Trimaxion Drone Ship story

 You could feel as your eyelids weighed against your eyes as you started to wake up, feeling a sense of coldness around your brim as your blurred vision obscured the roof with you figuring that it was too early for you to be getting up, moving your hands as to grab ahold of your covers and pull them up over your body. Instead of the fabric and softness of your covers, you felt the cold air move around your eyes, your eyelids suddenly feeling as light as feathers as you realised that you weren’t in your bed anymore as your body would quickly acclimate to everything around you, revealing that you were laying on some cold metal surface. You quickly picked yourself off the ground and looked around you, seeing nothing but a set of metal walls which seemed to be extremely reflective with you looking down to see you were in nothing at your underwear which was somewhat of a relief as it was the only item of clothing that you actually went to sleep in.

With that came the next question of where the hell you even were and how the hell you had managed to get into there with you still looking around the mirrored area as you tried to find the answers to your questions. You remember hearing this strange sound as you went to sleep with it being much like a car engine but further away than it could possibly be but after that, you couldn’t remember anything, much to your annoyance as you quickly decided to figure your way out. You would move up to one of the walls before pushing against it and observing the wall in the process, the wall having all sorts of circular metallic patterns which didn’t seem to activate anything when you traced your hand against it.

You looked behind you to look at the floor to see that you were previously laying on some kind of symbol which was a single circle with several points around it in the shape of the circle. You would look around the area for anything you could interact with only to see nothing but symbols and walls with you pushing your head against the wall to see if you could hear anything, only to hear the sounds of humming and wind coming from the other end of the wall. “Hello! Is there anyone here? Where the hell am I?” You shouted into the air which didn’t really help matters as you could hear as it echoed around the room they were in with you waiting in silence for a few seconds before slamming your foot into the wall.

“Ah, it seems you're awake at last.” Said a voice that seemed to have been coming all around you before you looked over to one of the walls to see some kind of telescope-like device coming over to it. The device was attached to this large mechanical arm as you moved closer to it, looking into the centre of the device to see that it was some kind of screen with you instinctively tapping on the screen before it moved away from your hands with various metal areas sticking out of it. The screen would quickly turn on, a green light shining across your face as an eye-like visual moved onto it, the arm beginning to move around your body and face before a voice began to speak to you again.

“Hello there. My name is Max. What is your name?” The voice asked as it moved around your body with you trying to move away from the eye but it would respond by following you around.

“My name is Anon. Where the hell am I exactly?” You asked as you looked around the area, the eye moving up to your face and seeming to focus on it somewhat in the process.

“You are inside of me and I am a Trimaxion drone ship. I am here to collect information from you, Anon.” The ship would say as the eye stayed in place with you looking around as it did so.

“Well, could you let me go, please? I’m assuming you’ve collected all that you’ve needed too.” You Said as you moved around again to try and find a door or anything that would allow you

“We are currently thousands of miles away from your planet. I can not let you go yet. Besides, I’ve got to test things out for you.” The machine said with you looking back at it with a confused expression of which it would begin to speak again. “When I was scanning your brain I identified several of your memories as sexual fantasies.” It would say as it did some kind of side glance at you with you kinda cringing that it knew what you wanted to do sexually. “And you have me intrigued, Anon. I would like to garner more data on human sexuality. Would you like to assist me?” The robot said as it looked you in the eye with you looking from side to side before you nodded slowly which made the eye move up somewhat.

“Excellent. Please wait there whilst I prepare you something.” It said before it went back to wherever it came, leaving you alone on the ship once again as you processed what had happened to you over the past few minutes. However, you didn’t have to think long before the eye came back out of the roof and looked at you again with you waiting for a couple of seconds before it began to speak to you again, the sounds of something else moving which caused something to echo out across the ship. “Right, it’s all done. It should be behind you.” It said as you turned around to see that there was some kind of hatch inside of the wall, a metallic whirring echoing out before the hatch proceeded to open and something began to come out of the hole. 

At first, you assumed it was just a chunk of metal at first with the chunk itself being curved at the top and having several shallow holes in it and an opening at the front of it of which was some kind of alien vagina. You assumed that it was a human one at first but it seemed to be plus-shaped, the mechanical office leaking with a clear liquid as you looked upon it, the hole even clenching a couple of times as the eye moved in front of you again. “With my databases, I have managed to build the most pleasurable orifice based on your fantasies and your arousal responses.” The machine says as you look at the orifice, feeling yourself getting erect at the sight of it as the machine analyses you some more.

“My sensors appear to identify an increase in heart rate that is an indicator of arousal. Go ahead and copulate with the orifice, Anon. It will keep that heart rate nice and low.” The machine said in a suddenly feminine voice with a slight teasing tinge to it. With that, you quickly grabbed ahold of your underwear and took off your underwear, your cock bouncing out of its fabric prison as you threw your underwear to the ground and walked over to the metal chunk. You placed your hand onto the chunk and felt the warmth coming out of it as you rested your cockhead onto the orifice, lubing up your cock for several moments before you moved your hips back and slammed right into the ship’s tight hole.

You would hear her moan out into the air as you pushed deeper into her hole, the orifice oozing out a warmness much like an engine would as you clutched ahold of the metal chunk it was wedged inside of. You would moan as well as you felt her pussy clench and push up against your cock as she clenched the pussy in a slow and pleasurable milking motion, the clenching going from your head to the base of your cock as you hilted against the chunk. You would eventually begin to pull away from her chunk as she clenched against your cock, trying to make sure that you couldn’t escape, feeling as your cock dripped with her synthetic fluids before you slammed right back into her again.

You would continue this process for several minutes as the eye of the machine moved up against your ear as her moans echoed out across the room eagerly which caused her to lube herself up some more. “Mmph, your heart rate and blood pressure has skyrocketed! Your chemical changes indicate that you are showing restraint and I request that you stop doing that immediately.” She said as you clutched a hold of the metal chunk, feeling the warmth against your hands. You would manage to adjust yourself as you grabbed ahold of the other end of the chunk before you rested your stomach up against your metal before going faster and faster up against the machine, much to her pleasure.

Her moans would grow louder and higher pitched as you pushed and slammed against her metal frame, feeling as the warmth pushed out onto your chest and onto your cock as she began to adapt to the speed. You could feel as the insides of her pussy moved faster against your cock, the warm inner walls squeezing against your cock and your dickhead relentlessly as you felt beads of sweat forming across your skin and falling across your body. You could feel as her pussy would increase the amount of lube that came out of her pussy increased by tenfold, the fluids dripping across your balls and splattering across your hips in the process.

You decided to have a little bit more fun with your robotic lover and moved one of your hands down to her pussyfooted and began to massage the ends with your fingertips, making her moan somewhat in the process. You would then wait until your fingers would get nice and lubed up before jamming your fingers down into her pussy, her pussy quivering against your fingers before you began to pull away from her pussy somewhat. You would continue to stretch it out until you could feel it straining against your fingers which was when you pulled away, her pussy nearly crushing your cock when you did so due to the pleasure she was in.

You then proceeded to go even faster against your body as she moaned and groaned out into the air with you joining her in the moaning as lewd sounds escaped from the space between your hips and her pussy. You could feel her pussy fluids stuck to your hips before you would slam into her and cause it to spread across her metal before it stuck to your hips again, her eye seeming to roll into the back of the screen somewhat as you fucked her. At this point her pussy was losing control as well, the milking motions her pussy was moving getting shakier and shakier before she completely lost it and began to spasm rapidly across your cock.

That was when you began to feel your cock throb inside of her pussy, the inner walls clenching and pushing up against your cock in the process and clenching even harder in response to the throbbing. You could feel the pressure build up at the end of your cock, feeling like you were about to erupt any second now as you kept thrusting and thrusting, the machine moaning so much you could hear her audio being to corrupt somewhat. Of course, it would get to the point where you were at your absolute limit with you slamming deep inside of her before shooting the first rope inside of her pussy, the hole clenching up against your cock to make sure you wouldn’t pull out of her.

You would shoot rope after rope onto her burning hot pussy as you slowly filled it up, feeling as the warmth flowed down into your balls as her moans echoed out from all around which sounded like music to your ears. Eventually your orgasm would reach its peak, the rope taking your breath away for a few moments as it hit against the back of your orgasm before your orgasm eventually began to subside, sweat beginning to feel it was dripping off you in the process. Your last few shots would fall out of your cock, splattering all across your lover’s hole before your arm proceeded to go limp with you falling down onto the metal chunk as you breathed heavily, all the energy leaving your body in the process.

It would take you a few moments for you to gain enough energy to pop yourself out of the device, moving your hips into the air as you took your cock out the hole, fluids and cum leaking out of the hole as the machine managed to calm itself. “Oh, that was absolutely spectacular! I may have got a bit carried away there, I have to admit…” She said as her eye quickly  moved down to look into your face, looking at you for a couple seconds before it spoke. “I suppose that you want to leave now, right?” The machine asked, sounding slightly guilty with herself before you shook her head at you, the eye pulling away for a moment before she went to speak to you again. “What, you’ll stay? That’s excellent! Well, you better prepare yourself, we’ve got a lot of work to do!” She said before you felt the ship accelerate and with that you realised that you were going to go far away from home.


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