Al-an story

 It had been a long while now since the disaster had occurred at sector zero with you seeming to be the only survivor, left stranded and left to die in the freezing cold tundra and the even colder waters with you eventually releasing that you needed to do whatever you could to survive at this point. The first thing that you did was make a base that was above the frozen ocean which meant that you dive to get most of your resources as you made your home, which consisted of your bedroom, your living room, your bathroom and an area for transmitting and locating signals. You had been tuning it for a couple of hours to see if there was anything else lying within the frozen desert that you were in, the sounds of the radio echoing out and pushing into the air before you managed to catch a unique signal which appeared to be a distress call from something that wouldn’t register on your scanner.

Despite this you had gone to investigate anyway, going to the area that the signal was coming from which appeared to be a data hub which you soon went inside to find the source of the signal which appeared to be something you didn’t expect. Instead of a human, you were greeted by an alien which called itself Al-an, the creature sending the distress call because it wanted out of the silence it had imposed itself in and wanted to push its consciousness into another body. You decided to offer it help and allowed it to download into your PDA, the alien happily accepting by going into your PDA but then proceeded to download itself right into your brain which burnt for a couple of seconds before it began to numb.

Since then it has been speaking to you constantly, the alien seeming to help with the loneliness as it spoke to you about making it a new body so it could stop being a burden on your brain. You had actually managed to get several of the parts of the form it wanted with most of the organs, the limbs and the body all completed with the only thing that you had to finish the mechanical heart. Luckily you had managed to scavenge enlightenment scrape and metal to fabricate the heart with you coming out of the water as you observed some of it in your hand, moving into your base and the fabrication area of your home, hearing as the voice of the alien began to speak within your mind.

“I can not thank you enough for doing this for me, Anon. Being trapped inside that data centre was going to turn me insane. I’ll be sure to reward you as soon as I get out of you.” It would say as the heart fabricated in front of you, feeling like it was both metallic and meaty when you picked it up. You would look at the strange organ as you began to move over to where you had been building the robotic being, the metal sculpture that you had built being silent as you looked into the open chest where the gears and other organs laid resting. You would look around for a moment, messing with tubing and wires before you pushed the heart down into the crevasse and began to reattach it to the body.

You would both look across the body for a couple of seconds before it spoke to you, the silence being cold yet somewhat relaxing given all that you had been through just to get the parts for the creature. “My, My, What a beautiful form. Now it’s time for me to try it out. See you soon, Anon.” It said as a faint ringing moved across your ears, your head suddenly feeling way lighter than it had beforehand. Suddenly you would hear a slight ringing sound coming from the metal creature that you had built, the organs beginning to move with the heart slightly beating before it began to beat rapidly, a massive purple flash coming from the head of the creature which blinded you for a moment.

You would look away and cover your eyes until you heard the sounds of metal footsteps against the ground with you uncovering your eyes to see the machine in all of this glory with you seeing it in motion being an entirely different feeling to seeing it normally. The first place you looked down was the chest which had a massive pair of breasts on it which were glowing purple with the breasts seeming way more alluring now than they ever did when you were making the body for her. Her arms and shoulders were also covered in these purple lines on the black shielding on her arms, looking down at her legs to see that both of the legs were thick and steady, the hooves-like feet digging into the ground somewhat. You would then look up to her head to see a purple light coming from the screen that made up her face, a metal plate coming off each side of her ears before she went to speak to you.

“Oh, this is just amazing! Moveable limbs, a beating heart! There’s no way that I could thank you enough.” She would say happily as she stretched out parts of her body, her legs grinding against the floor as her arms stretched. She would quickly move herself over to you and wrapped her mechanical arms around your body, squishing you so that your back was straight and your face was between her breasts. You could feel the warmth of her electric body move from her breasts which seemed to act as heat sinks judging by how pleasantly warm they were, the woman only realising your face had been pushed between them when she looked down, the woman losing her grip off you as she did so.

“My apologies, Anon! I never meant to squeeze you between my breasts.” She said as she stepped away from a few more steps, a mechanical blush soon forming on her glass-covered head. You smiled somewhat as you looked at how her posture was, all nervous and shaken almost like a deer as she looked like she wanted to ask you a question, playing with her newfound hands in the process. “Anon, do you mind if I ask you to do something? It’s rather taboo to do within your culture to ask this early on but I feel you want it.” She said with you nodding at her as she let out a happy sounding hum as she hit her feet against the floor a couple of times before she began to turn around.

As soon as she turned around it became apparent what she wanted, the woman’s asscheeks doing little to hide the plump asshole and tight pussy that was on display to you as your cheeks felt red. Her hands would then move her hands over to her asscheeks and began to stretch them aside, revealing that her pussy was dripping all over the place, strands of the liquid attaching to her cheeks as she went to speak. “Anon, I desire that you have sex with me! I want to reward you for all this hard work that you’ve done for me!” She would shout in a tone that indicated that she was begging for you to stick your cock inside of her, her holes clenching and unclenching in the process.

You would stand there silently for a few seconds before you smiled to yourself and moved over to her ass, grabbing hold of it as she let out a loud moan and moved away from her hands from her asscheeks. “Oh, Anon! I’ll take that as a yes then!” She shouted out as she looked behind her neck at you, the woman’s holes clenching down even more so now than beforehand. You would give her ass a couple more gropes as you began to massage it within your hands, pushing up and down those cheeks and hearing as moans came out of somewhere on her body although you couldn’t place where that warmth that was flowing through her tits somehow flowing over to her ass as well.

You would rest one hand on her asscheek and move her other hand over to your jeans and proceed to begin to undo your trousers, pushing them down so that you were in your underwear. You would move the hand that was on her asscheeks down to her pussy, hearing her mechanical voice quiver in the air as you began to take your underwear down as well. As she quivered you decided to tease her by shoving a couple of her fingers stuck inside of her pussy, feeling the warm folds envelop them effortlessly as she let out a loud moan with you beginning to pump in and out of her pussy as you began to drag down your underwear, feeling your cock strained against the fabric as you did so.

“Mmmph, you feel so good Anon and you haven’t even shoved your cock inside me!” She moaned out as she looked behind herself with you beginning to pull her fingers out of her pussy and down back to her asscheek again. You grabbed her other asscheek with your other hand before you slammed your cock between those fat cheeks, moaning and groaning as you felt the warmth coming from her holes. You would grind up against her holes for a few more minutes, making sure that your cock was nice and lubed up before you moved your cock over to her pussy lips, making them quiver somewhat before you pushed your cock into her pussy, groaning as she moaned loudly.

You would manage to push yourself all the way inside her before you had to stop and catch your breath, her pussy clenching and pushing against your cock which made you moan quite a bit. You proceeded to clutch her thick ass in your hands, hearing as she moaned and groaned somewhat as you did so, feeling those thick asscheeks move around in your fingers and hands as warmth moved across your palms. You eventually managed to begin to pull out of her pussy, feeling as her warm and plentiful fluids dripped off your cock before you moved over to the point where she was at the tip of your cock, feeling as she squeezed against your tip before you slammed back down inside of her.

This process would keep going for a couple more minutes, slowly moving in and out of her as both of you let out cries of pleasure with you eventually getting acclimated to the feeling and warmth of her pussy. “Mmmph, you feel so big inside me, Anon!” She moaned out as she felt you slam your hips against her ass again, smiling as you came up with a devious idea as you did so, raising your hand up away from her ass as you did so. You would straighten your hand out before you slammed it down into her ass, watching her cheeks jiggle and move as she let out a sharp yelp-like sound as you began to go faster against her body, both of you moaning loudly than you had beforehand.

“A-Anon! That’s very lewd of you!” She moaned out as you groped and pressed on her ass whilst you pushed and slammed down onto her pussy lips, feeling them twist and clench around you as she did so. Her hands would clench up and push up around the air, her legs twisting somewhat as you plunged deep inside her, your speed eventually reaching a peak at some point as you did so. One of your hands would over away from her asscheeks again and onto her legs, your arm wrapping around the thick limb and letting it jiggle somewhat as she let out a sigh with you beginning to lift her leg higher and lighter, feeling her body to shake in pleasure as she did so.

With your other hand, you would clutch her ass tightly, making it so her fleshy cheeks squeeze between your fingers as wet slapping sounds echoed out from your crotch and into the air. You could feel her pussy fluids dripping off your cock as you moaned as well, feeling as if you were getting entranced by the pleasure, wanting to grope her breasts but you knew your arms weren’t long enough so you settled for being extra rough on her ass. You continued to grope and knead at her ass, pulling and pushing away as you slammed down into her pussy with you letting out a moan before you began to go even faster against her.

With that you could feel her pussy begin to twitch and push rapidly as you thought that she was getting closer and closer to orgasm, the woman panting and moaning as she did so. “Oooh, Anon, don’t stop now! Go as hard as you want on me!” She shouted out as she clenched and pushed against you, some of her pussy fluids dripping out and splattering across your waist. Either way, you were not going faster and faster against her hole, raising your hand up and then spanking her again and feeling as her ass jiggled in the air, the woman’s moans growing sharper and sharper in the process.

You could feel yourself growing closer and closer to orgasm as well, the feeling of your cock throbbing inside her seeming to make the alien woman all the hornier as your waist slapped against her ass. The pressure in your cock had got more intense as well, the feeling making you groan out into the air as your hands pushed down her luscious, warm asscheeks. Of course, that tight pussy wrapped around your cock was making it harder and harder to hold your orgasm in with all of the pleasure getting too much for you, causing you to start shooting your load deep inside her, sigh-like moans coming from her as she did so.

You could feel as shot after shot of cum left your cock and nestled deep inside her pussy, each shot seeming to get bigger than the last as you went balls deep inside her, her pussy wrapping around your cock in the process. As she finished wrapping around your cock you proceeded to cum the biggest cumshots of your life, moaning out in pleasure as you pushed your chest onto her back. She would groan as she felt your orgasm begin to dissipate with breathing calmly and quietly as you eventually managed to stop cumming, your entire body sweating down onto her own as you breathed heavily.

You would eventually be able to pull off from her waist and out of her pussy, feeling as she moaned when her pussy relaxed, your coco slipping right out of it covered in pussy fluids and cum. “Oh, that was just spectacular! Looks like we can keep eachother warm on these cold nights, can’t we?” She Said as she swung herself around and hugged you, your mouth turning into a smile as she pushed you between her tits again. You would get on the tip of your toes as you moved your hand up to her head, angling it down and kissing her helmet-like head, a purple blush moving across that screen as you smiled and went back into your hug, knowing that this would one of many fun nights you’d be having with her.


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