Operation heartbeat part 2

  It had been nine months now since operation heartbeat had started and the experiment had been regarded as a total and utter success, more funding coming in from your investors to increase the funding of the projects and orders increasing the amount of xenomorph that would be produced by the heartbeat method. Since your first email with your investors, you were allowed much more time with the original xenomorph that was produced which meant that you had been having much more sex as well as several bonding moments with her. You had noted that the xenomorph had seemed to develop a romantic attraction to you, bringing you gifts of whatever she found to be valuable which seemed to be mostly food but she sometimes brought you shards of metals that she scraped off her room with you noticing that leaving a photo of yourself in the room along with her seemed to decrease anxiety within the xenomorph which was good for what had been happening with her over these past nine months.

It turns out that she had gotten pregnant pretty much instantly, The xenomorph beginning to show signs of morning sickness by vomiting out some food which was when you demanded an ultrasound on her body. That was when you had found that the xenomorph was carrying what you assumed to be a human-xenomorph hybrid that had managed to skip both the egg stage and the facehugger stage which was a surprise to you. Still, this meant that you had even more time to spend with the xenomorph which made both you and her happy, the woman’s stomach growing progressively over the next nine months as well as having other biological changes that you had observed and noted.

An observation into the hole that the heart was within had started growing slightly larger as well as an umbilical cord had been slowly forming as time went on, the tube itself being larger than a human one and as such needed more nutrients. You also noted that her behaviour was getting more gentle as time had gone on, the woman taking her time on things she would sprint for and even making sure to eat more along with it. Overall the pregnancy had been going very well, the creature enjoying her pregnancy and the fetus having no issues with it other than seeming to have the same hole in the chest that her mother had, her stomach growing so bloated that she would move across on her hind legs instead of the crawling she was used to.

Now she was in the final days of the pregnancy, the woman needing constant monitoring by you just in case her waters broke, the alien moving around and waiting for herself to give birth. As you watched her scamper around the area you wondered what you could do to make sure that her pregnancy would be induced since a c-section would be incredibly dangerous given her alien biology like her acidic blood. There was also the issue of where the baby would come from when the xenomorph would give birth, the woman’s vagina seems like it would be too small for the size that the baby was and the scan revealed that there was a passageway above the womb which lead to the chests cavity which explained the reason why the umbilical cord was attached to the heart.

 But until you came up with the plan you had to make sure that she was going to be healthy and fine, grabbing hold of what you had needed and proceeding to walk towards her, the woman clicking and screeching as you got closer. “Time for your health check, darling.” You said as she stopped in place, recognising your command before sitting down on the grind as you placed all that you had needed next to the insect-like woman. With that, you had flicked the box that you needed to use to make sure her health and, by extension, your child’s health as well, which was when you grabbed our several EKG pads out of the box and you began to think about where to place the pads on her body.

You first started to place the pads across the woman’s pregnant stomach, pushing the pads gently into her womb so it took about seven or so to make sure that you covered all bases on her stomach. You then began to move up to her chest and tits, placing the pads on the woman’s breasts and the sides of her chest and many of them being placed around the hole her heart was within. The woman would let out clicks and groans of pleasure as you placed the pads all over her body, the woman especially getting slightly lustful when you moved your hands across her breasts which lead to her wrapping her tail around your leg and beginning to drool thick drool all over your hands.

You would go to place the rest of the pads onto her body as you felt her legs beginning to wrap around your body, the woman clicking and chittering to herself in the process. Of course, like most xenomorph behaviour that went unnoticed, she would go and amplify the behaviour and begin to grind her pussy up against your legs, grunting and moaning somewhat in the process. As she ground against your leg and began it spread her pussy fluids across your leg with you looking down at her as you placed the final pad on and suddenly came up with an idea, resting your hand onto her leg as you wondered if you could induce pregnancy by fucking her senseless.

You would grab ahold of her legs and proceed to spread them aside before glancing down at her pussy, seeing that it was extremely wet as she would chitter and groan at you, her tail whipping the ground in the process. You moved one of your hands down to her crotch as she began to rub up against your fingers, covering them in her thick fluids as her legs pushed and pressed against the ground somewhat. With your other hand, you would grab hold of your trousers and begin to pull them off your legs, pushing them down to your ankles as you could see your cock bulging out from inside of your underwear which you soon pulled down as well which made your cock spring out of the fabric.

You could hear the sounds of the xenomorph beginning to pant as you gently moved even deeper between her legs, placing your cock down onto her dripping wet pussy which made her moan out loudly. She would wrap her tail around your stomach as you dragged your cock up and down her pussy, making her groan and grumble even more so than beforehand as she let out a particularly loud growl which you took as a hint to get on with it. You smiled as you pulled away from her pussy, feeling as her juices dripped off your cock and onto the floor before you slammed inside of her tight pussy, both of you moaning out in the process.

You could already feel the familiar sensation of the woman’s pussy clenching and pushing against your cock as you began to push it deeper and deeper inside of her, your hands pushing into her thighs as you felt her heartbeat get faster and faster. Eventually, you felt as your cock hilted inside of her pussy, the woman moaning out somewhat as her juices had dripped and pushed down your balls, letting out a moan as you tapped her thighs and then pulled yourself out your pussy somewhat. You could move yourself out until you got to the tip of your cock, stopping for a brief moment before slamming down into her pussy, the woman letting out a moan in the process. 

You would continue this process of gentle yet pleasurable thrusts inside of her and your hands began to trail and move across her body, the woman moving into your hands out of instinct. One of your hands would move over to her breasts, your fingers moving between the pads as you began to grope at her breasts, grinding against her nipple with your palm as you did so. Your other hand moved down to her ass with you going to the base of the tail and beginning to massage it with your fingers, letting her grunt and groan eagerly as her tail quickly moved to your hips and beginning to make you go faster against your cock.

You began to go ever so slightly faster against her body as well, your massaging hands going faster as well and letting her erupt into pleasure as her mouth drooled with thick alien spit. Her heart was beating quicker as well with you being able to feel the rhythm of her pulsing heart moving across her entire body, the woman’s body clenching up against yours in the process. Her pussy would also clench against your cock tighter and more often as well, the woman almost milking you with her movements as the tip of her tail trailed down your spinal cord, making you shiver somewhat as you fucked her tight alien pussy.

Your hand would mover off her breast and trail across her bloated belly, smirking as you thought about the child that was within before you grabbed ahold of both of her asscheeks and lifted her up into the air somewhat so she was resting on your knees. Her legs would proceed to shoot up into the air as she withdrew her tail from your body, her legs quickly taking their place before the woman proceeded to wrap her tail around your shoulder instead. You smiled as you felt this, her hands soon reaching up and grabbing ahold of your own, her fingers weaving along with yours as you began to go even faster.

The room was filled with the sounds of her alien moans and your own human ones, her tail scraping across your shoulder as her heartbeat rapidly within her body with you feeling the beats within her palms. You could feel her panting in the air as it steamed up somewhat, her drool dripping down into the ground as she fidgeted eagerly as her pussy clenched and clenched around your dick. At this point the alien's body was begging you for a cumshot, her pussy clenching against your cock with great strength whilst her nipples were rock hard with you feeling like she was going to get that cumshot real soon.

You began to feel as your cock began to throb inside of her pussy, pushing and pressing up against her inner walls which she responded by clenching back against your cock and making you moan even more than beforehand. You could feel the tip of your head having more and more pressure around your cock with you struggling to hold in your cum as you fucked her pussy, feeling as it tightened more and more against you.  Eventually, you couldn't hold it together anymore, moaning out into the air before you buried your dick deep inside of her, shooting your first rope of cum deep inside of her as you did so.

Your first shot proceeded to be nestled deep inside of her, making her entire body quake as you shot more and more cum inside of her, knowing that this orgasm was going to be lasting quite a bit longer than expected. You felt as though your cumshots were getting larger and larger than the one before eventually, your orgasm reached your peak, letting out a massive shot of cum pushed out inside of her body. Your orgasm eventually began to subside after that, your shots getting smaller and smaller with you feeling as the final shot of cum splattered across her pussy lips before you began to pant and rest as she let out satisfying clicks.

You proceeded to pull out of her pussy, a wet sound echoing out across the room with some of it leaking out as she clicked to herself freely before her breath began to move faster and faster out her mouth as her heart began to beat faster. That was when you saw the hole in her chest begin to expand outward, the woman grasping out to the air as she clicked and screeched somewhat as you realised that she was given birth. You grabbed ahold of her grasping hand, the woman clutching ahold of it as you rubbed her back gently with you seeing as her chest hole moved outward with you being able to see that the baby was staring come up out the womb.

The birth was surprisingly quick which was probably due to the size of the hole that the baby was coming out of, the baby quickly sliding its head out with goo proceeding to drip all over the ground, chunks of an unknown substance falling to the ground. “Come on, push for me!” You Said as the woman’s slit began to push more and more, the torso slowly moving out of the slit as more goo hit the ground, the umbilical cord coming out as well. She would push a bit more and with a wet plop, the baby came out of the slit with you catching it in your arms as the baby started crying and moving almost instantly with you breathing a sigh of relief as you looked down at the baby.

The baby itself looked like a much younger version of her mother with a few human features like a pair of thin lips and its exoskeleton being a pale bone-white instead of the usual black that her mothers were. The babies tail hadn’t grown yet, being a mere stub that was attached to her waist, her hands not developing into the claws yet and being rounded as she cried somewhat. Her mother would put her hands out for her child which you quickly gave over to her, the woman cradling the child happily as the woman chattered to herself with you looking down at the baby to see that it was showing off is not yet fully developed the second mouth before looking to the woman to see something perturbing.

Her heart was hanging out of the slit in her chest, the woman’s heart beating out into the air, the beats being at a steady rhythm as you looked on in shock, realising the baby who had managed to pull it out somehow. The xenomorph didn’t seem hurt by this nor did she seem to care that she had it out of her chests but you decided that you should place the heart back inside of her body. You hesitated for a moment before moving your hands over to her heart and grabbed ahold of it incredibly gently, the woman letting out a click before you began to massage the heart gently, the umbilical cord falling off onto the floor as the heartbeat in your hands with you feeling the vibrations moving across your hands in the process.

You began to massage the head gently as she let out a few pleasurable clicks, feeling as the heart's chambers moved and throbbed in your hand, a pleasant warmth moving across your hands whilst your plans nestled against the bottom half of her heart. As her heart moved into a relaxed pace you began to slowly push down on the heart, moving it centimetre by centimetre into the hole as you massaged it more and more, feeling as the heart pumping in your hands and the warmth moved across your fingers. You would get closer and closer to the heart as you felt the reverberations through your hands as you got it about a quarter of the way through before moving to the heart that proceeded to push inside of the hole, making sure that it was in place before you pulled the hands out.

There you were relaxed as the woman sighed to herself, your hands dripping with the fluids that were on the baby as you sat by the aliens' side, looking at the woman who seemed perfectly content with holding her child as you began to get lost in thought. You wondered what you were going to do now that your child had been born, looking at the crying hybrid as you did so and feeling an intense need to protect and nurture the child before looking to your child’s mother. You smiled as you looked at her and wrapped your arm around her body as you decided to push all of those thoughts to the back of your head and decided to relish at the moment, your child being in your lover’s arms as you smiled at the both of them.


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