China doll story

 It has been two months now since project China doll had gone ahead and you knew that you were now on the cusp of something massive, something that would be able to change the world and make space a much safer place than it was before mainly by changing the bodies and minds of one creature. That creature was known as the Xenomorph and more scientifically known as species XX121 were insectoid-like creatures of unknown origin but they had somehow managed to spread outside of their home planet despite the fact they were only intelligent enough to build hives and not any form of spacecraft or anything remotely like humanity had built. However, they did have some of the finest predatory minds ever to exist with a single Xenomorph being able to kill an entire crew of a ship and an entire pack of the creature being able to wipe out a large city if they were ever given a chance too.

Another thing that made the Xenomorphs so dangerous was that the way they birthed children was much like a parasitic insect where they would use a creature known as a facehugger to inject a Xenomorph embryo into the creature's gullet and by extension the stomach. There it would proceed to leech of the blood and nutrients of the host where it would grow into something known as the chestburster which would promptly push its way out of the host's chest where it would then grow into a full-on Xenomorph. This made them extremely dangerous since this meant that even the larvae stage would be able to cause a catastrophic amount of damage if even a single egg was released.

As such project China Doll was born with it being the joint work of America and China to make sure that there was a way of combating any Xenomorph outbreak since China’s and America would be the most likely to be the hotspots. The goal was to make some kind of countermeasure against the creatures be it a military or a biological one and you were assigned to the department of viral weapons to make a virus to kill or at very least neutralize the birth instincts of Xenomorphs. As such you proceeded with the first stages of your trials which was getting as many human diseases as you could together and then injecting each into a Xenomorph to see what would happen.

Predictably nothing would occur as a result of this, not even viruses that exclusively targeted bugs like wilt disease which would kill insects rapidly and Bacillus thuringiensis which would cause blood poisoning in insects. You had even tried to use Devil facial tumour disease against it to see if that would work but little to no effect on the Xenomorphs, leading to you having to go back to the drawing board to see what you could do. You decided that the best idea was to devise a virus that would be able to affect the genes of the Xenomorph itself since there was a specific set of enzymes in the Xenomorph that allow for it to take genetic traits that would help the creature in some way.

You decided that the best idea was to make it so that part of her genes would be reprogrammed by an almost parasite-like virus which would then make it produce high amounts of estrogen, turning them into more feminine creatures as well as give them a sexual breeding drive instead of the parasitic one. As such you quickly went to work, making agent after agent and organism after organism to try and get it to work, most of which didn’t work until you got to variation 76. Variation 76 was your attempt to simply overwhelm the body with the estrogen compound and it was the only variation to get results, the text Xenomorph soon developed more feminine aspects like breasts and lips.

It had been two weeks since that moment and the virus had been hard at work with you saying that the Xenomorph was now an entirely different species than what she was only a fortnight ago. Its skin had entirely changed colour from a dark insect black to a fleshy white due to the fact that it had no longer adapted for combat and as such didn’t need the chitin armour that it previously had across its body, giving it an appearance that was much better for its new purpose. That new purpose was to have sexual intercourse with pretty much anything that moved which would be revealed to you in both its new adaptations to its new behaviours and pure breeding instincts that it had.

Its pussy and asshole had swollen massively to the point where they had significant changes to the insides of them, the pussy having the most simple of these with it having hundreds of small, pleasurable bumps moving across the walls. Meanwhile, her asshole appeared to have a set of internal tentacles that would come out of the asshole and hook around the males body, meaning it would make sure the cock couldn’t escape or that you couldn’t pull out of her pussy. Her mouth had grown a massive set of lips that were much thicker than her pussylips were and its second mouth had become a tighter, more effective mouth and throat that existed for the sake of milking cocks and not much else.

The changes in her behaviour were also noticeable to the point where Male researchers were no longer allowed within the cell the creature was trapped in due to its tendency to pounce on Male researchers and rape them until they’re dry. Even when Male researchers are called to observe the creature she still seemed to sense that you were there, the creature responding by rubbing and pushing her genitals across the glass when you were watching her. You had heard accounts from the other researchers that had been raped by the creature and they had all told you it was the best sex that they had ever had in their lives which peaked your interest in what the creature could really do.

As such you waited for the rest of the staff to go home, stating that you had to stay back due to paperwork and when you ensured everyone left you would leave your desk and make your way over to the beast’s enclosure. You would turn out most of the lights behind you as you headed towards the steel and iron chamber that the beast was hiding in, reaching a metal door that was almost built like a vault door with various locks and being thicker than most of the walls in the buildings. You would scan your keycard against the first lock, seeing the lights turn on between the cracks of the door and the wall before grabbing ahold of the second lock and twisting it open, pushing the door and shutting it behind you as you looked at the China doll Xenomorph before you.

The first place that your eyes were attached too was the massive set of tits that she had managed to grow over the past few weeks which would hang somewhat from the chest and have bright blue nipples poking out in a near permanent state of hardness to them. The rest of her body was a mixture of muscular and thin with you being able to see bones across the knees and elbows whilst her hands and feel were ripped with black claws with the feet bent into a raptor-like pose with black footpads where the toes meet the foot proper. The final place that you looked too was the face of the alien with those massive lips being freshly lubricated with spit as she sat on the ground, the woman seeming not have smell the pheromones that your body was giving out with you wanting for the creature to respond to you before you would do anything to her.

It would take her a few seconds to detect your scent before she quickly perked up into the muscles, got onto all fours and ran towards you at an immense speed, ramming into your torso in the process. You were quickly knocked to the ground as her holes began to drool across the ground wildly as you were slammed against the side of the door, the woman’s  hips hovering above your own as she began to hump against your body, rubbing against your crotch and rapidly hardening cock. You would reach down to try and take off your trousers only for her to swat away your hands and crawl herself down to your crotch, the woman pushing her lips right against your bulge, kissing it as she clutched the top of your trousers and underwear.

She would quickly yank her hands to either side of your body, the fabric ripping right down the middle to where she would watch as your cock would come flying out of your cock and into the cold air. This cold air was quickly replaced by the feeling of her warm breath brushing and pushing across your cock as drool dripped off her lips and onto your cock, the woman’s breathing getting heavier and heavier as you looked down upon her and her lewd body. She would then begin to pull her head backwards before moaning upwards into the air, her hands then clutching right against your legs before she slammed herself right down to your base, those thick lips kissing your base as she did so.

You would moan loudly into the air as the lips would stay punched against your cock as her throat muscles quickly went to work, beginning to push and massage against your cock which would only make it twitch deep inside of her throat. She would pull up and slam down across your dick several times, globs do spit tending to go everywhere as some of it dripped down her lips, making the blowjob somewhat sloppy. She would do this for several minutes before pulling away and craning her head upwards, her second mouth emerging from her lips and revealing a tight, glistening hole to you of which she would introduce to you formally by slamming her lips down again, your cock trapped within the hole in the process.

At that point every sensation that you felt beforehand was times by ten, each twitch and constriction of the sec and mouth absolutely crushing your dick within an immensely pleasurable vice. There would be no spit that would be able to leave the mouth due to how tight it was and as such you felt as warmer and warmer drool was rubbed across your cock, smearing it as you felt her body twitch for a moment and her head would come away from your cock with a loud pop. She would then turn around, both her feet and her hands resting on your thighs as you saw her asshole tentacles flex somewhat before the woman’s pussy began to spread, spewing a barrage of fluids before slamming down onto your cock.

The moment she reached the base her pussy would begin to flex and wrap around your cock, almost instantly shaping herself so that you were skin tight to your cock, making sure there was no escape as she began to move up and down. She would go insanely quickly across your hips, slamming against them as lewd sounds began to echo into the air, her pussy fluids splashing against your hips and thighs in the process. Occasionally her pussy would move in an almost milking motion, clenching and rubbing against your cock as she tried to get some cum oozing out of your cock so she could get her fill.

She would continue to do this as she moaned and growled into the air, her fingers and toes digging into your flesh somewhat in the process, the woman’s asshole tentacles starting to become restless in the process. She would eventually slow down over the course of several seconds before stopping completely, clenching right around your cock and ensuring you couldn’t take yourself out of her as The tentacles shot out of her ass and wrapped around your waist. You could feel as the tentacles ensnared you, twisting and pushing their wet masses all over your waist and lower abdomen mean that you were resting right next to her body which was when she began to fuck your again.

This time her speed wasn’t due to the fact why she was going faster but instead doing much smaller thrusts then beforehand, the woman moaning more as the milking motion inside of her pussy went quicker and quicker. At this point the massive amount of pleasure that was pushing down against your crotch was you moaned and squirmed around her, each squirm causing her to clutch ahold of your body more and more to the point the nails were stabbing into your skin. The room was filled with a mixture of your moans, her beasital cries of pleasure and herhips slamming into your crotch as pussy fluids flew across your body and the walls.

You had no idea when but you would suddenly feel as your cock would begin to throb and push up against the sides of her pussy, the milking muscles responding by clenching down even harder against your cock in the process. You could also feel as the irresistible pressure at the tip of your cock began harder and harder to keep down, your cum pooling up within your tip and growing larger and larger by the moment which meant you were clutching ahold of the floor as she rode you. Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore,moaning out loudly into the air before you began to cum inside of her, your first shot pushing into her pussy as she clenched against your cock to ensure no cum could escape.

The first couple shots would take the breath away from her body, the woman panting as she felt load after load push inside of her, each one seeming to be larger than the last as you cried out into the air. You had no idea how long your orgasm went on for before it reached its peak but you knew when it did since it was the hardest your cock had strained ever, your cockhead managing to force out a ton of cum out of you balls and deep inside of her. Of course you eventually stopped orgasm inside of her but it felt like you were never going to stop before she moved so she could rest against your body as she tried to compose herself.

She would slowly pop herself off your cock as cum dripped out of her pussy and onto the floor, your cock covered in a mixture of her pussy fluids and your own semen of which seemed to be alluring to the creature. She would quickly turn around and move her head back up to your cock,slamming her lips down onto your dick and making sure that it was clean which was when you realized that this cycle was never going to end by the looks of things. She would keep fucking and sucking you with her insatiable lust and hunger for cum, you would keep cumming and cumming until you were rescued, if you ever were, of course.

And honestly, you didn’t really want to be rescued either.


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