Reikling story

 Today had been a rather long day for you but you had to admit it was a prolonged experience of your own doing since if it wasn’t for your constant adventuring and roaming then you would have never stumbled across the riekling tribe in the first place. Riekling’s themselves were creatures that were small in stature which lead to them being easily beaten on a one versus one combat situation but in groups they were rather dangerous but thankfully they weren’t exactly the smartest race either which meant that the tactical skills were lacking due to the fact their brains were as small as their bodies were. You were unaware of what you had stumbled into at first with the snow falling on the rocks and the cold biting at your skin despite the fact you were under layers of metal, the creatures not being outside and just staying inside of their huts baring a couple, both of which ran up you to question why you were there in the first place.

Unfortunately for them they spoke a language that you could best describe as utter gibberish and as such you simply ignored them and walked away, one of them running ahead of you in order to get someone. That someone would quickly reveal themselves to be the chief of the tribe with the chief wearing a cape out of the skin of a deer and a helmet with four horns pulling up into the air which didn’t actually fit on the creature’s head. “Stop! You Dragonborn, yes?” He asked as he ran towards you, it’s helmet trying not to slip off before you turned around and nodded to him, a grin moving across its unwashed teeth before he spoke again, getting up on his tiptoes before he spoke.

“You help tribe-kin. Help tribe-kin find Bilgemuck. Findprice beast.” He would say in the most commanding tone that he could attempt to speak with you wondering what the hell this prize beast was. But still, a quest was a quest and as such you were on the way to bring the Bilgemuck back to the tribe with you deciding on luring the boar-like creature back to the tribe which you eventually did so which was when you had proceeded to get another quest from the chief. You had to go and get ten Scathecraw which the chieftain called redgrass and when you were done doing that you were given the final quest of the evening, the creature taking the grass off you as he explained himself.

“Nords have Thirsk Hall. Help tribe-kin Kill Nords. You strong. You help Tribe-kin.” The little creature explained as you simply nodded where he would proceed to move over to the rest of the tribe. He would then speak in their language to them of which they seemed to get pretty riled up by and as such were seemingly very happy to kill the nords and as such you and the many little creatures were led into battle with you clutching your blade in the process. You were led up to the hall to where the Nords were located, the look on their faces indicating that this hadn’t been the first time the Rieklings had been up there to try and take the hall, the riekling pointing at the nords to tell you to attack them.

And as such the battle had begun, your blade quickly cutting right through some of the nord soldiers, their blood splattering your blade and some of the snow whilst swarms of rieklings beating and killing a couple soldiers behind you. The battle only went on for a few minutes with you being able to kill most of the soldiers around the area with the floor being littered with bodies and blood as the hall grew silent with you looking over to the chief when you were done. However, within the chiefs eyes you could see distrust and anger brewing inside of them, the shadow from the oversized helmet making that distrust more obvious when he pointed his spear at you as he went to speak.

“You Strong! Too strong! Could harm Tribe-kin! Die, die!” He shouted as he ran towards you, swinging his spear around as you moved your sword up into the air before swatting it against the spear, making it fly across the dirt in the process. He would still try to scratch at your legs as he jumped towards you with you swinging your blade down onto his chest, stopping him in his tracks as he fell to the ground as blood leaked out of his body. You could see as the creature twitched and moved against the ground before going completely limp, the other Reiking looking at you in shock with you getting ready to fight them all, one of them going over to the dead chief in shock. 

The creature would then grab ahold of the helmet and pull it into the air, leaving the corpse before wandering over to you before offering you the chief's helmet with the creatures also chanting in their tongue. You then realized that you had somehow managed to become their leader by murdering the chief with you clutching the helmet in your hands and looking into the eyes before you slipped off your own and placed the helmet onto your head, looking over your new subjects in the process. They began to cheer and celebrate both their takeover of the hall and the crowning of their new leader with most of the creature’s going outside in order to celebrate but a couple stayed in the area with you.

You would stand there for several moments as they ran up to you in their makeshift armor, saying some words in their gibberish language before they took their helmets off, throwing them to the ground as they spoke to one another. Then they would slowly and eventually take off all of their armor and clothing, the creature’s struggling to get some of the items off but eventually they were all naked in front of you which made you realize something. When you had taken the title of chief from the previous one you had taken all of his responsibilities along with it and one of those responsibilities was making sure that all of the women were satisfied and, by the looks of it, a few ladies wanted a test ride.

You would begin to look up and down the women would net you a full look at their dark blue skin with white markings appearing across their small but perky breasts, the nipples being a darkened blue and hardening somewhat in arousal as they gazed upon you. Their arms and legs were small and thin, covered in the same white markings as the body was with the creatures seeming to have no visible toenails whilst the fingers were tipped in sharp and black fingernails with the blackness being their natural color with slight bits of dirt being pushed and wedged within the tips staining them slightly brown. Then you looked up to their faces with their faces looking like a mixture of a humans and a rats with thin hair moving down their scalps as well was white teeth with no lips, meaning that they slick drool somewhat as the looked over your body, clearly waiting for you to disrobe and have your way with them.

You would begin to slip the armor off your body,each part hitting the ground with a metallic thump before you were eventually entirely naked, the women looking with wide smiles as your cock was on full hardness and at full display to them. You would walk up to the closest of yours and noted that this one had a slight bit of modesty with you seeing as her pussy fluids dripped down her legs which she obviously tried to hide by crossing them. You would pull her smaller body closer to you with a smile as you moved your hand down her thighs, feeling as her pussy fluids dripped across your fingers, smirking up to her as you moved towards a chair in the corner of a room.

You quickly moved to sit down onto the chair, grabbing hold of the woman and pulling her up so her legs were resting on your own with her legs still being crossed, much to your annoyance. You would move your hands between her legs and then proceeded to spread them open, exposing her wet pussy as you got her into position, the woman smiling as she felt the tip of your head pushed against her tight pussy, making her teeth grind against one another as she moaned loudly. Eventually you would get tired of teasing and moaning as you lifted her hips upward slightly before slamming your cock inside of her tight pussy, feeling as the lips stretched against your cock as she moaned out loudly.

You would feel as her legs twitched up against your own as you moved her deeper and deeper down your dick until you eventually hilted at the base with you going nice and slow since you didn’t want to break her. The woman clenched against your body as she moaned loudly, the woman feeling as you began to pull her away from your waist, the pussy fluids dripping down your dick as you raised her up to your tip, getting ready to slam her down against your waist in the process. You both would take a deep breath as you slammed her down onto your freshly soaked cock, pushing her deep as she moaned in pleasure.

You would continue this process for several minutes as you tried to get her used to your girth and your thickness, the other two women in the room wandering up to you so they could sit on the arms of the chair. They would then begin to caress your body as she looked up into your eyes, the woman kissing and licking at your neck and chest with their teeth occasionally biting down against it playfully but not at any capacity to cause any pain at all. Eventually one of them would grab ahold of your head and move it so that she could face her, the woman licking her teeth as she slammed her tongue into your mouth.

With that you decided to go faster against the creature that was wrapped around your crotch,feeling as her hips slapped and pushed across her hips as she moaned out into the air in pleasure and delight. Meanwhile your moans would be muffled by the tongue of one of her fellow combatants with you feeling as the small and silky organ moved across your teeth of which you responded by curling your tongue around her own so she couldn’t escape you. Meanwhile the other beast would push and rub against your body, pushing her pussy lips against your arm as you began to thrust your hips instead of just moving The riekling with your hands.

At that moment she would begin to moan even loudly as you pulled your face away from your subject's mouth, feeling the spit connect you two as you put your attention right back to the riekling that was on your cock. You would push and slam up against her, feeling as she squirted a fresh load of pussy fluids onto your cock with each slam, the woman sighing and grunting into the air as she clutched onto your legs for dear life. At this point you decided that she should really take all that you could get with one of your arms holding her legs up into the air as you began to fuck her at a furious speed.

At this point she was moaning and squirting all over the place and you could see that her eyes were sliding to the back of her head, the woman groaning and gritting her teeth as she did so. You would push her head with your other arm to see her expressions of pure lust and glee on her face which only encouraged you to go even faster to see her squirm and twitch even then beforehand, her legs practically spasming against your arm as she did so. Meanwhile the other two subjects would now turn their attention to the one that was impaled on your cock with one of them humping your arm to the sight and the other's hand beginning to slam in and out of its pussy in the process.

That was when you began to feel a pulsing feeling push out through your cock and up through her body, the woman’s body acting on autopilot at this point and as such she began to almost rhythmically clench against your cock. Then you’d feel as a pressure began to build up in your cock with you knowing that you wanted to make this first meeting between you and your subjects nice and filling for the one that you were fucking so you elected to hold it in as much as possible. Eventually, as all the thrusting and clenching got the better of you,you simply couldn’t take it anymore and began to cum inside of her, the woman groaning and having her eyes roll back as the first shot pushed inside of her.

You could feel as your cum began to fill up her pussy, the first few shots doing a good enough job at making it as full as possible before it came squirting out between the area of her pussy and your cock. After that each load that you pushed inside of her was a added bonus with each of your ropes getting larger and larger before they eventually reached a peak, a massive shot pushing inside of her which made both of you moan out in pleasure. Evetually you stopped cumming, fewer and fewer ropes coming out of your cock before your cock dripped the last few drops of cum out of your cock and into your new subject.

For a minute you and her would both sit there as the other two reikling pleasured themselves to the aftermath, your cock popping out of the woman’s Pussy to have cum dripping out onto the floor into a puddle. Evetually the woman would hop off your cock and walk a couple steps, only to collapse a moment later out of exhaustion on the floor which is when the two other creatrues looked upon one another and promptly began the battle of who most deserved to take your cock next. As you watched you realised just how good it was that you took this quest and how the rewards that you reaped from the entire situation very well outweighed the tediousness of the tasks beforehand with you wondering just how many of reikling you had to fuck in your first day as their new chief.


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