Predator story

 You had been sent to Central America a couple of months ago after reports of guerilla soldiers had been attacking a military settlement in a northern rainforest with what had been described to you as “High tech weaponry” with the soldiers seeming to have high powered guns and cloaking devices that succeed all the other camouflage that they had. From the moment you had landed in the rainforest you knew that the heat was going to be utterly intolerable with the only thing being worse than the heat was the mosquitos and other foul insects that were flying around the area and biting your neck and arms every hour or so. The smell was also unpleasant, the lack of wind making the smells intensify and stagnate in the air with the smells ranging from the smell of bullets and burning gunpowder to the smell of the corpses of animals and apes that had been around the area with all of them being horrifically mutilated but you couldn’t tell if this was due to the age of the corpse or something else.

The first place that you and your squad had been sent to was the Guerrilla compound in the northeast which is when they suspected the attackers would be hiding inside and as such you went treading across the thick grass and tall trees to reach the compound. By the time you had reached the compound, you realised that someone had managed to get there before you, the door being blown right open and all of the watchtowers had been destroyed by the attacker. Your team was on high alert both due to the fact that they had no idea if there were any survivors or not and if the attacker was still inside, entering into the first area of the compound to see the grizzly sight of the bodies that were within them.

Most of the bodies were seemingly disembowelled by whatever had attacked them, several of them laying on their own intestines whilst the other soldiers had been shot by a weapon that matched the description of the soldiers back at base. The wounds themselves were much larger than any gun that you had seen before, one of the corpses having their head completely blown off with bits of their brain and some skull fragments littering the walls behind them. As you walked across the halls of the facility more and more bodies would become visible, their guts hanging out of their torso whilst the bodies had been thrown away and disposed of but the worse mutilation came at the other end of the compound.

There lay the bodies of four of the militia's top members which had to be identified via DNA sampling and documents found on the bodies as the heads had seemed to be removed from the body. It had been later revealed through autopsy reports that the heads had been ripped off from the neck leading to the head and the spinal cord being removed whilst the rest of the body had been untouched baring a couple cuts to the legs as to impede its target's escape. Since that day it was assumed that you were no longer dealing with any sort of human creature anymore as no human being was too strong to rip the head right of a human being nor did any military force have the calibre of weaponry to do what had occurred in the compound.

This had led to some rumours moving along the military bases in the area of a creature that had been named The Predator, a beast of alien origin that uses a cloaking ability to hunt down prey and collect the strongest members' skulls as trophies. You had dismissed this as simple science fiction but the hysteria of the beast had quickly moved through the camp to the point where the compound you were assigned to was on high alert. Now you were moving across the jungle to the south of the compound as you were to find and kill the beast, looking around the area for anything that looked off as the moon shone down upon you, making the sight in your gun shine slightly in the process.

That was when you could swear you could hear the second set of footsteps moving across the grass, stopping for a moment so you could see that you could hear anything but all you could hear was the rustling of leaves above them.  Suddenly you saw a brief blue light, dodging out of the way of it as it headed towards you before it hit a tree with an explosion of flame and ash pushing out of it before the tree fell to the ground. You quickly aimed your gun into the inky abyss before shooting at whatever was in it, the flash of your muzzle shining and flashing into the air, hitting several trees before everything went silent before you ran out of bullets, going to reload as you heard something behind you.

 You would turn to see a mirage looming over you with you moving out of the way to see that the blade moved through the air with you being able to dodge out of the way before the gun was swiped out of your hand. You’d look up to see a pair of glowing eyes in the air before they disappeared before you moved to grab ahold of your machete and swung it up into the air before trying to bring it down into the creature's head of which you were able to do. However the creature did not bleed nor did it do anything else before you pulled your blade out, a metal mask falling off the creature's face as the rest of the beast began to appear with you pulling the blade out of the creature's mask before you looked at the creature's face.

The creature's face was certainly not that of a person’s with the face having green skin across its structure and two yellow eyes with red irises laid above a mouth that had four individual talons that were attached to finger-like appendages with a more human mouth with sharp, dog-like teeth in the centre of the four talons, noting that the creature had hair that almost looked like dreadlocks hanging from the sides of its head. You would look down the creature, who had to be about a foot taller than you, to see that it was actually a woman, a pair of breasts hanging off the woman’s chest which was entirely visible and only kept from being entirely exposed by a bit of armour that went about halfway down her tits, the armour also covering her shoulders, which was where the creatures gun was located and crotch. The creature had gauntlets in each of its hands, both of them being adorned with spikes and blades as she looked down at you and you looked up into her eyes again.

She would then suddenly get down on one knee which meant that she went up to your stomach in height, her head bowing down as if to say that you had won the fight against her which confused you somewhat. She would quickly figure out that you were confused when she looked up at you and pulled a somewhat unhappy face before she decided to take matters into her own hand by grabbing ahold of your hips and moving them so they were right up to her mouth. She would then extend her talon limbs outwards and push them up against your crotch, poking and prodding at your hips and your crotch as she dropped onto the ground which was when you realised what she wanted.

You decided to seize the opportunity and moved yourself backwards and began to take off your trousers and underwear, throwing them down into the jungle grass as you walked up to the woman with your rapidly hardening cock. She would look up and down your dick for several seconds before she grabbed hold of your hips again, being a lot firmer and harder than beforehand as she rubbed her mandibles together so she had some of her drool all over them. She would then proceed to extend her mandible out into the air, making sure they were pointing away from your genitals before she strengthened her hold of your hips and slammed you right down into her mouth.

She would quickly move herself so that she was pressed right up against your hips so that her talons were pressed flatly against your hips and thighs, the woman licking and pushing against your cock as her hands left the sides of your hips. She would then begin to pull back against your dick which made her talon mandibles move away from you somewhat, your entire cock already covered in thick drool as she eventually pulled back to the tip of your cock. She would tease the tip of your cock with her slimy tongue for a brief moment before she proceeded to slam herself back down onto your cock, hitting against the base roughly as the spikes at the end of her mandibles pushed against your flesh somewhat.

She would continue this process for quite a while, the sounds of her clicking and moaning to her later as you moaned into the air echoing across the forest somewhat, the night air hitting against your legs and crotch in the process. Your hands would glide across the air as you were unsure where to place them at first with your eventually moving them over to the back of your heads, your fingers being parted by the thick strands of hair in the process. After a couple of minutes passed you proceeded to clutch hold of her hair and began to take control of her head, going faster against her face as she let out a couple of gargles and moans from her beastly mouth in the process.

The wet and lewd sounds of her face slapping and pushing up against your cock echoed out across the trees, drops of drool falling off your cock and out of the sides of her mouth as she glanced up into your eyes lovingly. One of her hands would rest against your leg with the blades on her gauntlet resting against your skin for a moment whilst the other moved down to her pussy which she began to finger as you thrusted inside her throat. You could feel as the alien woman clenched and pushed up against the edges of her mouth, the slick flesh making it easier to thrust deep into her mouth as her moans moved hot air up against your cock.

Spit would stick to the base and edges of your hips as you thrusted against her, her moans and clicks moving out across your cock, her mandibles moving as you fucked her face vigorously. She would be gulping and licking at your cock and balls to the point a thin covering of spit had formed onto your cock whilst she would look into your eyes as if begging to dominate her some more. That was when you moved both hands to her head and grasped ahold of her hair before proceeding to fuck her head even faster than beforehand as you kept ahold of hair, hearing as she gargled and moaned in joy. 

You could hear the sounds of her fingers pushing in and out of her ass as she clutched onto your leg for dear life, drool dripping out the side of her mouth as moans came out of your mouth. You could feel every single muscle inside of her throat twitch and flex up against your cock to the point that her tongue was wrapped around your balls half of the time as her legs twitched and rested up against the middle ground of the jungle. At that point, you'd have to have gone on for about ten minutes or more to the point that you were sweating like crazy and you looked down to see that was sweating as well, her green skin covered in beads of clear sweat.

That was when you began to throb inside of her mouth, pushing against her tongue and the walls of her throat before she proceeded to clean up against your cock and making you moan even more than beforehand. This was when your cock began to have some pressure inside of it, the pressure and the heaviness in your dick gradually groaning and groaning the longer that you held out orgasm inside of you. Eventually, you realised that you couldn't hold on to the pressure anymore and slammed herself right into your cock so that she couldn’t pull away before cumming right inside of her mouth and throat. 

The first shot of cum pushed out right across her tongue and into the back of your throat with your shots growing in strength and power as you held her to your crotch as she moaned. Your cum splattered up against her sides and throat in the process with some of them shooting straight into her throat before you reached the peak of your cumshot, making it so it slammed right down into her throat before your orgasm began to subside. They began to get less intense as time went on, eventually getting to the point where a couple of drops of cum pushed out onto her tongue before you stopped cumming, both of you being absolutely exhausted by the time she was done.

You proceeded to pull out of her mouth, your half limp cock dripping with her drool before you looked down at her to see that she was panting and moaning with you lustfully as she looked back up at you. She would then proceed to get up off the ground with the dirt falling off her thighs and legs before she would offer her hand up to you with you looking down before you considered the fact she was offering you to come with her. You wondered what would happen and if the military would come and find you only for you to revise that her technology was much above anything the military could hope to have and took her hand with the both of you walking into the forest where you would be together forever.


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