Hell knight story

 Mars was supposed to be the next step for humanity, the end of the information eras and the start of the spacefaring era of humanity which would see you take bases on other words and you were picked as part of the military force to go up there and keep the peace encase you found anything that could risk the integrity of the mission. At first, you thought that you had got off easily since the red planet that you were on was pretty much dead but that was until the UAC decided to build your opponent for you by opening up a portal to hell or at least somewhere very hell-like. The demons came in hordes of hundreds and proceeded to rip their way out of the main facility and across the rest of mars. The military forces that were there were quickly outnumbered and torn to shreds but thankfully the UAC had managed to summon something else to deal with the demons, that something being a man that even the forces of hell fear.

That man was known as the doom slayer, the person being more of a force of nature than a person with the slayer being able to rip demons apart with his bare hands, ripping limbs out of their sockets and splattering gore all over the place. You remember that you were holding up inside of one of the storage and maintenance buildings with you and only five other soldiers being able to survive before the slayer came and destroyed the demons. The sound of the chainsaw starting up felt like a great relief before you heard him sawing through flesh and splattering the guts of the demons across the walls with you only considering leaving when you heard the chainsaw stop and head him walk away. 

You would stay silent for several moments as the other members got up and waited for your command to make sure your gun was on full auto before you slowly pushed open the door and looked around the area. The halls that were around you were covered in the blood of both man and demon with the heavily mutilated corpses lying on the ground, some with massive gorges on the front of their bodies whilst others heads and limbs were burnt out through the roof. Meanwhile, a lot less demon corpses lay on the floor with the rest of them being splattered across the walls in a red mush, the blood and bones dripping off the floor as you looked around, the entire area seeming like it was clear of demons.

You would signal to your offices to start walking down the hall and they proceeded to do as you said with much hesitation, trying to pace around the bodies that were strung around the place as you did so. You would approach each area slowly and with maximum caution, pulling yourself around each corner and looking around for several seconds before walking forward, the smell of pulped demons and fresh blood pushing out through the air. You could feel your heart beating inside of your chest, the mere thought that you weren’t all alone within the metal halls worrying you somewhat as your finger resting on the trigger, waiting to shoot anything that came around the corner.

That is when you come across a large corridor at the east end of the building, the corridor itself being massive and spanning to the other side of the corridor with only one slight issue being prevalent at that moment. That issue was that the lights were off entirely, leaving you in total darkness as you didn’t have any flashlights on your gun and as such you took a breath and began to walk down the hall, the crew walking behind you in the process. You could hear the sounds of your footsteps moving against the hall, the sounds of the metal flooring echoing out across the air as you walked with you soon realising that you could hear a much louder, much heavier set of footsteps coming from behind you.

You would stop and turn around to see that nothing was behind your group, the footsteps still continuing before they suddenly moved onto a sprint and something grabbed ahold of the soldier at the back of the group. The soldier was pulled up into the air before a fist drove right into his chest and out the other end, the creature grabbing ahold of the spine and ripping it out, the corpse being thrown into the wall of the hall as you raised your gun at the creature. You would motion for the other soldiers to shoot whilst walking back with the soldiers doing as you said as the hallway was lit up with the muzzle flashes which gave you a brief glimpse of the massive creature before it grabbed ahold of one of the other soldiers’ heads and pulled him up into the air.

The creature would slowly begin to crush the man’s skull, denting the helmet he was wearing as you heard the man’s skull crack and the screams of pain that were echoing out would slowly become whimpers as the man’s brain was slowly crushed. Eventually, the skull would give in on itself and proceed to cave in on itself, the skull exploding into flesh and blood as brains dripped from its hand and onto the floor as you stopped shooting and lowered your gun, motioning to the remaining three soldiers to run. They did it without a second thought with you being at the head of the pack with the other three soldiers running behind you, the one at the back of the group seeming to trail behind you a bit.

This would be his downfall as the demon would jump into him, slamming him into a wall and causing the entire upper half of his body to explode into a puddle of blood and gibbs as you kept running down the seemingly never-ending halls of the place. Eventually, you’d come across a hallway with several rooms with you motioning towards one of the rooms and diving into it before the demon appeared, one of the remaining soldiers managing to dive in along with you whilst the other was tackled to the ground by the mighty beast. You could hear the sounds of the creature punching and slamming him into the ground, the meaty sounds slowly becoming wetter and wetter before stopping entirely. 

The creature would walk around the hall for several movements as you looked across the room to see the other soldiers standing at the other end, resting right by the door as the demon's heavy footsteps echoed out into the air. Eventually, the footsteps would grow louder and louder before moving into a sprint, the massive creature moving into the room as you readied your gun to fire at the beast as it turned around and uppercutting the man, taking his head off in the process as it looked over to you. That’s when you started shooting at it, all of the bullets somehow missing as you moved out of the way of the charge, the demon slamming into the wall so hard the wall dented as you swung your gun up at the beings head.

The gun would then shatter into pieces with you chucking what was left of the gun to the ground before you went in for a punch, the creature slamming into your ribs which lead to you being thrown into the wall as you gazed upon the demon's form. This was when you looked upon the demon's form, the creature being around two heads taller than you were with the creature being muscular with toned arms and strong legs with a rather large amount of fat remaining on the thighs despite their toned look. A pair of massive tits would hang from the woman's chest with the breasts, torso and legs of the beats being a dark crimson whilst the rest of her body was a sickly beige. You finally looked to its head to see it didn’t have any eyes but instead had bone where the eye would be, the creature's mouth not having lips which exposed its human-like teeth inside its horrible mouth.

The creature grabbed hold of you and pushed you up against the wall as she seemed to “Look” into your eyes, letting out a couple of clicks before she began to actually speak to you. “You are strong, human. You seem to have a great fighting spirit inside of you as well, one that has outlasted the rest of your pathetic companions.” She said with you being surprised that she was able to speak as you stopped wiggling around in her grasp. “We must breed, human, to make a race of stronger, better demons. Ones that will withstand the grand crossing.” She said as she grabbed ahold of your chest before pulling it away from your body, ripping it into shreds as she threw it to the ground before carrying you over to the table and slamming you into the table.

Her hand would caress your chest for several moments before she moved her hands over to your crotch, giving you a grope before she began to speak again as you rested against the cold metal of the table. “Mmmph, your chest is rather great, human. Let’s hope that your endowment is good enough.” She said as she grabbed ahold of your trousers before tugging upwards into the air, the ripping echoed out into the air as your cock bounced out of its fabric prison. She would gaze upon it for several moments as she began to drool out of her mouth before she looked back up at your face as she moved closer and closer to you, her warm breath eventually moving across your face in the process.

“Most impressive, indeed. Now, let’s not waste time, shall we?” She said as you wrapped her hands around your wrists and slowly pinned you even more so as she managed to move her legs onto the table. You could hear the sound of the table creaking underneath you as her hands flexed up against your wrists somewhat, the woman positioning herself over your waist in the process, her lust being prevalent in her movements and posture. You would feel her pussy dripping onto your cock for several moments before she raised her hips up into the air and gave you a moment to brace for impact before she slammed herself down into your hips, squeezing them against the metal as you moaned out into the air loudly.

She would hit your base in an instant with the slam of her hips against your own and the metal being slightly louder than that of your moaning, her moans being long and somewhat gravelly as she got herself used to the feeling of you inside her. She would then begin to raise her hips away from your own with you bracing yourself when she was going to slam herself back down onto them, the woman growling somewhat as she clutched your arms. She would get to the tip before she stopped, the woman letting out a growl before she slammed herself back down into your own with you letting out a grunt as she moaned out loudly into the air again.

This process would go on for a few minutes as her breath got louder and louder, the air steaming up as she began to breathe faster as well which meant that you were clearly getting her more and more aroused. She then proceeded to move one of her hands away from your arms and grabbed ahold of your head, your hair moving in between her fingers before she slammed her own face into your own, her mouth opening and her tongue pushed out of her mouth. The tongue pushed inside of your mouth and spanned from your lips to the end of your throat, steaming hot drool pushing into your mouth in the process, her pussy clenching up against your cock in the process.

That was when she began to go faster against your body, pushing her body onto your own so that her breasts were pushing up against your chest and shoulders whilst her ass would be able to get better leverage on your hips. The first few slams from this new speed and intensity caused you to become winded, breathing in her warm breath to try and get some of your breath back as you heard the metal table creek and slam into the air. You could feel her warm insides push against your cock, warming it up and causing you to feel even more pleasure than you would have as her pussy fluids splashed and pushed across your hips and thighs.

She would pull herself out of your mouth, drool dripping off her tongue and only your face before she closed her mouth with you panting wildly as she kept her firm grip onto your head, making sure that you wouldn’t be able to move away from her. “Mmmph, what an excellent specimen you are! I can’t wait until I’m finally bred by you.” She said before she slammed your face into her tits, the woman’s massive mammaries crammed against your head and kept you trapped within a soft warmth. Her hips would squirm around as she hit the base of your cock, the demonic woman growing more and more restless as she panted and pushed her body against your own.

Eventually, she would begin to go even faster than before with her body smothering your own and covering your skin with her heat, causing you to sweat as she pounded you. Each thrust of her hips was so intense you could feel a slight twinge of pain before it was completely overrun with pleasure with you breathing into the woman’s bust as she began to drool all over the metal table as her pussy drooled all over your cock. You could feel as her legs began to curl around your own to ensure that you wouldn’t be able to escape her any more than you could, which was already very minimal due to how much bigger she was than you.

That was when you began to feel your cock throbbing away inside of her, the throbbing making it so that you were pushing against her inner walls which meant she proceeded to clench back and crush your cock between her walls. You would feel as your cockhead began to fill with the pressure of your orgasm of which you were trying to hold in as she held you close to her body as her hips pounded and pounded away at you. Eventually, you couldn’t take it anymore, feeling as the pressure got all too much for you to take in before you eventually started cumming inside of her, the woman slamming down and clenching against your cock like a vice until she knew that you couldn’t escape.

The first rope of cum that escaped your cock as she hugged you very close to her body as you felt rope after rope escape from your dick, the woman gradually growing fuller and fuller by the moment. At some point came the strongest part of your orgasm with you letting out sighs into her bust as you shot a rope of cum right into the back of her womb with the woman no doubt being pregnant at this point as your orgasm continued. Eventually, your organs would come to an end and at that point the only thing that you’d be able to squirt out was a couple of dripples of cum before you stopped with you panting underneath her as she pulled away from your cock, leaving your cock covered in fluid as her pussy dripped with cum.

She sat on the metal table for a minute as she looked over you with you eventually being able to get your breath back before you pushed yourself so that you were sitting up, the demonic woman looking at you in the process. “Oooh, that was rather amazing, I have to admit. But breeding material like you is rare so you’re going to come with me.” She said as she grabbed hold of you and hoisted you onto her shoulder which left you naked and quite high up into the air which made for an interesting experience. “You’ll be coming to a demon base we have west of here. I do hope that the other demons don’t get jealous of the catch that I have.” She said as she let out a slight chuckle as you were carried through the halls and out of the buildings and into your new life.

Bonus lore : 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110000 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01100010 01101001 01101110 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01001101 01111010 01101110 00111000 01101010 00111001 01010010 01011010


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