Hormagaunt story part 2

 It must have been about two weeks now since you had managed to make a new home within the grand forests of Planet 2398QA of which the trees covered your back with your leaves from the massive sun, the heat of the forests meaning that you were constantly sweating and panting due to thirst. You had initially been sent here by the imperium of man in order to kill the threat known as the Tyranids, a race of murderous beasts that would descend from the sky and murder everything that moved in order to harvest genes to make them better predators which were why the imperium wanted them destroyed. You had been sent into one of the deep forests of the planets in order to hunt down the Tyranid and tell them where to bomb so that you could be free of the menace but that was when you had been ambush by several smaller Tyranids and then “convinced” to not kill them via copious amounts of sex.

Now you had abandoned the imperium of man and instead had been living with the Tyranids full time within the hive that they had managed to carve into the ground of the cave system due to how hot the forests were around them. That was one of the reasons for you going outside as you needed more material to repair the makeshift bed that you had in your room in the hive which had been broken the previous night after more Tyranid sex. You looked above to the mountain you were walking towards to see the massive crack that had been carved into the middle of the rocks, holding several logs of wood in one hand whilst holding an axe that you made out of a sharpened rock and a few branches in the other.

You moved into the crevasse and began to move deep into the hive with you knowing that you would have to spend a few minutes in the darkness due to how deep it was, the sounds of your footsteps being the only things that would accompany you as you walked. You quite enjoyed the walk down to the hive proper as it allowed you to get used to the cold that was around you when you want this deep down with it being way more tolerable than the intense heat of the surface. Eventually, you could see a dismal light at the end of the tunnel which was what you assumed to be a Tyranid light pod which was the only way you could actually see around the hive as you entered the massive structure.

Much like everything else that the Tyranids has made it was a fully flesh and blood structure with bone making up most of the walls and roofs and the floor being furnished in the same material that the Tyranids armour was made out of. You could hear hundreds of the Tyranids moving around the hive with some of the footsteps being larger and several of them being smaller but you knew that your personality favourite three would be waiting for you in your room. You would begin walking across the dimly lit hallway towards your room, the wood being nice and secure in your hands as you saw a large section of holes that was around the place before you eventually found your own and moved inside.

It was only a small while before you entered the rather small room, your makeshift bed that was made out of leaves and wood being on one side whilst all your things were kept on the other side in a looted weapons container. You placed your axe on top of the container before throwing the rest of the wood to the ground as you rested on the bed, hearing as the wood creaked as the parts you were using to keep it off the ground buckled somewhat. That was when you heard a series of light footsteps coming from the hallway which meant that the three were coming, chittering and screeching echoing out as the three Tyranids that were known as the Hormagaunts came through the dim light and into your room.

The first thing that you had to note about them was that they were about up to your knees in height with them all having pairs of large yet soft tits on them with four or so clawed arms that were hanging underneath her breasts. Their legs were thick and could probably be best likened to a horse’s with her thighs and legs being thick and muscular whilst the legs ended in a pair of purple hooves that tapped the ground when they walked. Their backs were covered in a thick shell of purple armour which had spikes growing out of it and a face with a pair of deep, black eyes whilst their mouths were filled with a row of spiked teeth with drool dripping out of the mouths of the shark-like face.

All three chirped at each other for a moment before they jumped onto the bed with you with one quickly moving onto your hand so you could pet the side of her face which you did, much to her happiness. The other two would snuggle up underneath your arms as you welcomed them, their faces pushed up right next to your own with one of them breathing their hot breath up against her neck and face whilst the other licked your shoulder somewhat.  You would move your other arm up to pet the creature that wasn’t licking the side of your shoulder, this time placing your hand onto the shell of the creature which made her purr and blush, a familiar look of lust moving across her eyes again.

That was the moment you could feel yourself get hard again, all three of them paying attention to it with only one of them actually going to it as it seemed that they had devised an order of which to get fucked in after your first encounter with them. The other two that were wrapped around your arms decided to tease you somewhat as well, rubbing themselves against you and smearing your ribs with their juices as they kissed and panted at you. You could feel as if the Hormagaunt that was going to ride you dripped onto your cock, her pussy fluids dripping down onto your cock before she proceeded to slam herself right down onto your dick, making you moan out into the air as the others chuckled loudly.

You could feel as the Hormagaunt on your cock twitched and shuddered down your cock, her small and tight pussy squeezing up against your cock as she moaned, her monstrous mouth spitting all over your chest in the process. In the meantime you would move your hands over to the other two Hormagaunts rears and begin to grope at them, feeling the soft flesh in your hands as you stroked their tails somewhat as well, causing them to sigh in pleasure. You proceeded to feel as the Hormagaunt that was on your cock hitting against your hips before she began to pull herself back up again, reaching the tip of your cock before she quivered somewhat before she slammed down onto your body again. 

As she rode your cock your fingers would trace around the pussies of the other two Hormagaunts which made their sighs before moans before you moved your fingers into a pointing motion before pushing them into their pussies. This caused them to breathe heavily against your body as they both their heads went to your neck, one of them going to lick your left side whilst the other started to kiss the other side of your neck with her sharp teeth scratching against your skin slightly. You could feel their arms flexing and pushing up against your abs and shoulder as their legs pushed against your skin before they began to hump the side of your bodies somewhat as you rested your hands inside them.

After a couple of minutes of riding your cock the beast that was sitting on your cock decided to start going faster, moaning wildly as her small legs extended upwards before they flexed downwards which meant her hips slammed into your cock. You could feel as her clenching around your penis would also get much more intense, her smooth and warm inner walls practically crushing certain areas within a massive amount of pleasure. As such you decided to reward the other Hormagaunts with some more pleasure as well by beginning to move your hands in and out of your pussy which caused a choir of moans and chitters to come out of their mouths.

That was when the Hormagaunt that was attached to the right side of your body proceeded to pull up before moving above your face and began to kiss you with you embracing the kiss in the process. You could feel as her thick and juicy tongue lashed up against the sides of your mouth and teeth whilst her drool dripped down all over your face and your throat with the spit itself having a salty taste to it. The kiss would continue as the other Hormagaunt continued to kiss and bite at your neck, breathing against it heavily as she looked up at you lovingly, all four of you in quite a bit of pleasure as you continued the lewd event.

A couple more minutes passed and the lust built up inside of the Tyranid that was riding on your cock and as such she lost all control, beginning to thrust wildly as she moaned out into the air loudly. You could proceed to go faster against the other two Hormagaunts with your hand which caused you to no longer be kissed since the creature needed to moan out into the air, the other one licking and biting harder against your neck in the process. All three of their pussies were clenching against your fingers and cock with you feeling as their liquids dripped down your hands and across your cock as they used you for their pleasure.

That was when you had started to feel as your cock began to engorge and throb outwards into the Hormagaunts pussy of which would clench up against your cock and furiously slam into your hips. You could feel the pressure building up inside of the tip of your cock with it rapidly getting more intense as the Hormagaunts moaned out loudly and lewdly around you as you fingered their pussies. Eventually, you could feel as the pressure would get too intense for you to bare with you waiting for several moments before you proceeded to let go of all of the pressure, breathing into the air before you proceeded to push out your first shot of cum inside of the main Tyranid as the other two Hormagaunts got close to cumming.

You began shooting shot after shot of cum inside of the small Tyranid, slowly and rapidly filling her up as she cried out into the air happily, slamming herself down on your cock and making sure not a drop of cum could escape in the process. Suddenly the two women that were by your side proceeded to begin orgasming around your fingers as they looked up into your face lovingly, moaning into your neck in the process. Eventually, you would all stop orgasming with the Tyranids stopping me first, the two Tyranids that were around your arms panting before they collapsed down onto your chest whilst you shot a few more drops of cum into the Hormagaunts tight snatch before she collapsed on your chest.

You all proceeded to lay down on the bed with you removing your fingers from the two Tyranids pussies which made them moan and twitch somewhat as the Hormagaunt pulled off your cock and proceeded to collapse into the bed, cum dripping out of her pussy in the process. You looked over all three of them to see that they had all passed out due to exhaustion, two of them sleeping on either side of you and the other crashed out between your legs, snoring to themselves as you pushed your head into the mattress. You smiled to yourself about your new life as you looked over to the wood, wondering if you should try and work on the bed before you decided not to, figuring that you might as well rest with your monstrous lovers in the process.

You could always do it tomorrow, after all.


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