Judgment story

 The night had been uneventful so far and in a way you had been thankful for that as it was pouring down outside, a cascade of rain hitting up against the glass and the metal as you waited for your radio to turn back on and for a call to come through from the station as you drove across the highway. You were going down abandoned sections of M45 where the grass was uncut and pointing all over the place whilst the bushes around the area had become tangled masses of sticks and barbs, any buildings that were around the building being wooden and destroyed which gave the area a haunted vibe. The storm had hit only a couple of hours ago and it had pretty much knocked out everything but the power in the surrounding town with the radio station playing nothing but the hum of static and the police station radio barely picking up most of the time with the only thing you were getting through were whispers.

The whispers would sound like words but they weren’t like any that you had ever heard off which you assumed was due to the fact that the words were so quiet that you couldn’t hear them properly. Either way, you had been ignoring the radio as you drove through more abandoned areas, the sounds of the static and the sounds of your engine played out into your ears as you glanced around the rain, seeing the light of the moon in the corner of your eye before looking back at the road. That was when you could see something glowing in the distance, a brief dot of orange light in the dark black and green abyss that was the highway of which you proceeded to speed up towards the glow.

As you moved closer to the source of the light you wondered if it was some kind of illegal rave or maybe a hiker that was lost in the storm or maybe even a wrecked car that was going through the same route as you had been. Either way, you could hear as the sound of your police radio began to get louder and louder by the moment, the whispers growing louder as well but you could still not tell what words they were supposed to be saying. Eventually, you managed to get to the point where you couldn't see out of your rain-smeared windscreen with the sounds of your car screeching to a halt as you looked towards a church that was glowing from the inside with overgrown foliage covering the grounds around it.

The church itself had been abandoned for several years now after several wild rumours flew around with the most prominent one being that a beheaded woman came back from the dead and that an imp was also lurking around the roof of the church. Of course, you thought all of these stories were rubbish but you still wondered who the hell would be in a church this late at night in the middle of an abandoned section of highway with it not being any investigator type because the light wasn’t moving around. That was when your radio suddenly burst into the static, the sound being so loud it made you jump out of your seat for a moment before the sound got somewhat quieter and words began to come out of it.

“We are… here.” The voice said but it didn’t sound like any voice that would be at the station with it being a high pitched and feminine yet have some sort of distorted tinge to it, as if it was going through a speech changer, the space in the words being due to static then any vocal impediment. “Were in the… church, Mr Anon! Come and pay… us a visit!” The voice would say as you looked up to the church to see that the door had swung open with the orange light oozing out of it. You would look around the car and grab a hold of your pistol before you took a deep breath and got out of your car, slamming the door behind you as the rain hit your face and body as you began the walk.

You could feel the grass and the overgrown nettles scrape against your ankles and shoes with the water dripping off onto the dirt as you moved closer and closer to the light, your gun placed by your side in the process. You would see as the light would glow brighter and brighter as you tried to look inside the church only to be blinded by the light, looking away for the brief moment before you reached the stone arch that was the doorway. As you entered the church you could quickly hear the doors slam behind you with you turning around to see that the door was locked shut before the orange light behind you turned into a single orange flame at the end of the room which allowed you to get a better look at the ruined church.

The stone segments of the church had been unscathed by the years of abandonment that it had been under, the moss and the stone that had grown obscuring most of the finer details that had been carved into the stone all those years ago. The wood was a lot worse for wear with most of it being soaked in an immense amount of water to the point where it has expanded somewhat whilst bits of the wood chipped off from the roof whilst maggots resided within the wood.  You looked to where the altar would be and instead saw that it had been replaced with a human-sized statue that you couldn’t see due to the shadow of the night, the light only lighting up the knees of the statue as you then realised something.

You quickly realised that it wasn’t a statue and then proceeded to shoot at it, the first bullet hitting the wall and the creature quickly got out of the way with you hearing a voice sigh as the being moved around the side of the room. “Aww, you’re not being any fun! Go on, Kuarl, get him!” Said the voice happily of which you had identified as the voice of the radio as the body proceeded to face you which you went to shoot only to not be able to fire anything. That was when the body split in two, the head revealing that it was actually a different creature that was just curled up, the being uncurling and flying off the neck before the other half proceeded to walk towards you, its legs slamming against the ground.

You would try to get out of the way before you were slammed down to the ground by the headless figure, the sound of the smaller being chucking at you as the headless being came into full view, the smaller being resting on the arm. You would look at the larger being first to see that the headless being was also a woman with a pair of large breasts being hidden behind some kind of armour that exposed the middle of her breasts, the entire bottom of her breasts and her torso which showed off her red skin. Her arms were muscular with her lower arms wrapped in spiked gauntlets and her hands being wrapped in bandages, the same pattern continuing to her legs of which had spiked knee plates and wrapped up feet with you looking up to her neck stump to see that it was covered up by a circular iron plate that was nailed into the stump.

You then moved your eyes over to the smaller creature which was also red-skinned but it seemed to be a more imp-like creature with the woman being entirely naked which showed off her breasts and an ever so subtle hint of her pussy. Her arms and legs seemed to be made out of a different flesh than the rest of her body with the material being a much darker red and seeming to be somewhat hard despite the fact she was able to move them without hindrance. You looked up to her face to see that she had short yet thick black hair whilst her eyes were a deep red, her wings being short and thin with the bottom of the wings being completely tattered and torn probably due to time.

“Looks like we’ve caught you, huh? Now, it’s time to see what you can do! Kuarl, strip him!” She said as Kuarl gave her a thumbs up and grabbed ahold of your shirt and proceeded to pull it off your body, the fabric ripping in the process. You could see as the imp proceeded to grab ahold of the tattered clothes that Kuarl threw on the ground before sniffing and smelling them as the headless woman grabbed ahold of your trousers and ripped them off your body and threw them towards the Imp. Eventually, she would reach your underwear and grab hold of it, giving your bulge a playful grope before she ripped the underwear off and dropped it by the imp who sniffed it furiously before she flew up so she was standing on your shoulders.

“Well, don’t you look like quite the man! Smell like one as well!” She said happily with a lustful hiss as she grabbed hold of your cheeks and proceeded to pull your head up so you could look into her glowing red eyes. “Oh, if your tongue is as muscular as your cock then I’m going to have a good time. The name is Zeal, by the way. Now, Kuarl, put him on the ground.” She said as she hopped off your shoulders before Kuarl grabbed ahold of your body, one arm holding onto your left arm and the other holding the right leg. You then proceeded to be moved into the ground, feeling the air across your back before you were placed on the cold stone, the imp placing herself onto your shoulders again as she did so. 

“Oh, you are perfect indeed! You should be glad that you’re on stone because any bed we could be on would be broken halfway through!”  Zeal said as the headless woman proceeded to get into a position where she was crouched right above your cock. Then the imp woman would proceed to sit down on your face, each of her legs stretched over the side of your face as her hands rested on your forehead, her pussy lips pressing right up against your own. “Alright, Kuarl, let’s get going!” She said happily as she slapped your cheeks slightly, Kuarl proceeding to move herself over to your cock until her lips were touching your tip before she proceeded to slam down onto your body.

You would have let out a loud moan in the air if there wasn’t an imp pushing herself onto your mouth, the small woman moaning as your hot breath hit her pussy whilst her larger friend moved herself down your cock and slammed into your hips. She would eventually find herself at the base of your cock where she would stop for a couple of moments as if she needed to take a breath despite not having a head, Zeal bouncing on your face in the process. Eventually, Kuarl would begin to move again, the massive woman moving her hips upwards across your cock until she managed to reach the tip before she proceeded to slam down against your cock again, a moan coming out your mouth and a lusty chuckle coming out of Zeal’s.

“Yeah, now you’re getting into it! Go on and move your tongue, MR!” Zeal said as she tapped on your cheeks with you having no choice to respond so you decided to begin licking and kissing at the impish woman’s pussy. That was when she started moaning loudly as she proceeded to grab ahold of your head and began to grind and push up against your cheeks as the other woman was busy riding your cock. You could feel as Kuarls bandaged hands wrapped around your chest somewhat as she would ride you for a couple of minutes before she proceeded to begin to go faster, making you moan into Zeals pussy in the process.

You could feel as Kuarls hips slammed yours into the ground to the point you could feel the stone pushing up against your legs as her pussy clenched and pushed up against the sides of your cock. It was a point you had enough of letting Zeal call all the shots about what she should do with her mouth which was when you moved your hands up to grab ahold of her legs, the woman twitching somewhat as she looked down at you in surprise. You then proceeded to push her right down onto your own lips with her pussy as you began to lick at her pussy, the woman moaning and twitching as she looked down at you, eventually grabbing your forehead so she could get some footing.

“Oh yeah, that’s it, that’s the spot! Such a good tongue on you!” Zeal moaned out as she bounced on your lips and your tongue, her legs twitching and moving within your grasp as she scratched against your forehead somewhat. Meanwhile, Kuarl was trying to get herself into a different position where her tits were pressed up against your chest whilst her long legs wrapped around your own as she continued to move up and down your cock. You could feel her arms curl around your back as the woman clenched up against your cocky a couple more times and proceeded to go even faster against your body in the process.

She had knocked the wind out of you for a couple of seconds as she had hit you so hard with her hips with you being able to gain your breath back after a few more thrusts before going back to licking the impish woman’s pussy. The church was lit with the moaning of you and Zeal as well as the lewd sounds that all three of you were making together as the furiously lustful display continued to occur. You could feel their demonic pussy fluids leaking all over you with plenty of it being smeared on your lips and face by Zeal whilst Kuarl had spread her juices all over your hips and torso due to her furious thrusts.

That was when you felt as your cock began to throb inside of the larger woman, pushing up against her crushingly tight walls as your tongue twitched and contorted around the other demon's pussy. You could feel the pressure begin to build up in your cock as well as getting harder and harder as you got closer to orgasm with you feeling that Kuarl was getting close to orgasm as well judging by how much her pussy was twitching. You could definitely tell that Zeal was close to orgasm judging by the fact that was practically screaming out moans as she rode your face with it only taking a couple more thrusts for you to start cumming inside of the bigger demon which seemed to set both of the creatures into an orgasm.

You felt as several thick shots of cum pushed out of your cock and into Kuarls pussy of which would also be pushed back by the headless woman’s pussy juices, the other woman cumming all over your face and mouth in the process. After a while it had got to the point where you didn’t have a clue how long your orgasm had been going on for, only knowing when it peaked due to the massive amount of cum that pushed out of your cock at the time. Eventually, all three of you stopped orgasm with the impish Zeal going out first, the woman stopping and collapsing on your face as Kuarl stopped cumming a moment later, thankfully not collapsing onto your body before you pushed out a couple more shots into her hot pussy.

You would collapse onto the ground, being absolutely exhausted before Zeal managed to pull herself off your face and away from your mouth, sitting on your chest of which the other demon had moved away from as she got off your cock, a wet sound echoing out across the hall. “Wow, that’s the best time I’ve had in a hundred or so years!” She said happily as she got up onto her feet, looking down at your exhausted face as she proceeded to fly above an inch or two off the ground with her wings. “You know, I think that we’ll keep you here for a couple of days!” She said with a smile as she clicked her fingers, the door behind you locking shut as you realised that you would be locked in with the demons for a couple days yet. 


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