within the dark bowels of the cave where, if you were to have an accident, you’d never be found.
You couldn't help but to fear the depths of the caverns since at this point there was no life other than you down there and they were so cramped to the point where you could easily get stuck and perish within. However this time that fear was mixed with a different kind of dread, the dread of feeling like, despite the fact that you were so far away from any aspect of life, you couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched, as if something was breathing down your neck. You would keep looking around during every single sound with it usually being dripping of water with you climbing down the cavern to reach a large area where you could actually stand up which is as when you realized something you didn’t notice before you entered.
That thing was the fact that the entire roof was covered in what appeared to be webs, the strands of thin material being coloured like pearls and pushed together in the most beautiful patterns that you had seen. The strands seemed to be surprisingly large, about as thick as a shoelace and spanned the entire area of the cavern with you grabbing ahold of your torch to see if you could see the spiders that had actually made them. The light would shine off the stands and push right up against the rocks as you shine it across the cave, not seeing any creature crawling away from you but what you did see was a dark yet shapely shadow and a very, very human one at that.
You would jump at seeing the shadow and proceed to move the torch in an attempt to catch the creature within the light but the being seemed to be faster than you were, managing to get out of the light and into the darkness again. You would rapidly shine your light across the walls and the roof in an attempt to see what the hell cast the shadow but the end results were you finding nothing to the point where you wondered if what you had seen was all in your mind. That was when you noticed a single drop of water fall from the roof and hit the ground, the sound reverberating out into the air as you pushed your torch upward and looked up to see the White spider woman herself.
The first place that you looked was her head which means that you were staring into two sets of red, almost spiral like eyes with the woman’s face being covered in a web like shroud which was much like the rest of her body as your eyes began to crawl down that part of her. You would look to her arms and legs next, seeing that there we gaps within the webbing wrapped her skin which showed off that she had black skin underneath her body with yellow lines going down them whilst her clawed hands were ringed with green as well as the yellow with sharp blue claws digging into the roof in the process. Finally you looked up at her torso to see a wild pattern of yellow and black with small dots of red where her belly button should be and on her upper torso there seemed to be a dark black rib cage but most of it was covered by six large spider legs which were colored just like her fingers, the legs obscuring something that she preferred to keep hidden.
The woman would let go off the roof and slam into the ground on her hands and legs before getting up onto her feet again, looming over you as she was about a foot or so taller than you were as you both stared at one another. Her eyes would then begin to relax and turn more lustful as she moved closer to you, the woman’s mouth opening up so her tongue rolling out and revealing that it was bright green,slight bits of drool dripping from her mouth as she took a step towards you. At that point you assumed that she was going to kill you or worse and as such you turned away from her and tried to run away, the woman catching up with you in a second flat and grabbed ahold of you, pushing you to the ground in the process.
At first you imagined that she would be eating you but you could feel her pussy drooling against your leg you realized that she wanted to have sex with you with the look in her eyes only confirming that for you. You thought she would be a rather sadistic lover, fucking you until you dropped and probably a slight bit after that as well as she rested her hands on your trousers, clutching them before she began to do something rather unusual. She would proceed to open up those legs that were attached to her chest, unfolding them one by one as you began to hear a rhythmic beating within the air, your eyes widening as you saw what was truly within the woman’s chest.
It was a bright red beating heart, the heart pulsing into the air as you could see the valves and veins hard at work across the air with the veins moving across from her heart and deep into her rib cage with webs being wrapped around her heart in the process. You could see it shaking in the air as a slight sense of warmth could be felt coming off it, the woman letting out several moans as she moved her hands down to undo your trousers as her other hand moved over to one of your own hands and clutched ahold of it. She would begin to position herself above your cock as her pussy dripped all over it as she moved your hand closer and closer to her beating heart, the woman letting out a sigh as she got ready to slam down onto your cock before doing so a second later.
She would moan loudly as she felt your cock inside of her with you moaning out loudly as you thrusted upwards a slight bit and then clutched her heart in your hand which you initially thought hurt her more until she moaned even louder at the action. You could feel as she began to push up your cock again, your hand trying to let go of her warm, beating heart but as soon as you did her grip on your wrist became near crushing which probably meant that she wanted to squeeze her heart even more. You would feel as she reached the tip of your cock, her pussy fluids dripping down your member as she moaned and sighed before she slammed down your cock again, your hand squeezing against the heart in the process.
“Squueeze… Awayyyy!” She said with a smirk as she began to slowly move up and down your cock,her back arching with each thrust as you keep her heart in your grasp, not clutching too much out of fear that you could injure her. You could feel as the woman’s heart pushed and pressed up against your hand,the rhythmic beating pushing up against your skin as she panted and moaned loudly. Eventually she would clutch ahold of your wrist with her other hand, moving her head down to your ear before she began to move up and down your cock even faster then she did beforehand.
“Harrrderrr!” She moaned out as you proceeded to do just that, clutching the woman’s beating heart harder than you were, causing her to let out a practically orgasmic moan out into the air as she moaned loudly. The heart began to beat faster and faster as well as pumping harder due to the clutching against it, the woman moaning out more and more as she put on a more lusty expression than she did beforehand. Her tongue was so outstretched that drool was dripping all over your chest and stomach, the woman’s moans as her eyes began to roll into the back of her head somewhat.
Meanwhile her pussy would push and crush up against your cock, the pussy seeming to clench with each beat of her heart, her wet inner walls pushing against you in an attempt to milk the cum right out of your cock. Her chest legs were stretched out to maximum making her entire chest look like a strange flower, her panting growing louder and louder as you felt her legs beginning to wrap around your legs to make sure you couldn’t escape, not that you would want to at this point. However, she certainly wanted even more of your dick and to have your hand clench against her heart even more than beforehand as she began to go even faster against your body.
At this point you didn’t even bother hesitating against squeezing her heart, attempting to squeeze it the hardest you could which made the woman scream out a loud, shrill moan as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. As such any calculated action was all gone and was now replaced with furious and almost feral thrusting from the woman, her heart beating a mile a minute as the warmth from her heart pushed out against your hand in her process. Drool would be dripping out of both your mouth and her mouth like waterfalls as she groaned and moaned at you, the woman clutching ahold of you for dear life.
That was when you felt yourself begin to throb within her pussy, the woman moaning and sighing as she looked up into the air with glee, her heart going faster and faster by the moment as she groaned and moaned. You could feel as the pressure began to build up at the tip of your cock, feeling as it grew larger and larger by the second but you didn’t want to cum just yet, making sure that you were going to give her a full womb full of cum. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, the pressure getting all too much for you and worth one final thrust and one final beat of her pulsating heart you came inside of her, her pussy lips clamping around your cock as she did so.
The first shot made her heart skip a couple of beats which you felt moving through your fingers as she moaned out into the air, her chest legs flexing somewhat as she moaned and groaned quite a bit. You would just keep shooting and shooting your cum inside of her, slowly filling her to the brim with your cum as the largest cumshot pushed out off your cock and deep into her, causing her to moan and for her heart to almost hiccup a bit. Of course, all good things had to come to an end and your orgasm slowly ended with the final couple of drops dripping into her as you let go of her heart, your hands hitting the ground as you wanted it starting to beat rapidly to make sure her blood flow was back to normal.
“Soooo, goood.” She would moan out as she moved her body down onto the floor where you were, the woman keeping her legs open and her heart exposed, seemingly to say that she trusted you now that you’d cum inside of her. She would then slowly hug herself against you, her chest pushed right onto your own which meant that you could feel her heart's soft, slow beats pulsing against your own before she closed her eyes and moved into slumber. As you looked at her you smiled and wrapped your arms around her body to feel her heartbeat draw closer to you as you fell asleep with her inside of your new home, 500 feet below the surface where your old life ended and this one started.
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