Metro Rhino story

 There were many concepts that had been long dead before you were born with all the borders between countries and creeds being bombed out into the ashes by the nukes, the outside world is a mystery outside of the windows of the base that you and the other survivors had lived inside of.  You were born inside one of the metro systems with it being the only thing that survived the barrage of nukes that had hit the surface and since then you had to survive through tooth and nail from other militias wanting to kill you to insane people driven to kill due to the isolation of the haunting subway tunnels. However, the worst thing that you had encountered within only the most abandoned of subway stations, the crumbling and rusting area that no one had ever walked through by a few and those creatures were known as mutants, creatures twisted and moulded my radiation beyond any human could ever dream of taking in but the creatures still lived either way.

There were the spiderbugs which were massive creature’s with tails that were as sharp as a knife and bizarre creatures known as the dark ones but the only ones that you despised were known as the Nosalis. The best way you could describe a Nosalis as a mixture of a human and a bat, the creatures being a hunched-back lot that seemed to infect the creatures about cockroaches and almost being as abundant as them. They had been a pain in the neck for you to deal with but they were still able to be killed somewhat easily and you were able to devise strategies on how to deal with them but now there was a rumour about a bigger version lurking beneath the base, waiting to kill whatever went down inside of it.

This was obviously of high priority for the group you were dealing with this creature that others had dubbed “The rhino” due to it charging at anything that came near it and you were elected to deal with the beast. You had to go down beneath the base itself and into the catacombs, being given more ammo than usual before moving down into the rusting and chipping shelter underneath it. You would walk slowly and carefully down into the abyss that was the Sparta Underground, the air around you growing darker and colder as the sounds of footsteps and the ambient sounds of the other creatures in the tunnels that were down there with you all went silent as you began your hunt.

You looked at the chiselled concrete and walls as you moved into the underground which was as silent as could be, no creature nor man hiding within other than you and the dust. You would look at the walls of the long-dead labyrinth that you were now in, seeing the lack of any smashed up parts and as such, you figured that this rhino was deeper within the underground than you were expecting. You would clench your gun as your footsteps echoed out across the halls, making sure your finger was right next to the trigger as you looked around the area, pointing your gun at any shadow that you had thought moved and investigating every sudden sound that would echo out of the abandoned catacombs.

As you got deeper and deeper down into the underground the noises would get louder and more frequent, making your heartbeat quicker than it usually would as you walked around the dark halls. As well as the usual sounds of rocks hitting the side of the walls and the metal hitting against the ground you would be able to hear the sounds of something slamming against the floor rhythmically as if it was running around underneath you. This would be what you assumed to be the rhino and you were getting closer and closer to it with you wondering how large the thing was given that you could hear it but couldn’t see it yet, clicking on the torch as you went to look around for the creature.

Eventually, you managed to reach the bottom of the underground, feeling the dirt and dust-covered floor underneath your feet as the slamming echoed all around you as your finger itches against the trigger. You could hear groaning sounds as well now, the sound being horse and almost pained as you shone your torch around, seeming smashed walls as well as shards of white which you had a feeling came from the bones of man. You would hear the slamming again and stop for a moment, waiting for the slamming to start before you figured where the sound was coming from before you proceeded to realise that the creature was behind you, readying yourself as you flicked to full auto.

You would turn around to face it before it slammed into your chest, knocking you to the ground and knocking your gun out of your hand and into one of the walls, the torch falling so that you could get a good look at the creature’s form. The first place you looked was to the head to see its fleshy globe of a head, the skin being flexible off the muscle which hid the teeth’s and the nostrils within whilst its eyes were underneath an abscess on the head, about four of them being scattered across each cheek as they looked aimlessly around the place. Its body was hunchbacked and had a covering of thick flesh and fat across the back of it whilst its many breasts hung across her chest with you not even releasing it was a woman until that moment.  Her hands and legs were folded into elephant-like limbs with no joints being present for the ankles and the wrists, her nails pushing out from her flesh being a bright white and grey as they stepped around so you couldn’t get to your gun.

You then pushed yourself off the floor and back up onto your feet, stepping backwards as the creature growled and groaned at you, her teeth grinding together before running towards you and ramming you right in the chest, pushing you up against the wall in the process. You would push your head back into the stone as you began face to face with the being, spit and warm air pushing out of her mutated mouth before her tongue came out of the maw. The organ was bright pink and long, the tongue hitting across your cheek and beginning to move up and down it, your skin getting wetter before she moved the tongue across your lips and then into your mouth, pulling you into a monstrous kiss. 

You would try and reject the kiss at first, pushing your hands across her face before you proceeded to give up and began to kiss her back, feeling your tongue curl around your own as drool oozed from her mouth and your own. You would look into her many eyes, the woman letting out some gurgling sounds before she pulled out, panting and spitting on your face in the process. She would look into your eyes from above you before she began to gargle on your spit as she would turn around with you wondering what she was doing until your eyes widened as she showed off a puffy and wet pussy hiding beneath her legs, the pussy clenching and begging for you to stick your cock into it.

At this point you were not in a position to refuse as she could probably crush you into a fine paste if you refused so you decided to begin to take off your clothes, your hands moving over to her ass and began to grope her backside somewhat. She would take pleasure from this, grunting and sighing as drool dripped down her jaw, her pussy seeming to get wetter and wetter as you did this, your cock feeling weirdly hard as your trousers and underwear fell to the ground. You could feel as your cock hit against the air, grunting out as you moved over to her ass, pushing your cock up against it whilst her vagina was dripping onto it, lubing it up rather nicely before slamming yourself down into her pussy.

She would moan out into the air and flick drool and spit everywhere, getting it all over the floor as you slowly began to push yourself deep inside of her, feeling your balls hit against her pussy in the process. She would shake as she felt your balls hit against her, both of you panting away before you began to move out of her burning hot pussy, feeling how wet she was as your cock dripped onto the floor. You would pull out until you reached the tip, the woman’s pussy clenching as she thought you were going to pull out of her before you slammed back inside of her again, a half-growl half-sigh echoing out in the process.

This was the process that would go on for at least a couple of minutes more, getting used to the feeling of her monstrous pussy as she grunted and moaned, her thick feet slamming down into the ground. You could hear her gasp and grunt as you moved yourself down into the spinal cord, resting yourself onto her back as your hands moved down and grabbed ahold of two of her many breasts. You would grope and push down on them, causing her to grunt and buck her hips up against your hips and her cock smiling as you began to go faster and faster against her body, your hands moving to another pair of tits to grope at eagerly.

The lewd sounds of your hips slapping against her own would empty out across the building, the feeling of her juices splattering against the sides of your waist making the entire exercise even more pleasurable. You would make sure that she was getting all the pleasure she needed as well, kneading and pushing against her tits as you kissed against her neck somewhat. Her pussy would clench and push against your cock, the woman moaning and growling to herself desperately as you saw a look of love and lust in her many, many eyes, her legs bucking somewhat due to all the pleasure she was experiencing.

You would move your hand up from one of her tits for a second before slamming your hand right into her ass, making her growl into the air in pleasure as she humped back against your cock again only with much more speed. You would push down onto her ass even more so you could go deeper and deeper into her pussy, your hand moving down for another spank on her other asscheek. You could feel as your energy began to dissipate somewhat as you decided to give her all the pleasure she needed as you began to go even faster and harder against her pleasure, adding to the ecstasy that she was feeling as you fucked her.

Her pussy would clench and push out against your cock as her tongue battered and pushed up against her maw, the drool dripping down into the floor as you massaged and groped her tits. As you fucked her you could feel as she began to approach her orgasm, the woman clenching and pushing against you with no rhythm or different matters when it came to the strength of how she was clenching. As you did this you could feel your cock begin to throb inside of her as well, both of you knowing that the end of this encounter was fast approaching as you both got closer and closer to orgasm.

The pressure at the tip of your cock began to get more and more intense, grunting as you felt it pushed and against your dick as her walls clenched against your dick some more, her sighs getting longer and longer. You could feel her walls clenched against your cock much more rapidly before it wrapped around your cock completely, beginning to orgasm against your cock and battering against the tip of your cock. You would proceed to slam down into her vagina, your balls slapping against her lips before you began to cum as well, moaning out as the first couple shots were pushed deep inside of her womb.

She would buck back up against your hips as you came inside of her, her lips seeming to grow even tighter against your cock whilst you kept shooting larger and larger loads inside of her pussy. Eventually, your orgasm would reach the peak of your orgasm, shooting out a massive amount of cum all at once which allowed your cum to go deep within her before you began to come to the end of your orgasm. You could feel as your shots got less and less intense as you rested against the side of her body, the last couple shots pushing out and dripping into her walls as you both panted and groaned, exhausted by what seemed to be an entire night of loving one another.

You would both continue to pant to yourselves as you gained enough strength to pull out of her pussy, feeling as her fluids dripped off your dick as cum began to drip and move down her thighs and flooring. You would push your back down against the sides of the marble wall, feeling the cold against your back as she eventually managed to move out of her cum induced stupor and began to flex her legs and the rest of her body somewhat. She would eventually let out a gargle and groan as she began to walk away from you, the creature leaving and moving into the darkness which left you alone with only her footsteps to comfort you. As you stayed there you wondered if you had satisfied the creature's lust or not and as such managed to stop her from killing people but either way you knew that you couldn’t probably come down a couple more times to make sure you had tamed the rhino and to pleasure your new lover once again.


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