The Wendigo story part 4 : Warmth and Cold

 It had been a month now since the Xenomorph had been converted into your  religion as you went on the quest to find the new home of the Wendigo’s and the summoning area of the Wendigo goddess so that you could bring a new age upon man but for now that you drifted through space on the space station. You were lightyears away from home at this point with you recalling the stars and asteroids that moved past the ship as you drifted across the darkness and hoped to find a place that you could finally call home since the metal base would surely have meant death for you all when you ran out of food. You had initiated a planetary scan for a planet that remembered earth in both atmosphere and general climate with the planetary scan taking a couple of days due to how much data the computers had to take as well as the fact the systems seemed to be old which meant that you could formally invent your religion.

Obviously you and your wife had become the heads of your religion, which you had named Wengigalic during your second session with the council with you and her being in charge of all of the ceremonies and anything else involved in the religion. Your oldest brood managed to fill out the rest of the roles with one of your daughters being able to write down some of the scripture in the Wendigo tongue whilst others were able to draw portraits of the goddess whilst others still became priestesses for the goddess. The Capra demon, who you had nicknamed Cape, has become the religion's resident sorceress due to the fact that she was the only one that could actually do magic, even if it was inaccurate most of the time. 

You had yet to figure out what the Xenomorph, and by extension the children that she had birthed since your first session with her, was going to do other then have sex with you and follow the religion when you had found a planet close enough to fit the conditions that you needed to survive even if the temperature if the planet was colder then expected. You would quickly load the coordinates of the planet in and make the ship pilot towards the planet with you telling your wife as soon as you figured that you were actually going there. “Ta tsal, a ecalp ot llac emoh.” She said to you happily as you headed to the planet, the flight taking about a day or so to occur so by the time you fell asleep surrounded by the ones you love and then awake to the sounds of the ship breaching orbit.

By the time the ship had breached orbit you soon realized that the planet's sun seemed to be blocked out by the thick clouds that were wrapped around the planet much like an anaconda around prey. The temperature was cold, barely hitting the single digits by the time you got everyone to one of the ships and got ready to head down to the surface, the ground that you had ended up landing in was obstructed by the darkness but you had brought plenty of lights from the ship to light the way. You parked yourself nearby to a cave system and quickly ran inside of the cave as soon as you got out, feeling as the cold battered against your body as you made your way to what would become your new home.

It had been a month now since you had been in the cave and, although the food was plentiful due to all the other creatures that hid in the cave and were promptly ripped apart by your children, the air was growing colder and colder, going down to the minus’s. The darkness outside hadn’t got better and in fact had gotten even worse than before with the lights barely cutting through it on the max power settings with the only place the lights were effective were within the cave. The lights would be able to illuminate the paths you were able to take since some had been blocked off or were dangerous due to rockfalls and they even produced a tiny bit of heat which was a blessing given what you were dealing with now.

You had moved deeper down into the caves from where you had started then beforehand, being about fifty or a hundred meters down where the cold was less bitter than up above. Still, it was an uncomfortable and still nearly freezing cold area to stay in, the stone that was around you feeling like it was sticking to your skin and cold-burning it on several occasions whilst any water that wasn’t placed under the lights would become equally dangerous due to the lack of heat turning it into ice. Your only relief of the cold was snuggling up into the mass of your children and your wife and even then it was barely enough anymore, especially since they were too busy protecting any life that was brewing inside of Cape.

You see, back when you were in hell, you had had sex with her and it had turned out that you had made her pregnant during that and now she was quite pregnant, seemingly around four or so months. As such most of your children, particularly the most thick haired of the group had been huddling around her to keep her and the unborn warm which was rather confusing for the demon to say the least, Cape herself not being used to the Wendigo’s attempts at warming her up. She often would attempt to learn the magic of the Wendigo as they snuggled around her with all of you, including the Xenomorph, huddled within the mess of Wendigo’s for warmth and shelter from the cold. 

Meanwhile the Xenomorph herself would attempt to build a hive, the woman seemingly doing it both to create a stable living environment and to make sure that her spans had a safe place to grow and traverse. The building of the hive had to come to the stop however when the temperatures had gone down the material that she was building the hive out of would freeze and break before it could set properly which left her without a job. The hive she had built however was a decent enough home for you and your children, the material it was made out of being soft and firm which was comfortable enough to sleep on whilst managing to be somewhat less freezing then the rock that was underneath it,some lights being tangled within it for support as well as the obvious lighting.

Right now you were in the middle of this half a hive with your wife hugging onto your left and a couple of your daughters hugging onto your right as you sat next to a bunch of logs that you had managed to find,Cape sitting as she was hugged by the daughters and the Xenomorphs pushed between a couple of your children for warmth. You had been dragging two rocks together for the past five or so minutes, not being able to get a spark out of them as your wife moved her mouth up to your neck and began to speak through the cold. “Ecap flesruoy, devoleb.” She would say as she huddled up to you with you placing the rocks on the ground and your hands in your pockets in an attempt to warm them.

“Yeah, don't push yourself too far, you’ve already done enough yourself getting us all those fruits from up in the cold and doing your usual with us all.” She said with you nodding, knowing that all of the roots and fruits that you hoarded were with the meat just outside the half built hive so that they would be well preserved. The “usual” that the demon had referred to was sex which not only had managed to increase the warmth but also increased morale within the group. “Hopefully this coldness is just seasonal and this goes away eventually.” She said before she was quickly silenced by the sound of something slamming against the rocks, causing you to all go silent in the process.

“What the hell was that?” The demon whispered as she looked around, the others looking around and nodding at each other in confusion as you heard the sound of the footsteps again. The footsteps would keep echoing out into the air as you stayed silent with you not being able to hear if they were getting closer or further away or not with you only hoping that they were getting far away since it did seem like a massive beast was causing them.

“Ew tusm dnefed eht kcap!” Your wife said as she hugged you close, several hums in agreement moving across the air before you proceeded to get up so that you could get ready to defend yourself. You grabbed hold of the nearest weapon that you had which was a large knife that you had been using to skin flesh off the bones of the meat you had found with your wife following behind you as the others started to get up off the ground.

“You’re right, we need to fight them off someone. Darling, get you and girls behind me and the Xeno’s can hide and make an ambush. Cape and some of the Wendigos should stay here and make sure that the baby is still warm.” You said with everyone nodding as several Wendigo’s huddled around the demon as you turned and began to walk towards the sound with several of the women walking behind you in the process, getting ready to attack whatever lurked in the caverns. Your wife would be close by as you moved upwards towards the exit of the cavern, hearing as the sound of slamming got louder and louder, your wife growling into the air as she did so with the noise growing louder by the moment.

You would eventually get to the entrance of the cave, seeing that the lights only pushed a couple meters into the darkness as the footsteps shook the ground somewhat with you motioning to the Xenomorph to hide in the shadows around the exit. The would scamper from between the Wendigo’s and quickly pile on top of eachother in the shadows, getting ready to strike as the footsteps seemed to stop as if they had noticed that someone was watching them. You would then hear the footsteps start up again, the noises being more methodical in pace and rhythm and much more gently in the way that they were stepping down onto the ground, the creatures soon revealing themselves as they walked into the light.

You would watch as two creatures walked out of the darkness with the both of them seeming like they were two types of the same species with you being able to notice several similarities between the two of them. They both had the same purple exoskeleton going across parts of the body but the thickness and where they were placed were different parts of the body with the larger creature having massive spikes of exoskeleton coming out of its back whilst the smaller had shorter, more subtle spikes on its back. You looked across the creature's chest to reveal that they both had large sets of breasts on them and a look to the side revealed they both had scythe-like arms above their normal arms but the shape of the scythes were different between the two of them. The most different part of the beasts was their faces with the larger being having a more shark-like face with beady black eyes whilst the other had several tentacles attached to her face and much more human-like eyes.

At first glance you were terrified of the beasts featured until you looked upon their faces and saw frost and ice push across their faces, their bodies shivering due to the cold as they walked closer and closer. You would walk towards them whilst motioning your wife and children to stay behind, the creatures stopping about two steps away from you as they looked at each other for a moment before the larger of the two of them went to speak. “P-please may we go into the cave? It’s so cold out here.” She would ask as the other nodded with you wondering how they had managed to communicate with you since their mouths weren’t opening but you figured they were telepathic.

You looked to the Wendigo and looked back at the creatures, looking into the larger beast's eyes for several moments before you went to speak to them again, both of them looking hopeful. “Just wait here for a minute. I just need to talk to my wife.” You said of which the beast responded with a nod, the Wendigo getting ready for the attack as you grew closer to her but soon calming down when you went to speak to her. “Listen, all they want is shelter, think we could do that for them?” You asked as the Wendigo thought for a moment before looking towards several of the women behind her, all of them discussing before whispering to their mother of which then turned towards you.

“Yeht nac noij sa gnol sa yeht nioj eht sseddog.” She said as you nodded back in response, moving away from the group and going back to the two shivering creatures before you stated what you wanted.

“You two can join us within the cave as long as you also join us in praising the goddess.” You said with only a mere second passing  before you heard the voice move across your mind.

“We accept your terms fully.” One of the two creatures said as you smiled somewhat, moving your hand up and wiping some of the frost off the larger creature's chin before turning around.

“Alright then, come and follow me.” You said as you began to walk towards the caves entrance, the rest of the beings inside moved back into the cave as well, which led to you and the creatures being surrounded by Wendigo’s and Xenomorphs. You would eventually get curious about the massive creatures, wondering how they had managed to even get to the cold planet, let alone wander for as long as they had been. “So, What are you two supposed to be exactly?” You asked as you looked over to the larger creature who then began to speak to you,the other one also staring at you as well.

“We are Tyranids, I am a Carnifex and my companion is a Lictor. Our swarm was attacked over your frozen planet and our ship crashed not far from here. Everyone on the ship has died but us and our swarm have been annihilated.” She said in a somber tone as you walked, the Lictor nodding along with her as you walked deeper and deeper down into the cavern until you had eventually found the hive where the demon and the remainder of your daughters were waiting. They would growl and move to protect cape but as soon as you put your hand up to stop them they would grow silent, the Capra demon poking her head out from Wendigo fluff to speak to them.

“Hey, they look big! At least we’ll have more to help warm us up at least.” Cape said as you walked to the middle of the room with the two tyranids walking behind you before you turned around to look at them.

“They can do that later. Now is the time for their initiation.” You said as the creature twisted their heads, confused about what you had just said to them as you looked into their eyes. 

“Initiation?” The Lictor asked judging by the change of the voice with you nodding at her before you spoke again, moving closer to the two of them in the process.

“For you to become a part of her religion and to praise the goddess you must first bare a wonderful clutch of children for her. Now, please may you rest upon your backs so that we can begin.” You said as the tyranids didn’t hesitate for a moment before they moved and laid down onto their backs, both of them hitting against the floor as the sound of two loud thumps echoed out against the walls and floor of the rocky cavern. You walked up to the women and gazed upon their thick and plentiful breasts and bodies, smiling as they moved between the Carnifexes legs and looking down at the woman’s pussy and seeing that it was getting rather wet as you took down your trousers. 

You cock would bounce out of its fabric prison as you looked down at her legs with you grabbing ahold of both of the beast's massive thighs as you began to rub your cock up against her wet pussy lips. You’d feel your cock get lubed up within a instant which meant your cock was dripping with her warmth as she moaned and growled into the air, the Lictor also getting rather wet at the sight of her companions imminent fucking. You would then clutch ahold of her thick thigh flesh before pulling your hips upwards into the air and bracing yourself before you slammed your hips down inside of her, the woman letting out a wild growl into the air as the woman’s warm pussy clenching up against your cock in the process.

You would feel her inner walls clench up against your cock almost instantly as you tried to thrust out of her body, moving your hips back against her inner walls before you had to slam against the woman’s pussy in the process. Your head would be above her massive breasts, looking over the women’s tits and deciding to move your hand up to one of them, promptly pushing down onto her nipple and by extension the Luscious flesh of her tits. You would gently squeeze against them as your hands as your lover would sit between the middle of the two of the mighty beasts and watch eagerly, her pussy being wet at her husband's performance as the creature would soak the warmth into herself.

It would be a minute or so as you pulled out of the Carnifex and quickly moved over to the Lictor, deciding that she should get her fill as you slammed yourself inside of her, the woman moaning out as your warmth moved past her. Your hands move over to the woman’s breasts, intending on groping them before the woman’s tentacles played and curled around your hand, feeling as they warmed the tendrils up as you groped and fucked her body. Due to being smaller then her companion she was stronger yet tighter which still made her a pretty hard being to fuck but you enjoyed hearing her moans and the feeling of her body warming up across her skin in the process.

You would eventually move away from the beasts and then move back to your wife, moving your hands up to clutch both of the tyranids clawed hands as you began to thrust in and out of your wife. She would moan in rapturous glee as you fucked her as well as fucked the other two creatrues that surrounded you both, the woman being happy that your family would soon increase and that the goddess would grow ever stronger because of the children you would produce. She would move her tongue into your mouth which would make you moan happily before she pulled away from you, the woman directing you to the tyranids of which you happily obliged as you moved to the Carnifex to the right of you.

You would move back to her and then slam yourself right down into her pussy and begin thrusting at full strength, feeling as her pussy fluids splash against your cock and waist as she moaned loudly into the air as you looked into her eyes. Within her eyes as you pushed your warmth inside of her you could see a mixture of both lust and love, her tongue curling in your mouth as she panted and pushed her breath out into the air. You would grope her some more, making sure your groping was more like a massage with how you were pushing down onto her tits which only would make her warmer and warmer as she moaned wildly.

You pulled out and turned your hips, taking a couple steps before slamming down into the Lictor’s pussy, feeling as it clenched about you as you pulled her mouth to your own and began to kiss her. You would get a mixture of tongues and tentacles inside of your mouth as you felt her kiss you, her rapidly warming breath pushing against your face as your hips let out a lewd sound as you performed for both the women and the crowd that was around you. You slammed and pushed against her as you looked back over to the larger beast, pulling out of the Lictor again in the process before looking into her eyes again.

As you slammed inside of the Carnifex again you would feel as your cock began to throb inside of her, the woman moaning loudly and clenching up against your dick as it pushed right up against your member. You could feel the pressure in your cock begin to increase, the feeling making each thrust even more intense then beforehand due to the fact that you were making sure that the two new arrivals would certainly get pregnant from you fucking them. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore with you proceeding to slam your hips right down into her pussy, moaning out into the air as you began to cum deep inside of her, her mouth opening up in pure rapturous glee in the process.

You would feel as shot after shot came out of your cock which quickly began to make her bloated despite her massive size, the woman’s moans becoming more pleasured as her insides were filled with your cum impregnating her. You would eventually move out of her pussy, covering her in a couple of ropes of your cum before moving over to the Lictor before pushing deep inside of her, filling her up much faster then the other tyranid due to her size, the woman eventually becoming just as bloated as her companion, if not even more so. Finally you would pull out and give the final bit of your load to your wife, the woman moaning out gleefully as she felt you fill her up, the last couple ropes to escape your dick leaving you utterly exhausted.

You could feel the tiredness move across your body as you looked across the spoils of this day, seeing the two tyranids and your wife filled freshly with your cum as you moved between the tyranids and your wife. You would hug up against your wife and push your head down into her neck fur as the tyranid moved so that your head was pushed right up against the front of her tits which were very pillowy whilst your wife was hugged by the Lictor on the other side. At that moment you couldn’t feel the cold or the ice but instead the warmth of your lovers around you, managing to snuggle up to your wife and the new members of your family as you fell asleep, knowing at this moment you were blessed by your goddess.

Blessed be.

Bonus lore :01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110000 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01100010 01101001 01101110 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01001010 01111010 01000101 00110010 00110011 01101001 01101011 01001000


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