Harpy story

 It had been a while now since everything went to shit with you being able to remember the time before people were getting gored by bladed warriors or being crushed by the rubble of the buildings that were falling due to the sieges that were happening across the cities. You could tell that a war was going on between the gods and when god’s fight it often led to bloodshed away from the gods and judging by the amount of bloodshed you were guessing a very bloody battle was happening above, not that you had been able to see anything. You were a non-combatant in what was occurring, turning tail to hide in the smaller towns or even in the wood but the time for hiding was limited at this point, especially since the area that you had entered was currently a war zone and a much bloody one than any other that you had seen beforehand.

This was because the sea levels had risen due to Poseidon getting killed which led to thousands of people fleeing to the inner areas of Greece which meant that those areas pretty much became a meat grinder for corpses, one that you were right in the middle of. You were running between buildings, diving in and out of alleyways to dodge the various beasts and monsters with you turning to see a rotting corpse in rusted and ruined armour, its blade deep inside of a person’s torso. You managed to run out of the way of the shambling corpse before it could see you, running down several more alleyways as you thought about ways to get out of the damned city before it was too late.

You could feel your heart beating wildly in your chest with it feeling like you could have a heart attack and die at any moment as you turned another alleyway, seeing that it was clear as arrows rained from above you. You ran right through the alley as you heard the shambling of the undead soldiers with you seeing one of the blackened corpses in the corner of your eye before you felt its blade move against your waist, the pain hitting about a second later. You could feel blood fall from your abdomen with you clutching your side as you felt the warm blood pour down your skin with you clenching your teeth before ducking around the corner, hiding from the chaos that was happening outside of the area.

You had no idea how you were even still alive given that most of the soldiers were dead but you figured that you had some kind of blessing from the gods as arrows were falling from the sky, hitting the ground and ripping the floor. You would peek out from a corner that you were behind to see that nothing seemed to be lurking in the alleyway and as such you got yourself onto your feet before running down the trash-filled area. You would step in the mixture of water, rotting food and blood as you run, looking up to see an exit into a forest just ahead of you, knowing that escape was just within your grasp and that you could finally hide from all the abominations that were around you.

Suddenly you felt a pair of claws grab right ahold of your shoulders, feeling as the sharp takes dug into your skin before you felt your feet leave the ground before you looked up to see what grabbed ahold of you. You couldn’t see it properly but you could tell that it was some kind of harpy judging by the fact you could see what you assumed to be tits as it carried you into the air with you having to grab ahold of its claws to make sure that it didn’t drop you onto the floor. That meant that you felt as if your blood flowed out of your body from the scar on your torso and the other scars that were from the various parts of the battle you ran through as you began to feel nauseous.

At some point the loss of blood and the height of where the harpy was flying cause you to grow from just merely nauseous to being unconscious with you not knowing where she had taken you when you woke up. You wake up to the feeling of an almost pleasant warmness as you come out of your slumber with you soon waking up with the rocks pressing against your back with you soon looking down at the blankets that were warming you up. Those blankets would soon reveal themselves to be the freshly ripped apart skins of deer that had been crudely sewn into a blanket that you were lying under with you looking around the darkness before taking the fleshy blanket off of you.

With that you began to walk out of the cave, whipping the viscera from your body in the process with you ducking and moving underneath the rocks as you tried to find the exit to the cave in the process. You quickly would manage to find a light at the end of the dark, dank cave, seeing it gluten as you managed to move yourself towards it, managing to dodge the fragments of bones that were around the place as you did so. You would eventually manage to move to the entrance of the caves covering your eyes as the sun pushed against it with you eventually uncovering your eyes to see where you had been taken by the harpy.

The island was, by all standards, absolutely beautiful with the cave itself being situated on the boundary between a golden yet soft looking beach and dark green and lush forest that would often bend and twist against the wind. Across from the beach you could see larger, more tropical trees twisting across the air which seemed to be some kind of either apple or grapes judging by where you were standing as your eyes looked up into the air. There you would see a plentiful amount of birds moving around, some of them small and some of them being larger with the largest of the birds rapidly heading towards you, slamming to the ground to reveal herself to be the harpy that took you there.

The first place that you looked was the creature's visage, the top of its head being covered in some kind of metal helmet with the beast having no nose, nor any colour within its eyes with the voyage topped off with a wide, sharp-toothed grin moving across the mouth. You then looked down the creature’s body to see that it had a pair of large breasts against its chest whilst its pussy being exposed to the air along with them, an array of feathers coming out the creature’s backside whilst its feet were a set of taloned bird legs surrounded by feathers from the waist down. Finally you looked towards her arms to see that they were also the arm with the feathers moving down from the arm with the feathers being slightly stained in blood, the woman letting a couple of chips and flicks with her arms and legs as she moved closer to you and looked into your eyes into her own.

She would move her wing up to caress your face as you looked into her eyes, feeling a sense of understanding within her eyes that you hadn’t quite seen in any other woman in your life. You would both start moving your heads closer to one another, with you raising your feet up somewhat to grow closer to the woman as she would bend her neck down, her mouth slowly opening to reveal the purple tongue that she had hidden within her mouth, the beads of drool sticking her mouth together in the process. Your mouths would eventually mean and , with a bit of hesitation from the both of you, began to kiss as you closed your eyes, feeling as her tongue slipped into your mouth in the process.

As you both kissed you could feel as her tongue lashed against your teeth and gums as you felt yourself become more aroused by the creature by the moment, your hands moving up to her wings before moving to your body. You began to take your class then off as you felt your cock bulge through your trousers as you looked into her empty eyes, dropping your underwear and trousers to the ground which allowed your cock to be free of its fabric prison. You grabbed ahold of her body and pushed her down into the sand, pulling away from her mouth as you panted into the air, moving your hips back as you watched her dripping wet pussy ooze onto the ground before you slammed down into her pussy in the process.

You would both moan out into the air as she pushed up against the sand, digging groves into it as your hands quickly found themselves by the feathers that were attached to the wings, moaning as you pushed deeper inside of her. Her pussy was insanely tight, clenching and running against your cock much like a vice was as you began to push closer and closer to her hole, eventually managing to hilt inside of the woman’s pussy which only made her push against the sand. Eventually you pulled away from her pussy, seeing your cock dripping with her fluids before you slammed down into her pussy again, causing her to let out a howl of a moan as her bird feet clenched in lust.

You could continue this process of slow thrusts as to ease the harpy into the feeling of your cock of which she was taking well as you moved your hands over to her breasts which is when you began to grope them. You would watch as her arms flapped and pushed down onto the ground, hitting against the sand and pushed plooms of the golden particles that were moved out into the air as you felt her feet hit against her legs as she did so. Eventually you figured that you had managed to get her used to your length with you moving your arms back to the woman’s wings and proceeding to tug up on them, beginning to go faster and faster as she moaned happily into the air.

You could feel her grip against your cock loosen somewhat as she did this, the woman managing to regain her composure somewhat and quickly going back to clenching against your cock like a vice. You would feel the force of your thrusts as your hips would slam against her own as well as feeling a wave of her pussy fluids pushing over your waist and cock as you pounded her. You could also hear the lewd sounds of her pussy being fucked and it only turned you and her on either more, your hand moving away from her feathered arm as you grabbed ahold of her head and slammed her mouth against your lips, pushing her into another kiss.

Your tongues would meet almost instantly before tangling together, almost playfighting with one another as your other hand moved over to her breasts which you grabbed and pushed up against. You could hear as she moaned into your mouth as you did this, her tongue flexing in your mouth in the process, all while her feathered arms wrapped around your back, the softness feeling good as you fucked her. You would eventually pull away from her mouth, drool falling to the floor and all over the harpies body as you would fall back into your regular positions and you began to go even faster against her body.

At this point your hips had gone feral, thrusting with no sense of reason or rhythm to it which only turned on the harpy even more than before, much to your pleasure as she would clench even harder as a result. You could feel as the woman's legs would attempt to wrap around your back in an attempt to make sure that you wouldn’t run away from her before you cum inside of her,  not that you would ever do such a thing. The woman would moan loudly into the air to the point where you had thought that the entire area could hear her if anyone was around to hear, the woman clawing at the air with her feet as she did so.

You would then feel as your cock began to throb inside of her pussy, the woman moaning out when she felt your cock push up against her inner walls of which she would respond by clenching her pussy around your cock harder. You would then feel as the pressure at the tip of your cock began to increase with it getting harder and harder to control since it felt like you were going to let it all go inside her in a matter of moments. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore, slamming down right inside of her and hilting before you let go of your orgasm and came inside of her, feeling as the first shot of cum pushed out of your cock and deep into her womb, the woman moaning loudly in the process.

Your first shot was pushed to the back of her womb, the second shot coming out moments later and filling her up even more, her legs wrapping around your back and her claws coming together in the process. She would clench up against your cock when your orgasm hit its peak and cum came flowing out of your cock and deep inside of her, the woman clenching against your cock so you made sure that not a single drop escaped her pussy. Eventually you would stop cumming inside of her,  feeling as the last drips dripped out of your cock and onto her walls before you looked into her eyes, seeing the love that was brewing inside of them in the process.

You would pull out a minute or so later, watching as cum dripped out into the golden sound and feeling as sweat moved across your exhausted body with you deciding to not even get up and to just sit by your harpy lover. You would look over to her and smile, the woman being clearly exhausted as well judging by her face but you could see a clear smile on it as well as she looked upon you, knowing that taking you to the island was the right thing to do. You would soon come to that conclusion as you lay on the beach, the war torn world that you had left being replaced by calm skies and a golden beach, the images of death being replaced with the love of your life sitting next to you.

It would also be the perfect place to raise kids as well.


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