Valak story part 2

 It had to have been a few weeks now since you had brought in your new occupant from the church and since then things had managed to cool down from what they once were quite a bit which was a relief given the company that you were dealing with tended to take to more violent routes. You were an amateur demon hunter who had been called to investigate a church where one of the priests engaged in some things that were certainly not approved by the Vatican such as summoning demonic spirits of which he had managed to do incorrectly which meant the demon had free reign over the church in the process. This demon would be known as the nun and remained uncaptured until you had managed to come along and capture her, summon her into the flesh realm and bound her within chains and then you proceeded to have some fun with her.

After that you didn’t really know what to do with her, not wanting to leave her in the church since then you wouldn’t have succeeded in your job and you didn’t want to cast her to hell because that wouldn’t be all that fun. So instead you chose to take her home with you, scooping her up in your arms and proceeding to drive all the way to your house that was deep in the countryside, the demon complaining and screaming all sorts of horrible expletives to you. When you placed her within your home you quickly bonded her to the building to make sure that she could not escape the building and then another one so that she couldn’t harm you which was when you had unchained her.

She almost instantly proceeded to try and kill you which meant that she had proceeded to fall to the ground in pain due to the fact that the spell was made to shoot the pain she intended to you through her body. She would continue to try to kill you for about a day before she finally gave up on attacking you and then proceeded to angrily shout at you about how she was going to send you to hell and other horrid things of which you didn’t really take into yourself. Eventually, the woman would give up with that and was mildly content with just moving around the house and not talking to you with all of this being intertwined with the more sexual side or the pseudo-relationship that you had together.

Every night you would have sex with her, all of which was without the chains and bindings after the first couple days with you wanting to make sure that she didn’t try and murder you as you had sex. After that, you didn’t have to use the chains anymore and as such the sex got quite a bit wilder than beforehand with the woman’s first response was to ride you and push her hands right down into your chest so she could get more lift on her ride for you. Other times you would pin her down to the bed and fuck her for a while, the woman moaning and shouting out so loudly which was a relief that you had lived in the countryside and didn’t have to deal with noise complaints due to the all the shouting.

Your shift as a demon hunter had come to an end with you driving across the ruined roads before you proceeded to pull over into your house, the bushes and the trees surrounding your house in darkness. You got out of the car and grabbed a hold of your stuff before moving into the building, locking your door as you took off your shoes and dumped your stuff to the side of you before entering into your house proper. As per usual Valak was nowhere to be found, probably either lurking in your bedroom or the kitchen, one look into the kitchen already telling you she wasn’t there because she usually had the lights on with you moving into the bedroom and opening the door.

There laid the demon on the bed, the lights pushing down onto her pale skin, your eyes first being attached to her witch-like face, her black eyes looking up at you as you looked down, the rest of her body still nude since she didn’t bother to place clothes upon her body. Her entire body was a light grey with her nipples being a dark grey with the woman having a nice set of breasts on her with the breasts moving up and down slightly as she breathed. Her fingertips ended in sharp black claws, of which rested against the ends of the mattress as you looked down to her nice and smooth thighs before you moved over to her pussy, seeing as the lips were nice and thick as well as somewhat wet but if it was because of her pleasuring herself or something else.

“Oh, excellent, you’ve arrived.” She said in a harsh and sarcastic tone as she rolled her eyes at you, moving her head to the side so as to not look at you as you moved over to sit on the side of the bed.

“I sure have. Now, how have you been since I left?” You asked as you relaxed yourself on the bed so your back was pushed against the pillows, the woman crossing her arms as she looked away from you still.

“The same as usual, really. I don’t know how you humans stick to it, living your boring lives.” She said as she turned over to face you, her hand and the top half of her arm moving in slight circles as she spoke. “Even your sins are boring, nothing compared to what we’re able to do in hell. No wonder some of you go mad.” She said as you chuckled at her slightly, the woman glaring at you as you did so.

“Well, you seem to enjoy a certain one of those sins, don’t you?” You said as you heard her growl at you, an ever so slight black blush moving across her face before she began to speak.

“Oh please, I don’t enjoy anything you do to me! That's all… biological reactions, nothing more.” She said as she looked away from you, her face going more and more black as you looked down at her nethers. That was when you saw that she seemed to be wetter than when you came in, some of it dripping down her thighs as you smiled and placed your hand onto one of her grey legs.

“Are you sure about that because you’re looking pretty wet right now!” You said with a smirk as she rolled her eyes and sighed into the air and spread her legs outward as she looked at you. 

“Oh please just hurry up and do it already. I can hardly take your whining.” She said as she looked over to the side of you, the woman smirking slightly at your insult as you moved your hands down to your half tented trousers. You would then take them off along with your underwear, your cock bouncing out into the air as you moved over to her, going between her thighs as you moved your cock down to her pussy and felt as your cock got wetter and wetter. Eventually, you deemed your cock to be wet enough to put inside of her before you winded yourself back and then slammed yourself deep inside of Valaks pussy, the woman moaning into the air before she decided to restrain herself somewhat.

You looked at her face to see that her teeth were digging into her bottom lip as you felt yourself move down to the base of your cock, hitting against her wet pussylips and causing a slight moan to push out her lips. That was when you began to call back, feeling as your cock dripped onto the mattress as she looked into your eyes, your hands eventually landing on her thighs which indented to your touch. You would feel as her pussy clenched slightly as your tip reached her lower lips with you stopping for a second before you slammed down into her again, the woman moaning loudly before biting her lips as her legs pushed against your waist somewhat in the process.

You’d continue this process for a couple of minutes, the woman eventually managing to get herself used to it as she clutched the bed slightly, her sharp fingernails tangling into the fabric and making it shred slightly in the process. She would eventually look up at you with a smirk, her teeth pushing up against her lips as she began to speak, the sound of loud and lewd clapping echoing out into the air. “Oh, is that the best you can do? I’ve been fucked harder with my own fingers.” She would taunt as you smirked at her and proceeded to pull her body up into the air somewhat, going about halfway off the mattress before you looked into her eyes and began to speak to the demon.

“Well then, how about this for hard!” You responded as you began to slam into her faster and faster, the news sounds getting louder and now echoing across your room, the woman trying not to moan and biting her lips even more. You could feel her legs begin to twitch around your body, the woman now absolutely clutching ahold of the bed with her claws whilst her pussy clenched with every single thrust. You would feel as her body wiggled around as she tried not to moan loudly, the woman’s hands fidgeting before they moved up onto your back and grabbed ahold of it, her claws digging into your flesh in the process.

She couldn’t do any damage or pain to you but you could feel the pressure of her claws against your body as your hands moved off her thighs and then quickly moved back down to her ass, clutching ahold of it which made her moan even more. “Mmph, look at you, going all hard on me! Do you,nngh, think that’s going to be enough?” She would ask you in a cocky tone with you smirking as you decided that you might as well see if you could shut her up once and for all. You pulled out of her mouth and dragged her so that she was catapulted onto her knees, the woman looking up at you before she opened her mouth which was when you slammed your cock inside of her mouth, moving right to the back of her throat in the process.

“There! Maybe that’ll shut you up!” You said as she angrily hissed around your cock as you thrusted in and out of her mouth, pushing against her face as drool moved down her narrow chin. You could hear her attempt to gargle some explicative out into the air as you fucked her, her throat clenching and pushing up against your cock whilst her tongue pushed and wrapped around your cock, slippery moving from each side of it in the process. Her hands would clutch hold of your legs as you fucked her throat, your cock well soaked in her fluids as she looked you in the eyes with anger and a bit of lust as well.

That was when your cock began to throb inside of her throat, pushing and pressing up against her inner walls which would only cause her to choke and convulse more which would lead to more pleasure running through your cock. You could feel as the pressure began to build up inside the tip of your cock, the head throbbing quite a bit as you tried to hold your orgasm in, wanting to go as fast as possible. Of course, you could only hold it in so much before you proceeded to lose all control entirely before you began to cum inside of her throat, the first shot of cum pushing deep inside of her and making her cough loudly around your dick which made the second shot push out with twice the force.

You would shoot rope after rope of cum inside of her mouth, covering the sides of the woman’s throat before you began to fill her mouth, the cum shooting down onto the tongue and teeth of the demonic woman. You could hear her gargling and angrily mumbling as you came inside of her, the woman hesitated about the entire thing as she gulped mouthful after mouthful of cum into her stomach. You would eventually stop cumming which made you sigh with relief, the last couple drops pushing onto the walls of her throat as you heard her gagging, pulling out of her and causing her to spit to drip all over the mattress as she collapsed onto the bed with you following her a couple of seconds later.

You would both lay panting on the bed as you tried to gain back some energy, sweat pouring across your body with sweat pouring across her own as well, your head turning to look into her eyes in the process. “Do not take any of that for lust for you, understood?” She would hiss at you with it being obvious that she was lying to you with you just smirking somewhat as she turned away from you with you chuckling to yourself as you did so. With that you would sit in your bed for a while before managing to muster up enough energy to pull yourself off the bed and moved over to the lightswitch, clicking it and shutting it off before you kicked back to bed with her, feeling as tiredness moved all over you 


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